anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Stacey, looking back, I know that I started getting an irritable uterus with Alia late in the third trimester, but I can't remember when. Probably 34/35 weeks. With Liam it started around 25 weeks, I think? Kind of hard to remember. So I'm guessing that maybe it'll start around 18/19 weeks this time, but that's just a number I'm pulling out of my head.

Lily will turn 3 years old in two more weeks, but you'd think she was 4 based on how big she is. :haha: Here's a picture I took of the three of them today. :flower:

Kaiecee- hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Stacey- she is soooo cute!

Jordyn- precious!! sounds like she is in better hands with you than her mom.

im already feeling better. it only lasted for 2-3 days thankfully :)
How you feeling kaiecee?

Jordyn.: that's about the time I would guess too lol aww your niece is adorable looks like she fits right in. That's great y'all taking her in.

Melissa: I'm soo happy you are feeling better. Nothing is worse then feeling like that. Xx

Afm well I have to work at 2 am tomorrow. I'm about to go to bed lol. The only thing that is good about going in at that time is the extra pay lol. Eva ate today a dish called caldo de res. it's like a beef soup lol. With potato carrot and corn. She loved it haha.
Melissa, I'm so glad you're feeling better. :flower:

Stacey, that sucks that you have to work so early! :( When do you catch up on sleep? But great news that Eva is such a good little eater! I wish Liam was. Granted, I probably haven't tried him with as much stuff, but he just pushes most things back out of his mouth. So far, the only things that I can usually get him to eat (but not always) is banana oatmeal and sweet potatoes. :dohh:

So there's a lady in this neighborhood that does a leprechaun treasure hunt for all the little kids every year on St. Patrick's day, so I'll be taking Alia and Lily to go do it. The cute thing is, DH used to do it when he was a little kid (that's how long they've been doing it!) so now Alia gets to participate in a tradition that her daddy did when he was a boy. :flower:
My headache is finally gone it's dh's birthday today on st Patrick's day :)
Stacey- ew, would not want to work that early! :hugs:

Jordyn- so sweet she gets to do the same traditions her daddy did <3

Kaiecee- glad your headache is gone. happy bday to your DH :cake:
Kaiecee I am soo happy that your headache is gone. Nothing is worse. Happy birthday to your dh!

Jordyn. When I first gave my kids real food they pushed it out of their mouths. But I just kept offering. It is soo nice when they eat when we eat lol. Just keep offering. Put some cooked peas on Liam's try's and put one in his mouth lol. He will learn yo pick up and eat his food lol:dohh: idk why I'm telling you I'm sure you already know lol.

That's great Alia gets to follow the same traditions of your dh. That is soo special.

Melissa I didn't end up sleeping. I layed down after I finished writing here then was just thinking of random things next thing I knew it was midnight already. I had to get up at 1 am. So I just stayed up. So I'm fading deff now. It's almost 9 pm and im going to go to bed now hopefully I sleep cuz I have to work tomorrow again but at 6 am do I will get up at 5 am. So to awnser your question I don't catch up on sleep lol
Jordyn, such a cute picture of the three! How are they all getting along? Yesterday you got your keys to your new house; how exciting! :happydance: That's so special that your kids got to participate in the same activity that your DH got to as a child.

I kept meaning to ask you, I know you wanted to get to your pre-pregnancy weight before getting pregnant did you do?

Stacey, that is no fun that you're working the night shift! :nope: I couldn't imagine working while everyone is sleeping. That has to be hard to get used to. How long will you be doing that?

Melissa, I'm glad you're feeling better and it only lasted a few days. :flower: How is Sophia adjusting?

Kaiecee, hope you're feeling better, and I agree caffeine helps with a headache. When mine won't go away I drink a coke or ice tea and it takes care of it most times.

Well, everyday I've tried to post and then something else takes priority but I finally have a free moment!

We have been really busy and doing a lot of house hunting. We have been pre-approved for more than expected with just DH so we may just buy with him and in a year buy another under my name as just a rental...just see how things go. I'm really hoping that we find something quick though; our bedroom we have been living out of for the past 18 months keeps getting smaller and smaller! :wacko:

Also, I signed up for a half marathon so I've been training for that a lot even though its not until Feb next year I think I'll do a few 10k's before then to get prepared. I'm pretty excited! :happydance:

We didn't do anything for St. Patrick's day. The boys had a doctors appointment. Ben is 18lbs and 23 inches long and Sam is 32lbs but I don't remember how tall just that he is a bit below average on his height.

And a few pictures from St. Patrick's day of my boys! :flower:
heather- the marathons sound great! the house hunting must be very exciting, I really enjoyed looking for our home <3 as for Sophia, she is just doing great. very sweet baby and very content.
your family is so adorable. I had to show my DH your husbands goatee. mine just decided the other day to let his grow out :roll: he tried a full beard, but it got on his nerves. I guess we will see how long this lasts lol. its getting pretty long already and he says it doesn't bug him like the full beard.
Melissa, its so funny you say your DH is growing a goatee. I've never seen my DH without one...and I told him I'm okay if I never do! :haha:

That's great that Sophia is such a good easy baby for you! I'd love to see more pictures when you get a chance :flower:
Heather, that's awesome that you're going to be running a half marathon! I wish I liked to run, but I absolutely hate it. In fact, I used to get anxiety attacks in high school gym class before we'd have to go run the mile. :blush:

As for my weight, I lost all of the pregnancy weight with Liam before getting pregnancy, which was my first goal. My second goal was to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight with Alia (140lbs) but I made it to 147lbs, so I'm not going to beat myself up about that. I'm also going to try t gain a little less weight with this pregnancy, since I gained 40lbs with Alia and 40lbs with Liam. I'm going to see if I can gain only 30lbs this time, since that would be right in the 25-35lb range that they suggest. We'll see how long that lasts. :winkwink:

I hope you guys can find a house really quick! We finally figured out why it took us so long. My DH kept feeling like God was telling us that we should move to Magna, but neither of us really wanted to go there, so we kept looking elsewhere, but that impression kept coming back to him, and every time he prayed about it, he felt very strongly that we needed to move there. So finally he said, "Okay, we're going to only look for houses in Magna." A week later, we had this house under contract. Too bad we didn't listen a little sooner! :dohh: So now we'll just wait and see what the Lord has in store for us there. :flower:

As for moving, the big day is tomorrow! Wish us luck that everything goes smoothly!

Melissa, I'm so glad that Sophia has been such a content baby! I'm hoping I get one of those someday. :haha:
How exciting tomorrow is moving day! :happydance: don't worry about weight gain. Especially since this is your 3rd pregnancy you know what to expect so you will be more conscious and not gain too much. I only gained 21lbs with Ben but with Sam I gained 58 :dohh: I learned my lesson!

As for our house hunt, I hope it doesn't take long either. I'm hoping to move by June 1st at the latest. There is a lot of houses out there so it's just a matter of finding the right one in the right location and we will put in an offer.

That's funny you used to get anxious about running the mile in high school. I use to always miss on the day we had to run it because I didn't wanna run it outside in the cold so the next day I got to so it inside on the treadmill! :blush:
heather- its so crazy how women have a say on their dh's facial hair :haha: my dh has always had scruff, I don't like the clean shaved look. he has also had varying degrees of a goatee or beard, but recently he is wanting to grow something out longer. I cant say I mind. I love facial hair on a man. very good looking and manly to me :lol:

jordyn- isn't it so amazing when we listen to God and do it His way!! im always in awe when I submit to Him. when we were looking, everyone kept saying to expect it to be a long process of many months which made us nervous. we just kept praying though and we had our home and were moved in within 3 months! so awesome <3
Heather, for me, part of the problem was that I didn't want to run in the heat! (Since I grew up in Arizona) I would have much rather run on a treadmill, because then I wouldn't feel like it was a race, which is part of what caused my anxiety.

Melissa, funny that you should say that, because my DH is not allowed to grow facial hair. :haha: I've never really liked facial hair and the one time DH started to grow it, I said, "Well, it's either kisses or facial hair, you decide." :rofl:
Melissa, funny that you should say that, because my DH is not allowed to grow facial hair. :haha: I've never really liked facial hair and the one time DH started to grow it, I said, "Well, it's either kisses or facial hair, you decide." :rofl:

:rofl: I love this! as wives I think we have a bigger say so then they do. sometimes DH jokes with me about clean shaving it and I threaten to let my leg hair grow :haha:
I knew a lot of girls when I was in college who protested "No Shave November" by not shaving their legs and armpits for the whole month, either. :haha:
Haha that's funny that y'all are talking about your dhs shave. I like the clean shave look. That how my dhs is. When it starts gettin scruffy then I have to mention something lol. I can't imagine my dh without hair though lol

Heather aww love the pics. That's great you got a good loan with your husband alone. Good luck with the house hunt. I love house hunting so feel free to post some of your favorites if they are online lol

Jordyn: congrats on getting the keys. How is the move coming? I agree with heather about the weight gain. I gained 60 lbs with Natalia and 22 with Jonathan. I gained 30 with Eva only because when I got pre e with her I had a lot of water and I couldn't exersize I was supposed to be on bed rest but can't do that with 2 kids lol. But please try not to worry about weight.

Melissa I'm glad Sophia is doing well I too would love to see some pics of her.

Afm we are doing ok. Natalia was going to stay the night at mil house and she ended up calling me at like 930 pm. She told me to come look at Natalia because it look like she is having a allergy to something. When I got there she was standing on the chide pointing to her throat. Her face was all red and her lips were all puffy. I said yes she is I never ever seen her like that. As we were getting her stuff ready to go to the ER she started vomiting like crazy. Natalia has never ever vomited before. Anyways it turned out that she was eating pistachio ice cream with a chocolate peanut dipped cone. She has a darn nut allergy. I said how if she's eaten nuts a stuff before. The doc explained that nuts and shell fish are things that people can develop an allergy to at anytime. Even if you've eaten it all your life. Weird huh I never new that.

Natalia and Eva had there check ups today. Natalia for her 5 year and Eva for her 6 month even though she's 7 months lol. Natalia is 36lbs and 41 inches. And Eva is 17 lbs and 25 inches lol. How's everyone else's Los doing?

So my SIL is going to be working with me. They are paying for her class plus paying her $10 an hour to attend the class then $13 starting pay. I am happy and mad about this. One because when I took my classes I had to pay. I never got paid while I was taking them so I went to school 5 days a week and worked the other two plus took care of Natalia. It was non stop the worse time of my life. Then when I started I started at $1265 an hour. Idk I know I should be happy for her but I guess that I feel like she always gets things the easy way. But I'm very exited to be working with her.

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