anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Heather. Yay!! I'm soo happy Sam is doing great in his new bed. I still have Jonathan in a crib too. Only because I'm soo afraid that he will fall numerous times. So good for you for getting the big boy bed!!

Jordyn: I hope this means Liam is going on the right pAth. I agree waking up with two babies will not be fun! And omggg you are beautiful!! I love your bump pic!!!!

Vanessa: how are you feeling? Im soo sorry Noah is not sleeping well. It's kinda wierd that he won't get out of bed even in the morning. Have you thought mAybe something is scaring him about getting off the bed? Like one day when he wakes up on the morning and isn't crying stand by him and get him to leave his bed to go to you. Maybe you can try what jordyn said letting him cry it out. Also before the cry it out try to go in comfort him came lay him down. This shows him that he is not being ignored. Then let him cry for alittle longer then repeat. It's going to be hard but something to try. Maybe also try to lay with him in his bed until he falls asleep again. It's all trial and error. Natalia did well with me laying with her for like 2 min and back to sleep she went. But i had to go to her right away before she got completely awake. Jonathan was more of a let him cry. But I don't have a bed that I can lay with him so I havnt tried that. For me the main thing for us was not to try a lot of stuff. So after they were weaned from the bottle I never gave water etc at night. Idk I guess I never thought to give it to them because we don't eat or drink at night well usually. But if they did ask I would give them something of corse. But I think that shows them that it's time to sleep. I am nervous to wean Eva from her bottle. She loves it soo much but maybe I'm thinking like I'm not ready to fight with her to sleep yet. Lol

Well my sister is gone. We took her to the airport Thursday night when I got out of work. The nearest airport here is Denver almost 2 hours away. So we got there at almost 930 pm. Then when we were driving back home it was snowing!!!!! Can y'all believe that!!!! It was one year anniversary from the flood Nd it's snowing! Just redicilous. I'm soo tired of the weather here. But I had fun with my sister. I miss her soo much. We did our nails and I let Natalia do her toes haha like a girls day out haha. She told me that I'm a great mom and wife and my kids are soo well behaved but she told me stacey I see your not really taking care of yourself meaning like everyone is first. I never do things like core me anymore. She said pleAse stacey please take time for yourself too. This made me cry cuz I knew she was right but I didn't want to admit it. I just love her and miss her sooo much. Did you guys here about a very bad virus sending kids to the hospital. It's like and crazy virus. Jonathan is getting his tonsils out on Friday the 19th so please pray for good luck and a healthy surgery And recovery please ladies. Also pray he doesn't get this virus from going to a hospital tha has had many cases of this virus.

Eva is walking all the time now. I just ordered her a pair of shoes that I hope fit her.

I already told y'all about Jonathan!

And Natalia well school is still going soo well. She has learned her months by a song and is learning how to write the numbers. She is also learning the sounds if letters. The other day she is like A.. Apple "a" haha it's soo cute!! I just am soo happy she is loving school. Plus she is also mentioning a lot of kids she has been playing with meaning she's breaking out of her shell! I'm soo happy for her. She is soo close to losing her second tooth!! Maybe any day now!!!
Stacey, I'm glad Natalia is enjoying school and making friends. That's wonderful. And how sweet of your sister to give you that compliment and then tell you to also take care of you. You are lucky to have her, and I do hope you find some time for yourself. :hugs: I'll be praying for Jonathan as he goes into surgery.

Vanessa, I hope the paediatrician has some recommendations to try with Noah. The only "trick" I can think to try is one of those kid alarm clocks that changes color when it's time to wake up. I think the most popular brand is called groclock. I was reading the reviews on amazon a little while ago and it seems like it works for lots of kids to help them stay in bed all night. Not sure how it would do for crying, but it might be worth a shot.

Sorry, I want to reply to everyone else too but just ran out of time. Hope you are all well!
Sounds like you have such a lovely sister Stacey! Glad you had a lovely time but it must have been hard to say goodbye. I would have loved to have a sister to share things with. And aw it sounds like Natalia is doing really well at school! It must be wonderful to hear about her making new friends too.

