Anyone TTC while breastfeeding want to buddy up?

lisk- thanks, my temp is still up so im pretty sure i o'ed. it was the latest i ever have. looks like i almost did around my usual time but didnt. maybe from bfing i guess. im feeling very good about this cycle :) hope you o soon :D

gidge- i dont think it matters much about how high it goes as long as there is a clear shift. i can see one on your chart! :flower:

lara- i would just pick one and start. the agnus castus can take a few months to work for some women. the soy should work right away. i dont know anything about red clover but if its an herb it can take a while to work also. hope you figure it out hun :hugs:
Yay I would love to join this group! I have been TTC #2 with my husband for 6 months while breastfeeding, no luck at all! I started BBT charting last month and low and behold, it looks like I have a 9 day luteal phase. I weaned my son last month (he was ready), and started taking B6 midway through this hopefully this will help lengthen it! I had no idea this was fairly common in women who are breastfeeding, I thought it was just me until I read this post :)

I'm now waiting to see how long it will take for my hormones to return to 'normal' after weaning? I ovulated on Day 20 of my cycle, currently on Day we'll see if anything is different this month...
Cramping today and a BFN:( Ovulation was around feb 8,9,10 so I am right at the time that I'd have postiive test if I was going to:( I am really beginning to think it wont happen and am really sad today. Sigh.
I am sure AF will arrive any day now so I am out.
Next month I am out, as we are traveling so really really wanted it this cycle.
lisk- thanks, my temp is still up so im pretty sure i o'ed. it was the latest i ever have. looks like i almost did around my usual time but didnt. maybe from bfing i guess. im feeling very good about this cycle :) hope you o soon :D

Definitely looks like you O'd. Fx for you!

Yay I would love to join this group! I have been TTC #2 with my husband for 6 months while breastfeeding, no luck at all! I started BBT charting last month and low and behold, it looks like I have a 9 day luteal phase. I weaned my son last month (he was ready), and started taking B6 midway through this hopefully this will help lengthen it! I had no idea this was fairly common in women who are breastfeeding, I thought it was just me until I read this post :)

I'm now waiting to see how long it will take for my hormones to return to 'normal' after weaning? I ovulated on Day 20 of my cycle, currently on Day we'll see if anything is different this month...

Welcome! Good luck with the B6. I was going to try that this cycle but then decided to give it one more cycle before starting. Let us know how it turns out!

Cramping today and a BFN:( Ovulation was around feb 8,9,10 so I am right at the time that I'd have postiive test if I was going to:( I am really beginning to think it wont happen and am really sad today. Sigh.
I am sure AF will arrive any day now so I am out.
Next month I am out, as we are traveling so really really wanted it this cycle.

I'm sorry! :hugs: Is there any chance that you O'd later than that?
Wow, LisK; look at your temp rise!

- - -

I think I have ovulated after all. A few days ago I was convinced I wasn't going to at all (I was around CD24 in what I assumed to be a 34-day cycle), but then I ovulated yesterday I think at CD26. I think I'm 1DPO today, but just waiting a couple more days in the hope of seeing proper temp rises. Fingers crossed.
Wow, LisK; look at your temp rise!

- - -

I think I have ovulated after all. A few days ago I was convinced I wasn't going to at all (I was around CD24 in what I assumed to be a 34-day cycle), but then I ovulated yesterday I think at CD26. I think I'm 1DPO today, but just waiting a couple more days in the hope of seeing proper temp rises. Fingers crossed.

Fingers crossed for you!

AFM... I'm not sure I trust the temp rise that I got this morning. I woke up with a sore throat and I think I have an illness that I got from my DD, who had low grade fevers over last weekend, so I'm pretty skeptical about whether that's a true temp rise. Plus I have EWCM today, so it's all very confusing.
i dont know hun, you do have that pos opk too. hope you did, but with being sick i understand the doubt. my throat has been crazy sore and i woke up with a stuffed up nose today. :growlmad:
Got my crosshairs this morning :happydance: they're dotted so I guess they might change as the days go by, which is fine because they show ovulation two days before I think I got it. All the symptoms pointed to ovulating two days later than FF is showing me. But TBH the date doesn't even matter; I'm just glad I ovulated at all.
Got my crosshairs this morning :happydance: they're dotted so I guess they might change as the days go by, which is fine because they show ovulation two days before I think I got it. All the symptoms pointed to ovulating two days later than FF is showing me. But TBH the date doesn't even matter; I'm just glad I ovulated at all.

