anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Youngwife-didnt go back on bcps havent been on them since August of 2010 when we decided to go for another baby after my daughter turned 1 in july.. :) I fell preg but miscarried at 12 weeks in nov.. took till may to beg my bfp again but again mc'ed, next month preg with my now son... :) so no bcps of any kind.. just condoms for now

omg im so sorry about your mc and at 12 weeks! when u think everythin is passed the scary stage im sorry hun xxxx
hey i havent read the last 2 pages yet so you might already have an update on this. but i know that when we were ttc our daughter asking him if we could try to dtd really didnt do it for him lol it turned him of infact because it didnt seem so romantic and hot shall we say. maybe when you want it just go with it instead of asking him that way he doesnt have to think about how tired he is before hand. i see what you mean its normal to just not bee feeling it sometimes. annoyingly when we were ttc my daughter before i knew how to test opks and all that wed dtd every single day a feww times a day and then when i was finaly was in the right time to do it we just could not be bothered! i hope u both managed it :p xx

also what did you both study at uni?
Yeah, I try not to be too "clinical" about it. But I do find that he's more up for it if I give him a head's up about it. If I just suggest it in the moment, he's more likely to say that he's tired or has too much work to do. If I give him some warning, then he can be mentally prepared for it. Sounds boring and not very hot, but it seems to be working. When it does come time to have sex, I try to make it seem as if it's spontaneous, and I'll at least go brush my teeth beforehand. Maybe even put on some lingerie.

As far as university, I studied social science (sociology and political science, to be exact), and he majored in communications with a minor in philosophy. He's been to a year's worth of grad school for philosophy, but he hasn't yet completed all the work for it. Once Ozzy came along things kind of got crazy for him (he started getting paid to blog full time just a few months before).

Pie, that is crazy. What a shock to find out that your dad isn't exactly the man you always thought he was. I'm glad you've found a place here where you feel free to talk about it as needed. I can understand how you would want to reconcile things with him, but I also see how that might not be for the best. I can't pretend to know what you should do in this situation, but I will be praying for you and your family.

Spiffy, I agree, so cute that your DH wants twins. And very cool about NTNP for life. I feel like that might be a conversation my DH and will have to have one day. I've already told him I do not want to be on the pill forever. To be honest, I'm not sure I want to ever be on it again. And the thought of one of us getting "fixed" comes with lots of reservations.

Chez, so excited for tomorrow's scan! Hope baby is in a good position for showing off his bits!

aI hardly bother with lingerie anymore! lol and il never go on the pill either every ( i was on the depo injection and it messed with my hormones i think " snd my husbnd said he probss wont be using condoms i dont wanna get fixed and neither does he lol so its a big possibility we will have more kids than we first planned lol :)
Aaaah, PIE! If you're not getting excited, can I do it for you? Oops, too late! :happydance: I even see the first one and I'm totally useless at seeing these things... I'm getting better! :winkwink: That second one is as clear as day! Hooray for your :bfp:

AFM... Baby was even more stubborn than DD! He didn't wanna flash. He was face down, bottom up... Legs tight to his chest!! :dohh: I don't want to sound awful but I am really disappointed. I knew I would be but how upset I felt, shocked me tbh. I really wanted to know for sure. Believe me, I know more than anyone how lucky we are to have this baby and I'm super thankful that everything is ok, baby is healthy! :cloud9: But there's a selfish little part of me that wants to know who I am growing. Knowing helped me bond much better with DD because we had a name for her and it was nice putting a name to the bump. We're thinkning of getting a private one done...
Thats completly understandable if you can aford it you should why not hun x x glad everything went well my scans on the 14th xx
OMGSH Pie Congrats!!! Wooo! So excited for you!

Too bad about your scan, Chez! Only a boy could be so bad. :p

As for me I've been keeping up but not really posting because I've been getting my butt kicked with a terrible cold.

hope you feel betterr xx
Pez and Youngwife - I can't wait to hear about your scans... So exciting!

Rojo - Like everone else, I'm hoping you get that BFP first go!

