Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Rachel as much as I know that you do not want to wait, it sounds like the doctor is really going to help you. That is great news! Tomorrow begins August so October isn't that far off. I think that this doctor will really be good for you and you will get pregnant with the help they are giving you and ultimately be healthier as well because he seems to be concerned with the underlying issues and not just why you haven't gotten pregnant yet. This will be good for you! Hang in there and I hope the wait flies by for you.
I agree, this doctor seems to know waaaaay more then the other one and all the tests he is running should help get to the bottom of your wacky cycles. Waiting sucks, but getting all these tests done is better then trying month after month without knowing what is wrong that is preventing you from getting a bfp.
Thanks girls...I know you are right I am just such an impatient person that it kills me to wait. I really want answers though and it will be nice for once to find out the root of the cause. My gyno checked a couple things on the wrong CD and said well sometimes there is no reason why ur cycles are long. I know there is a reason..something is off in my body and hopefully I will finally get my answer. I just hope whatever it is it isn't too hard to correct.

The Dr did say clomid stays in your system for 72 days so there is a chance I will o not too late this cycle. I hope that is the case and I at least o by CD 20ish.
Rachel, So you can still TTC just without meds. And also the clomid may still work somewhat? What you're really waiting for is to go back on meds and get have a 'better' chance you don't really have to wait to try. And like I said October is 9 weeks off...not forever just 2 months! And this doctor seems to really be on the ball. Yes every woman is different and will have a slightly different cycle pattern but (unlike what your gyno said) there IS a reason for overly long cycles and ovulation that is delayed as long as 30 days or more. A lot of times doctors will want you to wait it out and see if they return to normal on their own (which just wasn't happening for you and took FOREVER and lots of supplements + dieting for me) but after a certain length of time they need to look for any underlying issues and look thoroughly. It isn't as if you had 30-35 day cycles which are near normal. You had longer ones and different every time. This doctor will really get to the bottom of that issue and perhaps you';ll get your bfp in the meantime. I think this is going to be great for you! In the meantime take up a hobby to keep your mind off of it. Exercise, reading, get that puppy you wanted....something other than TTC. I wouldn't quit temping though as you still need to see when you ovulated to know if you are staying on track. I think you should be very optomistic about the whole thing and I wish you lots of luck and :dust:

Michelle anything new? Going to O any day now? I'll keep myh fx'd for you!

As for me I'm just waiting for my next appts. This pregnancy is dragging now. I just wish it would go a little quicker. Baby was very active yesterday but so far this morning I've only felt her a handful of times. I'm just trying to relax and enjoy but I'm getting anxious about it and I want to speed things up! 18 weeks to go!
Hopefully I will be Oing any day now, I am kind of expecting it to be CD20 like last cycle, but I will continue to BD every other day until I am sure I ovulated. I haven't been using OPKs because they hate me, but I might use them tomorrow and the next day because I am off those days and have nothing better to do. I MIGHT do OPKs saturday and sunday too, but we will have to see because I will be at the lake with my Dh, his coworker, his coworkers wife and DH's brother. I am not really worried about doing them because my temp will confirm when I have ovualted.
well ladies i went to the doctor turns out i had chemical pregnancy ... so now im back on birth control and prenatal gotta wait two months until my cycle gets regular again
Hopefully I will be Oing any day now, I am kind of expecting it to be CD20 like last cycle, but I will continue to BD every other day until I am sure I ovulated. I haven't been using OPKs because they hate me, but I might use them tomorrow and the next day because I am off those days and have nothing better to do. I MIGHT do OPKs saturday and sunday too, but we will have to see because I will be at the lake with my Dh, his coworker, his coworkers wife and DH's brother. I am not really worried about doing them because my temp will confirm when I have ovualted.

Don't use them if you don't want to. You'll know that you ovulated from your temp and that is the important part. If you keep bd'ing every other day you'll have a great chance. I hope this is your cycle!

sanchez sorry for your loss. Good luck on your upcoming cycles!

I am bored today already. Time is absolutely! Baby only gave me about 3 kicks so far this morning. I still wish I could feel her more. I'm 22 weeks today and I'll see the OB in one week when I'm 23 weeks and my ultrasound is the day after. Fx'd baby cooperated and they get the measurements they need and everything is fine. I need to find something to do today to keep busy but I can't be spending money so going out/shopping is out. So bored!

Hope everyone is having a good day!
Still pretty bored today and wishing baby would kick more. It's so hard not to worry. I have appts on Thurs and Fri so I'm hoping the doctor can reassure me some.

Michelle you should be O'ing any time now! So exciting! Fx'd you catch the egg!

