anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Jordyn, I'm glad the scan went well and it sounds like Asher is growing well! :thumbup:

Good thing you had your OB check your cervix and your only dilated a tiny bit. And still a great length. Hopefully Asher stays snuggled in there for another 5 weeks at least!
Thanks, Heather. :flower: I hope he stays snuggled a bit longer, too, though I can't help myself from going into "labor watch" mode a little earlier this pregnancy than last time, knowing that I may only have 4 or 5 weeks left.

Oh, and here's my 32 week bump. :flower:


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Jordyn, I'm so glad everything is looking good with Asher. That's too bad he had his face covered up. It sounds like your doctor wasn't too concerned about the slight dilation?

And what an adorable picture of Alia and Liam in the cart! I love her hair cut. And I totally agree with whoever said more places should have those double carts! I was just thinking tonight how if/when we have three I will probably do a lot of shopping at Target simply because they have carts with three kid seats!

And hey, great bump pic too! You're looking great, as always. :flower:

Stacey, I think I would also be a little wary of the hospital during a virus outbreak. I think the mask sounds like a good idea, if only for your peace of mind. And how cute are all those nick names your kids call each other! Love it! Jimmy has started saying "Ozzy." I'll post a video I got of it at the bottom of my post. :)

Vanessa, how wonderful that Noah has been having some good nights. I hope it becomes the norm! And ugh. Morning sickness... That is one part of pregnancy I sure don't miss. I hope it passes soon for you.

Heather, that is crazy hot! Holy cow! Super hot and flooding too? That's just crazy. And how cute that Sam likes to go out just the two of you.

I tried to get it to embed, but you'll just have to click the link to see the video of Jimmy saying Ozzy. It's 7 seconds long, lol.
Rachel, what a cute little video! Liam doesn't say Alia yet, though he does say "Baba" and "Nana" a lot, and I don't know what either of those mean. :haha::dohh:

I agree, the double seat carts are amazing! And Rachel, I thought the same thing about the carts at Target when Asher comes along. Otherwise I'll have to have Asher's car seat in the child seat, Liam sitting in the cart (which would be a disaster, because unlike Alia, he LOVES to throw things) and Alia walking by my side. I can just see that getting hectic really fast!

Yeah, my OB didn't seem too concerned with the dilation, but she did say to give her a call if I get concerned with the contractions because if I'm concerned, she's concerned.

Yesterday I felt horrible all day. I kept getting bad hot flashes and my head starting hurting and I felt weak every time I was on my feet for too long. Plus, I feel like I had contractions more frequently throughout the day, though they weren't stronger than normal. I don't want Asher to come too early and have to spend time in the NICU, but days like yesterday make me wish I weren't pregnant anymore!
Jordyn: I'm glad your scan went well!!! Sounds like he Asher is growing great!!! I'm sorry you had such a rough day yesterday! I hope today was better!! Oh my and what a beautiful bump pic!! You look great!!!

Rachel: omgggg I live that a video!!! You can here him say Ozzy clear as day!!!! Too cute!!

