Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

I feel bleh today too. For some reason I feel like I need to eat something, but thinking about almost any type of food makes me want to throw it back up. I haven't really been hugry for anything the past few days except salad, grilled chicken, and a few little portions of something sweet here and there. OPK is still saying negative, but it's still to early for it to say anything besides no anyways, testing everyday just in case. DH is at the lake for his sister's birthday so I am BORED, but I work 11am-8pm today, so at least I have that distraction.

Sounds like preg symptoms, lol. I know, not yet. But I had a lot of food aversions and now all I want to eat is salad. I'm sure your opks will be positive in a few days. Fx'd.
Well just wanted to update you that I am 99% sure I am out this cycle :cry: My temp dropped yesterday and was still low today but the biggest indicator was that I had ewcm today which I always get with 2-3 days of AF showing.

This is defintely the hardest cycle for me yet to accept not getting pregnant. I just feel like we did everything right and it still didn't happen. I am so sick of doing this, it will be a year in August and I just can't take much more to be honest. I know on a positive note that the clomid worked but I feel like we did everything right so why would it be any different next cycle? I am going to make an appt with an RE and shoot for IUI hopefully within a couple months, I just feel like I won't get pregnant on my own :(

I am strongly considering getting a puppy. I think it may take my mind off of things. We have been thinking about getting a dog for years now and since I am working from home it would be the perfect time.
Rachel hang in there. Even if you don't turn out to be pregnant this cycle it definately can happen in th next cycle or the next after that. I know that DH and I bd'd on -and before -and occasionally after O day at least 2 cycles before falling pregnant. On the third cycle that I know we bd'd on O day I wasn't even tracking O (still temping but no opks, no checking cm) as we were ntnp for that month. Keep trying with the clomid and then certainly talk to your doctor about what the next route is but I don't know that you'll need it. This was actually your first cycle trying with the clomid as your last cycle was a cop out with early O so give it a few more cycles before you give up. I know it's depressing but don't just automatically think it'll never happen. As for the puppy I'm sure you know they are a lot of work but tons of fun- and so cute! I love puppies but my dog and I aren't seeing eye to eye at the moment so I couldn't imagine having another, lol. Regardless I'm sending you lots of :dust: for the next cycle and hoping you aren't to discouraged.
A puppy would be a great distraction, but only if you are VERY patient and can deal with the potty training and cleaning up the puppy's poop and pee ALL the time. I learned a few years ago that I can't deal with potty training a puppy ever again, it's too frustrating, I would much rather change diapers then have to hunt down hidden messes.

Negative OPK number three, CD12 and counting. At least I am on CD12 and not CD185 though... trying to be positive and not think that I might not even ovulate at all.
lovetoteach-Don't worry I didn't O until CD 17 or 18 this cycle. I think that is a pretty common time to O on clomid.

I know, I do worry about the stress of potty training a puppy, maybe we are better off getting a one year old that is already trained! If we do get a dog it probably won't be for at least a month since we are going out of town for the 4th of July. We have been going back and forth for years about getting a dog. We both want one but at the same time we like the freedom of coming and going because my cat can be left alone all day with no problems.

Well my temp is down again today, this is exactly what my temp was last cycle two days before AF showed so I expect the witch on Tuesday. I have accepted it now and am ready to move on to the next cycle, what else can I do? I am going to switch it up this time and take my clomid on days 3-7. I am hoping taking it earlier may get me to o a day or two earlier because DH is going out of town on what will be CD 17 or 18 of my next cycle so I want to ensure I o for sure by CD 18. I may ask my dr. this time if I can get the trigger shot just in case. Hopefully they will give it to me since DH will be away. Once AF shows I am going to take a couple weeks off of temping. I havent slept right for a long time now and I remember when I stopped temping for a couple weeks before I slept better. I think in the back of my mind when I know I need to temp it affects my sleep. Besides I will be on vacation for a week early July so I def won't be temping then anyway.
Ugg I agree with what lovetoteach said about house training. Such a pain in the butt. Lovetoteach I'm sure that you will O it's just when that's the thing. keep an eye on it and you'll catch it.

Rachel even if you get AF you should be excited because within the next few cycles you still have a great chance to get pg! Look how nice and short your cycle was! I wouldn't feel obligated to temping even though it is a good tool especially if it is stressful or causing lack of sleep. As long as you use the opks you should be able to pinpoint when to bd successfully. Hope it happens for you soon. Please don't be discouraged.:hugs:

I am having another day where I just don't feel pregnant and it makes me crazy. I just hope baby is ok. I got a lot of errands done yesterday but need to do a few more. Next weekend it is another busy one because it is our annual family party. So much going on:dohh: I just wish that time would fly and everything would still get done.

Hope you are all having a good weekend.
Rachel, sad day about the temp trend, but imsotired is right about the clomid making your cycle normal. "Normal" cycles make it easier to time BDing and make for more frequent chances of concieving versus having to wait a million days for another chance. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this cycle gives me a bfp, but I will be very happy just to finally ovulate at all and have a 28-30 day cycle for once.

