anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

haking- im still bfing him. he eats at his naps so 2-3 times a day and off and on at night. we co-sleep so i dont know how much he eats at night. if af starts it would be my first pp af.

spiffy- mason isnt crawling either or even acting like he wants too. they all do it at their own time :flower: how amazing would it be if your DH was right!!!!

still no af for me :nope:
i do. im having cramps off and on. today is my birthday and i was really upset at first that it may start today, but then i figured nothing i can do so im fine with it if it does. at least cycles will be back :)

pie- i bet its a load off telling your best friend you are preggo. at least now you dont have to hide anything.

if we ever get pregnant again we wont tell for a while. we wont lie to anyone, no one asks, but it will be a few months. we get rude comments sometimes :wacko: we dont want to spoil the joy. our last baby we didnt say anything for a while.

what kind of comments? i didnt tell anyone other than my mum till i was 4 months pregnant almost 5months. people give me a lecture about it being to soon and why didnt i wait and judging me.. its like im married my husband and i want another baby so what! next time i probs wont tell anyoen till babys born lol other than my mum x
Wow - was out of town and just now able to log back in and catch up. You ladies are a busy bunch! Let's see how I do:

Chez - I'm sorry for your loss and hope you and your family are coming to some peace.

Youngwife - I hope you're doing better with your parents and are getting the rest you need. Lord knows you don't need anything extra on your plate right now.

Spiffy - YAY! CONGRATS! :)

Pez - Rats. Eww. We had a mouse problem last spring and I was freaking out about there being mice in my house when I brought the baby home. After some poison and some traps, they either got smart or got dead!

Blessed - Happy Birthday!

Harley - you had asked earlier in the thread about whether or not AF has come back yet since Lilli has been born. I had some really heavy bleeding at 4 weeks postpartum that the doctor said was AF, but I'm not sure if it really was or if it was just more pp bleeding. Then I had a period for real in August and September (was 2 weeks late in September) and then have not had another one. I am currently 3 weeks late. I took a test last Friday and got a negative and I'll probably take another one this weekend. However, I have PCOS and I'm nursing so...there is no telling what's really going on.

thanks hun much better havent heard anything about him today thank goodness and i had a good night today hubby said i should go out and enjoy myself so i went and hand a few orange juices with a friend lol and got back at 11pm! late for me lol and really enjoyed just chating about normal stuff and havin a good night xx
my daughters 8 months old and still got no teeth? not 1? is that normal lol every baby i know has teeth by now.. but she has been crawling since 5 months old and standing and pulling her self up since 6 months. her teeth none r even pushing through yet i always think shes teething but no teeth so maybe shes not teething? unless babys can teeth abit before they come through?
I'll definately let you know how DH reacts. :)

Youngwife, for me implantation felt like the slightly uncomfortable feeling I get just as my AF cramps are starting to set in.

hmm just before i got a positive for pregnancy with blood test at 3 weeks pregnant i did have muscle cramps in my tummy but i didnt know what it was.. but this time i didnt feel anything this time u really are intouch with ur body!
Harley, I hope you felt implantation and get your BFP this month!

Skadi, hopefully next month will be your month! Glad you're back on track again.

Pie, it is so hard to keep your mouth shut and not tell that you're pregnant! DH and I waited until 12 weeks to tell anyone with Sam and it was so hard and when we did finally tell everyone kept saying they knew we were pregnant! :haha:

Spiffy, how did DH react to the test???

AFM, still no AF! :growlmad: And I've taken multiple tests and all negative! MIL thinks that it is due to stress...I don't think so but maybe. I don't feel overly stressed but maybe I am! :cry: Ever since moving back to CA we have been insanely busy and maybe that is causing me stress. Who know?! I just wanna be back to normal and thinking about it makes me even more sad. I am going next month though to get blood work done to make sure that all my hormones are normal and hopefully get things going!

Does anyone know of anything to help regulate your period?

