Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Steph-Wow 23 weeks already, thats crazy! Glad to hear you are feeling kicks daily now, sorry it isnt as much as you would like but its good she is at least somewhat active.

Michelle-I remember you saying you are on metformin. Does your dr. suspect you have pcos? I know a lot of people with pcos are on metformin. I am wondering if my dr will suggest I go on it. I hear it makes a lot of people feel sick, how do you feel on it? How many times a day/what dose are you on?

I am not happy with the diagnosis but at least I know whats wrong and hopefully the dr can find the best treatment for me based on my issues. I just have a feeling I have a long road ahead of me unfortunately. I have my appt on the 16th to go over my results as well as DH's SA results. I pray at least his SA comes back normal, I don't think we can stand to have anything else working against us :nope:

I am on metformin, I don't have any of the "normal" signs of pcos, but you never know, my doctor thought a cocktail of clomid and metformin might kick me in to gear. I feel fine on metformin as long as I eat a full meal before I take it, if I don't have enough to eat it makes my stomach ache. Also I know what you mean about not wanting anything else to be wrong, I am seriously thinking about getting DH to go do a SA next cycle if I don't get a bfp this cycle.

I had a HUGE temp DIP today, so maybe I am ovulating today??? I guess only time and more high temps will tell. DH went back to the lake to do handy man work at his parent's lake house though, so I won't be able to BD until tomorrow. I guess whatever will be, will be though. I am going crazy trying to guess what my temps mean and being afraid that since my nipples don't hurt that I either am not ovulating yet, might not ovulate this cycle, or might not just have high enough progesterone this cycle. I think too much.
Rachel Sorry to hear about the polycystic ovaries. It just goes to show that symptoms aren't always present and sometimes the symptoms that are don't mean anything (because besides the facial hair, I had lots of symptoms and I did get a lot of bloodwork and an ultrasound before we conceived so I'm sure if they thought I had it they would have investigated further). Please keep in mind that PCOS doesn't mean that you ccan't conceive. I have seen many girls on this site with PCOS get pregnant without too much trouble. I am assuming that it may have something to do with your crazy cycles as well. I hope that the doctor can get you in soon and you can discuss all of the test results and your next step in conceiving. I think it is great that they said you have a great supply of eggs and that your uterus looks good. Those are two very big factors in getting pregnant and they are free and clear! I'm still routing for you and I know it will happen!

Michelle how was your weekend? I truly hope you caught the egg this time! I hope you get that bfp in about 2 weeks!

Baby kicked just a few times this morning. I really want her to kick all the time but I'm trying not to worry about it too much. I'll be 23 weeks tomorrow and I go to see my OB. My stomach is huge and I feel like I'm gaining weight in my hips, thighs, and face as well unfortunately. Hope my appts this week go well and all is right with baby.

My weekend was great, finally got to have fun in the sun on the boat. Speaking of things getting bigger, my coworkers were talking about trying to have babies and they asked if I was still having periods because one of them knows I am trying. Then my male coworker said he wasn't going to say anything but he could see a little more junk in the trunk, haha. Little does he know that is just my natural butt and I haven't ovulated yet, (or I am ovulating today.) People are so funny.

I can't believe your pregnancy is going by so fast!
Michelle-It doesn't look like you o'ed yet and like you mentioned this big temp dip could mean today is o day or very soon. Are you still having fertile cm?

I don't have any symptoms of pcos either aside from irregular cycles and the appearence of pco on my ovaries during the scan. I am slim, no excess hair, ect. I read that almost half of pcos cases are what they call slim or lean pcos. Have you even had an ultrasound to have your ovaries looked at?
Michelle-It doesn't look like you o'ed yet and like you mentioned this big temp dip could mean today is o day or very soon. Are you still having fertile cm?

I don't have any symptoms of pcos either aside from irregular cycles and the appearence of pco on my ovaries during the scan. I am slim, no excess hair, ect. I read that almost half of pcos cases are what they call slim or lean pcos. Have you even had an ultrasound to have your ovaries looked at?

