anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Vanessa, that's all Liam is saying right now, too, so that makes me feel a little better about his speech! Although, even though he's said mama several times, he definitely prefers dada. :dohh: Every time my DH leaves his sight (when he's home) Liam starts shouting, "Dada? Dada? Dada?" It's cute, but I'd like it if he threw in a mama every now and then! :haha:

I'm sorry you're still dealing with morning sickness. Ugh, I hope it passes in the next couple of weeks for you. :hugs:
Sorry about the ms, Vanessa. I hope it eases off for you soon.

Heather, I hope you are all healthy now!

Jordyn, sorry to confuse you about the NTNP and WTT switch. We have decided to wait on #3 for at least a few more months. Daniel reaaalllly doesn't want 2 under 2 again. And I can't blame him, really. He's the one who's at home with the kids during the day, so I think his input should probably have a bit more weight. lol So, yeah, we're waiting... I think at least until the new year. We haven't really set a date yet.

It's funny, as 'advanced' as Jimmy is in his speech, he still doesn't say, "mama." He says "daddy" and "Ozzy" just fine. But when I try to get him to say mama, all I get is "nonny." lol And half the time he isn't even pointing at me when he says it. It's cute, but I think "mommy" or "mama" would be cuter. :)
Rachel, I can't blame Daniel for not wanting 2 under 2 again. I'm a little freaked out about it, to be honest! I'm sure it will be great when all 3 of them are older, but I think I'm going to be struggling to just survive for the next few years! :dohh:
congrats Vanessa!!!!! sorry about the ms hun :nope: boo

Stacey- thought I saw your lo had a surgery??? poor lo

heather- sorry about the asthma and sickys :(

Rach- wowza that looked positive to me!

jordyn- so close now!!! cant wait to see pics <3

staying very busy here! got a new 15 seat van! yay!

and got very crampy today. felt the past couple days I may have been getting close to ov. have not had 1st ppaf yet. finally decided to have dh get me an ov test and it was blaring positive! so either im trying to o, or I did. may have first ppaf on the way. not looking forward to that. here is my ovulation test..

my first ppaf while nursing mason had a 5 day lpd. so im not expecting anything better than that, but hopefully it wont be that bad
Jordyn, you will survive! Somehow.... Lol. For reals, though, God will give you strength. I've been clinging to Psalm 18:32. "It is God who arms with strength and keeps my way secure." :)

Thanks, Melissa! So good to hear from you! You know, I ended up having a long lp. Like 16-19 days, somewhere in that range. That is pretty long for me, so it's possible I just had a barely sticky baby. :( sad thought, but you're right, that first test sure did look pink. Oh well, I guess I'll never really know. Af is here now, so just moving on.

And wow! I don't think I've ever seen a more positive opk! Hope your first pp af isn't too bad for you.
Wow, Melissa! That's like a busting-out-multiple-eggs kind of positive on that OPK! I hope your PPAF is kind to you. And that's exciting that you got a new van. :)

Thanks, Rachel. I know we'll survive somehow, but I'm also being realistic about things because I know it's going to be really tough some days. But I've been reading a chapter of the New Testament every day and I really believe that it's giving me extra strength to get through the day. :flower:

Well, I have my 34 week appointment this afternoon. I'm going to have my OB check my cervix for sure. I'm guessing that I'll be somewhere between 1-2cm dilated, but it will be interesting to see for sure.
Vanessa, how exciting that Milo is starting to say his first words! :happydance: I hope you don't face the same struggles with speech with him like you have with Noah. :hugs:

Rachel, I don't blame Daniel for wanting to wait a bit for #3 and have 2 under 2 again! Its tough. And since he spends more time working from home I definitely agree that his opinion should hold more water.

Jordyn, you will not only survive but you will do AWESOME! It will be hard at first but the way I always look at it is that everyday it will get easier...they are getting older and more independent everyday. You'll do great! :hugs:

Looking forward to hearing how your appointment goes today...this month could be your month! October is a good month for a baby! :winkwink:

Melissa, great to hear from you and congrats on the van! :thumbup: I too have never seen a OPK so dark! I hope your first pp af isn't too bad.

