anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Rachel, good to hear from you! Is it still snowing up there? We had such a long stretch of nice weather, and then yesterday morning we woke up to snow. Thankfully, though, it had all melted by the afternoon and we're supposed to be back up to the 50's by the end of the week. :flower:

Kaicee, that sucks that it takes so long to get an appointment. Reminds me of my OB, because if you try to schedule a regular gynecology appointment with her, it has be more than a year in advance because of all the pregnant patients that she has.

So I was just wondering yesterday when my Irritable Uterus will start up this time around. Everyone who has it says that they had it in every pregnancy after and it started sooner each time. It kicked in around 29 weeks with Liam, so I'm curious as to when I should expect it this time. From all the stories I've read, I'm thinking maybe it'll be around 20 weeks this time, but that's just a guess. But thankfully I know what to expect this time, and I know what to do so that I don't have to just rush off to the hospital, because that gets expensive! :dohh:
Kaiecee, that's terrible that they won't see you for 2 months! Especially since you're having an issue now, not two months from now. Hopefully you feel better.

Rachel, good to hear from you! I hope you and the boys are doing well. :flower: I've heard that housing in Canada is super expensive but I always thought they paid better there than the states...maybe not. That's super crazy that you can rent for $650 you couldn't even get a studio apartment for that price :dohh:

Melissa, that's awesome that you're insurance will pay 100% for a breast pump! :happydance: I would definitely get one if it was free and try to pump some milk so your DH can help feed too and give you a bit of a break.

I do all the feeding since when Ben is home when I'm off work we never bottle feed unless for some reason I'm out but that rarely happens for more than an hour. Its kinda hard sometimes but since 4 days a week I only get to nurse in the morning and before bed I don't mind.

Jordyn, I totally understand about being hormonal and the passive aggressive comments getting to you! That is the worst :growlmad: How far will you be moving from your in-laws?

As far as the irritable uterus, that's no fun that you'll have to deal with it again but at least you know what to expect this time. :thumbup:

Well...I don't know what is going on but the last week or so Sam has been waking 1-2x a night. And he wakes up crying, not just waking and talking but full on crying that he won't go back to sleep. I kinda wonder if its maybe a bad dream, I feel so bad for him because the only way he will resettle is if I give him some milk or hold him :cry:
It's interesting to see the difference in housing prices. The two bedroom units in our four-plex go for $675 a month.

We'll be moving a half hour away from my in-laws, so close enough to come and have dinner with them once a month, but not too much more than that, which I'm honestly okay with right now. The problem is, we'll also be farther from my dad and brothers, and I already don't see them as often. But since my niece will be living with us, there should be no excuse for my dad not to make the trip out to see all three of his grandchildren once and a while. :winkwink:

Heather, Alia does the same thing sometimes. Honestly, I don't turn her monitor on at night anymore, though, because between Liam's wake up and her random wake ups I wasn't getting any sleep. But in our new house we'll be on the ground floor and she'll be in the basement, so I'll have to go back to using her monitor at night.
It is interested in hearing the differences in house prices except it makes me super jealous of everyone else :blush::haha:

We haven't used the baby monitor for the boys since Sam was about 3 months. I can hear him without it and with the monitor I was hearing all the little noises he was making and it was keeping me awake when he clearly didn't need me. We figured it he needed something he would cry loud enough!
Yeah, I used to be able to hear Alia without the monitor, but then I discovered that Liam's white noise machine also works really great at covering up some of DH's snoring. :haha: So now I have a white noise machine, too, which unfortunately makes it to I can't hear Alia through the wall anymore. If she didn't wake up so often and just moan for a second or two before going back to sleep, I'd have her monitor on, but as it is, it would wake me up way too often.

I think what we'll do in the new house, is put our monitor somewhere in the hallway between Alia's room and my niece, Lily's room so that if one of them starts crying really loudly, we'll know, but if it's just little noises, we won't hear it.
I think that's a good idea to put the monitor in the hall so you only hear them then they really need you!