Imsotired, not feeling pregnant may make you worry, but I am guessing other pregnant ladies would say that it's a blessing. I'm sure before you know it you will feel the kicking and then you will know everything is okay, but then you will probably worry when the baby isn't kicking lol.
Exactly lovetoteach. Most people say in the 2nd tri it's sometimes difficult to feel pregnant until the kicking starts. Hopefully I begin to feel it soon. lol- and I'm sure i'll worry on days when baby is less active. Always something to worry about.:dohh:
Thanks for the positive comments, you girls are the best!

I just really hope we catch next cycle because I have read that most people who are going to conceive on clomid will in the first 3 cycles. So that is a little scary to me but I am making an appt with an RE to at least have an initial consultation, I will hopefully get in in a few weeks and go from there. I really want to get pregnant so if it comes down to it DH said he is ok with us spending some money on it if need be. I even got him to agree that if another 3 years go by and I am not pregnant we could put money aside and try one IVF cycle. So hopefully no matter what one day I will make it there!
Sounds good that your DH is all in and understands it might take some money down the road, but hopefully third time will be a charm for you.

As for my today's OPK said no, but when I took the test out of the digital reader the line was A LOT darker then yesterday's, so that has to mean I am getting closer. My cm isn't drying up or becoming sticky though, it's abundant and slightly watery, so maybe it will turn stretchy/egg whitey soon. I guess watery is better then nothing though right?
Lovetoteach you're going to O soon! yay! That's so exciting! Hope this is your cycle.

Rachel hope the clomid is works for you within the the next 2 cycles. I'm sure it will! I've seen that your temp has made a small jump today. Hopefully not just a fluke but I know you won't get your hopes up and that's good. You're only 12 or 13 dpo so AF will be here soon perhaps? I hope not but either way I know the clomid will keep doing it's thing and I hope you get good news soon!

I'm feeling a bit blah again today. But maybe if I move around and do some more housework it'll keep my mind off of it and feel better later. Only 24 days until the halfway mark and 25 until my scan. I wish the time would fly!
Yep that is my problem on Yaz for 8 years and went off it in May had end of packet bleeding CD1 on 19th May then nothing .... until today ( TMI) small amount of brownish colour in CM (sorry) not even sure that counts as CD1 so I am still on CD38 !!!! darn BCP I am never going on them again ever they are out of my life for good!

now just need to get AF her and then I can start the count again from cd1 but if I suspect a longer cycle again this month then I will opk from cd12 and hope for o before cd25
I am actually 12 or 13 dpo today and my temp never goes up around this time I am really confused with this temp. I was sleeping at least 3 hours and didnt feel hot or anything. I was shocked when I saw it. I spotted a little light pinkish brown yesterday after we BD'ed and this morning a VERY tiny bit of pinkish light brownish but I think (sorry TMI!) it is still from yesterday coming out with the leftovers.

I fully expected my temp to stay the same or go down today. I am of course trying not to get my hopes up but I am def a little more hopeful than I was yesterday I thought without a doubt I was out now I am just waiting to see what tomorrows temp looks like. If it is still up tomorrow I def have a decent chance of being pregnant!
I am actually 12 or 13 dpo today and my temp never goes up around this time I am really confused with this temp. I was sleeping at least 3 hours and didnt feel hot or anything. I was shocked when I saw it. I spotted a little light pinkish brown yesterday after we BD'ed and this morning a VERY tiny bit of pinkish light brownish but I think (sorry TMI!) it is still from yesterday coming out with the leftovers.

I fully expected my temp to stay the same or go down today. I am of course trying not to get my hopes up but I am def a little more hopeful than I was yesterday I thought without a doubt I was out now I am just waiting to see what tomorrows temp looks like. If it is still up tomorrow I def have a decent chance of being pregnant!

I realized it was 12 or 13 afterward and changed it, lol. But you had a bit of spotting yesterday and your temp has gone back up today? I know you don't want to get your hopes up but that sounds promising. I had no implantation bleed but I read somewhere that only about 30% of women get it and it's light like spotting usually. I really hope this is it and AF doesn't show. I'm gonna keep my fx'd until AF comes full force. I think you might be testing in a few days. I hope so anyway.....
Yep that is my problem on Yaz for 8 years and went off it in May had end of packet bleeding CD1 on 19th May then nothing .... until today ( TMI) small amount of brownish colour in CM (sorry) not even sure that counts as CD1 so I am still on CD38 !!!! darn BCP I am never going on them again ever they are out of my life for good!

now just need to get AF her and then I can start the count again from cd1 but if I suspect a longer cycle again this month then I will opk from cd12 and hope for o before cd25

Hi. Welcome. It's really common to have this issue after coming off of bc and unfortunately doctors won't do much as they wantyour body to regulate itself. I also hope to avoid bc use in the future. I really hope that you don't have the same problem a lot of us have had and that is LONG cycles and months and months to regulate some needing to take provera/ clomid to get their bodies to function properly. There should be warnings on all BC saying it may make concieving difficult after discontinuing use.
If my temp rises again tomorrow I may test in the morning but if it goes down I will wait it out. Arggg now I probably won't sleep tonight because I am going to be so anxious about my temp. It is going to be an important one!

