Jordyn, such a cute picture of the three! How are they all getting along? Yesterday you got your keys to your new house; how exciting!
That's so special that your kids got to participate in the same activity that your DH got to as a child.
I kept meaning to ask you, I know you wanted to get to your pre-pregnancy weight before getting pregnant did you do?
Stacey, that is no fun that you're working the night shift!
I couldn't imagine working while everyone is sleeping. That has to be hard to get used to. How long will you be doing that?
Melissa, I'm glad you're feeling better and it only lasted a few days.
How is Sophia adjusting?
Kaiecee, hope you're feeling better, and I agree caffeine helps with a headache. When mine won't go away I drink a coke or ice tea and it takes care of it most times.
Well, everyday I've tried to post and then something else takes priority but I finally have a free moment!
We have been really busy and doing a lot of house hunting. We have been pre-approved for more than expected with just DH so we may just buy with him and in a year buy another under my name as just a rental...just see how things go. I'm really hoping that we find something quick though; our bedroom we have been living out of for the past 18 months keeps getting smaller and smaller!
Also, I signed up for a half marathon so I've been training for that a lot even though its not until Feb next year I think I'll do a few 10k's before then to get prepared. I'm pretty excited!
We didn't do anything for St. Patrick's day. The boys had a doctors appointment. Ben is 18lbs and 23 inches long and Sam is 32lbs but I don't remember how tall just that he is a bit below average on his height.
And a few pictures from St. Patrick's day of my boys!