anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

spiffy- i dont remember having it with my first 2. not to say i didnt, just that they are 12 and 13 and i honestly dont remember. same with my two mc i had. the mc were my first 2 pregnancies and i dont remember.

with my 3rd i thought i had af, it was only 3 days- short for me, usually 4-5 - and was very light. i didnt find out til later that it was actually ib. i had no cramps with him. i specifically remember not having cramps cuz i thought not having cramps was due to the light af. didnt even know i was pregnant with him for a while.

with my 4th, 5th, and 6th i definitely had cramps. i was also ttc for my 4th and 5th, so was tracking everything. i specifically remember having cramps when af was due and even after i already knew i was pregnant. with my 6th i was keeping track of my cycles cuz i was using progesterone to fix my cycles, they were all messed up after having my 5th. i had a cramp one night and thought what was that??? tested the next day and got very very faint bfp
Morning all! We all seem to be back to normal here, Harrison is much better and we'll be back off to work/nursery today.

I finally told my mum - she's very happy for us! It is exactly the same age difference as between myself and my brother and she admitted that although it was very hard to begin with, she feels extremely lucky and wouldn't change anything now. She said it was wonderful watching us grow up so close and is so happy for us!

Chez sorry to hear that you have been through the works a little! Hopefully everything will calm down a little and you'll be able to enjoy the pregnancy more now. I can imagine the c-section might have some affect actually, they're not nice to recover from and I imagine pregnancy will affect it somewhat. I had one too with Harrison but hopefully there will be plenty of time between so I don't have any bad reactions.

We're on the last hurdle of the week spiffy, it's not *toooo* long till Saturday now!

Where's everyone else in their cycles? And I haven't seen Pielette pop up on here for a while - I wonder if she got the house? :)
Yay Pez! I'm glad your mom is happy for you. There is 13 months between my brother and I, and my dad already told me that it was hard at first but totally worth it as we started to play together. I want my kids to have the closeness that me and my brother had growing up. :flower: Also, I'm glad you guys are all feeling better!

Yes, Pielette! We need to know if you got your dream house!

Blessed, thanks for the info. I know I should just be patient, but the lack of cramps was worrying me a little. Glad to know you don't have to have them before a bfp!

Well, tomorrow my period is due. I'm praying the witch stays away! I really don't expect to get it, though. The size of my breasts alone has me feeling pretty sure that AF will be a no-show. Hopefully it's not just some new hormonal craziness that my body is throwing at me! :wacko: My temp was on the low side today, but a little higher than yesterday's. I think it's because we've had our house so cool during the night these past few days. However, that hasn't stopped me from feeling hot! It got down to 62 degrees (16.6 celsius) and I still felt like I was going to start sweating under the covers. My husband was calling me a space heater. :haha:
My doctor appointment yesterday went really well. My doctor read the u/s results to me, and I was like, "huh?", so he handed me the sheet of paper and let me read it. It did say there may still be some tissue, but I was also not quite done bleeding when the scan took place. Anyway, when I asked him if I should wait to TTC again for one or more cycles, he asked why I was so determined. Ha! I explained that we want our kids close in age, and his answer was basically to just listen to my body. But he does want to make sure my hCG is back to normal, so I had blood drawn yesterday and I should know today what the level is. He said he'd call me when he sees the results come in.

The really positive part, though, was that when I started to ask about being cautious next pregnancy because when I look back I wonder if there was anything I could have done differently, he wouldn't even let me finish my sentence. He said, "No, stop right there. I know where you're going with this, and don't blame yourself. It's just something that happened." He kept telling me that it's not my fault and explained how so many women blame themselves, but that it's just something that happens. We also talked about how common mc's are but that no one really knows it because hardly anyone talks about it when it does happen to them.

He told me that next time I'm pregnant I have to think positive and expect things to go just fine. As I was leaving, he just kept telling me to think positive, and at the very end added that it was a medical order! :)

I had been crying while we were talking, but when I left I had a smile on my face. He understands that it is something painful that happened and that no one can ever take that pain away, but he said that worrying next time won't help anything.

Phew! Okay, sorry for the long post, but I'm really happy with how things went yesterday. I felt really encouraged and listened to, and I am just so happy that we found this doctor. So, now I'm just awaiting the results of the hCG test. Oh, and I have a job interview today! Big day for me.
spiffy- if i had to guess i think i didnt have cramps with my first 2. i remember waiting til af was due to test and i dont remember having any indication that anything was different. you can def get a bfp without cramps! like i said, i even had 3 days of ib with no cramps.

i hope this saturday you get your bfp!!!!! :happydance: sounds like some good signs you have going on :thumbup:

preggo ladies, how are things going???

how is everyone else doing???

we watched what to expect when youre expecting last night, so so funny! :laugh2:
Blessed, I was looking at that movie and wanting to watch it, but my husband and I try to be very careful with what we watch. So can I ask you how it was, in terms of profanity, sexual content, etc?