:happydance: yey for ovulation. My ovulation date got moved from cd14 to cd 18. Yours does look like you did 2 days later I bet it will move in a few days. xx
AF came last night and I am CD2 today. Onwards and outwards.

Can we recap- is anyone taking anything to assist them? I consider EPO and Vit B6. thoughts? I am not sure that Vitex did much but it DID make my ovulation painless for the first time so am consdiering taking that too once AF stops. What do you all think?

Maybe I should get a fancy Ovulation predictor of some sort? I jus used the internet cheapie pee sticks. They showed extreme surges, but hard to konw exact ovulation time.
i take a b-50 complex. it has 50 of b-6 and 50 of all the other b vitamins plus 400 folic acid. if you take b-6 alone it can make you deficient in the other b vits and not enough b-12 can make you miscarry.

im also taking natural progesterone cream.

b complex all month long and progesterone cream after o
Hi - just thought I'd do a brief update. I mentioned that I started taking 50 mg of B6 this month to lengthen my luteal phase - well it has worked! I am having the longest cycle since my baby was born. I am currently 10 dpo with no sign of a period yet! My BBT spiked .4 degrees this morning...I am really hoping I am pregnant, but I am also just relieved that my luteal phase is a bit longer this month.
That's great! I'm glad the B6 is working and fx you are pregnant!
Can we recap- is anyone taking anything to assist them?
im not taking anything currently but if my LP is shorter than I'd like then ill probably look into taking something to lengthen it for my next cycle. I'm only wondering because according to the date I ovulated this time (CD26) I should have a 40 day cycle, and they've never been more than about 35 days, so either this is a random cycle or my LP is too short. This is the first postpartum cycle I've properly monitored so I don't really know where my body's at

On a separate note I have migraines that are linked to my menstrual cycle; I get crazy migraines when I ovulate and when I have AF - basically whenever the hormones spike. Trouble is I don't know which hormones are responsible. Once I figure that out, if its the decline of oestrogen I might take supplements. If its the spike of progesterone then perhaps something to lessen the blow. It's so hard to look after two young children when you feel like you're dying :coffee:
sorry for the migraines lara. :( i dont get them but my DH does and i feel so horrible for him. i hope you figure out whats causing it :hugs:

so i am cd2 today. i had a 6 day lp for my 2nd cycle. i adjusted my ff chart to when i thought i o'ed mny 1st cycle and it was a 5 day lp, so its actually getting better. i got sick with mastitis my first cycle so ff gave me cross hairs, but i suspected something was wrong. its all a learning experience lol.

thinking of doing soy or vitex this cycle, but not sure which. or may just let it adjust itself. havent decided
sorry for the migraines lara. :( i dont get them but my DH does and i feel so horrible for him. i hope you figure out whats causing it :hugs:
Thanks :) This month I had a bit of a breakthrough with them though - I noticed in my past pregnancies that migraines would be a lot worse during certain times; whenever hormones went wild, basically. And after baby #2 I noticed the attern of getting them during my period and mid-cycle, which lead me to think they were hormonal.

This has been my first month of charting, and I've had 6 days of migraines all around my ovulation. So even if I don't get pregnant for a few months, i'll be able to collate data to take back to the doctor and I'll hopefully be one step closer to managing them.
Well, I made it 11 dpo and my cycle started again. I am still happy that Vit B6 seemed to have extended the cycle one day. I also spoke with my sister (who has been charting her BBT's for years, unlike me) and she said she ALWAYS has a 9 or 10 day luteal phase...and she has gotten pregnant twice on the first try each time. So maybe short luteal phases run in my family? I am trying not to worry about it too much! :)

Blessedmamma, good luck if you try Vitex or soy this month. I hadn't heard of using soy, I will have to look it up! Thanks for sharing that.
Well, I made it 11 dpo and my cycle started again. I am still happy that Vit B6 seemed to have extended the cycle one day. I also spoke with my sister (who has been charting her BBT's for years, unlike me) and she said she ALWAYS has a 9 or 10 day luteal phase...and she has gotten pregnant twice on the first try each time. So maybe short luteal phases run in my family? I am trying not to worry about it too much! :)

Blessedmamma, good luck if you try Vitex or soy this month. I hadn't heard of using soy, I will have to look it up! Thanks for sharing that.
sally what days do you take the B6? Depending what my body does in the next few days I may need to look into getting some. After the temp drop I had this morning I'm half expecting AF to come early :(

EDIT- and what are the benefits of soy and vitex? To lengthen the LP aswell? What days should you take those? Can you tell I'm new to this? :haha:

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