It really depends how our new house is set up if we will use a monitor. I can see myself ever using one again though. Now I just wish Sam would sleep through the night again...Ben does now and Sam isn't! :dohh:
Heather, I read a book a little while ago about toddlers and their emotions. The author's take on the whole waking up crying thing is that sometimes toddlers just don't know what to do with all their emotions during the day so they end up processing them at night. I think it's pretty common among 2-3 year olds. Another mom who has a little boy just about Ozzy's age was saying he wakes up screaming (like angry screaming). I'm not sure there's much you can do except hold him and maybe just talk to him about emotions during the day? :shrug: Let him know it's okay to be sad and mad. I don't know. Kids are so weird! ha.

Maybe I should be more clear about what $650/month gets us. lol We rent a tiny, two bedroom basement suite. Not sure of the square footage, but it's definitely under 1,000. We share the laundry room with the landlords, and the rent also includes utilities and internet. It's a really great price, but it's way less than if we were renting a whole house! Oh, and there's no dishwasher! Not that that would really drive up the price, but we've already agreed that if we move, it has to be to somewhere bigger (i.e. more bedrooms) and it has to have a dishwasher, otherwise it's not worth moving! lol

Jordyn, the snow is all gone and it's starting to warm up. The last snowfall only lasted about 2 days before the sun and rain showed up, which is much more typical of this area for this time of year. It's moving into flood season for the valley now.

Oh, yeah, your crazy uterus! lol I hope it doesn't give you too much grief this time around. And like you said, at least now you know what to do and what to look for so you don't have to be that annoying lady who's at the hospital every other day. :haha:

Well, a bit more of an update on me and the boys... Jimmy can finally sit all my himself without falling over, and he's mastered the "commando crawl." Between that and rolling, he gets around pretty well (and fast sometimes). It's seems Ozzy's new favourite phrase is "I do it!" Most times we do let him try to do things on his own (like putting on his pants or opening his string cheese), and he's been surprising me with how much he can actually do. But he still does need a little help sometimes, so it's tricky trying to help him without him feeling like we're just doing it for him. But he also loves to say, "I did it!" and hold his hand out for a high-five, so I do like letting him do things so that he feels that sense of accomplishment.

And in terms of NTNP, it looks like we'll be going more of the WTT route for now. I just don't think either of us is ready for me to be pregnant just yet. Maybe after I'm back at work for a while and things kind of get back into a more normal rhythm around here. We'll see!
Rachel, that's great that Jimmy is getting around now! Liam still doesn't even roll! :dohh: I don't know what to do with that kid. He seems 100% content to just sit and play with toys or stand in his jumper. If we put him on his tummy and try to entice him with toys, he sort of pushes himself backwards and then gets frustrated because he's even further away. :haha:

As for Alia, she's also little miss independent. It's always, "Alia close the door! Alia throw it away! Alia flush the toilet!" A lot of time I just let her do things, but sometimes I just do it when we're in hurry. She also just learned how to identify her first name and our last name when she see's it written down, and knows all the letters and can count from 1-10. It's funny, lately she's been mimicking the way I say things, like when I finally figure out what she's trying to tell me, I say, "Oh, lemon!" (or whatever) and so now she'll say something and if I don't understand she says, "Ooooooh, LEM-on!" with that inflection. It's hilarious. :haha:

Well, that's good that you and your DH have decided on a plan that works for you, as far as WTT. When it's the right time, you'll both know. :flower:
Rachel, that's very interesting about kids and how they process their emotions. Its just so odd to me because he has been such a good sleeper for so long and suddenly night waking that it makes me worry about him. Maybe I'll try talking to him and see if that helps. :shrug:

That's great that Jimmy is sitting alone and doing his own version of crawling! :thumbup: Ben is so close to sitting alone...he will sit and be okay and as soon as he makes a sudden movement to grab a toy he tips over :haha: he hasn't quite figured out how to catch himself yet. I think crawling will come soon too since he's doing the butt in the air and lifting off his arms like he's doing push-ups.

That's so funny that Ozzy say's "I did it!" that is the same thing that Sam always says after he does something and is so proud! :) Isn't it so great hearing our "babies" talk?! I love being able to communicate with Sam now instead of guessing what he is saying. We don't ever allow him to point and make little sounds...he is told to always "use his words" and it seems to help.

