anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

Hee hee. Well, it is really nice to be able to tell someone all about my cm, temps, hormones, etc. and have them actually care about it! I don't think my DH cares about it as much as you all do! :)

Speaking of sharing... here are my last three OPKs. In your opinion(s), are the last two both positive? CD 21 was yesterday, CD 22 is today (obviously).

ARE THE LAST 2 LINES POSITIVE!! AS IF YOU HAVE TO ASK lol that is super positive !! woohoooo xx and my husband poor guy he did care but my gosh i was talking about the calander of when we need to dtd everyday and how it was going to work etc. and whether he would consider testing his sperm because i thought i woudl be pregnant by now! bare in mind it only took 3 or 4 months to concieve my daughter lol but i was just so impatient. he did test his sperm though lol. i dont think im generaly open in reality really im not good at information about personal things lol even with my bestfriend xx
Lilrojo- hope u dont have to ttc for long! also are you on the pill or anything? or are you already of it? i didnt go on any birth control after my daughter. x
Oh, Rojo, that's tough. I was ready to TTC before DH this time, and waiting was so hard. :hugs:

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you ladies! DH and I were talking yesterday and I think it's safe to say that it's official...

We are NTNP for life! :happydance:

nooo wayy congrats hun aww me and my husband talked about this again few days ago he really would love to ntnp for life too.. but its just not possible i dont think i am built for labour lol i probs would if i didnt have a c section but i couldnt imagine 10 sections or the fact that i have to go back to work and i couldnt afford childcare with more than a few kids. :(

aww im so happy for u hun. is there a maximum number youd have? how did you come to that dicision x
Oh I know spiffy :flower: I totally agree.

Speaking of which, I figured I will give you ladies a bit of an insight into my craziness that is my life. You may need to sit down...

Two days after Noah was born, my 66 year old father left my mum to shack up with a 25 year old girl (for a bit of context, I'm nearly 30). He ended their marriage of 30 years and left me to deal with the mess he left behind two days after I became a mum. My mum was heartbroken. I was heartbroken. He didn't get why doing that to both of us two days after I gave birth was horrendous. The stress of it all had a huge effect on me and it's also why I believe BF didn't work out for me because I couldn't cope with it all. My DH was amazing and looked after both me and my mum, but the stress took a bit of a toll on him too.

I tried to continue having a relationship with my dad afterwards but couldn't handle it. He became this selfish, arrogant idiot who only cared about his tart. He didn't get why I was so hurt. He didn't see how cruel he was being to my mum. He sat in my lounge and told me, his grown-up daughter, that he was a player and always had been. That there had been countless affairs during his marriage to my mum. Eventually I told him that as long as he remained with this girl, I couldn't have a relationship with him. End of.

In July he turned up on my mum's doorstep saying he'd made a huge mistake and was sorry. She considered giving him a chance. I gave him a chance and allowed him back into my life. He said all the right things. But because my mum didn't take him back automatically and roll out the red carpet he went back to the girl, who in his own words, is 'paranoid, violent and a drunk'.

That was July. I had a massive row with him and told him to get lost. He broke our hearts again. He had a taste of what it was to be a proper grandad to Noah and he threw it back in my face. He knew I would never accept that relationship but apparently he doesn't care enough about me for that to matter.

I have just found out that the girl is pregnant.

I don't believe it's his. I look at the timing and I suspect (she's about 5 months gone) that she deliberately got pregnant to trap him and I wouldn't be surprised if she was sleeping around to make sure she fell pregnant. Let's face it, at 66 it's hardly going to be high quality sperm.

He was literally my idol. I adored him. He was such a hands-on dad with me. He also has a son from his first marriage who is 42 who he has little to do with, never really bothered with him much. I guess that should have given us all a clue.

