anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Hi ladies - i just finished reading through the past month of posts on here and thought I would maybe come in and stick around. We're NTNP and my little one is 6 months old.

Congrats on all the bumps and recent BFPs!

Hellooo your bays soo cute! how long have you been ntnp xx
Thanks ladies!

Youngwife - we've been NTNP since Lilli was born, lol. We had such a hard time getting preg with her and I'm getting older (turned 30 2 weeks before DD was born) so I don't want to do anything that would keep us from having another.

I have actually been kind of hoping to just fall preg this time around. So Fx for us!
lalila, I think I know what you mean. We were NTNP right after Ozzy was born, and I was secretly hoping that instead of AF showing up, I would just end up pregnant again right away! Have you had an AF since Lilliana was born?

Pie, such a relief that everything is fixed and on time, too! Good for you for giving them a piece of your mind. Looks like it paid off! Heightened sense of smell has to be one of the strangest pregnancy symptoms. It can either be a blessing or a curse, I suppose. I keep thinking, "Well, I'll know I'm pregnant if I go to change a diaper and feel like puking when I smell it!" Haha!

Man, you all are lucky who have LO's that like shopping. It's not that Ozzy's fussy all the time, he just doesn't like to sit still for that long. He's always twisting and turning and trying to find things to play with. And if I do bring a toy and attach it to the cart, of course he never wants to play with that! I have to be careful of how high I stack things in the cart because he'll turn around and grab stuff. One time I got to the checkout and noticed I only had one bag of chips, but I had definitely put two in the cart! Sneaky little fellow.

Oh, and as far as symptom spotting, I'm starting to be terrible about it this time around! I had heartburn and was so bloated today! Got to tell myself to keep my cool.
I know how you feel, Harley, despite our best intentions, it's so hard not to symptom spot. :dohh: You know, I think it's a blessing in disguise that I'm on these antibiotics right now, because it means that I can't really symptom spot, since anything I experience might be just a symptom of the anitbiotics. For example, I have been so nauseous today, but I know it's just the meds, because I was on this exact same anitbiotic when I was in my first trimester with DD, and they made me pretty nauseous then, too. And it's funny that you mentioned the dirty diaper thing, Harley, because I was struggling pretty badly with that today. :sick:
Yikes! I can't believe I forgot to move you in my siggy, Pie! :dohh:

Done! :thumbup:


Morning ladies. I've decided no more testing, I need to chill out now. I wasn't going to do my temp this morning because I have a tendency to over analyse and it dropped slightly yesterday but DH told me to do it for historical purposes for the next one (!) and it has jumped up nicely, so think baby bean is snuggling in :flower:

Where are you in your cycle now Harley? It's funny I also have to steer the monkey away from things on the conveyer belt because he tries to grab them, yesterday he had hold of a bag of oranges. I know he likes oranges but we hadn't even paid for them yet :haha:

I have a nice day ahead today, got an afternoon play date with two of my mummy friends and a meal out tonight with my closest girlfriends :happydance:
Morning! (Haha! I laugh because it's 11:15 pm here at the moment.)

Oh, that sounds like a fun day for sure! Kinda jealous, actually. :) I may need to come up with some reason to take Ozzy out tomorrow. He needs to get out. Oh, I know! I need work shoes! I'll go shopping!

I'm 3dpo today. I think it's a good thing I've just started working; it'll keep my mind off of symptom spotting and early testing.
Thanks ladies!

Youngwife - we've been NTNP since Lilli was born, lol. We had such a hard time getting preg with her and I'm getting older (turned 30 2 weeks before DD was born) so I don't want to do anything that would keep us from having another.

I have actually been kind of hoping to just fall preg this time around. So Fx for us!

I hope it happens fast we started trying well ntnp when my daughter was 7 weeks old. but i had a section so i thought that maybe we should wait but then i decided if it was ment to be then itl happen when the time is right. xx
Harley, you're working now? Did you get that job that you were waiting forever to hear back from?

Pie, sounds like a fun day! As for me, I have a date night with the hubby tonight, so that should be nice. :)

So I'm 7 dpo today, which means I'm halfway through the TWW! :happydance: I've been feeling pretty tired the last couple of days, but it could be because my LO has been waking up to eat in the middle of the night ever since daylight savings changed. I've also had some creamy cm, which is unusual for me (as my cm tends to stay transparent and a little slippery all cycle) but that could be caused by the UTI. Also, I've been watching this TV show, and the last couple days I've been getting really emotional. For example, today the little autistic kid made a friend and I started getting teary-eyed. :dohh:

Agh! :wacko: Roll on next week!
Oooh, date night! Sounds like fun!

