anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

So I just stepped on the scale, and I'm 148lbs! Which means I've officially lost all of the weight I gained with Liam! :happydance: Seeing as this was my goal before getting pregnant again, I'm pretty pleased. If I can manage to get to 140 (which was where I was before having Alia) then that will be great, but at least I can tell myself that I did better this time around than I did last time. :flower:

Also, we've officially started sleep training with Liam (we do controlled crying). He did pretty well for the first part of the night, but then he was crying most of the time from 2am-5am, which sucked, but then went back to sleep until 6:20am, which is the latest he's slept in probably 2 months. So kind of a toss up, really. Oh, and he's been only waking up to eat once a night this past week, which is amazing, because it took Alia almost a year before she dropped to only one night feeding. :flower:

Hope everyone is well! Elizabeth, I hope you've got Ava in your arms right now!
Jordyn, that's great you lost all the weight! :thumbup: I wish I could say the same. I've just not been as focused as I would have liked. I am hoping to get back on track soon!

Elizabeth, I hope you're holding your baby girl right now!

Vanessa, wonderful that Milo is in his own bed. I'm sure it's sorta bittersweet for you.

As for me, Ben seems to be back to his normal happy self! Babies are so resilient. Sam never seemed to get sick and hasn't shown any symptoms of the hand, foot and mouth disease so hopefully we are in the clear.

DH and I had a good weekend with some friends of ours that have a baby that is 4 months older than Ben. It was good to get out even though dinner with a toddler, and two babies was quite interesting :haha:
Aww, sorry you're having a bit of a rough week, Heather. I hope Sam doesn't get sick! But hooray for finding renters. :)

Jordyn, that's so great that you've reached your goal weight! I'm only a few pounds less than I was a month ago, so I've still got a long way to go. But at least I'm heading in the right direction. And I guess I can give you a virtual slap in the face if you really want one. Ha! Okay, here it comes.... :bike:

Alright, so there isn't a slap-in-the-face smilie, so I ran you over with a bike instead. :haha:

Melissa, you're getting so close! It's crazy how fast time flies by.

But oh my, Elizabeth, you are even closer! Just a day! Wheee!!! I hope little Ava arrives soon. :)

Vanessa, I hope you all sleep really well after transitioning Milo to his own bed. Hopefully it won't be too long of an adjustment period.

Well, I've only done a little bit of reading about low estrogen, but it sounds like it's perfectly normal while BFing and should go back to normal whenever Jimmy starts weaning. It seems like all the things I'm experiencing can be explained by low estrogen (due to BFing). My doctor never called (and I haven't call there either), so I'm guessing he didn't see anything of concern on the results. I'm certainly not going to stress out about it over the holidays. If things get worse, then I'll call the doctor again. And if they don't get any better, then I'll call one of the counsellors in the new year. That's the plan for now. :)
heather- its good he isn't catching it!

Rachel- I hope you manage while bfing. its so crazy how much hormones effect us. I told DH I couldn't wait for menopause now seeing how it effected me lol :roll:
She is here!

Ava arrived on the 17th at 12:54pm after about 6-7 hours of labour. She is just perfect, and we will be home tomorrow. She weighs 7 lbs 4 oz and while she is over twice the weight Keira was she just seems unbelievably tiny! <3
Congratulations, Elizabeth! I can't wait to see pictures!! :happydance:

Rachel, I hope your estrogen levels stop making you feel so crappy. I swear, I felt like I was either pregnant or getting ready to start AF the whole time I was breastfeeding, which sucked. Stupid hormones. I agree, Melissa, sometimes I think Menopause might not be so bad. :haha:

Heather, I'm glad Ben is starting to feel better and that Sam didn't catch the hand, foot, and mouth disease!
Hooray! So glad Ava is here!! Excited to see some pics, but of course I can wait. ;)
Congratulations skadi! So glad to hear Ava has arrived :cloud9: Hope you're all settling into being a family of four and can't wait to see a pic :flower:

Jordyn that's awesome on the weight loss! I'm about 4/5 pounds heavier than I was pre pregnancy with Noah and I've just stepped up the exercising so I'm hoping to shift the last little bit soon. Have you done anything in particular to lose it? Oh and fantastic that Liam is now only having one night feed!

Rachel that sounds familiar actually, about low estrogen while BFing. Isn't that why we don't ovulate? I'm sure that's the case. Bloody hormones are a nightmare!

Well it's a mixed bag here at the minute. Both the boys and I have a nasty cold, it's horrid, which isn't helping matters in the sleep department. But Milo is in his own room and seems to have transitioned well. It's lovely for me to have the space and to be fair he doesn't give me much of a chance to miss him at night, little stinker.

We have figured out though that we've been missing his cues and he needs more sleep than he's getting. So I've been so strict on watching him really carefully for tired signs. I thought he could stay awake happily for 2 and a half hours but on reflection it seems he does much better with an hour and a half to 2 hour awake time. First slight whinge and I run upstairs with him as fast as I can :haha: He's been sleeping much better in the day and much better at night now. He still has 2/3 night feeds but now he's going straight back down afterwards. I'm ok with the night feeds as long as he isn't awake for ages.
Not doing anything in particular to lose weight. Just trying to make sure I don't stuff myself, especially since I'm not breastfeeding anymore, and as far as exercise goes, just a lot of trips up and down the stairs with the kiddos. :haha:

Vanessa, you said that Milo's naps are better now. What were they like before? Because Liam will only nap for 30 minutes at a time, and it's starting to drive me crazy. I've tried putting him to sleep after an hour, and I've tried keeping him up for 2 hours, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. :shrug:
Vanessa- that's the way ours are too with sleep. when I have them sleep more in the day they sleep better at night when they are little. everyone tries to get after me about it saying if I keep them up more in the day they will sleep better at night. but im not complaining about how they sleep so im not sure why they think I need advice lol. I have heard many moms around here keeping their LO's up during the day plenty more than mine stay up. hey, whatever works for them. but mine do better with plenty of day sleep. I read this book that said good day sleep begets good night sleep and it works lovely with mine.
jordyn- we must have posted at the same time lol. peyton was that way. I had to put him on a strict sleep schedule during the day. he started doing awake an hour, asleep an hour all day. but it took a minute to get him there. I had to plan my whole day around it. but it was worth it when the 20-30 min naps stopped. and the screaming from being so exhausted in between those naps. i read this book called the baby whisperer, i think that's what it was called. think some babies just need a little bit more regimented schedule. and some babies just take smaller naps. if he wouldn't have been screaming with exhaustion in between i wouldn't have bothered to change his schedule.

my step sisters baby was only allowed to have one nap a day and was so cranky (I was babysitting him a while) I felt so bad for him. she wanted him to sleep all night from a very young and impractical age. sometimes i think we need to realize some babies have different needs than what we desire to give them. i try to fit myself around their needs instead of trying to make them fit with what i want. i know that's frowned upon by most people. but it works good for me and i know how im serving them is only for a season. think i can understand and adjust easier than they can.
Just got home! Here she is!

Such a cutie!!!! :cloud9:

Melissa, I'm the same way. I let my kids tell me when they need to eat and sleep and then accommodate them as best as I can (at least when they're really little). I have a friend who limits her kid's sleep during the day so they sleep better at night, and it works for her, but like yours, my kids do better when they get more sleep during the day. The trick is actually getting them to sleep! :dohh:
Oh my God she's a little stunner! Beautiful girl :cloud9:

Funnily enough my two have been very different with their sleep needs. Noah needed less than most other babies and dropped his naps early. I had to be careful about how much sleep he had in the day, if he had too much he wouldn't sleep enough at night. Now at 2 he's pretty much dropped his only nap.

Milo is very sensitive to overtiredness and needs more sleep. I realise now that I wasn't getting it right and he'd be overtired going into a nap, so waking at 30-45 minutes and wouldn't be able to sleep more even though he needed to. Because I'm now getting it right he's sleeping for around an hour and a half in the morning, same at lunchtime and a half hour top up in the afternoon.

Just to give an example, yesterday we were at Noah's playgroup in the morning so I got Milo into bed 15 minutes late. As a result he was up screaming at the 45 minute mark. Today I had it perfect and at the 45 minute mark he shuffled around, sighed and carried on sleeping bless him.
jordyn- yes! its good to be in tune with them.

Vanessa- my girls took naps til they were almost 4 yrs old. my boys dropped naps around 2. they are the same way, if I force a nap they try to stay up half the night. it only takes a couple times of that before you're ready to keep them up :haha: they are all different. its good to go with the flow and work it out to fit each one. mason was 1 1/2 and already has started dropping them, depending on what time he gets up. if its before 9 he needs 1, after 9 not a chance. he will be 2 in march!
Hello everyone. How is everyone doing. Im not going to scroll back to far but i will try to catch up some.

Vanessa: It is soo good to hear from you!!!! Its been a while. I saw you around baby club so knew everything was fine but again its great to see you on the thread!

Jordyn: Im sorry to hear about your angel. Wow your weight is great. I am currently at 151 lbs. So ive lost about 5 since ive been on last. My goal is 140 as well! We can do it lol

Heather: Wow i cant believe that Sam is 2. Thats amazing how fast the time goes. Jonathan will be two on january 11th and its just getting so much closer. I love your pics looks like a great day!

Melissa: Wow i also cant believe how far along you are already. Third tri. Before we know it your little girl will be hear soon!!

Skadi: Congrats on your little girl. Ava is a very pretty name. That is almost how we pronounce Eva. Because of the mexican pronuciation the E is prounounced short if that makes sense lol. So when people ask her name i just say Ava. She is very beautifulxx

Rachel: How are you?

Has anyone heard from Logan?

AFM ive been just very busy. Working full time. Making sure Natalia get to and back from preschool. Jonathan and Eva keep me very bussy as well. They are both very well behaved though. Its funny that you guys were talking about naps because i was wondering about that as well. Jonathan is almost two and has been trying to drop his nap all together. Eva is similar to when natalia was a baby. She only "cat naps" is what i call it. 10 min hear and 15 there 20 alittle later. But i put her to sleep when she wants. That seems to be all she wants.

As for my health. Still nothing to really report. Im getting my heart halter on the 26th. They did some blood work and the xrays. Most everything came back fine. The is good and bad news. Because they didnt see anything on my labs chances are this is something the is attacking my nerves pointing more toward Multiple Sclerosis. Someone asked why the ms rate is soo high in colorado. The reason is because of something they called the rocky flats. Years ago there was a secret building were they were building nuclear bombs and weapons and stuff like that. Well one day the place caught fire. And exploded leaving alot of places here contaminated. People who have been born and raised here have a higher chance of ms because of that. Im not sure if that is exactly why but that is what i hear. You can google rocky flats and see what is says.
yikes Stacey!!!! I had no idea! DH and i went to Colorado for a vacation when i was pregnant with peyton and the dr warned me about lower oxygen levels. we were staying in a cabin on a mountain by woodland park and i couldn't seem to catch my breath. got dizzy and everything. I just assumed it had something to do with the lower level of oxygen there effecting health. how scary is that though! :nope:

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