Hi Melissa! Wow that was a blaring positive. Maybe the 3 days of it means that your body is trying to ovulate, either way it's a good thing because it's trying to get back in the swing of things. Congrats on the new van!
Jordyn I really hope he stays in for at least 3 more weeks. I guess some people are just predisposed to giving birth earlier. I'll be interested to see when I have number 3, Noah was 4 days overdue and Milo was almost two weeks early.
You'll be great when he arrives Jordyn! Just think how you found your feet with having two. I look back and remember how scared I was before I had Milo and it wasn't tough for too long in the grand scheme of things. I mean yes it was tiring but it was doable. I feel a bit nervous about having 3 but we adjusted to having 2 so I'm mainly positive
Heather I'm sorry that you have such a struggle with the breathing treatments, that must be hard

I hate having to put my boys through any discomfort, even though it's for their benefit, it's never nice is it? Aw bless Sam he looks so proud!
All is good our end. Morning sickness is still bad, it gets worse in the evenings funnily enough. But I'm functioning, I'm 9 weeks now and I keep hanging on to the fact that I probably only have 2-3 weeks left of this. Weird thing though, I could have sworn I felt tiny little movements earlier... I'm probably going crazy
Milo is so switched on, earlier I asked Noah to get me the wipes and he refused

Milo looked around, went and got them and brought them to me. Bless him, I wasn't even talking to him! I wasn't aware how much he was starting to understand.