Jordyn, how are you doing? Hopefully you're feeling better

I'm thinking of you.
Rachel, google is my worst best friend! I would be doing the same thing trying to figure out what low estrogen means and getting all stressed though
Melissa, I can't believe you're already 3rd tri! Time seems to be flying by...maybe not so much for you though!
Well, its been a very intersting week here to say the least...

I was notified that someone at Sam's daycare had gotten hand, foot and mouth disease!

So far Sam hasn't shown any symptoms of it but there is a 4-6 day incubation period so I don't think we are in the clear until next Wednesday.
Ben seems to be getting sick or teeth or something odd is going on! He's extra fussy the past few days and don't really want to eat too much (bottle or nurse) which is super odd for him so I'm kinda worried about him. I hope whatever it is passes soon.
And, for the good news...

I went for my pap smear after having Ben last Friday and my doctor emailed me to say that it came back normal and I'm cleared for 3 years!!!
Also, we finally got renters that should be signing lease today and moving in this weekend! Yay.
Today is Sam's birthday so we might go out and get dinner as a family and just celebrate as a family. Hard to believe my little munchkin is already 2!
Hope everyone is well!