Oh, and thank you! I'm feeling really good about this cycle. Now I just want to know! I even rummaged through our bathroom cupboard hoping I might find an extra test that I could take today. :blush:

Harley I'm so glad you found that doctor. He sounds very genuine and caring. I hope your hcg results come back at 0 so you can start trying again (of course, only if you feel that your body is ready). Oh, and the job interview is exciting! I hope you get the job! :thumbup: I got my last job on the same day I found out I was pregnant!
harley-i hope you are feeling much better now. said a prayer for you :hugs:

spiffy- we are the same. very cautious regarding what we put in our body, not just food but entertainment and what we choose to see and do, etc. if we come across a movie with a lot of profanity, sexual content, etc we take it out. we always get the movies that are NOT the unrated version. this movie is rated pg 13. i have taken movies out in the past that were pg 13 though so thats not saying much nowadays. this movie wasnt too bad. there were a couple bad words, a part with a pool party baby shower so people in swimming suits, a couple parts with a guy without his shirt, and of course implied sex- since everyone gets pregnant. thats all i can think of off hand. we are pretty strict about movies, but i know there are people who are more strict than us that might find it offensive. :flower:
I know, I was really hoping at least ONE might turn up... Sigh.

Well, that doesn't sound too bad. Maybe I'll have to talk the hubby into renting it. I already know what he'll say. "Oh no...another baby movie!" :haha: I know what you mean about the PG 13 movies these days. We don't watch rated R movies, but some of the PG 13's are just as bad! It makes me think, "Who would let their 13 year old actually watch this???"
Harley it sounds like you have an amazing doctor, he sounds like he helped you enormously, what a wonderful man! I'm glad he helped you feel better about it all - and he is quite right with everything he said to you. I hope the tests all come back normal and you can start TTC again very soon :) And good luck for the job interview! What is it you're going for?

I might have to persuade the other half to watch what to expect when you're expecting too - I heard quite mixed reviews about it but I bet it'll be really funny and interesting. I'm usually playing computer games in the evening but the fatigue is really kicking in now, I could really do with just some nice light-hearted films to watch :)
What games do you play, Pez? I used to play The Sims a lot, but then DH and I decided to completely give up video games because we would would just sit around playing them for hours and hours. :blush: I still miss them occassionally, though, especially when I'm bored.
pez- i thought it was funny mostly cuz i can relate to one of the ladies on there. and the dad group my DH cracked up over. i thought it was really cute. :)

spiffy- i have a 12 and 13 year old and i know just what you mean :wacko:
Well ladies, I broke down this evening (again) and tested, and this is not the result I was hoping for. I was so sure I was pregnant! Now I feel like my body betrayed me. :( I'm glad I tested tonight, though, because at least my DH was there to hold me while I cried. :cry:


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Oh, Spiffy, I'm so sorry. What a strange feeling, having your body giving you a bunch of positive signs and then the test is a bfn. :( What a bummer. So you think this a sure sign you're not pregnant this time? No chance it'll turn into a bfp later? It's still possible, right?

My job interview went well. It was pretty informal since they already know me. I would be doing pretty much the exact job I had before I left to have Ozzy, which is answering phones and processing donor requests at the national headquarters for Power to Change (previously called Campus Crusade for Christ Canada). I really enjoyed it before, and the people there were great to work with. The hours would also work out really well; it would be 11-3 Monday through Friday, so I wouldn't have to worry about pumping and using bottles, we would just cut out that mid-day feeding. I reaaaallllly hope I get the job! The are interviewing more people tomorrow, so I'll find out early next week sometime.

Didn't hear from the doctor today, so I think I'll give them a call tomorrow.
Harley, I really hope you get that job! It sounds perfect! :thumbup:

I suppose there's still a chance of a late bfp, but I really feel like I would have seen a line of some sort at 13 dpo if I was pregnant. My period is due tomorrow, so if it shows up, that will be the end of that. If it doesn't show up tomorrow, then I'll go buy some more tests.
I enjoy reading everyone's posts. I have been feeling a little crampy off and on but it's very slight as of yet. I have a hope that I am pregnant but I still have to wait to test. I was really nervous to get pregnant again when my son is so young, but now I've gotten my head around it and I am sort of excited about the prospect. It just feels right to have our family whole sooner rather then later.
Best wishes, Earth Mama! :flower:

Well, ladies, I'm officially out. :nope: AF showed up this morning right on schedule. I can't believe it. I was so sure I was pregnant. I felt pregnant. I just feel so disappointed right now, and upset that my body gave me so many false signals. It seems like a cruel joke. :cry:
Oh, Spiffy! :hugs: Our bodies do odd things to us sometimes... I'm sorry this month wasn't yours, especailly as you felt this was it. It does just seem so cruel. I look forward to that BFP for you, as I do for everyone else in waiting. :hugs:
Spiffy, that's such a weird thing to go through. Sorry you've been through the emotional wringer this time around. I really was hoping this was it for you.

My doctor has order me to stay positive, so I'm going to try to find the bright side for you. :) First, AF came right on schedule, so you're cycles are still the same and therefore predictable for the next time around. Second, now you know that sometimes your body will give you signs that might not be accurate. Hopefully that won't happen again, but if it does you will have been there hopefully not feel as betrayed.

I know that doesn't really help take away the feelings of disappointment, but keep your chin up. God's got an awesome plan for you and your family! :)
Thanks, Chez, and thanks Harley. Your words really helped pick me up. I've had my moment of sadness and self-pity, and now I'm going to start thinking positive again. Like you said, I'm now prepared for next time in case my body starts doing something weird and totally pregnancy-like.

Two things that made me feel better this morning:

1. I told myself that today, Spetember 21st, might be the day I'll be giving to my OB as the date of my LMP when they're figuring out how far along I am, which would make my due date June 28th, by the way. (Positive thinking! :))

2. I bought more internet cheapie tests, because I'm such a test-aholic that even the thought of peeing on sticks several weeks from now makes me happy. :haha:

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