Skadi - Ugh, colds knock me for six... I know nobody likes being ill but I hardly ever used to get colds before, then I got glandular fever TWICE and since then, when I do (rarely) get a cold, it's so bad that I feel sorry for myself! :haha: I hope you're feeling better, if not now - then soon!

Spiffy - Ooooh, there's nothing fun about UTI's! Unless it indicates that there's a BFP on the horizon for you of course... :winkwink:

Pie - FMU wasn't that great for me this time either, it was always faint. Infact, my line (I use shop-bought cheapies) didn't get darker until about 6w this time! I found that if I'd not "been" for a while in the afternoon then that would be the best time to test! Still super excited that there's another BFP here and can't wait to see a thread full of them! :flower:

Harley - Sounds like this try you've got it covered so let's hope this eggy gets caught! :flow: TWW can't be fun but you 2 have done your bit, now it's eggy's turn :winkwink:

HAKing - Hope everything's good with you too. :flower: The :witch: ain't here, so you aren't out... I hope you get an answer soon either way. Waiting isn't my favourite thing, hence why I want that private scan! :haha:

I hope I didn't miss anyone... :wacko:
Thanks chez, I'm only going to test for another couple of days, I just want to get a positive digi but don't want to do it too early! I'll test this afternoon cos there was a big difference between yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon.

I meant to ask, when is your private scan booked for?

And so the fun begins, I already feel sick, yuck! I do suspect that my illness wasn't really an illness. Had my breakfast this morning and it made me feel funny, couldn't finish it.

We've got a broken water heater in our flat so got a man coming over to repair it, so it seems I will be stuck in all day :growlmad: I was meant to have a session with my personal trainer this afternoon so a bit disappointing.
It's on the 17th of this month @ 11:20, so a week after Saturday. The place I'm going doesn't do the gender scan after 24w and I'll be 23+5, so we were lucky to make it! They did have an appointment this Thursday but it's too short notice for DF to take off work, and he's using so many holidays atm so it being a Saturday really does help.

I didn't test as much this time as I did with DD. I think I did 4 this time and 8 with DD! :dohh: Sorry you're feeling icky but it's a good sign so just hold on to that thought. :winkwink:

AFM, I actually went :sick: again this morning. MS has been on vacation for a while but is now back, so it would seem... It's ok though, this happened with DD too so I didn't jump for joy when it went away because I had a feeling it'd be back! :haha:
I'm so so excited, had to share my latest test, they're getting darker :happydance:

Top one is this morning, bottom one is half an hour ago!
Pie, that is sooo exciting that they are getting darker! :happydance:

Chez, so sorry you are feeling sick again! MS is never fun. :nope: Sometimes I think, as much as I don't love the sick feeling in early pregnancy I'd trade that for AF every month! :haha: Though I might be biting my tongue when it comes to it though! Anyhow, I hope you feel better soon! :flower:

Skadi, hope you feel better. :hugs:

Harley, yay for TWW!!! :happydance: Hope this is your month!

AFM, still no AF...maybe today. Or maybe I didn't O this month...? I dunno. I am trying to just not stress and stay calm :coffee: but sometimes when nothing is going on and I get bored I start to over analyze it waaayyy too much! Must keep busy...I'm hoping she comes by Friday or I will test again. I bought a fertility monitor for this next cycle too so I'm super anxious to get started trying again if I indeed am not this month!
HAKing, I hope you don't end up needing that fertility monitor. :winkwink:

Pie, so happy to see your tests getting darker! Seeing that test yesterday was almost as exciting as if I'd seen two lines on my own test! :happydance: When is your approximate due date?

Well, I'm waiting for my doctor's office to open so I can call about my UTI, and we'll see whether they just prescribe me something over the phone, or whether I'll have to go in and give them a urine sample first. I wish I was further into the TWW, because I think they routinely check for pregnancy when they do UTI checks. Sigh.

Harley, I hope you did it this month! If you, me, and HAKing all get bfps, we'll all have pretty close due dates! :thumbup:
Thanks HAKing, hmm I'm sorry you're waiting :hugs: I've always found the waiting the worst, at least if you know it didn't work you can move on to the next cycle. When exactly is AF due? I second spiffy, I hope you don't need the fertility monitor! Which one did you get?