I didn't mention anything about the job? :dohh: Silly me! I got a job as a part time barista at the Starbucks inside our local Safeway. Nothing special, but it's nice to have work. As for the other job, I got a call from the woman who would be my boss, and she said that as soon as the job is approved in the budget, I am her #1 choice. So that's good, I guess! She was also very apologetic and expressed her frustration about the whole thing. And I will be helping them out when I can (depending on the other job's schedule) with a month-long fundraising campaign that starts at the end of the month. So one part-time job, possibly two a little later on, and just waiting to hear if the first job every becomes approved.
Thanks for the update, Harley! At least they weren't just blowing you off. And that's great that you have a part-time job right now. :)
welcome- lalila :hugs:

morning ladies! i was up til 230 am with a sick monkey :(

{sigh} still no cycles for me. cm comes and goes and i get excited every time, but its gone the next day. im trying to stay patient. i feel ready though

pie- yay for getting hot water and for your 'pregnant' test!!!! gotta love to see that :cloud9:

:happydance::happydance:i hope you ladies get your bfp this month :happydance::happydance:
Oh thanks for clarifying that Harley I did wonder! Really hope it works out for you, especially since it sounds like they want you too :thumbup: Nice to have the other job to keep you occupied as well.

Date night sounds good spiffy! We should do that more often I think. Yay for being halfway through the tww! When do you think you'll test?

Sorry to hear about your sick monkey blessed :hugs: What do you think is wrong? There are so many bugs going round in our area as well.

Something to run past you ladies - think we have a girl's name. Erin Patricia. What do you think? Patricia is my mum's name and have always wanted to give it to a daughter as a middle name. No idea on a boy's name :dohh: I know chez has already seen it :haha:
Great update, Harley! :thumbup: I did wonder about the job but was too scared that I'd missed a post about it to mention it... :blush:

Spiffy - Date night sounds awesome!! After our scan the other day DF and I went for lunch together and as we sat to look at the menu he asked "does this count as a date?" Tbh I was thinking in my head when the last time we'd been out to eat together, and both of us could only think of the one time we went out of town to watch his best friend's band play... We went to KFC! :dohh: It was a dreadful, cold and rainy, Winter's evening. We were soaked through and so not in the mood that we left early and didn't even see his band play! :nope: Any other time we've been out for food is with friends/family... Anyyyhoo (got a tad carried away there), I hope you both enjoy yourselves! :winkwink:

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! :flower: We'll be visiting our new nephew (DF's brother's newborn son) for the first time tomorrow... I'm so excited, he's gorgeous and even though I'm pregnant he's making me broody! :haha: He was born on the 5th (Bonfire night here) but with DF working weekdays and then getting home and having tea, then getting DD ready for bed there just hasn't been time... but tomorrow's the day. It's his brother's birthday tomorrow too so we'll get that out of the way then too.
pie- patricia is my moms name too, love it :cloud9: i have thought about tricia for a girl :flower: i think its just a cold, the other boys passed it around. he has been having some fevers that i didnt notice with the others, but could have overlooked it since its mild fevers. or could be effecting him differently since he is so little :shrug: hopefully its not a cold that has turned into an ear infection :nope: DH is coming home, maybe i will nap :sleep:
Pie, I love the name! :thumbup:

As for me, I think I will test on Monday, which will make me 10 dpo (your 10 dpo bfp has inspired me :haha:).

Blessed, hope your LO starts feeling better soon and that you start cycling again!
Poor little monkey, hope he feels better soon blessed :hugs: I think sometimes we get hit harder than others with illnesses. Noah caught a stomach bug from one of his friends but was much less affected than the other boy.

Thanks ladies, the more I say it the more I like it :flower: DH seems to be keen as well.

Ooh spiffy that means only three days to wait! Glad I've inspired you :haha:
hello ladies! I feel really bad that I'm not able to keep up as well as I'd love to with this thread. Everytime I come back there is so much to catch up on. I've tried to go back as far as I can so please bear with me! :)

Welcome to the group, lalila! Your little one is beautiful! Hope you enjoy it here as much as I have.