Not had an ultra sound yet, might soon, but we will have to see. I think that if my temp doesn't jump really high tomorrow that I may be Oing tonight or even sometime tomorrow.
hey gurls im back srry i havent been on i kinda took the chemical preganacy alil hard but not im good im been taking prenatal everyday and birthcontrol to bring my period .. well goods news i started to spot yesterday and today i guess its my first day of period ... when should i go get ovulation kit ?
Michelle. Wow I thought for sure that you had O'd with that one temp spike but it looks like maybe not. I do think that you are going to O soon. Maybe today by the looks of it. Just Bd when you can and try not to worry too much about it. I know it's hard not to worry but I think, like Rachel, you have some small fluke in a level or something that is just throwing off your cycle enough to make TTC a bit more difficult. I think a lot of doctors don't even bother to diagnose women with PCOS because all it is is cysts on the ovaries and it is still very possible to get pregnant with it, it's just a touch more difficult. It's just one of those things. It's going to happen it's just when. I know the waiting sucks but I hope it happens soon.

Sanchez go ahead and get an ovulation kit whenever you are reaady and begin testing in about 2 weeks. 12 days or so. But you won't O if you're on Bc or are you finished with it now and it was only for your period?

I'm 23 weeks and baby is very active today. I guess she just needed a few days to rest and now she is back to kicking away. Had my OB appt today and everything looked good except that I gained too much weight.... They said I gained 8 lbs this month! I did however have a FULL bladder at the time so I'm hoping a few lbs were urine. The doctor rolled his eyes at me and told me not to gain so quickly. I didn't do it on purpose I told him. lol I guess I shouldn't worry about it as long as everything else is going well (and because a few lbs were probably pee). I go for my ultrasound tomorrow and i hope baby cooperates and everything is fine. Then in 3 weeks I go for my glucose test and then in 4 weeks it's back to the OB. The baby is definately keeping me busy....

Hope everybody is doing well.
Steph-I am so happy to hear she is kicking away in there, how cool! Looking forward to hearing about your scan and seeing pics of her :)

Michelle-Hopefully today is O day for you, any signs? I see you o'ed on cd 20 last cycle and this cycle will be even later, I think ideally you should o within 10 days of your last pill so IF you don't get pregnant this cycle you may want to ask the dr. to up your dose to 100 mg. A lot of women don't respond well to 50 mg but do great on 100. Hopefully there won't be a next cycle though :)

Nothing new here just waiting, waiting, and more waiting. I have my mother and brother in law coming in town today for the weekend so that will be a good distraction. We made reservations to go to dinner at a REALLY fancy restaurant tomorrow night and saturday we rented a boat and have 10 people coming out on the boat all day so that should be a lot of fun. I need to keep busy because then I don't worry and get depressed as much as when I am sitting around by myself. My follow up appt is a week from today so hopefully things will be more clear then after discussing all the results with my dr and then I can have a better idea of my treatment plan. :thumbup:
I am hoping today is O day in a way, but now I don't know if it's too late or not. I hope this cycle isn't a wash and I have to take provera and then wait and up my clomid dosage. I would at least like to have a chance this go round to get a bfp, I don't want this whole month to be a waste. By the time I would get done with provera and my period it would be more than a month wasted.
Michelle I would say be the looks of your chart that you O'd yesterday or the day before. Good bd timing as well! Good luck and I hope this is it for you!

Had a great ultrasound. Tech said that this was the most active baby she's seen in a few days. However baby was more cooperative today than last time. They got all of the measurements and said baby looks really good. No problems or anything. They didn't do a full scan because this one was the follow up to the one on the 20th so they didn't tell me how big she was. But they did go back to the last scans notes and they told me she was 11 ounces then so she's probably over a lb by now. They got me tons of profile shots and even a few 4D ones! They are beautiful. And one of her little foot too. My bp was higher today than yesterday and when they weighed me today it showed I only gained 6 lbs this month...not 8 as my doctor suggested, though still probably high. Oh well.I've attached a few pics!

Hope everyone is doing well and having a good day!


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Michelle I would say be the looks of your chart that you O'd yesterday or the day before. Good bd timing as well! Good luck and I hope this is it for you!

Had a great ultrasound. Tech said that this was the most active baby she's seen in a few days. However baby was more cooperative today than last time. They got all of the measurements and said baby looks really good. No problems or anything. They didn't do a full scan because this one was the follow up to the one on the 20th so they didn't tell me how big she was. But they did go back to the last scans notes and they told me she was 11 ounces then so she's probably over a lb by now. They got me tons of profile shots and even a few 4D ones! They are beautiful. And one of her little foot too. My bp was higher today than yesterday and when they weighed me today it showed I only gained 6 lbs this month...not 8 as my doctor suggested, though still probably high. Oh well.I've attached a few pics!

