Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

Wow...Carole that sounds so scary. Good thing you went to the hospital though. At least now you have the comfort of knowing it's being monitored. You'll have to let us know how that appt goes for the ecko.

I'm ok. Back to not feeling much movement anymore :( Kinda rediculous and really frustrating. I have been getting a lot of cramping and fullness/pressure right in the middle very low. My next appt is on Thursday....terrified of how much shit they will give me for the weight gain. I am going to ask them about how Lucas is measuring, since I didn't think to ask the sonographer....and I want to see if he is ahead. Wonder when they will have me to the GD test? I don't remember from Lexi's pregnancy.
Thanks girls..... Dr siad they will prob make me wear a monitor at home for 24hrs so they can get a better idea of what is happening.
It's sooo annoying, I have it bad right now again and it's happening every 5 secs or so. feels like I am being scared. LOL....Oh well, nothing I can do.

I am sure u haven't gained that much Nicole, u look great in your bump pics. Love the stroller/car seat combo. looks like u lost some weight in your pic??
Do they think it's a pre-existing condition that you are just noticing more because you are prego or is it brought on by pregnancy?

Oh, I've gained a lot....about 22 or 23 pounds. Craziness. Not really sure where it all has gone either??? Thanks...Lexi was loving the stroller...such a goof!
I don't think I have lost any weight but I haven't gained any either. I have been hungrier lately but nothing sounds good to eat...and back to being naustead a lot.
No....they don't. It is a condition that can pop up when pg due to the hormones and increased blood, crazy eh.
I still wide awake here as I feel wired and can't sleep. I need a drink to knock my ass out. OJ will have to cut it.
Ur daughter is always soo smiley.

I thought u lost reeds....ur carrying well then.
Hmmm...I was wondering because I was curious as to whether it will continue to effect you after the pregnancy...since you are having it pretty if the pregnancy will set it off. I hope not...sounds scary!!!

Yeah, thankfully she's a pretty happy little girl. Of course she's almost 2 so we have a TON of meltdowns here....but I think it's to be expected?? For the most part she's very easy to please and gets excited over everything.
She is a cutie.....Believe it or not the dr said it's not harmful as I have a reg beat or two inbetween....If they were back to back it would be scary. As well....the ultrasound of the heart will see if there is a weak spot in my heart that caused this or just they pg. They figure it was just the pg as all the tests came back neg except a low magesium level. As well as myself not having this when I am not pg.
Time will was hard falling asleep last nite with it.

What u have on the agenda for today? My ex just came by and got the boys as it's his bday and we each get them on bdays. So joe and I are chilling, laundry on the go, chores pretty much done. Maybe we will even go to a movie today.
Have a good one.
:shrug: I took a hpt about 2 weeks ago got a positive result (feelin some symptoms... nausea, headaches, sore bbs but off and on (the bbs that is), and had some cramping as well (kinda feels like a pulling feelin). 3 miscarriages (early) and none felt like this. Went for my ob apt today and during ultrasound (they didn't see anything), pelvic exam (where the Dr. said that my uterus was way in back), then a transvaginal ultrasound and it took a few minutes to find it because it was tilted to the back. They said that it was to small to show up on ultrasound. Ran blood work (beta, and progesterone)... Dr. told me not to worry because its not uncommon for this to happen where the position of my uterus could make it difficult to see the lil one and even if the beta numbers aren't high enough it could be that my dates were not right and I would get to come back every 2 days for repeat blood work and ultrasounds more often as well until we get to see lil one. I have been cryin about everything today... even though Dr. said she didn't see anything that would cause her to be concerned nor did she see anything she didn't like. If that was the case she said she would tell me, and that I don't need to worry till she tells me that she is. She said thinkin positive is what I need to do. I am however I am scared to death because I don't feel the symptoms that are listed for 5 weeks and that according to lmp I should be. Does anyone relate to this? Why is it that its not showing up on the ultrasound? Do they automatically run preg test on urine when you go in for first visit? They asked for urine sample and my mom asked me if they ran one on it... I couldn't answer her. I am so nervous, Dr. told me that it happens sometimes when your in early pregnancy and or your uterus is tilted to the back rather than to the front and we need to give lil guy time to grow.:shrug: I fell like its all gonna make me crazy:wacko:.
Hi hun. I think we all in this thread have been there. At 5 weeks its still really early to be able to see anything. All your symptoms sound really promising. When will you get you blood test from today? If your uterous is tilted it may be harder to see and needafriend is your lady to answer that she has one. Stay and chat with us...we all have had rough starts and making it. FX for you.
Hi....tilted uterus's can be tricky. I know that the beta numbers have to be a certain number before u will see anything on a scan. Don't read too much into your numbers as they vary so much with each pg and each woman. I will try to relax and wait for your bloods to come back. I went for a good month after my bfp for bloods as my levels weren't textbook.....FX for u hun!!! Good luck and keep us posted!!!
I logged off too soon last nite and missed your message.
i am ok....feeling alittle under the weather but oh well. Going to start my christmas baking today. Sugar cookies, butter tarts, mollases ginger snaps, whipped short bread. Don't think i will get it all done today but I will try. How are u doing?
Hey Nicole...When are u getting ur 3d scan?

