Rachel, what a bummer! I saw a line too but like you said it must have been an indent.
I'm glad you're feeling better now and that your cold didn't last too long.
Jordyn, I'm glad that Liam started taking a bottle again for you at night and that is so sweet that you sang to him and he fell asleep!
I'm sorry you were feeling kinda "over" being pregnant. But you're close and soon you'll be holding your little boy in your arms
Vanessa, that stinks that Noah went back to having a bad nights sleep again. I hope things turn around soon but that's awesome news about his speech. Soon he will be all caught up and right on track.
Has your MS gone away? I hope its at least subsided a bit for you.
Stacey, I'm so glad to hear that Jonathan's surgery went well and he's doing so well without pain meds. Such a strong boy! And wow, 80% of his airway was block?! That's just crazy. I'm glad you decided to have them out.
Well, poor Ben is sick again. On Sunday I heard him coughing in the middle of the night and then on Monday he had runny nose, watery eyes, cough with crackling in his chest. I have an appointment this afternoon for him since with him being diagnosed with asthma I need to get him ASAP when he gets sick since I don't want to wait and it turn into pneumonia again.
He's so different from Sam. Sam never gets sick or when he does he's pretty resilient but it always seems to hit Ben harder. Poor guy.
On Saturday night DH and I went to a fundraiser comedy night/dinner for a local humane society. It was super fun to get all dressed up and spend money for a good cause. They had a silent auction and we bid on a 6 night, 7 day stay in Maui and won!!!

I'm so excited for a family trip. Not sure when yet but probably next summer.