Anyone TTC while breastfeeding want to buddy up?

from what i read it moves your o to the appropriate time whether its early or late and extends the lp if needed. its supposed to fix your cycle to make it normal. but i did read it doesnt help some people and can make it worse before getting better in some others. supposed to take a few months to work since its an herb. and works pretty good for nursing moms cuz it reduces prolactin. and even moms who recently quit nursing cuz the prolactin levels can take a while to go down after weaning. i have an oversupply and get mastitis from it sometimes, so it has actually helped me there too. some women use small doses to up milk supply in early bfing.
I just quit my Vitex last week. So far on it for 2 cycles I ovulated CD 20 and now this last time even later, like CD 24 or something. It totally messed me up and made me ovulate way later than I used to:( Hope it works for you, I hated it!

I wanted to do B6 but read somehwere that taking extra B6 while breast feeding and already on a prenatal would be too much.

I have been temping, but not super consitent. I do it every day, but sometimes 5:30 am, sometimes 6:30 and sometimes 7:30. It all depends when Kian wakes up the first its probably just a crap chart. Apparently I've ovulated though and am like DPO 6 or 7. We shall see. I feel nothing but extreme exhaustion. More tired than ever felt before it seems. I hate to look into it too much but the only times I've ever had this problem I was pregnant. but I doubt it....since my 18 mo has been nursing constant ALL FRICKEN NIGHT AND DAY lately. Seriously, he just nursed like 10 minutes ago and is back for more. I am getting so annoyed. Not like I can ever get pregnant with him doing this.

ok, rant over!
IMO as long as FF can figure out your temp readings, and you can see a difference in the pre-ovulation and post-ovulation readings, then it's good enough. I temp at 7am wherever possible, though like you it depends on what the kids are doing. Last cycle my readings were okay, so I don't have any plans on changing things.
We are going to try an experiment tonight. We're going to try having DH sleep with DD (usually I cosleep with her) to see if she can go all night without nursing. She slept through the night a couple nights this week without waking up to nurse all on her own, so we think she might be ready. If she gets too upset and he can't soothe her back to sleep I will nurse her, but I'm hoping this will work and she will go for it. Wish us luck!
nypage- i have read some women having it delay o. sorry it didnt work for you :hugs: hope you are preggo! my LO has been kicking up how much he nurses too. like he knows im trying to lower it so he wants it more??? :haha: im trying to give him a sippy more and more solids. he refuses bottles and formula, so great :lol:

lara- i cant temp at the same time either. its between 6:30 and 8:30. thats as close as i can get it down. i agree, as long as ff can figure it out. the last 2 cycles i have seen a clear shift, so thats nice

lisk- hope it works and dd sleeps better <3

so far my o date moved up 2 days and lp extended to 7 days- was 6 last cycle. i read and im not taking enough vitex so im upping it this cycle
Maybe I wasn't taking enough? I am scared to try it again!

I feel like my chart has shifted...but was really messed up the beginning cuz I didn't really do it right but got it all figured out I belive. I have super low temps on a normal day. Wonder if that indicates anything.

Lis good luck! I wish I could night wean...

I am sure i'll never get preg while breast feeding this way:( I am 10 DPO according to FF and I have tested past 3 days. All neg. I am out:( So gutted as I was right on with the ovulation day and DTD that day and a few days prior. So sad. I can't stand to keep trying like this when I don't ovulate until CD 23-28 its SUCH a long cycle. now I hope AF just comes early and gets it over with. GRRRRR
sorry nypage! :( i know exactly how you feel. i have an extremely short lp. was 5 days and then 6, last month was 7. i dont feel like it will be possible to get pregnant while bfing, but my LO isnt anywhere near weaning. it scares me that even if i do get pregnant i may mc since my hormones are so out of whack. its very frustrating :cry:
It is so frustrating. And I know some others can totally easily fall pregnant while breast feeding.