Are you very uncomfortable spiffy? I hate hate hate UTIs!

My due date (going by LMP) is 17th July, so a summer baby for me this time!
Pie, YAY for a summer baby! :flower:

Spiffy, I hope that your UTI goes away quickly or it results in a BFP!!!

Thank you girls, I really hope I don't need to use it either. It really helps to have support going through this! But I bought the Ovacue fertility monitor. I liked the fact that I could confirm O with it so I knew for sure that I did and didn't have to keep wondering. But yes, the waiting is the worst!!! DH says I am the most impatient person ever anyway :haha: so waiting in the TWW for AF is torture!

Since having Sam my periods haven't been super "regular", I've had one every month but they vary. I guess with an average of 37 days but the reason I thought I should have had it by now or Friday at the latest is because of when I figured O was...
I'm not too uncomfortable, thankfully. I just feel like I need to pee every half hour and I have that strange sort of burning feeling after I pee, like I still need to go more. But that's it. For the most part I feel okay. But the last time I had a UTI I had no clue. They only reason they caught it was that I was seeing my doctor about a possible ovarian cycst, and they happened to check my urine.
Yay Pie that BFP is great, and def getting darker..

Thanks YoungWife was very tough to go through but i did know something was wrong so wasnt a complete surprise..

Spiffy fxed your uti goes quickly or ends with a bfp..

Chez and Pie excited to hear about your scans.. :) you too youngwife!

Haking fxed you dont need the monitor though i love mine lol.. my cbfm :)

Hope your all well.. shoot Harley fxed for the tww to hurry by and end with a bfp :)

AFM 1dpo today boo.. lol though it means im getting closer to ttc.. this is a hard wait.. after thanksgiving i think it will go fast.. :) fxed at least..
Grr I'm fuming!

Our water heater (we don't have gas in our flat, it's all electric) has been playing up for the last month or so. Finally we decided we had had enough so found a company who could come and repair it. As its not a regular boiler you can't just get any old engineer round to look at it so you kind of have to pay what you're quoted. This company charge £340 plus vat for a year service agreement, you can't have one off call outs. Of course, so they can charge you more.

So I arrange for an engineer to come out today and he rings me this morning saying that he'll probably be round at about 2ish, but if he can come earlier he wil. So I've been in all day like an idiot waiting for this engineer. He rang me about half an hour ago saying it would be gone 7pm :growlmad:

I said absolutely not. My little boy goes to bed at 7pm and the thing is right next to his room. He said oh we'll it'll probably be quiet unless he has to do some draining. I said no and rang the company to say it was completely unacceptable, I've been in all day and he rings me at gone 4pm to say it wouldn't be until this evening. They said well sometimes call outs overrun. I said well where was my phone call at an acceptable hour telling me he was overrunning? I've paid £340 plus vat for this service. Bloody joke.

They scheduled me in for tomorrow instead, so yet again I won't be able to go out tomorrow. I told them I get a callout by 5pm or not at all. And if they don't get to me tomorrow I'm going to hit the roof! :growlmad:
Oh, Pie, that's obnoxious! I hate it when people are so inconsiderate! :growlmad:

Well, I just called my OBGYN's office and they want me to come in to get my urine tested this afternoon. I'm wishing so badly that I farther along that 5 dpo so that I could maybe get another surprise result from my pee. :haha:
Argh, so frustrating! I hate even when I have to wait in all day for a delivery that turns up at the latest time possible, nevermind something you've paid out your butt for! I'd be fuming too, Pie... :hugs: Having to stay in another day too... What a joke!

Spiffy - I hope you are too :winkwink: I hope you get something to clear up that UTI either way... They're awful things! :flower:
Pie. i dont get all the dpo stuf is ur period due yet? when u got that 2 lines? and whats fmu? x
AF is actually due tomorrow or Friday :thumbup: So I'll probably be quite relieved when I get to Saturday! FMU is first morning urine and I got my first BFP yesterday!

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