Anyone waiting to get their cycles back (regardless of the reason) to TTC?!

For those of you looking to get your cycles back without quitting bf, this website might contain relevant information:

I really can't say whether the information contained within is accurate (I haven't checked her sources as I read it out of curiosity, I haven't even had my first yet!) Buuut, I figured it might still be worth a shot.
Well, I may have spoke too soon on my's looking like my body tried to ovulate, gave me all the O signs but didn't actually release an egg. I have yet to shed any lining and AF has nearly completely stopped. It could still pick back up but I am incredibly disappointed. On top of that, this morning I started feeling very lightheaded and dizzy. Then my blood sugar dropped and started shaking with cold sweats. Then the cramps hit me. For those that have had babies, I would say it was at or worse than my labor contractions when I hit transition. I was curled up in a ball and had to vocalize through them. It was about 5-7 minutes straight before it eased up and went away.

Called my doctor and she wanted me first to make sure I wasn't pregnant (negative test, phew). She said it could be the onset of something like the stomach flu. But with no other symptoms and feeling fine now, I don't think this is it. If it happens again, she wants me to go to the ER to make sure nothing is immediately wrong. And then come into the office for further testing.

Just makes me so frustrated that this is all happening right before we are starting to try. I hope this doesn't lead to secondary infertility issues because my body can't sort itself back out. I'm glad my doctor will intervene at 4 months trying if we aren't preggo
Oh no kkysb9 I'm so sorry to hear this sending you massive :hugs: really hope it was a one off and things will be fine next cycle and back on track - are you ttc this cycle or waiting another month? Sounds like a really horrible experience and don't blame you for being frustrated.

I think I'm out :cry: feeling hormonal and annoyed so sure AF round the corner. Also BB less sore and although I've not struggled with that since coming off bc I seem to remember now I did when ttc and they became less sore right before AF. I wonder if it's down to me not taking EPO past O as was ttc for first time?!

Roll on next cycle for both of us!

Hope you feel better in the morning. Xxx
:hugs::hugs: the witch hasn't shown yet so you're not out yet!

We are waiting another month, so starting next cycle. I think I'm going to pick up a thermometer and start temping this cycle.
Thank you kksy9b :) but AF like cramps today. Really hoping the witch stays away until at least tomorrow meaning I'd have a 10 LP, not great I know but better than 9! It would be good if it happened over the weekend so I could just deal with it and move on as my sis has her 20 wk scan on Monday and whilst I'm excited, I'm also feeling a little sad about it cos I'd so hoped we'd be able to have LOs close together.

Sounds like a good plan temping, hope this next cycle goes well. How are you feeling today?

I hope she stays away for you at least one more day. :hugs:

Sorry if you've mentioned this before- with your DD did you have to have any intervention? Or was she conceived naturally?

AFM, I was hopeful last night because I had a couple small clots...but absolutely nothing today. So calling anovulatory cycle and moving on. Ordered a thermometer that should be here Saturday so I'll start temping Sunday.
I'm really sorry to hear that and hope your next cycle goes smoothly! I think we all have at least one like that a year or something?! So good to get it out the way when you're wtt rather than ttc?

We were about to start Clomid - fertility Dr said we probably would not conceive on our own and little did I know when I was sitting in his room being told that I was actually pregnant!! I had been diagnosed with low progesterone and whilst waiting for appt and been having acupuncture.

I think the 6 months WTT have been good this time around as I'm sure I have O'd several times but looking back to last time (I wasn't temping and just going by an app that automatically put O in mid cycle!!!) I don't think O was happening as I didn't have cramps or EWCM. I've made appt to see acupuncturist but she wants me to try for a few months first! So not seeing her until March.

Hope when your new thermometer arrives tomorrow it gives you a bit of a boost :hugs:
Hi ladies! I would like to join you if you don't mind. 😊 My ds just turned 10 months old yesterday and I'm breastfeeding him regularly. We are technically ntnp at the moment. My cycles returned in October last year and have been kind of all over the place. They seem to be getting back to normal-ish, but my lp has been really short (3-4 days) the past couple months. I decided to try adding my prenatal back in and I am still waiting to ovulate this cycle. I'm hoping it will be in the next couple days. Ff thinks I should've ovulated already and af isn't due until March 3.

