anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Congratulation! Sophia is adorable! I love her hair! (Secretly jealous since I'm always going to have bald babies :winkwink:). Did the labor go well? How are you feeling?

As for your birthday buddy, sorry! I doubt this little one will even wait for November to come around. :haha:
thank you. labor was fab! my waters had broken some time last week. went in last week on wednesday and they checked but said negative. was still wet a lot so went back in sunday when a snow storm started to be checked again to make sure before I got snowed in. it was positive! they let me have the epidural then started Pitocin. couldn't have asked for a better birth. after having a 45 minute labor last time and no time to get any pain relief, I am very thankful it went this way <3
Hello everyone. I hope all is well.

Rachel I love your avitar picture. Y'all look great. It's been a very snowy winter here lol

Heather glad you and your boys are doing well. I know what you mean about daycare. I can't wait until I can become a sahm. I just love being home with the kids.

Jordyn congrats! Omg I can't believe that your preggo again. I can't wait to see bump pics!!! I wonder what your going to have. Any feeling on gender? I know it's early yet lol

Logan I'm glad all is well. I like dd2 name as well.

Melissa: congrats on your baby girl. She's absolutely beautiful. Love the hair lol. Glad you are doing well as well.

I see we have a new comer. Lol welcome kaiecee!!

Afm well I'm sorry I've been Mia for a while. It's has been very busy. At my work we have been short staffed so I have been working night shift from 6 pm to 630 am. Or some shifts of 2 am to 230 pm. Just very busy and well just tired lol. Natalia just turned 5 on the 23 rd. it was great she had a couple friends over from her preschool. I can't believe she will start kindergarten in sept. I tear every time I think about it. Jonathan is doing great. He is soo talented. He is starting to talk sentences now all in Spanish. He recognizes almost all shapes even a parallelogram and acute triangle abtuse triangle. Lol. He just surprises me. He counts to 10. And is doing well with potty training. He's accomplished so much since he has turned two.
And Eva is doing great. She looks soo much like Natalia. All her hair that she was born with is gone completely gone and as just now started growing back. She has been sitting for about a month now and is starting to crawl.

I have been ok too. I think my problems have been caused by extreme migraines. One day I went to the ER because I had a headache all day. I got up to pee and all the sudden my whole rights side of my body went numb. They said it was from my migraine. I gave been on migraine meds for them and am doing much better.

I soo want another baby ASAP but dh doesn't want one for a couple years. Jordyn I'm soo jealous lol.

I will post pics in a little while my phone is about to die.
[URL=][IMG][/URL][/IMG] Eva with hair lol

[URL=][IMG][/URL][/IMG] no hair lol

[URL=][IMG][/URL][/IMG] Eva

[URL=][IMG][/URL][/IMG] Natalia

[URL=][IMG][/URL][/IMG] Natalia

[URL=][IMG][/URL][/IMG] Eva.

[URL=][IMG][/URL][/IMG] Jonathan

[URL=][IMG][/URL][/IMG] Natalia
Stacey, it's so good to hear from you! Your children are adorable, and I see what you mean, Natalia and Eva do look really similar as babies!

I'm sorry you've been suffering with bad migraines. I get them occasionally, too, and it's so hard. You just want to curl into a ball and die. :( I hope they get better for you.

Sounds like Jonathon is doing great! I hope potty training goes well with Alia. We're going to start when we move into a our new house.

So Alia's 2nd birthday is this Sunday and I keep forgetting! With moving and being newly pregnant, it just keeps slipping my mind! We'll probably just have a little party, though, with family, and one good friend.

As for gender feelings, I don't know! I think it will probably be a boy, but I don't have a good reason why I think that. :dohh:
Logan, its so good to hear from you! I sounds like you're doing great. McKinley is a cutie! :cloud9:

Rachel, a little mini vacation would be awesome before going back to work. I hope you enjoy the warm weather in a few weeks. How often is Jimmy nursing now? I think my cycles came back so early because Ben started sleeping though the night at 4 months so I was going so long without nursing that they finally came back right before he turned 5 months.

Melissa, Sophia is a doll! I'm glad you had a wonderful labor and are doing well. Are you planning to breastfeed this time around?

Jordyn, I know what you mean about feeling like you're strangers with your DH. :nope: I sorta feel that way sometimes lately too. We are both so busy and with all the sicknesses going around everyone is extra tired. In fact, yesterday was our 3 year anniversary and we didn't do a thing since DH is sick. Hopefully he will feel better enough to do something this weekend.

Stacey, good to hear from you also. :hugs: Sorry about the headaches but it sounds like you're doing well otherwise. You're babies are adorable! Eva really looks a lot like Natalia! That's great that Eva is sitting up already...Ben is close but still not 100%. And good job Jonathan on the potty training. Sam is close but we let him try on his own terms right now. We will go into full potty training mode in May, I think.

If you don't mind me asking, do you take all 3 to daycare? If so, how much do you pay? I just wonder if we pay more because its California and everything is more expensive here :dohh: or if location doesn't really matter. I feel like we pay so much! :growlmad:

Well, as I mentioned yesterday was our 3rd anniversary. Not too exciting with a sick husband but I don't care...I love him more everyday and am so grateful for the little family we have together! :cloud9:

Here are a few pictures. DH bought a new camera for work but has been taking pics of the boys but I gotta get him to send them to me today and I'll post them.
He loves his little brother :cloud9:
Oh yes jordyn congrats on the new ?house. That is sooo exiting! Are you exited to move out of your in laws? You may have said already but have you told your family about your good news ?

