Logan, its so good to hear from you! I sounds like you're doing great. McKinley is a cutie!
Rachel, a little mini vacation would be awesome before going back to work. I hope you enjoy the warm weather in a few weeks. How often is Jimmy nursing now? I think my cycles came back so early because Ben started sleeping though the night at 4 months so I was going so long without nursing that they finally came back right before he turned 5 months.
Melissa, Sophia is a doll! I'm glad you had a wonderful labor and are doing well. Are you planning to breastfeed this time around?
Jordyn, I know what you mean about feeling like you're strangers with your DH.

I sorta feel that way sometimes lately too. We are both so busy and with all the sicknesses going around everyone is extra tired. In fact, yesterday was our 3 year anniversary and we didn't do a thing since DH is sick. Hopefully he will feel better enough to do something this weekend.
Stacey, good to hear from you also.

Sorry about the headaches but it sounds like you're doing well otherwise. You're babies are adorable! Eva really looks a lot like Natalia! That's great that Eva is sitting up already...Ben is close but still not 100%. And good job Jonathan on the potty training. Sam is close but we let him try on his own terms right now. We will go into full potty training mode in May, I think.
If you don't mind me asking, do you take all 3 to daycare? If so, how much do you pay? I just wonder if we pay more because its California and everything is more expensive here

or if location doesn't really matter. I feel like we pay so much!
Well, as I mentioned yesterday was our 3rd anniversary. Not too exciting with a sick husband but I don't care...I love him more everyday and am so grateful for the little family we have together!
Here are a few pictures. DH bought a new camera for work but has been taking pics of the boys but I gotta get him to send them to me today and I'll post them.
He loves his little brother