Well Jonathan got his tonsils out today. We are in the hospital now. The doc told us the process can tAke up to a hour and a half for the surgery then for him to wake up! Well the doc came out after about 30 min saying he was done and everything went well but he didn't get two words in before the nurse comes out saying he's yelling mommy mommy mommy! I ran wih the nurse leaving the doc haha. It's very cute because when he fell asleep the last thing he said was mommy and I gave him a kiss on the cheek! My dh was there too and cried Awww!! I did too but he was most balling! Not like my dh. So when I went to get Jonathan and hold him he calmed right down and fell asleep for a few more minuets. The doc explained that his tonsils were huge and what we saw just from him opening his mouth wasn't even half of them. And that his adenoids were suprisingly huge too and were covering about 80% of his airways. He said I am glad you had brought him to me and we got them removed. He will sleep and eat much better now!!! He is doing great. He's had some Mac n cheese and some icecream. I've got him some fruit but he just fell asleep again. He has been great just on Tylenol. He has orders for oxycodone as needed but he has been tolerating great withou it. The nurses are soo suprised because he asnt needed any. They say almost everyone has a dose by now. My strong boy!! We should be going home tomorrow if all goes well!!
Stacey, it sounds like such a good thing that your guys decided to get his tonsils out! Boy little guy, 80% of his airway being blocked had to have been hard for him. I'm so glad that the surgery went well and that he's coping so well with the pain. I hope you guys can leave tomorrow. :flower:
Okay, I'm kind of confused about what just happened with Liam. Until the other day, he was drinking 3 bottles a day and 1 or 2 at night. Then, the other night, he refused to drink his bottle and hasn't wanted one since! It was weird, like he just flipped a switch and went from loving his bottle to totally hating it with no warning. :shrug: Now, part of me thinks I just got lucky because we didn't have to wean him ourselves, but the problems is that he woke up a lot last night, as if he was hungry, but he still wouldn't take the bottle, and there was nothing else we could really do for hm. He is eating baby food for us during the day, though, so I know he's getting food. My main concern is hydration, because he doesn't really know how to use a sippy cup yet.
Stacey, I'm so glad the surgery went well. And wow, what a strong kid he is to get by with just Tylenol. He must have a pretty high pain tolerance. It sounds like he's going to have a much better time sleeping and eating. And how sweet that your DH was almost sobbing like that.

Jordyn, that is strange. I have no clue why he'd just refuse the bottle like that. Unfortunately, I don't really have experience with bottle feeding. The only thing I can compare it to is when Ozzy just up and stopped breastfeeding, but of course I'm pretty sure that was because my milk had changed because of pregnancy. I guess you can just work on getting him to use a sippy cup or even a straw cup? Then he can have water at least.

Well, the boys are doing great, but I'm super sick right now. All week I've had this feeling like I was about to get sick, and on Friday I especially felt like I should just stay home and sleep, but three people are on vacation in our department right now so it would have been insanely busy if I had stayed home. So today I'm full on sick, headaches, sore throat, and just achey all over. Thankfully, Daniel has been on kid duty all day and I've just been sleeping most of the day. I really hope I feel better tomorrow, because this sucks.
Rachel, I'm so sorry you're feeling sick. :( I think we kind of forget how badly it sucks until we're in the thick of it once again. Thankfully I haven't really been sick this pregnancy so far, but I did have a period of wicked allergies that may as well have been a cold, and it was awful. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:
Aw Stacey that's so sweet, sounds like Jonathan is doing so well after the surgery! I can't believe how much of his airway was blocked :nope: I can't imagine how uncomfortable and restricting that must feel. I bet he'll be a much better eater now! So cute that he was yelling for you :cloud9:

Really glad all is on track with Asher Jordyn. I'm a bit baffled with the bottle thing as well :shrug: Maybe he's ready not to have it anymore but still wakes out of habit? If that's the case he'll naturally grow out of it I would have thought. If he doesn't get on well with sippy cups it might be worth trying some other types, generally you can find one every toddler will like.

Rachel that sounds awful, I hate being ill like that :hugs: Hope you feel better soon.

As for me, I have a bit of a rotten cold. Which I hate when pregnant because I can't take anything for it! The last couple of nights have been bad again with Noah, I think I'm better off not hoping :dohh:

Still, we had his return to speech therapy on Friday and it went really well. When she saw him to start with she tried to get him to look through a book at the pictures but he really wouldn't cooperate. This was about 2 months ago I think. Well she tried again on Friday and he did so well, looked at all the pictures and said most of the words for them. I wasn't even aware that he could say some of them!