It is weird that Noah doesn't get out of bed, but it doesn't seem as though he's scared :shrug: He's smiling when you go in to him in the morning, it just seems like he's genuinely waiting in a good way.

Funnily enough though, the last two nights have been a bit better. We do have a theory actually. He has three stuffed animals (Dumbos) that he adores and takes to bed. One of them in particular is the favourite and we've noticed that often he's screaming because it's fallen out of the bed and he can't find it. And when I think back, in my haze of sleep deprivation I realise that whenever I've found this Dumbo and given it to Noah he's settled down.

We've also consistently started putting on a nightlight which I think helps him find Dumbo when he needs to. So we're discussing getting him a new bed with a bed guard. Noah doesn't fall out but Dumbo does :haha: We plan on getting him a bigger bed regardless because the one he has is getting a bit small for him, it's a cot bed and we plan on giving that to number 3.

I was talking about this to my friend yesterday and she said how annoyed would you be if it was something as simple as that! I said annoyed and relieved :coffee:

I ended up in a bit of a state on Friday because I was so tired, Dave was fantastic and told me to sleep that night and he would be on duty for all the wake ups. I tried to protest but he insisted and I had a really good sleep, I am very lucky :flower: It's the pregnancy fatigue that's tipping me over the edge, I could handle it before but now it makes me feel so exhausted I could cry. Fell asleep on the sofa this afternoon while the boys were napping and I never do that!

Jordyn that sounds encouraging on Liam's sleep! No you definitely don't want to deal with two babies waking up. This is why I'm desperately hoping Noah sorts himself out before our third's arrival. How often does he usually wake up overnight?

Thanks Rachel, I've heard of those too and one of my friends has them for her girls and swears by them. I don't think it would work in our case though because Noah isn't trying to start the day, he's just screaming. I did actually finally get our appointment for the pediatrician through, it's 28th October (ironically the day before his birthday!). I was hoping it would be before we go back to the speech therapist but that's next week unfortunately.
Vanessa, it sounds like dumbo may be the problem! I have an idea. What if you tied a string around it and tied the string to his bed and show him how to follow the string to the dumbo when it falls? You could tell him it's a leash or something, just like dogs have leashes. Just a thought. :flower:

Stacey, I'm glad you had a good time with your sister. Like Vanessa, I wish I had a sister, too. I'll be sending thoughts and prayers for Jonathon as he has his surgery that it will go well and that he won't be exposed to any viruses. I'm glad that Natalia is liking school and making some friends!

Liam has been doing a little better with sleep lately, except for last night, when he woke up 5 times. :dohh: Not sure what the issue was, because the night before, he'd only woke up once. Other than sleep, he's doing well. He's definitely getting faster with the walking! I wouldn't call it running just yet, but it's getting close. :flower:

Alia is doing alright, though she's kind of driving me crazy right now because she freaks out about everything! She yells a lot and will have a melt-down if Liam even looks like he might touch her or her toys. I'm not sure what to do except ride it out, because everything we've tried doesn't seem to stop her from just freaking out again in a few minutes. :wacko:

As for me, I've had a few episodes of contractions lately that were stronger than the normal ones, with a little lower backache with them. Nothing that's made me run to L&D, but one episode had me a little concerned that I would have to! I think I'll have my OB check my cervix at my appointment on Wednesday, just to make sure these stronger contractions aren't doing anything.
Way to go, Dave! Lol. I'm glad you got a good night of sleep, Vanessa! And silly dumbo. I'll be curios to know if that's the big issue. It sounds like guard rails will do the trick.