Sorry to hear that you have been poorly with a UTI Spiffy - I hope the antibiotics kick in soon and you're quickly on the road to recovery :)

Harley - that's good that you have a job to keep you busy in the meantime. Wowzers it's shocking that you are still waiting to hear back from that interview but at least everything is sounding very promising in the meantime!

So sory that your LO is sick now blessed. It's very hard when they are poorly and you get such little sleep. Hope he feels much better soon and you get some deserved rest soon :)

Pielette - those digital tests are the best, they really make it all seem so real, don't they! Congratulations again, so pleased for you! And I love the name Erin and Patricia goes beautifully with it.

We already have a girl name picked out too - Elizabeth. It was my OH's mum's middle name, she passed away a few years before I met him but completely value his desire to honour her name. We may go with her first name as a middle name together with my mum's. Harrison has both of our dad's names as his middle names so it would be keeping with tradition. There are quite a few cute nick names for Elizabeth too. I don't know what we will do if it is another boy as we took sooo long to agree on Harrison, he was two days old when we finally decided!

And before I ramble too much - we had our 12 week scan this morning. And wow baby was so active! Bouncing around, it was wonderful. We got quite a good scan picture too. Everything looks great - so no more appointments now until I am 16 weeks as I'll be meeting with a consultant to discuss the possibility of having a VBAC. Does anyone here have any experience?


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hello ladies! I feel really bad that I'm not able to keep up as well as I'd love to with this thread. Everytime I come back there is so much to catch up on. I've tried to go back as far as I can so please bear with me! :)

Welcome to the group, lalila! Your little one is beautiful! Hope you enjoy it here as much as I have.

Sorry to hear that you have been poorly with a UTI Spiffy - I hope the antibiotics kick in soon and you're quickly on the road to recovery :)

Harley - that's good that you have a job to keep you busy in the meantime. Wowzers it's shocking that you are still waiting to hear back from that interview but at least everything is sounding very promising in the meantime!

So sory that your LO is sick now blessed. It's very hard when they are poorly and you get such little sleep. Hope he feels much better soon and you get some deserved rest soon :)

Pielette - those digital tests are the best, they really make it all seem so real, don't they! Congratulations again, so pleased for you! And I love the name Erin and Patricia goes beautifully with it.

We already have a girl name picked out too - Elizabeth. It was my OH's mum's middle name, she passed away a few years before I met him but completely value his desire to honour her name. We may go with her first name as a middle name together with my mum's. Harrison has both of our dad's names as his middle names so it would be keeping with tradition. There are quite a few cute nick names for Elizabeth too. I don't know what we will do if it is another boy as we took sooo long to agree on Harrison, he was two days old when we finally decided!

And before I ramble too much - we had our 12 week scan this morning. And wow baby was so active! Bouncing around, it was wonderful. We got quite a good scan picture too. Everything looks great - so no more appointments now until I am 16 weeks as I'll be meeting with a consultant to discuss the possibility of having a VBAC. Does anyone here have any experience?
Glad everythings okay hun and im in the same boat as you i have a 20 week apointment to discuss vbac possibilites. at 16 weeks i just had a short midwife apointment. its nice to see other people who have had sections be pregnant close together as some people on this site scared me abit that i shouldnt have got pregnant so fast. anyway i am hoping for a hypnobirth this time. as i am a propper worrier and stresser and hypnobirthing will relax me and keep me calm. i am not doing the classes because there so expensive but i bought the books and cd and just started it! :)
Pie, the name Erin sounds lovely! The middle name is great, too. So nice when we can honor the people we love that way. I know it's early, but do you think you'll be doing another home water birth?

Oh, Chez, no you didn't miss an update. I posted about it in my journal but totally forgot to post it in here. My bad.

Blessed, I hope your little monkey recovers soon (and that you get the needed rest in the meantime), and that it's not anything more than a cold. Ear infections are no fun!

Pez, what an adorable little bean you've got there! And Elizabeth is a beautiful name. It's one of my middle names, but I don't think it's a family name or anything. As I said, I think it's so nice when there can be a connection to family or tradition in someone's name.

youngwife, I don't really know much about hypnobirthing. Is it just a way to manage the pain? Or is it supposed to help you be able to deliver vaginally as well? Sounds interesting.

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