Rachel what's your next step? Do you have any appts coming up? When do you get your results back? I hope they can get to the bottom of your issues and really help you ttc more effectively. Fx'd you'll be pregnant soon!

Hope everyone is doing well today.
Steph-Looking forward to hearing about your upcoming appts and looking forward to seeing a scan pic :)

Michelle-Any signs of O?

I got my blood work done a couple days ago, they had to take a ton of blood because the dr. is checking so many different things. No clue when I will get the results but I am anxious to get them. I have an appt Tuesday morning to get the saline infusion sonogram so I am hoping while I am there I can get the results if they are in which I would think about a week later they should have them. Also I think I will get the results of the sono right away. DH drops off his sample for the SA on Tuesday so we will both be anxiously awaiting the results for that as well. So many things that are being tested and so many things that could possibly be wrong. Its a little stressful but I want answers. I am trying my best to keep distracted from everything so time doesnt drag on during this waiting process. I have a feeling I won't O or it will be too late and I will have to take progesterone to induce an AF. My dr. said if no AF by CD 35 to take an HPT and if negative to move on to the progesterone. On the past couple natural cycles I had I didn't o until cd40+ so that is why im not too optimistic I will have a chance. My only hope is there is still enough clomid in my body to get things going but I doubt either way it will be before cd 20.
Rachel I really hope that the baby cooperates enough to get a profile shot. They gave me a pic of her legs and a pic of her girly parts from my last scan but she kept hiding her face. I really just hope that everything is ok with her and that she starts kicking more and I start feeling more. So nervous about the up and down activity.

Wow a lot of testing, huh? Get used to it though because once you get pregnant they will be taking blood out of you and poking and prodding at least once a month. It's no fun and the results are always something to worry about but I suppose it's for the best. I'm sure they'll find a few of your levels off or something but i doubt anything will be seriously wrong. Your body just doesn't seem to know how to behave and I hope that they can give you something to correct it all and you'll get pregnant right away. I know it must be scary and discouraging but I truly believe that everything will be fine with you and with the help of your new doctor you'll get that bfp! I'm trying to stay positive about my own situation and I know it's very difficult but the stress of thinking everything is going to go wrong doesn't help anyone. It just causes more stress. I'm trying to stay optomistic but to be honest being pregnant is terrifying for me because I'm one of those who believes things will go wrong. So far all has been ok but I can't shake the feeling. So I hope we can both just stop stressing and look forward optomistically and think happy thoughts. That's really all we can do anyway.
Egg white slightly stretchy cm yesterday, tons and tons of watery cm today. No sore nipples yet, I know for sure if I experience sore nipples tomorrow we are BDing tomorrow and suday as well if possible.

I am starting to think that on my december cycle, when I thought I O'd a day before I experienced sore nipples and had am 18 day lp maybe I really O'd a day or two later. Maybe my sore nipples start a day before, or the day of ovulation...I am not counting on that as my only sign of course, but it does make me wonder. Testing on an opk in a few hours just because I still have some digital opks left from last cycle. Leaving for the lake tonight, can't wait to relax and go out on the boat and soak up some vitamin D!
It's been really quiet on this thread, did everyone else go on vacation too? I think I ovulated yesterday, had a huge temo jump today, guess I will keep to my bd schedule until fertility friend confirmz it though.
Hi girls! I took the weekend off bnb because we were really busy. And there's still so much to do! Baby kicked a lot on Sat and Sun but today she is quiet. She kicked so hard yesterday that I saw my stomach move for the first time! Really weird and funny. Dh still hasn't gotten to feel it as she is unpredictable and she has times where she doesn't move much...a lot like now. It's driving me crazy! At least I see the Ob and have another ultrasound this week so maybe I could feel a bit better about it all. I'm also gaining weight in places other than my belly now and it's depressing. I'll have to go back to my strict diet and exercise after baby. I'm not looking forward to that.

Michelle I just saw your chart and it looks like you O'd! Yesterday I'd guess. Yay! Hope this is your cycle!Fx'd!

Rachel any updates or anything new?

Hope you are all doing well!
Michelle-It def looks like you o'ed yesterday! I agree you might as well keep BD'ing every other day until you are 100% sure. I hope this is your cycle finally! :)

Steph-That is so cool you were able to see your stomach move. How weird! Looking forward to seeing a good scan pic and hearing about your next appt.

I have been trying to stay away from bnb at least on the weekends. I just need to focus on other things, to be honest I am just sick of thinking about TTC and am starting to get bored with it so I don't get the urge as much to come on here. Nothing against you lovely ladies though, I love hearing how you are doing :) It is more difficult for me to stay away during the week though because I am on my computer all day for work so it is very easy to pop on here, so thats why I will start to minimize the time here on the weekends.

