Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

13 dpo and BFN today :(

Now onto more waiting. So sick of waiting :growlmad:
Sorry about the BFN, Rachel. I wish it had been a BFP. Bring on the new doctor and the new plan! Your BFP is coming! Hopefully soon!

I woke up at 4:30 to pee and my back was soooo sore. I cleaned a lot around the house yesterday and it really did a number on my back. So needless to say I couldn't get comfortable enough to get back to sleep:wacko: Then 15 minutes later I got hungry. The baby makes me so hungry early in the morning. So there I was at 4:45 eating peanut butter toast and then flopping around in bed for hours. I'm going to be brutally tired later. Baby is kicking today but still very lightly and not often. I wish I were feeling her always and strong but I know it's the placenta in the way so I'm trying not to worry when she is quiet all day. I hope everything is ok in there. I hope the next 19 weeks go by quicker than the past 21. They've gone quickly but not enough!

Going to stay busy cleaning more today but I hope it doesn't hurt my back any more than it is. Baby's furniture has come in and DH and I will be picking it up tonight or tomorrow and then setting it up. I can't wait until her room is set up!

Hope everyone is doing well! Anything else new?
Rachel I agree, waiting sucks. Nothing new going on over here at the moment, but that is to be expected at CD11. Had major cramps yesterday morning, not sure what the heck that is about, but probably clomid induced issues.
Weird cramping so soon, Michelle. I guess that clomis does some crazy things. Hope you feel better now and O soon. I'll keep my fx'd that you won't have to take the clomid again.

I know what you girls mean about the waiting....that's always the issue even after you get your bfp! :wacko:

Just took a nice nap on the couch about an hour or an hour and a half. I could probably use more but I already feel better. As long as it gets me through everything I want to today! Namely clean the bedrooms so we can set up baby's bedroom and put laundry away.
Had awful heart palputations yesterday. I think it is just because I'm pregnant because I wasn't stressed or anything. I've read it is common with all of the excess blood in my system. It's just made me tired and short of breath. I hope it goes away and doesn't come back:wacko:. Baby is also not very active this morning. I wish she would just start wiggling non stop. I've only felt one or two twitches this morning and I wish it were more. It makes me nervous.

Going to pick up the furniture today. DH was too tired yesterday and didn't wanna go get it in the rain. It'll probably rain again today but I threw a bit of a tantrum so we'll be getting it today:blush: I doubt I'll get him to set it up today though. He tends to want to relax on his weekends. I get it. I used to have a full time job too...but is he gonna be shocked when baby comes and his weekends belong to her! Theres always so much to do! I wish weekends were longer!

I hope you ladies are doing well and having a good weekend!
Had awful heart palputations yesterday. I think it is just because I'm pregnant because I wasn't stressed or anything. I've read it is common with all of the excess blood in my system. It's just made me tired and short of breath. I hope it goes away and doesn't come back:wacko:. Baby is also not very active this morning. I wish she would just start wiggling non stop. I've only felt one or two twitches this morning and I wish it were more. It makes me nervous.

Going to pick up the furniture today. DH was too tired yesterday and didn't wanna go get it in the rain. It'll probably rain again today but I threw a bit of a tantrum so we'll be getting it today:blush: I doubt I'll get him to set it up today though. He tends to want to relax on his weekends. I get it. I used to have a full time job too...but is he gonna be shocked when baby comes and his weekends belong to her! Theres always so much to do! I wish weekends were longer!

I hope you ladies are doing well and having a good weekend!

Yup, my DH hates working on weekends, but his parents just bought us a riding lawn mower since ours broke, and they said to help pay them back we can do work on their lake house on the weekends. I think decorating the babies room is going to be really fun. Have you picked out a theme or a color scheme? I think I want to do like a man cave theme, minus the beer and half naked girls lol. Like all things manly man :)
I would hate the palpatations too but as you said it sounds like it is not out of the norm. That must be so cool to feel her move :)

Af showed today. I knew she was coming though so I'm not upset as I already expected her today. The good news is timing is perfect for my appt on Tuesday. I can ask for cd3 bloodwork while in there which I never had done. And I am going to call tomorrow morning and ask if dh can do his semen analysis while were there because we know they are going to have him redo it since the place we had it done before sucks at it. Then I will schedule the hsg :shock: that one scares me a bit. I wil be getting that done next week likely. The good news is u r supposed to be REALLY fertile after it. This girl on another thread I'm on finally just got her bfp on her 4th round of clomid after having the hsg done.
I would hate the palpatations too but as you said it sounds like it is not out of the norm. That must be so cool to feel her move :)

Af showed today. I knew she was coming though so I'm not upset as I already expected her today. The good news is timing is perfect for my appt on Tuesday. I can ask for cd3 bloodwork while in there which I never had done. And I am going to call tomorrow morning and ask if dh can do his semen analysis while were there because we know they are going to have him redo it since the place we had it done before sucks at it. Then I will schedule the hsg :shock: that one scares me a bit. I wil be getting that done next week likely. The good news is u r supposed to be REALLY fertile after it. This girl on another thread I'm on finally just got her bfp on her 4th round of clomid after having the hsg done.