We are more than likely going to move to Texas within the next couple months. I just can't wait. If all goes well with this house we are looking at.
Jordyn, I can't wait to see pictures of your new house! What date do you get the keys?

Stacey, that's exciting you'll be moving. Did you and DH find a job down there? Didn't you say that you're family lives down there too?
Heather. Your boys are adorable. Maybe it's just the pic but bens hair looks much lighter. So cute. I will have to find a pic of Natalia and Eva that they are smiling the same lol. We too have let Jonathan potty train on his time. But he gets soo encouraged from Natalia. He calls his pull ups underwear lol. I tried doing what I did with Natalia just putting underwear on then the first time she peed she cried. She hated being wet and after that one time she went in the potty. No pull ups or anything. Jonathan on the other hand I tried the same and when he peed he just looked down haha after he kept doing that I put the pull ups on. And only when he wants to go sit on the potty we let him. So he's doing ok I think. I heard boys are harder to train then girls. So far it's true. Lol

As for daycare well here if we take them to a at home daycare they charge $30 a day. But where I live here it's very limited on child care. So they go to a actually like daycare business. It's where Natalia goes to preschool right now. It's $40 for infants so for Jonathan and Eva. Then 30 for kids like Natalia. But right now it's 20 for Natalia because she is in the preschool program. So in one day we pay 100 for the three of them. It will be $110 once summer starts. Right now we are trying to work different days so we can save on daycare. So my when I work my dh is off and when he works im off. So we have been strangers latly too lol.
Yes heather my parents and sister live there. I will be working at the hospital that my mom works. My dh is going to be a translater in the same hospital while he goes to school. It's just soo cheap to live down there. Here a 4 bed house will cost $400000 plus. Down there 4 bed with 2 car garage 3000 square ft. Swimming pool and community parks and pools are averaging $170000 or so. Plus I will only lose a dollar per hour if I go there but my dh will gain about 4. More family to help me with the kids too
Stacey, the move to Texas sounds like a win-win situation for everyone! That's so great that you and your DH will get to work together. As for the potty training, I'm going to ease into it, but if Alia just doesn't want to, I'm going to try what you did with Natalia, just putting underwear on her and see what happens.

Heather, I'm sorry your DH was sick on your anniversary. :( We didn't do much for our three year anniversary a few weeks ago, either, but at least we got to go out to dinner. I love the pictures, especially the one of your boys snuggled together. :cloud9:

As for me, we get the keys to our house next Wednesday, and then will move that weekend. I actually have some pictures of the house from when it was listed, so I'll post those. It was professionally staged, so the furniture is not ours, except they said we could keep one piece as a move-in bonus, so we chose the couch and the loveseat. :flower:

And as far as our pregnancy goes, no one knows yet. Because we'll be having another close age gap (16 month again!) we decided to wait as long as possible before telling our families, so it won't seem so sudden. So we'll try to wait until at least 12 weeks, but if I start showing early, like I did with Liam, we may have to spill the beans sooner. The hard things is, since no one knows I'm pregnant, I'm worried that they're all think I'm just being lazy when I avoid moving a lot of boxes next week. But my back is already killing me just from the packing I've been doing the last few days. :(


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Stacey, that's crazy expensive for daycare! We pay $58 per day for the two right now. I don't think it will make sense for us to have 3 in daycare since I'll kinda be working to pay for childcare. Hence the wait for #3. I hope it goes quick...I already have baby fever! :blush: :dohh:

Jordyn, the house looks beautiful! :flower: I'm so excited for you.

We have been house hunting a little bit. Yesterday I went to go look at a house close to my work in an old historic area. I seriously found our dream house. Right now it is vacant so we are calling on it today to see if we can arrange to look at it.

I'll post a link from when it was previously listed.
Wow, that place looks beautiful, Heather! I see what you mean about the house prices, though! It's double the price of the house we're buying, and ours is 1900 sq feet and 4 bedrooms. And I thought our houses were over-priced here in Utah! Apparently, out in Kentucky, you can get a house that same size for $70,000, but we have no desire to move to Kentucky! :haha:
Yes, houses here are kinda expensive! Just depends what you want and location. I feel like I could get a crappy house in a good location for a good price and fix it up opposed to buying a beautiful house in a yucky area because then I'm stuck in a bad neighborhood and can't move. If that makes sense...

It's funny you say about Kentucky because we actually own a house there that we lived in a short time before moving back to California. We rent it out and our mortgage is less than you could rent a studio apartment in California for. It's just crazy how location changes prices so drastically.
Yeah, that's smart to buy based on neighborhood, because you can change your house, but not the neighborhood! Plus, the area will always put a cap on how much resale value you can get out of a house.

Oh, and I guess I should have added that I have nothing against Kentucky personally, because that kind of sounded like I dislike Kentucky. :haha: In fact, DH served a mission for our church there for 2 years before we met, and had a great experience. It's just that we want to stay near our families, which are both in Utah. :flower:
Jordyn, haha that didn't offend me about Kentucky. :flower: We lived there for a year and it just wasn't for us. DH grew up in California and I grew up in Michigan both in busy cities and living there everyone was nice but it wasn't "busy enough" for us.

As for our house we plan to keep it and have renters keep putting all that equity into our pockets each month. Maybe one day we will sell it when the boys go to college but for now we will just hang onto it.
Jordyn I love your house! It's beautiful. I like the furniture you decided to keep. How exiting!

Heather I know what you mean about the neighborhoods. I love the house you posted

Can I post the two houses we are looking at. I can't figure out how to post the link but if you go to then you can type the addresses. The first one is

4804 Western Meadows Ct, Fort Worth, TX 76244

5116 Broken Bow Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76137

Let me now what y'all think.

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