Hope everyone is doing well. :flower: Sorry to go on and be depressing!

no clue how to regulate. but you can still get prego with ireguler periods i had a 40 day cycle before getting pregnant this time hun ( before baby af was clockwork) so you still have a ood chance. i think it wasnt a probblem for me because i was ntnp and wasnt charting etc and all that. maybe google "things to regulate periods" i know some ppl take the pill to regulate period but that will not benifit you ttc :( xx hope it regultates itself and hope u get to relax so ur not to stressed xx
pie- i bet its a load off telling your best friend you are preggo. at least now you dont have to hide anything.

if we ever get pregnant again we wont tell for a while. we wont lie to anyone, no one asks, but it will be a few months. we get rude comments sometimes :wacko: we dont want to spoil the joy. our last baby we didnt say anything for a while.

what kind of comments? i didnt tell anyone other than my mum till i was 4 months pregnant almost 5months. people give me a lecture about it being to soon and why didnt i wait and judging me.. its like im married my husband and i want another baby so what! next time i probs wont tell anyoen till babys born lol other than my mum x

we have heard it all hun. we get comments for having so many and we get comments for having them so close in age. it used to get to me, but now not as much. once you get over the initial shock of someone saying something rude about one of your children (born or unborn) you just kind of expect it. i figure everyone else gets to raise their families the way they want, if we want to have 30 kids its no ones business. we started getting comments with the 4th so now we dont say anything right away. we joke about only telling people when we are in the hospital after the next (if there is one) baby is born lol. the funny thing is people who said rude things were actually mad at us for not saying something right away with the last baby :dohh: makes no sense!!! and recently DH's mom wasnt speaking to us. we had no idea why. DH finally found out she thought we were pregnant and hadnt told her. she is one who has made comments. DH told her we werent pregnant and we would tell her if we were. some grown people make me laugh! :wacko:

yay for 20 week scan! are you finding out gender???
Harley, are you waiting until 10 dpo to test? I'm really crossing my fingers that you'll be joining Pie and me this month! :) Also, what happened to your Fertility Friend chart? This may sound lame, but I was having fun watching your temps with you. :blush:
Yes, I am waiting for 10 dpo. I have that day off of work, so that's nice. LOL! You guys are funny. My FF chart is still there. It's just the text link instead of the thumbnail link.

Harley, I hope you felt implantation and get your BFP this month!

Does anyone know of anything to help regulate your period?

On a positive note though, Sam started walking this weekend! :happydance
Thanks! And yay, Sam! So fun! I just love that I can actually hear the little pitter patter of Ozzy's feet now that he's walking. Such a precious sound.

As for regulating your cycles, I read about a liver cleanse diet in one of the fertility books I read when I was first TTC. It's pretty simple and short, and the idea behind it is that the liver's job is to help clean out extra "used" hormones from our bodies, so if you are kind and gentle to your liver then it will be better at processing hormones and you will have less excess and better balance. Here is a link to a four-day version of the diet. I'm considering doing it next cycle (if there is one!).

my daughters 8 months old and still got no teeth? not 1? is that normal lol every baby i know has teeth by now.. but she has been crawling since 5 months old and standing and pulling her self up since 6 months. her teeth none r even pushing through yet i always think shes teething but no teeth so maybe shes not teething? unless babys can teeth abit before they come through?
Ozzy got his first tooth at 10 months, and he still only has two at almost 11 months! It's a bit later than most, but still within the norm.

we have heard it all hun. we get comments for having so many and we get comments for having them so close in age. it used to get to me, but now not as much. once you get over the initial shock of someone saying something rude about one of your children (born or unborn) you just kind of expect it. i figure everyone else gets to raise their families the way they want, if we want to have 30 kids its no ones business. we started getting comments with the 4th so now we dont say anything right away. we joke about only telling people when we are in the hospital after the next (if there is one) baby is born lol. the funny thing is people who said rude things were actually mad at us for not saying something right away with the last baby :dohh: makes no sense!!! and recently DH's mom wasnt speaking to us. we had no idea why. DH finally found out she thought we were pregnant and hadnt told her. she is one who has made comments. DH told her we werent pregnant and we would tell her if we were. some grown people make me laugh! :wacko:
LOL. Sounds like they were mad that they couldn't have said rude things to you earlier! People are so funny sometimes.

Youngwife, I'm excited to hear about your scan tomorrow! :happydance:

Harley, I feel like my life is now complete now that I can stalk your chart again! :rofl:

Ladies, the bloat is setting in! After a good meal, I look like I'm five months pregnant again! :blush: I should take a picture. It really is sad. :haha:
well af hit me early.. boo but onto the last cycle before ttc.. :) just ups when we start so no problem with that.. :)
Way to look at the bright side, Rojo! You're that much closer to your bfp month! :winkwink:
Haha spiffy I've got pregnancy bloat as well! DH looked at me and said are you showing already? :dohh: I said nope just the dreaded bloat. I've been wondering when I will start showing though, think it was around 4 months with Noah.

