Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Steph-I know is is very unlikely they are wrong, just thought it was funny your father keeps saying it will be a boy :) I think it is pretty rare they make a mistake especially when they get a good view like you said. Just tell your dad maybe the next baby will be a boy :)

Just waiting for tomorrow's appointment and hoping not to get anymore bad news. :(
Rachel I hope your appt goes well. Try not to stress out. I hope you get positive news and the doctor is confident that they can help you get your bfp. Overall you are a healthy, young woman, and I think they will be able to help you out no problem. I have my fx'd that you will be a mommy in 2013.

Anyway, baby was very lazy yesterday. She seems to be active for 2 days, lazy for one and then she takes a day to start kicking again. It really makes me nervous but it's just one of those things. But I am 24 weeks today which means that baby is viable if she were to be born...but obviously the chances are still slim and I hope she stays in for a minimum of 14 more weeks as my due date is in 16. I just hope everything continues to go well.

Hope everyone is having a good day!
Awesome that you have reached that point, I think she is active enough you have nothing to worry about, but I know it's hard not to, and you will probably never stop worrying about her all her life.

Who knows what is going on with me, but today I just had the most painful cramps ever, I had to grip the edge of the kitchen counter it was so bad. I had the same awful pain at some point last cycle, but I am trying to remember at what point in the cycle it came...

I just looked back at my charts and all the cramps were recorded post ovulation, so I guess maybe it isn't a pattern. Man these cramps hurt, I am glad they only last less than thirty seconds.
Michelle-With the cramps you are having and your temp rise today maybe you o'ed yesterday? I hope so! You will just have to see what tomorrows temp brings.

I have my appt in a few hours. Hoping everything goes as good as it can. I have been having ewcm the past couple days and today my temp went up a bit so I am wondering if I possibly o'ed yesterday. I havent been doing opks because I am trying to relax and honestly think I may not O this cycle. If I do happen to O it would probably be because of the clomid left over in my system, the dr. said it still may have an affect this cycle. I will have to wait and see if my temp is up more tomorrow, not holding my breath though!
Not holding my breath either, but it would be really funny if we both O'd yesterday. Good luck at the doctors. I am trying to tell myself I am probably not going to O this cycle, but I can't help but hope.
I know exactly how you feel. You don't want to get your hopes up but at the same time you really want it to happen. I am just so sick of disappointment, like you there has been many times I thought I o'ed and had all the signs only for it not to happen so I try to protect myself from disappointment by not expecting it. I hope we both did in fact O yesterday and we both get pregnant! I will let you girls know how my appt went.
Well I just came back from my dr. appt and got all of my results. I do have PCOS but I don't have insulin resistance. I have slightly higher estrogen and testosterone levels than they like to see and he said the higher testosterone levels are due to my cystic ovaries. There really isnt anything they can do about my testosterone levels but he said as long as he can get me ovulating I will have just as good of a chance as anyone else. He seemed confident that over a course of trying 3-4 IUIs if I ovulate everytime I will have an 80% chance of getting pregnant! Now staying pregnant is the next challenge because he said people with PCOS are known to have higher miscarriage rates. So I will have to take caution and not get too excited even if I do fall pregnant unfortunately. DH's SA came back GREAT! The results were:

Sperm count: 76 million (he said they consider over 39 million normal)
Motile sperm: 54% (normal greater than 40%)
Morphology: 18% (greater than 4%)

Also my AMH which shows how many eggs you have came back really good too. He said they like to see over .8 and mine was 13.11.

So overall the news was as good as it could be, I am nervous about the increased risk of miscarraige but at least I know there is a chance for me to get pregnant.

He did an ultrasound while I was there and he saw the corpus luteum and said I likely ovulated recently. :happydance: So it appears based on my temp rise today I o'ed yesterday. And my lining was actually nice and thick for once at 11mm! So I finally feel like for the first time in a year I have a chance at getting pregnant and if I don't I have things to look forward to. If I don't get pregnant this cycle he wants me to do the HSG next cycle and then if all is clear the following cycle we will start the IUI and femara. I hope I can just be pregnant now and avoid spending all that money!