Sorry to ramble, just feels nice to get it all out. I don't talk about it much apart from with my mum, who is mercifully doing well now, just trying to get the divorce finalised. It's stuff I've kind of locked up in my head and don't look at too much.

omg hun i just wanna give you a hug what a heatless thing to do leave you both the way he did. i personaly cant say anything about giving him another chance because whenever ive given my dad another chance its never worked out for the best. and i am much happier and infact healthier without him in my life. unfortunatly sometimes that is the best thing.. you need a stress free enviroment to live your lives . you have such a good heart though letting him back in like you did.. your better than me thats for sure!1 xxx
Youngwife-didnt go back on bcps havent been on them since August of 2010 when we decided to go for another baby after my daughter turned 1 in july.. :) I fell preg but miscarried at 12 weeks in nov.. took till may to beg my bfp again but again mc'ed, next month preg with my now son... :) so no bcps of any kind.. just condoms for now
Pie, I'm so sorry you and your mum have had to deal with this. My dad's dad left his family when my dad was about 5 and has had nothing to do with any of his family since, and while its certainly his fault, I cast a lot of blame on the woman he remarried, because she flat out told him, "Its me or them." I just dont understand how a parent could do that. I also have a cousin whose wife left him and her two kids when they were just babies, and only just now wants to be involved because the kids are older and "more fun." It makes me sick. I could never do that to my husband and daughter! I'm sorry you dont have a dad you can look up to anymore, but it does seem like you and your mum might be better off without him if he's going to treat you all that way. :hugs:

Youngwife, we decided to NTNP for life because we think that if we put it in the Lord's hands He won't give us more children than we can handle, and He will bless us with the means to take care of them. So we aren't setting a limit on the amount of kids we have. The only reason we would decide to stop was if my life would be in danger from another pregnancy.
hey i havent read the last 2 pages yet so you might already have an update on this. but i know that when we were ttc our daughter asking him if we could try to dtd really didnt do it for him lol it turned him of infact because it didnt seem so romantic and hot shall we say. maybe when you want it just go with it instead of asking him that way he doesnt have to think about how tired he is before hand. i see what you mean its normal to just not bee feeling it sometimes. annoyingly when we were ttc my daughter before i knew how to test opks and all that wed dtd every single day a feww times a day and then when i was finaly was in the right time to do it we just could not be bothered! i hope u both managed it :p xx

also what did you both study at uni?
Yeah, I try not to be too "clinical" about it. But I do find that he's more up for it if I give him a head's up about it. If I just suggest it in the moment, he's more likely to say that he's tired or has too much work to do. If I give him some warning, then he can be mentally prepared for it. Sounds boring and not very hot, but it seems to be working. When it does come time to have sex, I try to make it seem as if it's spontaneous, and I'll at least go brush my teeth beforehand. Maybe even put on some lingerie.

As far as university, I studied social science (sociology and political science, to be exact), and he majored in communications with a minor in philosophy. He's been to a year's worth of grad school for philosophy, but he hasn't yet completed all the work for it. Once Ozzy came along things kind of got crazy for him (he started getting paid to blog full time just a few months before).

Pie, that is crazy. What a shock to find out that your dad isn't exactly the man you always thought he was. I'm glad you've found a place here where you feel free to talk about it as needed. I can understand how you would want to reconcile things with him, but I also see how that might not be for the best. I can't pretend to know what you should do in this situation, but I will be praying for you and your family.

Spiffy, I agree, so cute that your DH wants twins. And very cool about NTNP for life. I feel like that might be a conversation my DH and will have to have one day. I've already told him I do not want to be on the pill forever. To be honest, I'm not sure I want to ever be on it again. And the thought of one of us getting "fixed" comes with lots of reservations.

Chez, so excited for tomorrow's scan! Hope baby is in a good position for showing off his bits!
wow pie! so sorry to hear that. my mom had several affairs and finally left my dad for another man after 27 years of marriage. my girls were 2 and 4 mos old at the time. it was really hard on me and my siblings. my parents are both remarried now and consumed with their new spouses and step-children. i hardly even talk to them or see them. its really sad. they are both missing out on so much not knowing my kids :(

chez- yay for a scan tomorrow! :happydance:

spiffy- yay for ntnp for life! :flower: theres a lot of beauty in God's timing :cloud9:

it took me forever to read this all, kept having distractions, so i know i forgot a lot of stuff and now its time for bed :wacko: hope to catch up tomorrow and love you all :kiss:
Pie that is a lot to deal with! I can't believe your dad would do that!