Either way it is hard to say for sure if it would be AF or IB or something else. Here and there I have had light pink spotting after BD'ing but it hasnt happened to me for a couple months now. So for all I know it could just be the cervix being irritated. It is impossible to say.

In regards to possible "symptoms" Saturday and Sunday I had very mild AF like cramping off and on and yesterday I had two quick sharp pains that literally made me double over! Not sure what that was about. My boobs are not sore but here and there feel an ache and sometimes in the armpit. I would like to say my hopes arent up but who am I kidding of course they are :haha: I will be devastated if my temp plummets tomorrow :(
Those are all typical early signs. I hope this is it for you. You have a lot of patience not testing thus far! lol I tested at 11dpo. I know it will be devistating if this isn't the cycle but please keep your chin up and focus on trying again. Overall though this is a great sign fx'd for you!
Hi ladies may I ask for your help or advice?

I am cd36 today. From Tuesday of last week I started with mild cramps which got worse so I thought AF was coming. On friday the pains were in my lower left side and felt like someone was pressing their finger into me, they got worse by the evening.
The pains were mild Saturday morning and had dissapeared by lunch but they left me feeling very much like BD'ng. Without giving TMI I felt I really needed a good old BD and lotd of it. My cm was wetter and more of it but not quite eqcm although I did pass a few 'clots' of ewcm. We took full advantage of this as I thought it may be late ovulation. :shrug:
My cramps are milder now but my appetite is HUGE! I just ate a meal and wanted seconds. Yes I do have enlarged ovaries with cysts but I am putting that to the back of mind now and carrying on regardless.
My boobs feel a bit tender too but I think DP got carried away....:haha:

I was on microgynon for 3 years, Yasmin for a while then cilest for a few months before stopping in April to ttc#1 so my cycles are a whacko right now. My first real af after withdrawl bleed was 33days so not too bad but for second AF no sign and a bfn.

I like to think I ov'd this week but if any of you ladies have ever experienced this then please let me know.
I am not using opks or temping as I dont want them making me stressed.

Thanks in advance!
Hi ladies may I ask for your help or advice?

I am cd36 today. From Tuesday of last week I started with mild cramps which got worse so I thought AF was coming. On friday the pains were in my lower left side and felt like someone was pressing their finger into me, they got worse by the evening.
The pains were mild Saturday morning and had dissapeared by lunch but they left me feeling very much like BD'ng. Without giving TMI I felt I really needed a good old BD and lotd of it. My cm was wetter and more of it but not quite eqcm although I did pass a few 'clots' of ewcm. We took full advantage of this as I thought it may be late ovulation. :shrug:
My cramps are milder now but my appetite is HUGE! I just ate a meal and wanted seconds. Yes I do have enlarged ovaries with cysts but I am putting that to the back of mind now and carrying on regardless.
My boobs feel a bit tender too but I think DP got carried away....:haha:

I was on microgynon for 3 years, Yasmin for a while then cilest for a few months before stopping in April to ttc#1 so my cycles are a whacko right now. My first real af after withdrawl bleed was 33days so not too bad but for second AF no sign and a bfn.

I like to think I ov'd this week but if any of you ladies have ever experienced this then please let me know.
I am not using opks or temping as I dont want them making me stressed.

Thanks in advance!

I wish I could tell you whether or not you just ovulated but unfortunately I cannot. I know that some women can feel it but I have never had ovulation cramps that I can think of. Even times I thought I did it turned out to be nothing. Also I rarely ever got ewcm (since going on bc I've been pretty dried up). Even my opks would go pos and I'd gear up to O and fail so the only way I ever knew for sure that I O'd was seeing a definate rise in temp. I know you say you don't want the extra stress and neither did I but with crazy post BC cycles it's really the only way to know for sure. I recommend it completely. I know it's not for everyone and it CAN be stressful. To each their own though.

I'm also not saying that you didn't O it's quite possible you are one of those women who can feel when you O. I hope you did! I also don't know the specifics of having enlarged ovaries and cysts but I hope you can get past your issues and successfully ttc. Good luck to you.
If my temp rises again tomorrow I may test in the morning but if it goes down I will wait it out. Arggg now I probably won't sleep tonight because I am going to be so anxious about my temp. It is going to be an important one!

Either way it is hard to say for sure if it would be AF or IB or something else. Here and there I have had light pink spotting after BD'ing but it hasnt happened to me for a couple months now. So for all I know it could just be the cervix being irritated. It is impossible to say.

In regards to possible "symptoms" Saturday and Sunday I had very mild AF like cramping off and on and yesterday I had two quick sharp pains that literally made me double over! Not sure what that was about. My boobs are not sore but here and there feel an ache and sometimes in the armpit. I would like to say my hopes arent up but who am I kidding of course they are :haha: I will be devastated if my temp plummets tomorrow :(

!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:!!!! Excited about the possibility of a bfp when you thought for sure you were out.

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