So where do you go to do semen analysis, and is it expensive? I have also heard a lot about women being very fertile after hsg... I always get nervous thinking about what COULD be ahead for me, but at the same time wanting to get it all done just to KNOW that everything is normal. It's a good thing all this stuff is rather expensive or else I would have a bizillion tests done by now and had them do everything in the book to make sure I am all clear and good to go. I haven't even had an ultra sound, so I have no clue what is up down there other then what the doctors can see with their eyes and feel while poking around. Hopefully they can get everything all clear for you. What does cd3 blood work show?
They will test my LH and FSH. I believe those two hormones can show if I do or do not have PCOS and also can show if my ovarian reserve is low or ok. My gyno took my blood to test those things but she did it on cd 45 or something and the levels are not accurate then.

The first SA DH had he just asked his PCP and he wrote him up an order to go to a lab and do it but I have been told the lab we went to is not good at it so he wil get it redone with the RE.

We will end up spending some money but luckily bloodwork, the hsg, scans and some other things are covered by my insurance. The only things that arent covered would be IUI, fertility meds,ect.
Michelle we have a bedding set picked out and it has owls on it and it's pink. Other than that we don't really have a theme because having a girl is novelty enough for us. DH and I picked up the furnitutre on Sat and DH put it all together yesterday while I was out at a jewelry party his cousin was throwing. I was so happy to see him working on it when I came home. We still have to move the furniture we already had out of there and we need to get the mattress and the changing table pad. It looks good so far. I'm excited. I'll be registering for the shower within the next 6 weeks or so and my shower is in 12 weeks. Seems like forever away!

My heart palputations have stopped they only lasted a day and a 1/2. They were so annoying and they scared me, made it hard to breath. Baby is kicking but it still isn't as often as I'd like. I wish the placenta weren't in the way so I could feel her more often. My mom said I was not a big kicker and she didn't feel me often or strong either. She doesn't know if the placenta was in the way as they never told her so maybe that'sthe case or maybe I was just a graceful baby, lol.

Rachel you must be excited to be going to your appt soon! You sound like you have a plan to go in there and ask a lot of questions and get a lot of tests. It should be good. I hope they find something with an easy solution and fix you up quickly. I know you'll be getting that bfp soon and something just needs tweeking.

10 days until I see my OB and 11 days until my next ultrasound when hopefully baby cooperates this time!
Steph-I am happy to hear that the palpatations went away! The bedding you picked out sounds sooo cute! :)

I am really looking forward to my appointment tomorrow and I am hoping I can convince the dr. to put me on meds right away, I really don't want to take a cycle off. I have a prescription of clomid waiting for me that my gyno called in so worst case scenario if this new dr. won't prescribe me something right away I could always take what my gyno gave me. I will let him know I am going to do that of course. I am just really hoping to switch to femara since I think clomid is thinning my already thin lining. Today is CD 2 and I started drinking raspberry leaf tea and will drink 2-3 cups per day until ovulation and I also am taking evening primrose oil until O because it is supposed to help with cm and clomid seems to be drying me out. I also still have brazil nuts so I will eat those as well. Hopefully with all that combined my lining will thicken. I really feel like if I can get a good lining and O every month I will get pregnant soon. I just need to fix these issues.
Michelle we have a bedding set picked out and it has owls on it and it's pink. Other than that we don't really have a theme because having a girl is novelty enough for us. DH and I picked up the furnitutre on Sat and DH put it all together yesterday while I was out at a jewelry party his cousin was throwing. I was so happy to see him working on it when I came home. We still have to move the furniture we already had out of there and we need to get the mattress and the changing table pad. It looks good so far. I'm excited. I'll be registering for the shower within the next 6 weeks or so and my shower is in 12 weeks. Seems like forever away!

My heart palputations have stopped they only lasted a day and a 1/2. They were so annoying and they scared me, made it hard to breath. Baby is kicking but it still isn't as often as I'd like. I wish the placenta weren't in the way so I could feel her more often. My mom said I was not a big kicker and she didn't feel me often or strong either. She doesn't know if the placenta was in the way as they never told her so maybe that'sthe case or maybe I was just a graceful baby, lol.

Rachel you must be excited to be going to your appt soon! You sound like you have a plan to go in there and ask a lot of questions and get a lot of tests. It should be good. I hope they find something with an easy solution and fix you up quickly. I know you'll be getting that bfp soon and something just needs tweeking.

10 days until I see my OB and 11 days until my next ultrasound when hopefully baby cooperates this time!

Sounds cute, DH says if we have a girl he doesn't want too much pink and over the top girly stuff, but I think it's more like he just wants to be different. I am excited for you that yall get to have a little beautiful girl.

