Anyone want to buddy up with a lack of symptoms??

our secret thread is dying...........

How are all u ladies doing? Getting close to Christmas, u all ready?
No not dying...we are all just getting ready for christmas!! Aggghh I think I am finally done shopping. Maybe. LOL

I have been wondering about Nicole. She hasn't been on for a few days but I seen her on fb.

I am being a crabby hag today and was kinda snippy to a girl in another thread about being induced early just so her life would be more convient. There was no medical reason at all...and I don't see that is right. We would all love for our babies to come on our schedule but for most of that doesn't happen. I so understand where there is a medical reason or for a repeat csection like you Carole. Ok rant over. And hopefully I offended none of my girls.
I'm here! I've just been emotional so keeping my distance. Silly I know....over a dog...but it's just who I am.

I am SOOO ready for xmas. Only a few days for us....celebrating on Wed. This will be our first time doing it at our house, which will be interesting. Guess I better clean up! LOL!

I've also been working on planning out Lexi's room (she's getting a big bed soon) and all that kinda crap. Just the normal day to day stuff.

Sandi, I agree about non-necessary inductions. Though I must admit I was begging for one during the end of Lexi's! The last few weeks are/were dreadful. I am not looking forward to that. You two are lucky in that you will be skipping that part. I agree though....sillly if not medically necessary. I am beginning to worry my lil guy will be TOO BIG! I've been looking at the last u/s pics and his thighs look crazy big. I can't tell if it's maybe just the angle (b/c you really only see one leg)....I am hoping so. I have still been gaining weight... :( Have my glucose test soon adn I am actually worried about it. I was heavier w/ Lexi's pregnancy but didn't gain that much alltogether so I never worried about GD. But this one.....
AWww Nicole I so understand about being emotional over your dog. I am the same way. Its so hard when you love them.

I will tell you Nicole unless I know for sure this virus is affecting Gunner I will not let me induce me. I want to go natural and I know from my experience with Dylan being induced is so hard and I don't want it. Dylan was a big baby as well...he was born at 36weeks and was 8lbs 11oz and 22 in long. I am concerned with the size of this baby since he has been meauring a week ahead the whole pregnancy. But I am praying God will send him out when the time is right.
Yeah...I heard inductions can be rough :( I just hope Lucas isn't huge. Lexi came 2 days after her due date and was 8 pounds 3 ounces and pushing her out was quite a task. They say subsequent children are usually bigger right? I've been measuring almost a week ahead too....but I did w/ Lexi as well. At her 36 week growth scan (since I was so overweight) they said she was already 8 and 1/2 pounds and would easily be over 9. Guess that wasn't the case exactly.

Now when you say natural do you mean on his time or drug free??

Thanks for understanding, I know most people thing "well it's just a dog" and see me as being silly abou it.
Oh hun its not just a dog...they are just like our babies. I love my dogs so much and can't imagine one of them being gone.

I am hoping to go into labor with him on my own and no meds. I had no meds with my daughters. My first was 6lbs 11oz, second was 8lbs 5oz so yes I agree each one gets bigger. Poor us!! LOL
Holy hanna your last babes was big for Mine were never over 7-13oz.

Why would a Dr induce her just by her requesting it? Never heard of that.

Nicole...I understand ur loss. I lost a dog years ago...I dont speak of him often, his name was Elmo. He was a terrier/chihuahua cross but looked totally chihuahua. It was before I had kids, he slept with me, went to work with me and travelled with me..u name it. He was killed by an owl that picked him up and he died from the fall....he was let outside by my room mate when I was working a nite shift. (we lived in the country)

I was beyond devistated, I cried for weeks, I even had his pic taken with santa. He was my boy. I guess I am afraid to ever get that close to an animal again and thats part of the reason I haven't gotten one. Plus I do have an issue with hair, he never shed at all.

So iam not this heartless B who has never had a fur baby. It makes me sad just typing this and it was 13 years ago...crazy
awww Carole so sad. I would have a hard time recovering from that as well. RIP Elmo.

Yes Dylan was very big for a 36week baby. My dr guessed by scan that he would be 7 and was hesitant to deliver but I was in so much pain and my leg was so blue. The morning I went in he was like are you sure...I said yep I can't walk...and I think he will be 8lbs. And he was 8 11!!
Oh Carole that is so beyond sad :( Poor lil guy. What a mean owl!!

I live out in the country and people out here think I am rediculous for caring and missing my guy. But, they get dogs and chain them to trees or just use them for hunting. Dogs are not considered pets out here by most.