She said she sees lots of progress. He now repeats things when we say them, comes out with words spontaneously and interacts and listens much more. His pronunciation still needs work, sometimes he drops consonants from words and I know I can understand him sometimes when others can't. So that's what we need to work on going forward and widening his range of vocabulary. He does still have a significant delay compared to others his age but it's improving now and he's making a big effort compared to where he was. So I'm pleased.
Vanessa, that's great that Noah is making so much improvement with his speech! If it makes you feel better, it sounds like he talks a lot better than my niece does, and she's 3.5 years old. The sad thing is, unlike you, I don't think her mom has taken any steps to help her get better. :nope:

Sorry you're feeling sick! Being sick and pregnant is the worst. I hope it passes quickly for you, at least. :hugs:

Well, the last two nights, I've managed to get Liam to at least take a bedtime bottle so that he would sleep a little better. I think I got lucky the first time, because last night he wasn't having it, but then I decided to try singing to him while I fed him, and it worked! So if all goes to plan, I'll continue to give him a bedtime bottle for a while longer, but we've used this opportunity to cut out the daytime bottles, which has been good.
Thanks for the sympathy, ladies. I am feeling all better now. It was a weird bug for sure, and I am glad it didn't last long.

Vanessa, that's wonderful that Noah is making such good progress. He'll be caught up with the other kids in no time!

Jordyn, I'm glad Liam is taking a night time bottle for you. Then you know he's getting hydrated and it probably will help him sleep better too, right? And how sweet that it worked because you sang to him. You're a great mom. :)

Well, today at work I mentioned to a coworker how I kept smelling food smells and she looked at me funny and basically asked if I was pregnant. Lol. Well, it was payday, so I decided to stop at the dollar store on the way home and splurge on two tests. :p

I know you ladies love to look at tests, so here is a pic. I took it about 20-30 mins after test time, so I'm pretty sure it's an evap. But still, it kind of looks pink... I'll use the other one tomorrow and if it looks pos within 10 mins then I'll probably grab a frer. But keep in mind, we are using condoms right now, so this would have to be a "miracle baby."


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Thanks Jordyn, actually I haven't heard of any kids who aren't better than Noah! He is doing much better though. I've never really been concerned that it's more than a simple speech delay, but I have always worried that it would impact on his relationships with his peers at preschool. I just didn't want him to be left behind. It seems he is playing with a couple of them a lot more now so it looks like we're making progress!

Oh glad you got the bedtime bottle going again Jordyn! How weird that he just decided not to have any! But it is a good opportunity to get rid of some during the day.

Glad you're feeling better Rachel! And ooh yes I do love a good stare at a pee stick :haha:

I do see the line and it does look a bit pinkish. Where are you in your cycle?
Today's test is definitely a BFN. (As it should be!) ha. And I did get an evap after twenty mins again, but this time there's no color at all, so definitely just an indent.

This cycle is weird. I'm on cd 41, and according to FF I am 15 dpo, but if am probably actually more like 11dpo. And I had this strange spotting on the middle of this cycle. Like a lot of spotting. So strange.

Oh well, off to work! Hope you all have a lovely day! :flower:


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Rachel, what a bummer! I saw a line too but like you said it must have been an indent. :shrug:

I'm glad you're feeling better now and that your cold didn't last too long. :hugs:

Jordyn, I'm glad that Liam started taking a bottle again for you at night and that is so sweet that you sang to him and he fell asleep! :cloud9:

I'm sorry you were feeling kinda "over" being pregnant. But you're close and soon you'll be holding your little boy in your arms :flower:

Vanessa, that stinks that Noah went back to having a bad nights sleep again. I hope things turn around soon but that's awesome news about his speech. Soon he will be all caught up and right on track. :thumbup:

Has your MS gone away? I hope its at least subsided a bit for you.

Stacey, I'm so glad to hear that Jonathan's surgery went well and he's doing so well without pain meds. Such a strong boy! And wow, 80% of his airway was block?! That's just crazy. I'm glad you decided to have them out.

Well, poor Ben is sick again. On Sunday I heard him coughing in the middle of the night and then on Monday he had runny nose, watery eyes, cough with crackling in his chest. I have an appointment this afternoon for him since with him being diagnosed with asthma I need to get him ASAP when he gets sick since I don't want to wait and it turn into pneumonia again.