As for WTT, we are kinda in the same boat too. That is great that you and Daniel have agreed what is right and best for both of you! :flower:

I think DH could go either way, honestly. He is fine with having the last and "getting the baby stage over with" or waiting a while too. I prefer to wait for financial reasons as well as since I know it will be our last I kinda wanna feel like I'm enjoying my last pregnancy as much as possible instead of being so anxious for it to end, ya know.

Jordyn, that is wonderful that Alia can recognize her name written out and count to 10. Sam is close but right now he is more focused on colors so every day we ask him "what color is this" for different objects and he gets it 99% of the time! :happydance:
so nice to hear how all the LO's are learning and growing :cloud9:

our last house was a duplex. (my sister lived on the other side, so that was nice) it was a 4 bedroom with a full finished basement that had a nice fireplace in it. we lived there quite a few years and paid $675 monthly. that was kinda on the high end here so I guess I didn't realize how much it was in other places. before that I was in a single family home with a full finished basement and 3 bedrooms for $475 a month. now we are buying so I know its not the same with mortgage since in our monthly payment also has property taxes, insurance, and escrow, but we pay $922 a month. its a 5 bedroom/3 bathroom with a full finished basement. (anywhere you live in Kansas its good to have a basement for tornadoes, but when you get a finished one its really nice. that much more room)

I got my pump! haven't tried it out yet. I usually do all the feedings too, even with my ff babies. we just need to have another way since when I bf mason he screamed the whole time I showered. if she is gonna do that I want her to have a way to get fed. it was horrible feeling guilty for 5 months at every shower :(

I think I may be having the hormone crash. wouldn't call it ppd exactly, but im gonna get on some vitamins before it gets bad. and maybe look for some homeopathic or herbal remedies if things don't improve.
Melissa, I'm sorry you're feeling the baby blues. That was the worst thing about my birth with Alia, was the horrible baby blues that I had for a couple weeks afterwards. I hope it goes away fast for you. :hugs:
thank you jordyn! I usually have it for a few days with my ff babies. I cant remember if I had it early on or not with mason. but when he was around 8ish mos old I got it. I wasn't expecting it since it was so much after his birth and I was still bfing. hopefully it will be short lived. its only been 2 days now, but I hate feeling this way. im so grumpy with the kids and it makes me feel like a horrible mom. I actually had to send them downstairs to play for a while today just so I could cry and pray and collect myself.

I try really hard not to have any yelling in my home and today I yelled at all of them within half hour of getting out of bed :( and nathon and jaxon both cried really hard and said I scared them. :cry: had to apologize to my poor babies.

I forgot to answer you earlier... my kids are absolutely in love with her. my girls are very helpful with holding her when I need to do something and they sit and talk to her. peyton, jaxon, and nathon just say she is cute and they love her. mason adores her. he always wants to kiss her and give her things. today he was enamored with her feet lol. its really precious how much they all love her. I overheard Felicia talking to her today about painting her tiny toenails haha. its like they are a tiny army and they know they are all one in the same :cloud9: (if that makes any sense)

and I hope your irritable uterus doesn't start too soon! that cant be comfortable at all, even knowing what it is :hugs:
Oh, I'm so glad they're all doing great with Sophia! Alia is still horrible to Liam most of the time. She hits him and pushes him over whenever he's sitting up. Yesterday he was sitting near a wall and she pushed him down and he hit his head on the wall and I got so mad at her (this was after an afternoon of her being a nightmare). I've given up on her being nice to him, now I just wish she would ignore him! :(

I'm sorry you had a hard morning with your kids. :hugs: Don't worry, they love you and already forgive you. I know how hard it is to keep your cool when you just feel horrible.