Jordyn, it sounds crazy, but it hope you end up having some contractions at your appointment on Wednesday. That way the doc can feel during one to see if it's actually doing anything. And sorry I don't have any advice about alia's freakouts. It does sound like just riding it out might be the best option for now.
Rachel, I hope so, too! I have a feeling I'm still going to be closed up, because I think this is just part of having an obnoxious...I mean, irritable, uterus. :winkwink: But as my DH said yesterday, what's the harm in getting checked just in case?
Vanessa: that is too cute about him just smiling waiting for you! Haha that would be cute if dumbo was the problem. I will be very curious if that is the reason hahaha I would actually probably laugh because of how cute that would be.

Jordyn: I'm sorry your contractions seem to be getting worse. I agree what's the hurt in seeing if they are doing anything to your cervix. I see tomorrow is your growth scan! You must be exited to see your little man again! Make sure you update after your appointment. As for Alias behaviors or freak outs idk I guess to just ride through it too it may just be a stage. Does she have her designated toys that are only hers or do they just kinda share all there toys?

So remember I told y'all Natalia's second tooth was lose so it fell out tonight!!! Haha I'm like omgg I'm going to go broke by her losing teeth haha. The tooth fairy is going to come tonight. She looks soo cute missing those teeth haha. Natalia had a doc appointment today to get her flu shot. And before we were going she told Jonathan I'm going to the doc today when I'm done do you want me to get you a sticker. And Jonathan is like yes and Natalia is like ok do you want Spider-Man or scooby doo. Jonathan is like scooby doo. Natalia is like ok I will see if they have it ok if not I will get you another one. It was just soo cute because she thought about him like in the cutest way. She came out with a train sticker for him because they didn't have the other two and a tinker bell one for her. HahA too cute

So ladies I'm getting more and more nervous about his surgery. I know he will be fine but still ahh I'm nervous
Oh my gosh, she is just too cute! With her pigtails and her missing teeth. Eep!

Have you gone for a consultation about the surgery or anything like that? Maybe talking with a doctor and asking any questions you have about it will help ease your mind. I'll keep praying for you guys! I'm sure he's going to do great!

And that is so cute about Natalia getting a sticker for Jonathan. Awwww. Last night I took just Ozzy with me to the store and on the way there he says, "Where's Jimmy?" I said he's at home with Daddy. Then he said, "I wanted Jimmy to come," in this sad little voice. It was so adorable. I then said, "That's so sweet, Ozzy. Do you love Jimmy? Is he a good little brother?" Ozzy said, "Yeah, he laughs, and he plays with toys." Hahaha! I guess it's easy to get on Ozzy's good side. You just have to laugh and play with toys. :)
Stacey, what a cute picture of Natalia with her missing teeth! And that's so sweet that she was thinking of Jonathon with the stickers.

Rachel, how adorable that Ozzy was missing Jimmy at the store! And I guess Ozzy would like my kids as well, since they laugh and play with toys. :haha:

I asked Alia yesterday if she knew what this baby's name was. And she said, "His name is Asher!" which was cute, because we've only mentioned his name to her a few times. Then a few minutes later, she waved at my tummy and said, "Hi baby Ash!" Oh, and I'll have to post the cute picture I took of Alia and Liam at Costco the other day. :flower:

Yep, today is my growth scan! I'm so excited! The only crappy thing is that they called me yesterday and said that because of this virus outbreak, they can't allow children under 14 in the ultrasound rooms, which means DH will have to take the kids and can't be there for the ultrasound. :( Also, I kept telling Alia how she was going to get to see the baby on the "TV". I hope she's not too bummed.


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Oh that's a real shame Jordyn! Dave missed my 20 week scan with Milo because Noah was ill and didn't want him to leave him. Typical really, I was gutted. Any chance Alia could see the next scan?

That's so cute about Alia waving to baby Asher! I wouldn't worry too much about her freak outs, as hard as it is to go through. Noah went through quite a bad tantrum phase but he's so much better now, and that was only about two months or so ago.

Stacey oh my gosh Natalia is adorable with her missing teeth! And that's so cute about her getting he sticker :cloud9: Have you got a date for the surgery? I assume there will be consultations beforehand?