He's so different from Sam. Sam never gets sick or when he does he's pretty resilient but it always seems to hit Ben harder. Poor guy.

On Saturday night DH and I went to a fundraiser comedy night/dinner for a local humane society. It was super fun to get all dressed up and spend money for a good cause. They had a silent auction and we bid on a 6 night, 7 day stay in Maui and won!!! :happydance: I'm so excited for a family trip. Not sure when yet but probably next summer.
Rachel, sorry about the BFN. :( I totally saw the line on the other test and was crossing my fingers for you. So I thought you were NTNP? I guess I missed something! :dohh:

I'm glad you're feeling better, though!

Vanessa, when I saw my niece at her third birthday, she could say maybe 20-50 words, but wouldn't talk willingly and would mainly gesture and whine. I wish her mom would put her in an early intervention program, but I don't think she realizes that anything is wrong. :nope:

I'm glad Noah is making some friends! I worry that Alia never really spends time with other kids because she's just always home with me, but most preschools around here won't take kids until they're 3 or 4 at least. She does go to a nursery class at church each week for 2 hours, though, so at least she has that.

Heather, I am so jealous of your trip to Maui! That sounds amazing! And what fun that you were able to get dressed up and go out with your DH. :flower:

Poor Ben. :( I think I also missed hearing about his asthma. I hope his cold clears up soon. Liam is like that, too. He gets sick and stays sick longer, and Alia rarely gets anything. Wonder why that is? :shrug:
I guess when Ben was hospitalized for pneumonia they diagnosed him with asthma. I sorta forgot about it since so much was happening at the time and probably didn't mention it.

Jordyn, I think that Liam and Ben (or any baby with an older sibling) gets sick more often since the older one is bringing home tons of germs and has a bit more of a built up immune system then the baby and therefore the younger sibling gets it worse. Or at least that is my theory. :winkwink:

Little kids are like sponges! They seem to pick up everything :wacko:
Well, I hate to disprove your theory, but Alia never goes anywhere that Liam doesn't! :dohh: She doesn't go to daycare or preschool, so she only leaves the house when we all do.

My theory is that Alia takes after me (since I rarely get sick and when I do, it's never severe) and Liam takes after DH (who had a ton of allergies as a kid (and still does) and so he always had a stuffy, runny nose) since Liam gets hit hard with allergies, too, so he always seems to be sick.

Or maybe it's because we had our second kids soon after our first babies, and so our bodies didn't have an adequate build up of vitamins and nutrients during the second pregnancy. Who knows?
Who knows! Ben and Sam both go to the same daycare and always have. I just find myself having to be more proactive when Ben gets sick then when Sam gets sick I can just wait it out, let him sleep and he's better in 3 days.
Sorry that Ben is sick Heather. Is he feeling any better yet? I haven't actually noticed much of a difference with my two, I think if either of them are slightly more affected by a bug it's usually Noah, but it's only slight. Oh wow that trip to Maui sounds amazing! Dave and I haven't had a holiday in so long, our friends have suggested all going away next year when babies are about 4/5 months old. My best friend is pregnant with her first and she's only 4 weeks ahead of me :cloud9:

Sorry about the bfn Rachel. Are you guys planning on using condoms for a while longer? Glad you're feeling better!

Still got my ever present morning sickness. A couple of days ago I was making the boys dinner and it made me gag :dohh: Luckily my mum was over so once I'd made it I put her on dinner duty! A few things are absolutely turning my stomach at the moment.

On the subject of speech, we think Milo has been saying his first words! When prompted he now says mama and dada, and has said them a couple of times in context as well. This is just wonderful to me, after my experience with Noah and speech it would be so lovely not to have the same struggles a second time. He's also started shaking his head for no which is just too darn cute because he's so emphatic about it! Ask him if he wants more dinner when he's done and he shakes his head so strongly :haha:

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