Hope u are are well and getting beat up by all the baby kicks.
I am planning on getting the 3d done around 27 weeks. Not sure exactly when is the 'best time'. With Lexi I got it done around 28 weeks (I think)...but she seemed kinda cramped in there, and we didn't get too many good shots. I can't get a straight answer from the place I am going on when is the best week.

I'm still not feeling much....go figure.

On a personal note, I am completely depressed and sad. Tomorrow we are putting down our 'puppy' Marley. He's almost 1 and we got him when my mom found his liter abandoned in a ditch in the country. He was only about 6 weeks old. We've had issues for the past 7 months or so with him growling at Lexi. It's not real growls...but subtle little ones, but still unacceptable. We tried for a while to give him to someone without luck, and I don't really want to pass on a "bad" dog to someone else w/ kids. I love him to death and it's been a hard decision, but I think it's what is right. We've tried special hormone collars....positive reinforcement....negative consequences...everything. I take heart in knowing that we tried to give him a good home. Unfortunately where we live there is a lot of dog mistreatment, so we have no clue what he "came from"...there is lots of imbreading here as well which causes agression in dogs.

Sorry to blab on and on...I'm just sad :( Hope you guys understand and agree and don't think I am a bad person for putting him down.
AAwww Nicole so sorry to hear about your dog having to be put down. As you know I am a dog lover and its a hard thing to do but if he is showing signs of aggression your making the best decision for him. Even if you find someone to take him and he attacks your going to feel guilty. Its just such a heart breaker when you love someone so much. We have 4 dogs, I would bring you Dozer if I could the little turd. LOL Hang in there sweetie I am wishing you all the best. XX
Thanks hun :)

We are dog lovers too...they sleep in our bed!! It's like he has poor impulse control...when he growls immediately afterward he notices he's done wrong and gives her kisses. But, I also know all it takes is one quick bite (and he is a 80 pound dog...VERY strong). So if at one point he snaps at her instead of just growl, it would be bad. I still feel bad though :(
We had two pitts we got from rescue 3 or 4 years ago and we had to put them down due to aggression as well. Except we saw signs and kept giving them chances, then they did bite.

One of those things where you know it's best....but is still so hard. Thanks for understanding.
I feel for you sweetie. Breaks my heart. Our big dog Bear last night scared me...he was sleeping in our room and all of a sudden he came flying out of there acting crazy and jumped on Tj's chair slobering and wild eyed. He actually growled at me when I touched him and was trying to figure out what was wrong...he was fine with my daughter but then he got sick all over his chair. I tried to get him out the door and he growled at me again. HE has never shown any aggression but Hayley said Bear real loud and he snapped out of it and went to her. Tj got home from work and checked on him we was afraid it was rabies cause he was slobbering and acting crazy but he was fine. Tj brought him in and he walked right in and walked over to me and started licking my hand. I think he was sick and scared but still kinda makes me nervous. I will be watching him closely. He is a big dog too.

Oh and ladies I have hit the I am hungry all the time this week!! Shoving everything in my face. LOL
Aw poor guy :( Def. sounds like he was out of it, esspecially to freak out and then get sick. Sounds like something scared the hell outta him!

I have been hungry all the time of this pregnancy (hmmm....maybe that would explain the horrible weight gain). I feel like I am starving all the time. Annoying isn't it?
Yes its very annoying I never feel rightnow I am so nauseated but yet want to eat but I know all will happen is it will all come back up. So frustrating.

We did go today to pick out the paint color for Gunner's wall. He only gets one. LOL. His crib is in with us so we are painting one wall and Tj will paint a monkey muriel on it. I keep asking him to start and he is like I have time...he will be doing it while I am in labor. LOL

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