Oh Rachel that is too cute! It's funny how they do love each other deep down even when they get on each other's nerves. I took the boys to the shops earlier and called to them both to go to the door to leave, Noah ran up to me then looked round and saw Milo wasn't there. He found him and started pointing saying 'at way Lo!' Milo is Lo in Noah speak :haha:

The other day Milo got jealous that Noah had baked beans and he didn't, so Noah made me give one spoon to Milo, then one spoon to Noah and so on. It did make me melt a bit :cloud9:

As for us, the past couple of nights have actually been a little better. Saturday night he slept all night without a scream. That's the first time in about 6 months I think? I have to admit this kid thoroughly confuses me :haha:

However, I feel sick as a dog. Bloody morning sickness! Although for me at the moment it's all day sickness, after I eat sickness, before I eat sickness and just for the fun of it sickness :dohh:
Jordyn, what a cute picture of Alia and Liam! I hope everything goes well with your growth scan today and I'm sorry that your DH and kids won't be able to go. I keep hearing about the horrible virus outbreak too. How scary!

Stacey, I'm glad you had a good visit with your sister. How sweet of her to notice how great of a mother you are and how selfless you are...I think we are all a little guilty of neglecting ourselves as mothers. But its all for a good reason :winkwink:

I'm glad that Natalia is making friends and how cute she is with her missing teeth. I'm also thinking of Jonathan and his surgery. I think he will do great! :hugs:

Rachel, that's so cute that Ozzy missed his brother! I love seeing the boys interact more together now and form that special bond :cloud9:

The other day I took Sam with me to Target alone to pick up a few things and he kept saying "It's just Sam and mommy, not Ben" :haha: I think he was just excited to go with me and spend some one on one time.

Well, nothing too exciting here other than the HORRIBLE weather we are having. Its so crazy hot here and we keep having huge rain storms that are flooding everything. I hate this weather and I keep hearing that this year is going to be a very wet and raining/windy cold winter. My work is in a flood zone and every time it rains its almost guaranteed we will flood! :dohh:
Rachel: that is soo cute that Ozzy is easy to please lol it's soo cute when they talk in voices like that. Jonathan will do the same with Eva. We call Eva Evita and Jonathan will be like sad and I'll be like what wrong and he will say in a sad winy type voice where's Evita.... I'll be like she sleeping and he will be like Evita sniff sniff hahahaha

I have talked to the doc. My main concern is honestly about the virus like jordyn said they are not letting anyone in the hospital where Jonathan is going who is under the age of 13. And there are only allowed immediate family. So me and dh will be able to stay with him. I talked yesterday to the lady who was getting all of his health info and she said that the kids who have that virus are far away from surgery patients and are even on a different floor. I'm thinking to put a mask on Jonathan until we get to the floor/ room he needs to be.

Jordyn: I'm sorry the kids are not allowed in the ultrasound but I think it's for the best! Plus you get some time alone lol. I didn't know the virus was over there. It's scary stuff. Up where I live in my little town there was a two month old in the hospital with the virus and turned into pneumonia. Poor thing.

That is such a cute pic of Liam and Alia!! I wish more places had more of those double carts. Haha

Vanessa: that's great news that Noah has been sleeping through the past few day!! Did you see if it had to do with dumbo staying in bed or not? Aww that is cute the Noah was looking for milo!

Heather: Jonathan sometimes says the same thing like just mommy and Jonathan go. I be like yes and he's like ohhh ok with all smiles haha.