That's interesting that you got depressed when Mason was 8 months old. I was feeling pretty depressed yesterday and was actually just wondering whether it ever kicks in that late. I was having one of those days where I just felt like, "What's the point? Everyday is exactly the same, and I never, ever, get a day off ever." But I feel better this morning. (It helps that DH went in to work a little late this morning and let me sleep in while he got up with Liam. :flower:)
Rachel: great to hear from you. Wow that's great for rent. I live in a tiny cabin. 740 sqft. $610 Plus all utilities. No dishwasher either lol I'm soo tired of Washing so many dishes lol we only get this place that cheap because my dogs family has been renting this cabin for many years. So out land lord has kept the rent the same. Now like heather said you can't even get a studio for that. Glad you and the boys are doing well. We too are in the wtt right now. After we get more settled and more space and stuff.

Melissa: I'm sorry your feeling the baby blues. I did with Eva. I felt guilty for almost everything even if it wasn't a big deal. I remember once Jonathan asked me for water and I told him yes just a min I think I was finishing the dishes. Then Eva started to cry I had to feed her dh wasn't home. I just forgot then he asked again like 2 hours later. I started crying telling him how sorry I didn't get his water earlier. He just looked at me and was happy he had his water. Haha. It's silly now. But sometimes I find myself yelling at the kids even when I too make our house a yelling free house. I hope it doesn't last long. Vent to us when ever needed.

Heather: your boys are soo cute. I love the pics. You know Jonathan did that for a while not to long ago. He acted like scared. Crying with tears. I would let him sleep with us and when I would put him back in bed he would cry all over again. It didn't last long but it was very sad to see. I hope it doesn't last much longer with Sam.

Jordyn: maybe Missed it but why is your niece coming to live with y'all again? That's a great distance from in laws. Mine are 1 min away lol. I hope you irritable uterus doesn't give you prob this time. I have a irritable uterus too. I remember I started feeling contractions with Eva around 20 weeks. But doc said they weren't changing my cervix soo it was ok.

Kaiecee I'm sorry it takes soo long for an appointment. I hope all is well

Afm still not much going on besides work and family. Natalia is having a dance recitle in May. I'm soo exited to see what they have been working on. Jonathan is talking a lot and I've started Eva on a lot of different food. She has had almost all fruits. Chicken beef potatoes rice with vegetables. She is such a good eater. Here is a pic I took of her today.

Beside the headache I got tonight all is good didn't get much sleep last night I really need to learn to get to bed early especially when the baby's sleeping
Kaiecee when you get headaches have you ever tried drinking caffeine? I am prone to getting headaches and caffeine always offers relief. Xx
I thought caffeine made them worst I'll try it next time thanks
You can get headaches from caffeine withdrawal, if you drink caffeine a lot, but if you don't drink it very often, it can help sometimes. That's what my OB told me to do if Tylenol didn't work, since there wasn't much else I could take while pregnant.

Stacey, I'm glad things are going well. What a cute picture of Eva! :cloud9: I do remember that you had an Irritable uterus as well last time. Sorry to say, but it's almost a guarantee that you'll have it next time, too, and probably from even earlier on. But like me, at least you'll know what it is next time around. :flower:

My niece is staying with us because my brother is in the military and is doing an operation out in the desert for two months, and there will be no childcare. So it was either us, or send her back to her mom early, but there's a lot of neglect that happens when she's with her mom, so we said we'd take her.

It was funny, we tried putting them in the same room last night since we don't really have a place for her until we move next week, and it was a disaster. :dohh: Alia kept getting up and turning on the light, and then Lily would open the door and they'd both come upstairs. Finally we ha to take Alia and put her in a pack n play in my FIL's office, since Lily knows how to climb out of a pack n play. So I guess we'll just be shuffling them around the house until we move. :wacko:
I don't drink it too often so I'll try that next time I think I might be getting from stress
Kaiecee I know some doctors who put people on caffeine pills. I really recommend just trying to drink a cup of coffee or a Mountain Dew. Xx

Haha jordyn that's so cute though. Lol I hope it works out better in the new house. That's great of you to take your niece. Lily is a pretty name how old is she. Tell me about the irritable uterus. I never really noticed it with Natalia but I started feeling contractions at around 30 weeks with Jonathan. 20 weeks with Eva. It wasn't until I got frequent nts on Eva that I was officially diagnosed with it lol. How you feeling

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