Well, Ben is mostly better. We have to do breathing treatments for him and he absolutely HATES it. I dread doing them. He fights me the entire time. I sure hope it starts to get easier.

Sam is doing good. He got the shinning star award yesterday at preschool. He was so excited!
Heather, I'm sorry you're still having to do breathing treatments for Ben. That sounds frustrating for both of you. :( But how awesome that Sam got that award! He looks so proud of himself. :)

So I just got back from my 34 week appointment. I'm 1.5cm dilated, 60% effaced and baby is at -2 station (-5 being free floating, and 0 being fully engaged). I was 60% effaced with DD when I went into labor, and 70% with DS when I went into labor, so I don't expect to get much more effaced this time around either, but at least I know I still have a week or two before labor, since I tend to be between 3-4cm dilated when I go into labor. :flower:
Jordyn, that sounds like mostly good news but you really need to keep that baby cooking for at least 3 more weeks. Does your doctor expect you to go real early? I mean, you know your body best and when he's ready there is no stopping it but I hope he doesn't come too early :hugs:
Yeah, I hope he stays in until 36 weeks at least. I have my next appointment on the 13th, when I'll be 35+4 weeks, so I think that will give me a good idea of when this baby might come. I might also check my own cervix at some point between now and then, because I'll be too curious to wait. :blush:
wow jordyn- your cervix aint playing! im usually around there at 36-37 weeks and that's after birthing the first 4. :wacko: im praying this LO sticks a bit longer

rach- im so sorry to hear that! I would think that too after getting a line like that and being late :(

heather- that really sucks. one of my LO's had an allergic reaction to his shots and was starting to have his throat swell shut so he had to get breathing treatments. they really hate that mask don't they :nope: he was only about 5-6 mos old so I imagine being older they could fight it more, poor guy

well, 3 days of blaring positives now. im not sure if I am going to o or if my body is just trying to cycle again?? I don't want to get stressed about it so I guess I will just wait and see. if af does not show within a couple weeks I will take an hpt. I took an hpt today to make sure, and it was neg. 3 days of pos opt is very unusual for me so I think im just "trying" to o and not really doing it. idk
Melissa, first of all, your new profile picture is adorable! I can't believe how big she's getting! :flower:

The OPK situation does sound pretty weird! If this is your body trying, I'd say it's trying pretty dang hard based on how positive that last test was that you showed us! I can't wait to see what ends up happening.

Rachel, I forgot to respond to you in my last post, but I think based on how long your LP was, it's pretty likely you had a chemical. :( With my chemical, AF showed up on 16 dpo, and my line was pretty light on a FRER, so I imagine it would have looked similar to the line you got if I'd used a cheapie instead. :hugs:
Hi Melissa! Wow that was a blaring positive. Maybe the 3 days of it means that your body is trying to ovulate, either way it's a good thing because it's trying to get back in the swing of things. Congrats on the new van!

Jordyn I really hope he stays in for at least 3 more weeks. I guess some people are just predisposed to giving birth earlier. I'll be interested to see when I have number 3, Noah was 4 days overdue and Milo was almost two weeks early.

You'll be great when he arrives Jordyn! Just think how you found your feet with having two. I look back and remember how scared I was before I had Milo and it wasn't tough for too long in the grand scheme of things. I mean yes it was tiring but it was doable. I feel a bit nervous about having 3 but we adjusted to having 2 so I'm mainly positive :flower:

Heather I'm sorry that you have such a struggle with the breathing treatments, that must be hard :hugs: I hate having to put my boys through any discomfort, even though it's for their benefit, it's never nice is it? Aw bless Sam he looks so proud!

All is good our end. Morning sickness is still bad, it gets worse in the evenings funnily enough. But I'm functioning, I'm 9 weeks now and I keep hanging on to the fact that I probably only have 2-3 weeks left of this. Weird thing though, I could have sworn I felt tiny little movements earlier... I'm probably going crazy :blush:

Milo is so switched on, earlier I asked Noah to get me the wipes and he refused :dohh: Milo looked around, went and got them and brought them to me. Bless him, I wasn't even talking to him! I wasn't aware how much he was starting to understand.
Wow, Milo sounds like a little smarty-pants! It's amazing how much they start to understand and we don't even notice it! The other day Liam was whining for a snack, and I told him, "No, you dropped your other one on the floor." So he stepped back and started looking around on the floor! I was pretty amazed, because he talks so little, that it's easy to forget he's still learning language...just not verbalizing it yet.