Hope everyone is doing well and having a good day!

So cute :) She has a tiny little nose. I bet it was awesome to see her in action.

So I am glad I am not a jealous person, because DH's coworker and his fiance have a three year old little girl and they are 4 months pregnant with their second child and she is only 21. I haven't been thinking about that much, but I had to spend my whole mini vacation with them and I was suprised that I wasn't jealous, I was more proud/happy for them and their little family. However, there was a teen aged looking mom holding her two year olds hand in the store where I work today, and she was pregnant again! That was not so easy to swallow, it sucks to see teens pregnant when I have to wait.
I know what you mean, Michelle. I met this girl recently who is 2 years younger than I am and she has 2 kids already....I sort of resented her a little as she went on about them. But I find out that she doesn't see them much and I have to assume that neither of them were planned. While it took me months to get pregnant and I'll probably be some overbearing You've just got to push through and keep looking forward to your baby and not worry about other peoples. To each their own I guess....

Michelle I looked at your chart the other day and thought you had O'd but your chart has since changed and I'm not sure you have. This is only your 2nd cycle of clomid, right? Maybe your body needs a little more this time. Let us know what the doctor says whenever you go see them. I hope you do O soon though. Good luck!

Baby was much less active yesterday. She must be tired. I know I am exhausted! Maybe she is growing and therefore tired often and making me tired as well? Anyhow I have a lot to do today and hopefully I can get some cleaning done.

Hope everyone is doing well. Rachel, how are you/?
Hi girls. I hope you are doing well as you haven't been on this thread much.

I've been feeling really tired lately and kind of uncomfortable. Just feel as if I should crawl in a hole for the next 3 months. Baby is kicking or hitting on my left side today. I'm pretty sure her head is down that way unless she did a big turn.

Hope everyone is doing ok
Steph-Sorry to hear you are feeling uncomfortable. Before you know it the baby will be here and you will have your body back! :)

I am still here just had a busy weekend with in-laws in town and trying to minimize time on BNB so I don't drive myself crazy. It is cd 16 for me but odds are I won't O. I am going to start temping daily again and if no O by CD 30ish I am going to start the progesterone and end the cycle. I likely won't have anything new to report until after my follow up appt with my dr. on Thursday where he will go over my ultra sound, bloodwork and DH's SA results.
I am okay, been crazy busy working for the past 6-7 days straight. I have a day off tomorrow finally so I can catch up on house work and everything else. Work has been very busy and DH set a tornado off on the house since he has been off all week and he has therefore been at home to make a huge mess. I really don't think I am going to O at this point, I might BD tonight just for the heck of it and then call the doctor tomorrow when I am off to see if he wants me to pick up some provera to start my period on a certain CD and then hopefully up my clomid for next cycle. We will have to see how it goes, but I think if clomid was going to make me O then I would have O'd already.
Let us know what the doctor's say Rachel and Michelle. I really hope they can get these cycles figured out for you both. I know how frustrating it must be. Hang in there and try to look forward. Be as positive as you can and keep busy. I wish I had something to do around here all day! I cleaned the house yesterday and my back was sore for hours! I still have more to do but I want to take it easy on my back. All this extra weight on my front half is just doing a number on me....

Baby is definately wiggling around a bit today but no definative kicks. Must be her hands or her rolling around. I'm still finding myself really tired at a certain point each day and I just feel blah! I hope the next 3 months fly for all of us!

Hope everyone is doing well!
I talked to the doctors assistant/nurse and she said that last cycle when they took a progesterone blood test at cycle day 21, it indicated that I ovulated a week before that, which is impossible because that would make my lp a bizillion days. So now I am confused, because there is no way I ovulated a week before CD 21. I guess she doesn't trust temping and I don't trust OPKs, so this is getting confusing. Apparently I need to do OPKs for a bizillion days, temp, AND do the CD21 blood tests next cycle for them to believe I know my own body.

After all the confusion on her part since she is not that familar with my case, she figured it might be best for me to come in and talk to the doctor about what he thinks we should do as far as upping the dosage or testing more. I have an appointment to go see him on the 22nd, which is the day after my period is suppose to start if I have the same cycle length as last time. I really don't think I am going to start af on my own since I haven't ovulated, but I guess we will just see...