Ooh youngwife can't wait to hear about the scan!

Rojo that's great, means you're one step closer!

That sounds intriguing harley, I never thought about cleansing your body of hormones. I guess see what the next few days bring :winkwink:

Blessed that's awful, I can't believe how rude people can be :nope: I don't get it, children are a blessing and if you can look after them I don't see what the big deal is :shrug: I guess everyone has to have an opinion. If you only had one they'd be going on about how mean it would be not to give that one a sibling :dohh:

Well today is not going to be a good day, Noah has his MMR and booster jabs this morning :cry: I'm dreading it! I know it needs to be done but he's so much more aware these days and I can't bear the thought of him knowing what's coming. Hope he isn't too affected afterwards.
Ooooh, exciting. Good luck for your scan today, Youngwife! :happydance: Oh, and Elsa doesn't have teeth either but I feel she's been teething since 3months old... My cousin said the same about her DS and he didn't get his first too until 9/10months. I think it'll be a while until DD cuts a tooth. She's still not crawling either but rolls all over to anything she wants :haha: I find that funny because my mom said that's how I started getting to things, but I was walking at 9months. It's crazy how things used to be and kids (in my family) were walking and talking sooner than they are now. :shrug: I'm not worried about her lack of teeth (LOL!) atm as my mom didn't find mine or my sister BACK teeth until 10/11months! Yep, we got the back ones first...

Oh, did I say "happy birthday," Blessed? I'm so sorry if I didn't... I was meaning to! :dohh: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!

DD had her 7-9month check yesterday and everything is fine, she is spot on with everything and her height is even a little above average which is great because DF's side are all tall (not too tall) and all my side are all teeny-tiny :haha: (Well, I'm 5'5") She has his long legs for sure. He's not too tall (about 5'11") but his legs are really long for a guy...
That's great about Elsa's check-up chez :thumbup: They told me that Noah would be quite tall too which is hilarious because both me and DH are short, me in particular :haha: I can just picture myself telling off a boy who's taller than me...

Just had the MMR and my monkey was so brave! Three injections and he cried a bit but not much. The first one was done without a cry at all but then he knew what was coming bless him so he tried to wriggle away. So proud of him, he's sat eating a big bowl of chicken, broccoli and tomato pasta so normal service seems to have been resumed :haha:
Chez, glad to hear your DD's appointment went well! It's funny that your DD seems to following in your footsteps, because my DD definately isn't. I was crawling by 6 months and walking along furniture by 8 months. My DD right now is just laying on her back moaning and whining because her toys are out of arm reach. :dohh:

Pie, glad your little monkey took his shots (jabs?) well. I always dread those, but I think it will be harder when she knows what's coming. For me, not her! :haha: I was always really bad with shots as a kid and had a huge fear of blood, so much that when I was little I told me parents that they couldn't say "blood", they had to call it "the red stuff." :rofl:

Blessed, sorry to hear that people give you a hard time about your big, wonderful family. Move to Utah! People wouldn't even look twice at a family your size! :haha: There was a family in my church congregation with 10 kids, and that wasn't even a huge deal, and I have a friend here who is also NTNP indefinately. Plus we could hang out! :winkwink:

So I decided to take my temperature this morning, just because I was curious what a "pregnancy temp" would look like for me, and it was only 97.2, which is only .3 degrees above pre-ovulation temps, and basically the same temp I get right before AF starts! :shock: Don't worry, I put the thermometer away and will not be touching it again this pregnancy, but it was still a bit alarming to see. :(
Chez and Pie - glad you're LO's appointments went well. We have one scheduled for next Monday and I'm excited to hear what they have to say.

Blessed - I'm surprised that you guys get rude comments but maybe that's just because I'm used to really big families. One of my very best friends when I was growing up is the oldest of 14. I'm the oldest of 8. Children are blessings so good for you!

Young wife - Good luck for your scan today! Can't wait to hear how it went!

Harley - when are you testing? Fx for you!
yes spiffy put the therm. away.. your pregnant!!

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