I'm sorry you're still in the thick of morning sickness. Mine went away around 11 weeks this time, so hopefully you don't have much longer! As for movements, I felt this baby at 10 weeks, so you may not be crazy! :winkwink:

And yes, I think I'm definitely predisposed to giving birth early. Even with Alia, who stayed in until 38+4, I was dilated to 2cm by 36 weeks, so I know my body just gets into gear sooner than most. Now that I have contractions all the time, it just gets in gear even sooner.

Oh, and here's my 34 week bump. It kind of looks like I shoved a beach ball up my shirt. :haha:


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Heather- its fabulous when they feel so accomplished with their school work :)

Vanessa- i would think with #3 you may be feeling baby. depending on where placenta is and how active the baby is, i would say its not impossible. sounds like the boys are getting big. they do that when we aren't expecting, don't they :D ugh morning sickness. def one of the worst parts of being preggo for me.

Jordyn- you look exceptionally cute pregnant. seriously adorable. i believe you will do fine with 3. in fact, for me it has gotten easier with each one. i think when we add another things seem to fall into place smoother from #3 on. not sure why??

today i had another +opk. it wasn't as dark as the last 3 days, but def + still. i took my bbt this morning and its pre-ov temp for me. think im just trying to cycle. but not quite there yet. bet it wont be much longer though. i was in shock with it all, but im ok with it now. its funny how things like this make you think about the future regarding more babies. i was just playing with Sophia and telling her mommy was getting older so God may decide she would be the baby of the family.... and today im wondering if there are more in store for us lol. im 36, so not quite menopause age yet, but surely things are slowing down??
Melissa, things may be slowing down, but there are a lot of women nowadays that don't even start their families until they're 35, and still manage to have a few kids, so I think if it's in God's plan for you to have more, then your age won't be a deterrent just yet. :winkwink:

That's encouraging to hear that it gets easier from #3 on, because I guess I'm just imagining that going from 2 to 3 will be as hard as going from 1 to 2. Especially now that DH and I will be "outnumbered". Someone told me that other day that having a third was not as bad because usually the oldest was able to help out more. And I'm sitting there thinking, "That's great, but my oldest is still only 2 and 1/2!" :dohh:
yes, she is still itsy! and my 2 oldest were 7 and 8 when i had #3

i think part of it is with the first you have to learn everything. even if people give advice you still have to figure out your own style and what is good for you and your baby. and with the 2nd you try to be as detailed as you were with things you did with the 1st one, but its just not possible. and by the time #3 comes you are more relaxed due to learning that you kinda have to go with the flow even more than you did with #2. by the time #4 and so on come you pretty much got the tricks down as to what works for you and what doesn't. there is always each babies own little personality which gives them their own likes/dislikes, but the confidence you have gained from raising the first few goes a long way. i also think by the time you have a few you don't get condemned by advice given by people who think you're parenting wrong cuz you hold them too much, or not enough, or let them eat certain things, or not, etc, etc, etc. you have learned to just smile and go home to do what works for you lol.

also you don't get as stressed when things like teething come around. or growth spurts. or sickness. you have been there before, you know what to expect and what signs mean what and what to do about each thing.
Thanks, Melissa. With the arrival of #3 so close, it's really nice to hear something other than, "Wow! You're going to have your hands full!" :dohh:
lol yeah i agree. we still hear it.

its funny how the world views children. life must be outta hand and chaotic. a big mess lol. no one ever tells someone who just took a big job in a fast paced company where they will have to work nearly every day and many hours a week, "wow you have you're hands full." :lol: or "how do you do it, i would never manage a high paying, yet time sucking job like yours." :lol:
The sad thing is, these days, many people would consider that high-paying time-sucking job as a greater achievement than having children. :(

I'm so glad that I live in a place where people are shocked if you don't want kids, and are surprised if you stop at only two. ;)

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