On a side note, I keep dreaming of a baby girl/toddler, but it feels like she is my niece in the dream. She is the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen since my first niece was born, and I loved her more than I can put into words. Weird, because my brother has twins, and the girl twin is a little red head and looks nothing like the girl in my dreams, and my two year old niece in law is also a little red head. Whoever the little girl in my dream is, I hope I get to meet her one day. I know I'm weird, but I thought I would share my good dream.
Michelle, I think if you explain to your doctor that if you supposedly O'd when they say you did and didn't get af for however many days they will accept that it isn't true and you must have O'd later. As for not O'ing yet this probably just means that you need to up your dose of clomid. I hope after a few cycles with successful ovulation you get your bfp but if not I hope your doctor will do more investigating and be more thorough.

That is a wonderful dream you had about the little girl. How sweet. Maybe it's your baby afterall! I remember last year or so I had a dream about a little baby. Probably about 6 months old and she looked just like my mother. I haven't had a dream about a baby since. I have really weird dreams lately but I'm not pregnant in most of them. Last night I was pregnant in my dream and they told me I was having twins! I asked them how they missed it on my other ultrasounds and they said they couldn't believe no one had ever told me but I was not only having a little girl but a boy as well! So weird to have that dream....My father keeps dreaming that the baby is a boy and thinks that the doctors are wrong. I know that it is a girl so I think he just has opposite dreams, lol. Anyway I hope you do get to meet that little girl whoever she is.
Steph-Wow 23 weeks already, thats crazy! Glad to hear you are feeling kicks daily now, sorry it isnt as much as you would like but its good she is at least somewhat active.

Michelle-I remember you saying you are on metformin. Does your dr. suspect you have pcos? I know a lot of people with pcos are on metformin. I am wondering if my dr will suggest I go on it. I hear it makes a lot of people feel sick, how do you feel on it? How many times a day/what dose are you on?

I am not happy with the diagnosis but at least I know whats wrong and hopefully the dr can find the best treatment for me based on my issues. I just have a feeling I have a long road ahead of me unfortunately. I have my appt on the 16th to go over my results as well as DH's SA results. I pray at least his SA comes back normal, I don't think we can stand to have anything else working against us :nope:

I'm not happy with my PCOS diagnosis either, I can sympathize.

I take Metformin, and I don't have any side effects. Just take it with a meal - worst i felt the first couple days was being a bit light headed but it went away after 2 days.

I'm also using Progesterone cream, which helped me ovulate finally. I'm on round one of Clomid, it's f-ing with my hormones like crazy. Severely depressed, out of control. Didn't think it would be as bad as birth control felt. Glad it's only for 5 days!

Good luck to you!
silmarien-Thank you for letting me know the metformin is not causing any bad side effects. I am not sure yet if my dr. wants me to go on it, I meet with him in a couple days to go over everything and future treatments/tests. Good luck with the clomid! I found the side effects lasted way past the 5 days I was on the pills. My RE told me it stays in your system up to 72 days! During the TWW on my clomid cycles I was soooooo cranky that I couldnt stand to be around myself. I am glad to be done with clomid to be honest and hoping femara works better for me. Keep us posted on how everything works out for you.

Michelle-It is so hard getting drs to trust our charts. I don't see why they can't though. I would print out your last chart and this one and bring it to your appt and make your dr. look at it. I trust charting way more than opks because I don't always get a +.

Steph-That is funny your father keeps dreaming its a boy. Not to freak you out or anything but one of my friends was told they were having a girl and when she had the baby out came a boy! How crazy is that? Apparently when they tell you its a girl there is always a chance the little pee pee is hiding so they miss it and think its a girl but if they tell you its a boy it is pretty much 100%. So maybe your father is right? :haha: Odds are they are correct though and it's a girl I don't think that happens often. :)
Rachel, lol. I'm pretty sure it's a girl. The pictures they printed out for me on the 20th were only between the leg shots and they were definately girl parts. Also the tech and the doctor both said girl and I'd assume that they are often right as they do it all of the time. I know they are usually right and I have heard a few stories of them being wrong but I don't think that's the case here. I'm pretty confident. Haha, no worries. Baby also measures a little small which also makes me think girl because although DH isn't overly tall he was a long baby at 22 in and I was a peanut at almost 19. I think what it is is my Dad wants the baby to be a boy so that's why he has those dreams. Even though he says it doesn't matter to him. I am just happy that baby is healthy and active.

Anyhow I hope that the doctors can get you started on something better that will work for you. I know it sucks to wait but it'll definately be worth it! Hope you are all doing well!

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