I have pretty icky cramps today, so expect AF any time. 11 dpo. What LP length needs to be present to get pregnant? I forget.

My temps are def not high enough to be preg so I should have realized that right away and not been so hopeful.
Hi ladies! I'm hoping you might have some insight... I have been EBF LO and I got my first pp period about 6 weeks ago but have had nothing since... Should I expect another soon or could that be a random one off for a while? I really want to get my cycles back so that we can ttc number 2... I am worried that it won't be possible :(
Hi ladies! I'm hoping you might have some insight... I have been EBF LO and I got my first pp period about 6 weeks ago but have had nothing since... Should I expect another soon or could that be a random one off for a while? I really want to get my cycles back so that we can ttc number 2... I am worried that it won't be possible :(

My first cycle after my first PP period was extremely long (around 60 days). I think it's normal for your cycles to be wonky when they first come back.
It is so frustrating. And I know some others can totally easily fall pregnant while breast feeding.

I have pretty icky cramps today, so expect AF any time. 11 dpo. What LP length needs to be present to get pregnant? I forget.

My temps are def not high enough to be preg so I should have realized that right away and not been so hopeful.

I think they say a minimum of 10, but I know that women have fallen pregnant with shorter LPs (usually just takes longer).
How is everyone doing? It looks like the B6 may have helped. I had a 10 day LP this time (up from 7)!
Hey! That's great news! I haven't been on in awhile, I was getting bleeds every 14 days, so I went to the doc and he said it was prob because of bf, and my body was just getting confused, :( might just have to wean if I'm to get Preg :(
Hello girls, just popping in to say that I got my BFP on 4th April. I am still BF my daughter once during the day and on demand from 7pm until 7am. I had a 12 day LP.

Don't give up, because it could happen anytime. I hope you get your BFPs soon ladies

Hello girls, just popping in to say that I got my BFP on 4th April. I am still BF my daughter once during the day and on demand from 7pm until 7am. I had a 12 day LP.

Don't give up, because it could happen anytime. I hope you get your BFPs soon ladies


Awesome! CONGRATS!!!!!
lis- thats so awesome about you lp! hope the b-6 helps you get preggo <3

lara- congrats!!!! :yellow:

i havent been on here much, staying pretty busy trying to finish up the school year with the kids early so we can relax more.

i am on my 2nd month of vitex and started using progesterone cream. not sure which is helping- maybe both?? but my lp since starting ppaf was 5, 6, and 7 days. im now on 9 or 10dpo and no af so far. im very thankful its getting better. hopefully my body will be normal again soon!
Congrats Laura! great news thanks for the well wishes for us!

I am CD 22...still no ovulstion. I hate my cycle so much. Ugh. This will never happen! So frustrated because all the ladies I journal with on here got pregnant this month. Seriously, they're going like flies. No fair! waaaah.

Anyways, should be ovulating tomorrow according to FF and its guestimate. We'll see, I feel CM different so its possible. Temps and OPKs aren't showing it though.
hello ladies i would love to join! i am co sleeping with and still bfing my 20 month old daughter! she bfs at nap time and bed time, and usually once or twice at night. she looooveessss to nurse :) this is my first cycle trying to conceive #2... my periods have been back since 10 months and appear normal, so i am hoping this happens right away!!
Welcome jsmum! Congrats on breastfeeding for so long - that's awesome!

Are you charting? My cycles appear to be the normal 30 days but as it turns out I am ovulating late, so my LP is pretty short. I figured that out by charting. Hopefully you are right that your cycles are normal!
Welcome jsmum! Congrats on breastfeeding for so long - that's awesome!

Are you charting? My cycles appear to be the normal 30 days but as it turns out I am ovulating late, so my LP is pretty short. I figured that out by charting. Hopefully you are right that your cycles are normal!

thank you for the welcome! i honestly don't know too much about charting :shrug: so i am hoping to learn a lot from you ladies! how do i begin?

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