anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Rachel, it's good to hear from you! I'm glad to hear that your vacation went well, and I look forward to seeing some pics. :flower:

As for the whole stalled weight, thing, Alia has stayed between 21-23 pounds for almost a year. But I bet she'd weigh a little more now, because she's finally starting to eat more! :happydance:

With Liam I feel like I'm totally slacking. I used to feed him baby food once a day, and then things got crazy before our move and someone I just forgot to do it. It was never very fun anyway, because he wouldn't eat much and would gag a lot of the time. But I have to get back on the horse, even though I'm not really looking forward to it.

Funny that you mention tortellini from Costco, because we just got back from Costco and picked up some fresh ravioli. It was Easter themed, so some of the noodles were pink, yellow, and green, which I thought Alia would probably like. We also just bought a chest freezer so we stocked up on a lot of frozen things, which was fun, because we were used to never having much freezer space.
Oh, man, I would love to have more freezer space. One day maybe we will and then we can split a whole cow with someone and have nice organic, hormone free beef all the time. :)

Here are some pics from vacation! And here's a link to my journal post about it, rather than rewrite it all here. :)


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Heather I'm sorry to hear about your boys. Idk if you remember but Jonathan was hospitalized for the same thing Ben has breathing treatments arnt fun but keep ontop of them.

Jordyn that's great news. I wish I knew how to listen to god. You really are blessed.

Rachel. Love the pics!!! I'm glad you had a good time. Jonathan is stuck at 25 lbs. he has been for like a year almost. He will be checked again when he is 2 1/2 lol
Rachel, love the pictures! It kind of makes me miss Arizona. (Not that I miss the heat whatsoever! :haha:) I'm glad that the boys did well on the airplane. DH and I have often wondered how our kids would do on a plane ride.
Glad to know the stalled weight thing is normal!

The plane wasn't all that bad. The worst part was that Jimmy was super squirmy for a good chunk of time. Normally I'd just set him down and let him play, but instead he just wiggled around and "played" in my arms. It was tiring.

Well, it looks like we might have found a daycare for the boys to go to part time (1-2 days/week) so that Daniel can have some more productive work time. We noticed a sign for a home daycare just around the corner that we'd never seen before. Turns out it's brand new and she's opening her doors on the same day I go back to work! It's definitely within walking distance, which is awesome since we only have one car and I'll be taking it to work (bussing is not an option; going to look into carpooling though). It just seemed like God was clearly telling us to at least check it out. I've just started communicating with the woman who runs it and it looks like we'll go check it out and talk it over with her to see how many and which days will work for both of us. It's just so weird because this is totally new territory for me!
Rachel, that's amazing! Seems a little too good to be coincidence. :winkwink: I hope that she's a good fit for your kids and that you can relax at work knowing that they're well cared for. :flower:

Well, remember how I've had issues with Liam waking up early? Well, he started sleeping until 6-6:30am, which was great, and then we kept him up an hour late one night and he woke up at 4:50am the next day and has been waking up at that exact time for over a week now. And between that and being up at night a lot because of teething, I am just exhausted. :sleep:
Oi. That stinks about the early waking. We are blessed in that our boys usually sleep until around 8:00. Well, I think Ozzy might wake up before that sometimes, but he just plays in his room for a while and then we hear him and wake up around 8:00.

We walked over to the daycare today. She's really nice, and everything looks great. Nice indoor and outdoor space. They basically converted their basement suite into a daycare, so it's about the same size as our place, maybe a little bit bigger, but with more room to play because there's just one couch and a little picnic table and the rest is space to play.

She's also got two boys, one 3 1/2 and the other 11 months, so that seems to fit nicely with our boys' ages. Ozzy was playing with the older boy within minutes of being there. :)

Anyway, we've got paperwork to look over and then one of us can go back and go over it with her and sign it. I don't see any red flags so far, but then again I'm totally new at this.

Do any of you have advice about 'sealing the deal' with a daycare provider? I'm not even sure what kinds of things I should be asking or what's expected.
Rachel I'm glad everything looks so good with the daycare situation! Unfortunately I don't have any advice to offer, since it's never made sense financially for me to work, since daycare would cost more than I make. :dohh:
Rachel, that's great that Ozzy and Jimmy will have someone to play with close in age. :thumbup:

As far as what to look for, I would ask to see her licence and ask if she has any CPR classes, etc that she has taken. Also, make sure that she has an open door policy. Meaning, you can come and go helps show she isn't hiding anything. Our daycare providers door is always open and I can show up anytime during her open hours.