Gosh I'm jealous it's soo hot over there. It snowed last week over here. I couldn't believe it snow in the beginning or sept. No no no. I've never seen myself soo white because I havnt been able to go outside. Or if I do it's deff not sunny haha

Well success on tooth fairy number two haha. In Mexico they have like alittle mouse that takes the tooth. So I tell Natalia that the tooth fair rides the mouse just like tinker bell and cheese haha that way she knows what everyone will be talking weather American or mexican lol
Vanessa, I'm so sorry you're feeling so sick! I had MS for the first time this pregnancy, so I can finally empathize. :hugs:

Thats cute that Noah calls Milo "Lo". Alia used to call Liam "Yum" and it was adorable. Liam says Mama and Dada, but that's about it, so I'm still waiting to see what he'll call Alia. :winkwink:

Heather, I've heard about all the flooding there in California. I hope it doesn't flood too badly this winter, especially while you're at work! I have a friend in Montana who said that the locals are saying that this winter looks like it'll be a bad one, so I guess everyone is anticipating a hard winter this year.

So I posted on the Toddler forum about Alia's constant break-downs, and it looks like there are a few other moms who've gone through phases like that with their kids, and it seems to be right around 2.5 years (which almost matches what you said about Noah, Vanessa) so I guess it's normal, but dang, it sucks! I hope she grows out of it soon!
Oh add on lol
Vanessa: I'm sorry that morning sickness a getting you hard. I get nauseous just thinking about it lol I hope if goes soon for you.

I just kinda had a interview over the phone. Got to ask question and stuff. So it did help ease my mind a bit
Haha we are all posting at the same time lol. Jonathan calls Natalia yaya and Evita Ita haha Eva says yaya also but Jonathan's nick name is mosho short for hermoso witch means like handsome in Spanish. My niece called him mosho when he was born so now everyone calls him that. So Eva calls him shosho hahaha
Yeah, I saw that you posted at the same time as me, Stacey! I'm glad that you get to talk to the doctors about the operation and that Jonathon will be kept separate from the kids with the virus. The face mask might not be a bad idea, too, just in case. I'm glad that the tooth fairy was successful again. My DH is pretty against the tooth fairy/Easter bunny/Santa Claus thing, so I'm not sure what we'll do when the time comes, since Alia has been too little so far for it to matter. I think we may end up compromising, though. Since DH feels like we're lying to the kids, I think we'll still play pretend, but tell them it's pretend to make DH happy. :dohh:
Jordyn and Vanessa, Tim missed both the boys 20 week scans so I totally understand your frustration! With Sam he had already moved so I had all my girlfriends come and with Ben he went to the wrong hospital even though I told him multiple times which one :growlmad: With #3 I'm making him take off work that day so we can drive together! :haha:

Vanessa, that's great that Noah is having better nights! Hopefully things are turning around with his sleep. I'm sorry about the MS though :hugs:...I had it horrible with Sam so I can relate but none with weird how all pregnancies are so different!

Stacey, don't be jealous its hot here...we have at least 111 daily! And at 6am its already 84! :dohh: However, I couldn't imagine snow in September either!

Jordyn, I think it is very normal what Alia is going through. Sam has his meltdowns and then it passes. I think they are getting to be fewer than even a month ago.

But soon I think Ben will be starting with the "terrible 2s". Sam started at 18 months. Ben will start arching his back and throw himself down when he doesn't get his way...I'm sure in for it! But he's always been more emotional then Sam so who knows! :wacko:
Yeah, it sucks that DH will miss the scan, but at least he was there for the 20 weeks scan, so it could be worse. Oh, and Vanessa, you asked if Alia could see the next scan, but barring any complications, this will be the last one. But if I can get a nice 3D picture of his face, I think Alia will be happy enough that she still gets to "see" the baby. :flower:

Heather, I don't pity you at all with the terrible twos starting already! Alia was like that. Liam, I think, is a bit more laid back than she was, which is good, because I'm not sure I could handle both of them having tantrums right now! :wacko:
Scan went great, except he had his hand and feet shoved up by his face, so no cute pictures and no 3D face shot. :( But he's measuring a 1-2 weeks ahead and weighs 5lbs (exactly what Liam weighed at this point, so that's good). They measured my cervix and it was 3.2, which is a great length. However, my OB checked my cervix and I'm a fingertip dilated, which isn't bad, but more than last time, when I was closed up tight. But overall, everything's looking good! :flower:

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