Sandi, can you imagine how big Dylan would have been at 40 weeks? See that is what I am sooo scared of. I can tell by the u/s pics my guy is big. I can just tell. I am sure I'll have another u/s around 36 weeks since I am overweight and if he is really big by that point, not sure what they will do!
At his 4 week check up...which was when he was due he was 10lbs 9oz. But even with the u/s he never really measured big early on. Now with Gunner I have to agree with you feeling on this Nicole I can just tell he is a big baby. When she did his head measurement she did it 4 times cause it was 22+5 and at that time by my lmp I was 20+3 but his overall measurements was 21+3 wich he has been measuring one week ahead the whole time. I am anxious I am going to have a big baby. Tj was a big baby at 9lb and his mom's first. His sister has 2 girls and Hanna was 10lbs 2oz. And now that my appetite is picking up and all I think about it food I am sure he is growing quickly. Oddly thought most of the movement I feel is still pretty that where your feeling still? I do have the odd higher ones but mostly low.
LOL...I've been wondering and complaining about the movement too. Mine are all really usually along my pubic line! Occassionally I'll feel something up around my belly button but not usually. I was thinking by now we'd be feeling them up higher?
Odd isnt it? I don't know what to think. SOmetimes I think I can feel him stretch out and feel up high but mostly always low. I am having such a lazy day...getting ready to go take a nap. lol
Mines pretty much always low. Also, I've been having crazy strong pressure really low. But not the 'between the legs bowling ball feeling' kinda pressure. This is towards the front, like he is trying to bust out or something. Do you get this? It's been getting progressively more often and stronger. I think little guy needs to take up residency higher.

LOL...I just got up from a nap about an hour ago :) Enjoy!
Yep that is what I he hasn't realized he is suppose to go higher. Well girl I am off to nap and maybe clean my kitchen later. maybe. lol
I feel my boy low too....but always a few by the ribs if my arm is at my side. I lay alot on the couch to make room to, only a sign of things to come.

I am STILL craving costco cake.....I want some so bad, I think I need to buy one for the holidays. It will freeze nicely. Joe came home after 3 days of driving and got a lovely 3 hours of f to shower and eat. He is off again il tomorrow. He better start his office position soon as this is crazy. He was in a car accident friday am and our new car is wrecked. It's going to be about 3 weeks to get it fixed. He hit an off duty cop while going for his new canadian passport....glad he is ok.

Hope all u girls are ok....
My baby is sure in a schedule already. He is up for a good 1/2 hour sometimes and he loves to kick at supper time. I love him soooo much and can't wait to smell him.
Oh man, the inability to breathe...I remember that from being prego last time. I guess I will take my guy being low for a while..I am not ready for all that!!! I'm still sleeping on my stomach and everything feels like it's progressing SOOO much slower this time around, but I'm not complaining. And the new baby smell...forgot all about that. It's so wonderful!!!

Is Joe ok?? The company he drives for sound like real asses, he never gets time off!!!
Good morning ladies. Hope everyone is having a good monday..I just got up and made the kids some cinnamon rolls. I really need to go to the grocery store procastinatin it. LOL

Carole was Joe sore after the wreck? Is the car drivable at all??

Nicole how are you feeling today?

Gunner has a pattern some days but most of his activity is at night. He gets all excited when Tj gets home from work and talks to him. He is really active when Isleep. Although I am getting some movement out of him this morning. :)
LOL...the only 'pattern' to Lucas' movements is there aren't many :(

He is sooooo's actually very scary! Lexi was a non-stop mover...he hardly moves at all. And when he does I get John to come over and the second he places his hand on my tummy he stops moving for the rest of the night! So, John has yet to feel him.

I'm doing good....lately tired as hell all the time. What happened to the energy? I've been doing great in that dept. this whole pregnancy until now. We have xmas on Wed. so tomorrow I'll be cooking and cleaning....oh and of course, wrapping Lexi's presents at night (totally last minute!).
I have no energy house is a diaster. and I just don't care. LOL I still have a bit of shopping to do. I always wait until Chirstmas eve to wrap my kids presents. I don't know why I do that but its just what happens. LOL
I am lazy as hell too...not so much for the napping but my ass is leaving a dent in the couch. I was good yesterday and caught up on all laundry and sheets. Was going to go to BC to see my family before christmas but since Joe can't come I am not. Mom is devastated and crying....I don't feel it's safe driving on these bad roads for 9 hours with my heart issue. She has no idea that I have even been "sick" with it and I don't want to worry them and tell them so I said it was so health reasons I didnt want to go into. I feel bad but I am scared to drive all that way with my 3 boys alone.

Joe is ok...the car i beyond drivable but not a right is getting fixed but will take about 3 weeks. we need to get a rental tomorrow.

As for baby....they say they can hear dad's voice better as it is a lower tone. Joe has yet to feel him as he has no patience to wait and always misses with kicks.
He has never woke me up at nite with kicks...none of my kids ever did. I feel him positioning himself after get up for one of my many pee breaks at nite. But then he is a good boy and goes to sleep.
I am sooooo pumped to take the tree down after christmas cause we are then putting up all the baby stuff....AWWW, I am so excited to see his things in the house. I am going to wash his clothes and blankets and put them in those big ziploc bags so they stay fresh.
I still have a few things to wrap, and still have no finished my sugar cookie ad shortbread. Will be making them today.
What u chickies up to....?

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