I don't have anything to report yet, I will be going in tomorrow morning for the saline sono and I am hoping to get my bloodwork results then but I don't know if that will happen yet. DH also drops off his sperm for the SA tomorrow morning. So in the coming week or two we should start to get some answers hopefully. Then next cycle I will have to schedule the HSG. I am going to push for meds the same cycle as the HSG, I really don't want to have to take off another cycle. Also I read that you have a 30% higher chance of getting pregnant the 3 cycles following you HSG so I really don't want to waste a good HSG cycle when I likely won't O without meds.
Rachel I know where you are coming from. It's great to take a break from BnB every once in a while. I really sort of enjoyed being away from it this weekend but we were out all weekend too so that's probably why it was so nice. Like I mentioned before, it's probably best if you just go with the flow for now and get a hobby instead of thinking and worrying. The doctor will get all of the answers you need very soon and they'll tell you where to go from there. I say just bd as usual but in a very relaxed way without any high hopes for an outcome, just have fun. And soon you'll be ovulating regularly or on some different, more helpful meds and it'll happen. But for now just relax and come on here to update us whenever you feel like it. We'll certainly miss you but I totally understand.

Just waiting and waiting for her to kick me today. It's making me awfully nervous as usual.:wacko: I think I'm just losing my mind.
Going shopping today but hoping I don't spend too much. I still need to buy home heating oil before fall starts:wacko: It's so expensive to heat the house!
Baby is still not kicking much which is really upsetting. I see OB on Thurs though so I hope everything is ok. I woke up and stretched and got a terrible ligament pain this AM. No fun but I hope it means baby is growing and needs more room.

Hope everyone here is doing well!
Well I am back from my appt. The saline sono was not too bad. I had a little cramp when they blew up the balloon I think but other than that it was just like an uncomfortable pap smear.

They didn't see any fibroids or polyps and said my uterus looked good, so that was nice to hear. They did take a look at my ovaries and said there was tons of little follies so he said it looks like I have plenty of eggs which is good. But he did say it looks like I have PCO. I asked if there was a difference between PCO and PCOS and he said no it is the same thing. I always thought I had it but to finally get the diagnosis is a little depressing. :cry:

The dr. said I don't have the tell tale signs like being overweight or having excess facial hair but he said sometimes that is just how it is. I do get some acne but it isn't severe or anything.

I saw a different dr. today so he wasnt able to give me the bloodwork results he said I should schedule a follow up appt with my dr. to go over everything and next steps.
Rachel Sorry to hear about the polycystic ovaries. It just goes to show that symptoms aren't always present and sometimes the symptoms that are don't mean anything (because besides the facial hair, I had lots of symptoms and I did get a lot of bloodwork and an ultrasound before we conceived so I'm sure if they thought I had it they would have investigated further). Please keep in mind that PCOS doesn't mean that you ccan't conceive. I have seen many girls on this site with PCOS get pregnant without too much trouble. I am assuming that it may have something to do with your crazy cycles as well. I hope that the doctor can get you in soon and you can discuss all of the test results and your next step in conceiving. I think it is great that they said you have a great supply of eggs and that your uterus looks good. Those are two very big factors in getting pregnant and they are free and clear! I'm still routing for you and I know it will happen!

Michelle how was your weekend? I truly hope you caught the egg this time! I hope you get that bfp in about 2 weeks!

Baby kicked just a few times this morning. I really want her to kick all the time but I'm trying not to worry about it too much. I'll be 23 weeks tomorrow and I go to see my OB. My stomach is huge and I feel like I'm gaining weight in my hips, thighs, and face as well unfortunately. Hope my appts this week go well and all is right with baby.
Steph-Wow 23 weeks already, thats crazy! Glad to hear you are feeling kicks daily now, sorry it isnt as much as you would like but its good she is at least somewhat active.

Michelle-I remember you saying you are on metformin. Does your dr. suspect you have pcos? I know a lot of people with pcos are on metformin. I am wondering if my dr will suggest I go on it. I hear it makes a lot of people feel sick, how do you feel on it? How many times a day/what dose are you on?

I am not happy with the diagnosis but at least I know whats wrong and hopefully the dr can find the best treatment for me based on my issues. I just have a feeling I have a long road ahead of me unfortunately. I have my appt on the 16th to go over my results as well as DH's SA results. I pray at least his SA comes back normal, I don't think we can stand to have anything else working against us :nope:
Rachel I think it's all really positive stuff. You and your doctors are really working together and finding out what the underlying issues are. That is the first step and the next is to find solutions. You are on your way and you just have to look forward! I hope your appt goes well and you come up with a good solution! :hugs: to you! I know it's all going to work out!

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