I hope that one day I have a girl so I can finally have a purple room in the house, and I would love to decorate it and paint girly stuff on the wall like a few stray butterflies and such. I haven't thought a lot about a girl baby room yet though because I am still in boy mode and will continue boy mode and be suprised if it's a girl. I just need to get the bun in the oven already. If I am following the same path as last time I should O in a week. I found out that there probably won't be very many people at the lake with us as people are suppose to be at work or going out of town to the beach instead. Hopefully we get a few days all alone.
Steph-I am happy to hear that the palpatations went away! The bedding you picked out sounds sooo cute! :)

I am really looking forward to my appointment tomorrow and I am hoping I can convince the dr. to put me on meds right away, I really don't want to take a cycle off. I have a prescription of clomid waiting for me that my gyno called in so worst case scenario if this new dr. won't prescribe me something right away I could always take what my gyno gave me. I will let him know I am going to do that of course. I am just really hoping to switch to femara since I think clomid is thinning my already thin lining. Today is CD 2 and I started drinking raspberry leaf tea and will drink 2-3 cups per day until ovulation and I also am taking evening primrose oil until O because it is supposed to help with cm and clomid seems to be drying me out. I also still have brazil nuts so I will eat those as well. Hopefully with all that combined my lining will thicken. I really feel like if I can get a good lining and O every month I will get pregnant soon. I just need to fix these issues.

I hope they switch you to Femera right away and don't make you wait a cycle while they do all the tests. Part of me wishes they would just stick people on femera instead of clomid, but I guess clomid has a lot more time and research behind it and most doctors just write the clomid prescription they have been writing for years for lack of fertility specific knowledge and also to stay on the safe side.

I just hope as I continue my clomid journey my body doesn't start to react badly. My cm seems to be still pretty abundant most days, but it still looks like milk/watery lotion, so I am still waiting on it to clear up and look more like egg whites.

I've never posted a link so I hope this works. It's the bedding set we have chosen. I HAVE to make it very girly as we just don't have girls and I fell obligated to take advantage of such a rarity. lol

Rachel I hope that the raspberry tea and everything helps you with the lining. I wouldn't take a chance skipping a cycle yet either. I hope this is your cycle coming up!

Michelle I hope this is your month as well! Yay for o'ing soon!

:dust: to the both of you!
Femara has been used for ovulation inducing since 2001ish I believe. It is not indicated for that though, it only has FDA approval for breast cancer treatment so some drs dont feel all that comfortable writing off label and mostly only REs do it. I did some research about it and the reason it doesnt have side effects like clomid is because it leaves your system really fast after taking it, I think within 2 days or something where clomid lingers for up to 6 weeks so it continues to affect the way your body works. You are on a low dose of clomid and it works great for many so I wouldn't worry. If for some reason you don't get pregnant on it after 4 cycles I would maybe look into trying something else though.
Hi ladies finally my doctor appt is tomorrow at 2 ugh im so nervous ... today i checked the postive prego test yup you can still the lines and both negatives also.. lately im been feeling the same but with 2nd baby i had no symptoms so now i have only thing little tired more then usually and my boobs kinda hurt. Also im been getting cramps but no period or nothen sooo fingers crossed tomorrow .. wish me luck :)
Hi ladies finally my doctor appt is tomorrow at 2 ugh im so nervous ... today i checked the postive prego test yup you can still the lines and both negatives also.. lately im been feeling the same but with 2nd baby i had no symptoms so now i have only thing little tired more then usually and my boobs kinda hurt. Also im been getting cramps but no period or nothen sooo fingers crossed tomorrow .. wish me luck :)

Good luck!
I've got a sinus headache yesterday and today. So annoying. My mom came over today and I showed her all of my baby stuff. She's excited but also thinks I'm a little silly. BUt she always thinks I am so no big deal, lol. Baby gave me one good kick today behind my belly button. I was surprised! I hope she keeps it up!

I hope everyone else is doing well today!
Just got back from my appt. Good and bad news...Good news is I love this dr. and he is so thorough, like night and day from that last RE I saw. The bad news is I won't be on a medicated cycle again probably until October. He wants to run a lot of tests and get to the bottom of why my cycles are screwed up. He wants to fix that problem then tackle the whole getting pregnant thing. I am so impatient so the thought of having to wait that long kills me

I am going to the lab tomorrow morning to get bloodwork done for a ton of different things including: FSH, Estradiol, Anti mullerian hormone, TSH, prolactin, testosterone, insulin, hemoglobin, glucose tolerance, rubella antibodies. I can't wait to get the results for all of that! DH scheduled his SA for a week from today. Also I am hoping to schedule a test called saline infusion sonogram between day 4 and 11 this cycle if there is an opening. He wants to do all of that first then if all is clear he wants to do the HSG next cycle. I asked if I could at least get started next cycle on some meds while I get the HSG done and he said no because on the HSG cycle because of all the irritation there is a higher risk of miscarraige. I never heard of that but whatever I guess I will trust him. I am happy with all the tests he is performing and how thorough he is but I really won't have a realistic chance to get pregnant again until October at the earliest and that makes me sad :cry:

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