I'm not sure how it is in Canada but here our boys get enrolled in a food program while with her (its free) and she provides food, juice etc for them. It is nice because that is all included in what she charges us daily.

Also, ask about what a typical daily routine would look like. Once our boys are 12-18 months they get to start participating in activities. They do coloring activities, signing, learning phonics, Pledge of Allegiance, colors, counting, etc. Sam has developed so much from going there!

You should also check to see if that if your boys are sick on their scheduled day if you have to still pay that day if you pick up early or don't come. We do and my DH hates it but its very standard here for that to happen. Also, what is her policy if your boys get sick...our DC provider says 101+ fever they have to go home.

I know its probably a lot but since sending them for a year + I've learned so much about what to expect and ask. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Jordyn, sorry about the early waking! Hopefully he starts to sleep in longer for you again. How are things at the new house? Are you mostly unpacked yet?

Everyone's toddlers are so small compared to Sam! :dohh: He was 30-31lbs when we went for his appointment a few weeks ago. He's not really chunky but just a big boy I guess! :shrug:

Well, we had a real scare on Saturday night. Ben woke up around 2:30 having a hard time breathing. He was almost panting like a dog would do and wouldn't cry because he couldn't take a deep breath. I rushed him to emergency and his heart rate was 204 when normal for his age is 150 max.

Long story short, after getting blood drawn, an IV put in and chest x-rays he has pneumonia and a blood infection. :cry: We had to be transferred to a different hospital and stayed all day with breathing treatments, antibiotics via IV and lots of steroids. He is finally getting better now after being sick so long. I'm so upset though that no one listened to me when I kept saying he was sick and just dismissed it as a cold! :grr:

And a few pictures :cloud9:
In the ambulance, he was so good!
Finally sitting up! :happydance:
Oh my gosh, Heather, that must have been so scary! :nope: I'm glad hat he's doing better now and got the treatment he needed. When Alia was about 4 month old she started gasping and wheezing and her chest was sinking in and so we took her to the pediatrician and they had to give her steroids to keep her esophagus from collapsing. It was scary, but doesn't seem nearly as bad as what you went through with Ben. :hugs:

The pictures are adorable! And way to go Ben for sitting up! Liam finally learned how to roll over last week, and is now practicing going from sitting to his tummy. As for crawling, he just pushes himself backwards, so no forward movements yet! :dohh:

We're mostly unpacked, or so I think, until I see our unpacked pile of boxes downstairs. Honestly, the fact that we've been doing okay without the stuff in those boxes for two weeks makes me wonder if we even need that stuff! :haha:

Oh, and I'll add a few pictures as soon as my stupid email realizes that I've sent them from my phone. :dohh:
Okay, here are a few recent pictures of my kiddos. :flower:


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Heather, oh my gosh, that would be so scary! I'm so glad Ben's getting better! It must be so frustrating that no one listened when you said he was sick. There's a measles outbreak in our area right now, so I tell ya, if Jimmy shows any little sign of being sick or "off" he's getting thoroughly checked out!!

And thank you for the advice! It's nice to have someone with experience who I can go to. She did give us a copy of her policies, and it looks like they are pretty thorough because I know the answers to your questions just from reading the paperwork! They do have to stay home if they are sick and we do still pay for that day, but I will ask her to clarify what she means by being sick. The paperwork just says something like "if the child is unable to participate due to illness" or something like that.

And she provides snacks and water and we bring their lunches and any milk (she doesn't give juice). She also included an activity schedule and I saw her First Aid certificate posted by the door. She is running what they call a "License Not Required" daycare. She will have a certification, though, which requires everyone living in the house to have a criminal record check, her to have 20 hours of training, she has to be CPR and First Aid certified, and the house has been inspected and deemed safe. I think she may also have to have references, so maybe I should ask for those. She is only allowed to have two other kids that are not related to her at any one time, so her boys and our boys would be the only ones there on our days.

She actually doesn't have any child care training right now, but she's required to complete it within the first year of being certified. However, she is a mom, so she's had training as far as I'm concerned. :)

And lovely pictures, ladies! We all have such adorable children. Hee hee. :)
So, two updates from me. One is good and one is bad.