Chez I'm so excited for your results, I can't wait!
Skadi! Nice to hear from you; I've been wondering how you're doing. So, how are you?

Negative OPK tonight. Woohoo! We're going to skip DTD tonight and do it tomorrow. I have no regrets about that. Looking at my chart and my chart from when I last got pregnant, I'm totally okay with that decision.
Thank you ladies, it never ceases to amaze me how many people are dealing with absent or uncaring parents. That's the thing I could never get my head round because now that I'm a mother myself I know I would rather die than hurt my child. But onwards and upwards, as some of you have said it is healthier for me not to have anything to do with him, it's too painful. I don't know if there will ever be some sort of resolution in my future, if there is I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I do know that if there is, it will only be after he has shown some remorse. I was always willing to forgive, but not if he doesn't see what he has done wrong.

You know what, if nothing else it has shown me what's important. My mum and I have amazing friends, they have been absolutely wonderful. My DH is a true rock and I have so much love in my life, I'm blessed.

Skadi! I wondered where you were! How are you doing?

I think that's a good idea Harley, we were meant yo DTD one more time but we were both knackered, just looked at each other, giggled and said lets just go to sleep :haha:

When we made that decision spiffy I was so happy! Still am obviously, it's just so exciting to have no idea how many children you'll have. I can picture a house full of rugrats :haha:

Can't wait to hear about the scan chez!

I've got nothing on today so might just go out for a walk later, we're low on milk so have to pick some up. Now that Noah is on cow's milk we get through a ton of the stuff!
Who said I wouldn't manage it?

Oh yeah it was me :rofl:
Pie, I do see a line there! I hope this is the start of your BFP! :flower:

Rojo, only one more month and you get to join us! YAY!!! :happydance: I bet you're counting down the days!

Chez, I can't wait to hear about you're scan!

Spiffy, I couldn't imagine twins! But that is super cute that your DH wants them. :) I don't think I would ever want them but IF I was blessed with them I would be thrilled! I think if I was ever gonna want twins it would have been first because if I had twins this next pregnancy with a toddler I would be going out of my mind! LOL :wacko: And yay for NTNP for life, thats super exciting!

Harley, I hope that you catch the egg this month! Sounds like you guys BD'd at the right times. This month has to be your month!!!

Thank you girls for asking about me, I did test this morning and BFP! :cry: I know it could still be early but I doubt it. I am pretty sure of when I O'd and today would make me 13dpo. Now I'm just gonna wait for AF...:growlmad: if she is gonna show I hope she comes soon so I can get back to trying again! I hate feeling in limbo!

Sorry if I missed anything. I meant to check in yesterday but I had a very busy day at work and not a free moment!
Thank you HAKing! Did you see the one I put on page 2? I think it's darker.

So sorry you're waiting for AF, that stomach bug really did interfere. But you're not out till the witch arrives!
Thank you HAKing! Did you see the one I put on page 2? I think it's darker.

So sorry you're waiting for AF, that stomach bug really did interfere. But you're not out till the witch arrives!

I just looked!!! It is darker. :happydance: Super excited for you!!!

I am trying to stay positive and know that I'm not out till she shows but I have all my pre-AF symptoms now so any day now I think (hope)! Just want to get going on next cycle!
Pie!!!!! YOU ARE PREGGO GIRL!!!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: That picture on page two is totally a :bfp:, no question! I am so excited for you!!!

HAKing, I hope you just have a shy bean in there and AF takes a vacation!
Thanks girls! I'm trying very hard not to get too excited...
Only 10dpo and you already can see a line, I'd say get excited girl! :thumbup:
I second that! If you put that second test on Countdown to Pregnancy, in their pregnancy test gallery, I garuntee you'll get 100% positive votes. ;)
Pie! That is so exciting! When I saw the pic on page two, I actually gasped, I was so excited! Congrats!

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