I hope everyone has a lucky month coming up!
Hello RubysMommy! I see you're getting ready to ttc #3, how exciting!! I'd always thought I'd have more than 2, but after my DD arrived it took AGES for my DH to agree to 2, and he keeps saying "you know this is the last don't you?!" am very jealous!

Hope your cycles straighten themselves out for you soon, do you have a date in mind to start ttc?

Arturia-thanks I'll check out the website!

Scarlett I know you said you thought AF was coming but your temps haven't dropped yet so FX those temps stay up!

Kksy- sorry to hear you didn't ovukate. Good luck temping!

Welcome Rubysmommy! Are you tracking your cycles at all?

Afm-I feel like AF might be around the corner. Im very crampy so hopefully my body is doing something and this isn't just in my head lol. It's been 2 years since I had a cycle and even then my cycles were really long so I'm kinda forgetting what I felt like before AF arrived.
Eeekk Andi, I know!! Tbf I've started with a dreadful cold... But I hardly dare say it, I've now got twinges like I had before my BFP. If AF turns up in going to feel like I'm actually crazy because I'm now starting to suspect that I am!

Fingers crossed for AF for you. Are you temping atm or waiting til after AF?

I'm not temping atm. Without knowing if/when my cycle returns I feel like it will just be pointless. Plus my son still wakes during the night so I'm thinking it may make my temps inconsistent if I'm getting out of bed during the night. I kinda of hope I don't have to really TTC this time. I hope it just happens on its own without timing everything and taking temps or fertility drugs. Is it to much to ask that I just get a surprise BFP like so many other women do?
Chart is looking amazing Scarlett!!
Thanks kksyb9! Not sure if it's this cold though, it's awful we've all now got it. Hubby and I were meant to be going to a friends for dinner tonight, had lined up a babysitter (children free party and everything!) and instead of heading out the door we're heading to bed! How are you feeling today?

Big hugs Andi, I know what you mean and think you're right not to think about temping etc right now. I've had 6 months wtt when I've been trying to work on the issues that we had ttc first time round and I'm so hoping it pays off this time...

Good luck Scarlett! Hopefully it's a bfp!

Scarlett I've always told dh I would ideally like to have 5 kids. He is totally on board 😊 And I've really enjoyed the 17 month age gap. We will have a slightly larger age gap this time if my lp lengthens anytime soon here. We don't have any exact time we are officially going to ttc atm. Just going to see how it goes for now.

Andi I've been charting my cycles and since I'm breastfeeding they are off still. This month I was supposed to o sometime the last 5 days (according to ff) and I've had wet cm but no ewcm yet. I've never temped before and don't think it would be very accurate for me with ds still waking me randomly at night. The last two cycles I o'd on day 32 of 36 day cycle and 26 of a 30 day cycle.
I hoped adding my prenatal back in everyday it would help balance my hormones a bit. I will see if it helps within the next couple weeks, I guess.
Well temp dip this morning so not feeling as positive any more!

Wow, 5 that's amazing. Really hope vits help with your cycle Rubysmummy and you O soon. All the waiting in ttc is so frustrating!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend xx
:hugs: still well above your coverline...when is AF due?
Thanks kksy9b :hugs: FF said yesterday, I think today and my other app thinks Tuesday!!

It's because I O'd earlier this month. Although I guess other poss could be I didn't actually O after all (I did have to put CH in FF which is why they're blue!) although I'm sure I did and I thought it was my op at the start of my cycle that had screwed my temps up.

We went to Holland and Barrett yesterday to pick up some new vits, so I feel like if AF does show I'll be ok as I'm armed and ready for next cycle!

How are you now? x
Chart is still looking great!
Thanks kksy9b :) not sure what's going on today not any symptoms apart from feeling a bit sick which I think could be this cold still and this morning creamy/watery/EWCM goodness knows what is going on with me right now!!

How are you doing? x

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