Okay, so awesome news ladies! Right now my DH makes $56,000 a year after bonuses. Well, yesterday he had a company give him a job offer for $70,000 a year!!! And better yet, once he completes a certain certification, they'll bump him up to $80,000 a year! This is such a huge blessing! the pay increase to 70K will pretty much cover the house payment for our new home.

We believe pretty strongly that the Lord wants us to have children, and so far, He's shown us that if we do it, He will take care of us. When I got pregnant with Alia, we acquired the four-plex, which almost replaced my income, making it possible for me to stay at home. When we got pregnant with Liam, DH got an amazing promotion and pay raise at work. And now that we're pregnant again, this happens! DH joked that maybe if we have 8 kids we'll become millionaires.