The good news: I found baby's heartbeat on my Doppler today! :happydance:

The bad news, my Irritable Uterus has already started! :growlmad: I had contractions every 5 minutes for over an hour last night and have had them sporadically throughout the day today. I can't believe it! I knew it was going to start earlier this time around, but I never would have guessed I'd be having contractions at 8 weeks. :(

Hope all you ladies are doing well!
Heather: that must have been very scary! I'm happy he is being taken care of. It's hard trust me I know but he will get better. Keep us updated.

Rachel: I think she sounds great. I agree with all the questions heather came up with. Plus she's not going to be having tons of kids there so more attention to yours. I hope she works out?

Jordyn: that's great you found the babies heart beat what was it? As for the contractions I think you need to talk to a doc just to be sure. I mean 8 weeks your uterus is sooooo tiny to be able to actually feel contractions. You know your body best though I am just saying maybe get checked out:flower:
Thanks, Stacey, the contractions definitely aren't as strong as they were at 20+ weeks last time because my uterus was much larger, but it's the same tight feeling that makes me a little breathless. But I have an appointment on the 24th, so I'll definitely bring it up then unless it gets worse, then I'll just call.
Yea jordyn just in case. Just cuz like I said before your uterus is sooo tiny so being able to feel it concerns me.

We went on a vacation to Glenwood springs. In the middle of our vacation Natalia Jonathan and Eva got pink eye. I got it on Saturday. Dh so far nothing. I'm also having like throat pain and my sinuses hurt like crazy ugh I have to go back to work tomorrow. I have desired to start fitness pals and I'm going to take Zumba classes. I'm really exited to try to get back into shape. My first goal 140. I'm 148 now. Then 135 and hopefully 130 someday again!
Stacey, as far as my uterus goes, I swear it's actually above the pubic bone now, which would mean I was measuring a little big. But I've never been that good at feeling it until later on. All I know is, it's getting hard up above the bone. So I guess we'll see at my first appointment.

My goal was 140, too, but I never reached it. I was 148 again when I got pregnant this time, but then I actually dropped to 144, but as of today I'm up to 149, so I guess I'm on my way back up. :haha: But to have only technically gained 1 pound in almost 9 weeks of pregnancy is a definite record for me, since it seems like I usually gain a pound a week. :flower:
Rachel, the new daycare provider sounds like she will be pretty good and has things together! :thumbup: When will the boys start? I hope that it all works out.

Jordyn, that's great that you found the babies heartbeat! :happydance: And that is crazy that you're feeling contractions already :wacko: It might be a long pregnancy if they have already started!

I love the pictures of you're babies, they are adorable! :flower:

Stacey, I'm sorry everyone got pink eye on your vacation! The boys and DH all got pink eye a few weeks ago but I never got it thankfully.

That's great that you're gonna start Zumba though and focus on losing weight. The last few weeks I haven't ran or anything! :nope: Too much going on with the boys and DH. I hope that this week settles down a bit and I can get back into it.

I'm about 145-146 right now and my goal is between 135-130 too! :)

This weekend we had a friends wedding to go to on Saturday. My in-laws watched the boys so we had a night out alone and stayed at a hotel nearby the wedding since it was about 1.5 hours away from home. It was a beach wedding and was really nice. The bride looked beautiful! :)

Sunday we had a first birthday to go to. The boys had fun playing with the other kids but DH and I were so tired we didn't stay long. Now I hope this weekend goes by quickly since its I'm so tired from the weekend! :dohh:

Well, DH gets his second set of blood test results today to check on his liver. I hope we get some good news. This year hasn't been a good one for us health wise! :cry:
Heather, I hope your DH's blood tests come back okay. :hugs: That must be so scary. :( I'm glad that your weekend was fun, although busy. It's funny how I used to be relaxed after the weekends, but now that I have kids, it can be more tiring than the weekdays! :dohh:

Oh, and Stacey, I forgot to say how much that sucks that you and your kids got pink eye. :( Both of my kids got it this year, although thankfully DH and I escaped it. It's such a pain in the butt.
Wow jordyn that's crazy you can feel you uterus! Maybe there's more then one there lol:baby:

Heather: I'm jelouse lol I haven't seen that low of a weight since before I got pregnant with Jonathan lol. I'm glad you and dh had night alone. Ever set of parents should have one lol. I hope all is well with your dhs blood results. I think everyone must have these long moments of health problems.

My health prob just don't seem to end. I now have pneumonia and a small blood clot in my lungs. They said that it was most likely caused from my pregnancy. I said really after almost 8 months. They were positive so ok lol. So now I'm on two antibiotics and a blood thinner for 5 days. Ugh. When will this all end. I'm just ready for alittle break with all these health issues.

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