I am wondering if the raspberry leaf tea helped thicken my lining? I guess I will never know for sure. I think the reason I ended up O'ing was due to the clomid still being in my system, I don't think it will happen again next cycle.
Well I just came back from my dr. appt and got all of my results. I do have PCOS but I don't have insulin resistance. I have slightly higher estrogen and testosterone levels than they like to see and he said the higher testosterone levels are due to my cystic ovaries. There really isnt anything they can do about my testosterone levels but he said as long as he can get me ovulating I will have just as good of a chance as anyone else. He seemed confident that over a course of trying 3-4 IUIs if I ovulate everytime I will have an 80% chance of getting pregnant! Now staying pregnant is the next challenge because he said people with PCOS are known to have higher miscarriage rates. So I will have to take caution and not get too excited even if I do fall pregnant unfortunately. DH's SA came back GREAT! The results were:

Sperm count: 76 million (he said they consider over 39 million normal)
Motile sperm: 54% (normal greater than 40%)
Morphology: 18% (greater than 4%)

Also my AMH which shows how many eggs you have came back really good too. He said they like to see over .8 and mine was 13.11.

So overall the news was as good as it could be, I am nervous about the increased risk of miscarraige but at least I know there is a chance for me to get pregnant.

He did an ultrasound while I was there and he saw the corpus luteum and said I likely ovulated recently. :happydance: So it appears based on my temp rise today I o'ed yesterday. And my lining was actually nice and thick for once at 11mm! So I finally feel like for the first time in a year I have a chance at getting pregnant and if I don't I have things to look forward to. If I don't get pregnant this cycle he wants me to do the HSG next cycle and then if all is clear the following cycle we will start the IUI and femara. I hope I can just be pregnant now and avoid spending all that money!

I am wondering if the raspberry leaf tea helped thicken my lining? I guess I will never know for sure. I think the reason I ended up O'ing was due to the clomid still being in my system, I don't think it will happen again next cycle.

Awesome, and great BD timing too! Most of those results sound really good and ovulating is half the battle. That's cool that you had an appointment close enough to ovulation that they could see that you ovulated. Were all those results found out through blood tests? I wonder if my insurance would cover an ultra sound if they didnt' classify it as fertility but rather as trying to figure out my crazy cycle issues.
Well all the hormone levels were from blood tests and he saw I had polycystic ovaries by looking at my ovaries during an ultra sound. It was really cool to see what it looked like after O'ing. He pointed out to me the corpus luteum and how it looked collapsed and that is how it looks after a follicle is released. Also he did this thing with the ultrasound picture where it will show up in a bright red color where there is bloodflow and he said that was another indication I o'ed because there was a ring of bloodflow around the corpus luteum. He said looking at my uterus he could see this white area which indicates progesterone is present which is yet another sign I o'ed. I was really lucky to get the scan today, I didnt even know I was going to get it. He wanted to have a look at my ovaries so it was just a bonus the timing was right to see I o'ed.

My insurance does not cover infertility but my ultra sounds are covered because the dr can code it as you said, trying to figure out what is wrong with your cycles. All of the diagnostic stuff is covered for me like the saline sono, hsg, ultrasounds, bloodwork. The only things that arent covered is the actual meds. He did say if he codes it as Oligomenorrhea (which means infrequent menstrual periods) that the insurance may cover the femara for me which would be great because I hear it is pricey out of pocket.
Rachel that is great news that you are all clear. So the only diagnosis is the PCOS. It's really looking good for you and I'm so glad to hear that your doctor is being so proactive about he whole thing and has confidence in your being able to get pregnant. It is all a matter of time now. I know you'll hate the waiting but it'll be totally worth it. Then you can begin worrying about every little stupid thing like me!

Michelle I hope that you do O this cycle but if not I hope the doctors can help you out. The cramping sounds strange and I hope it is a sign of upcoming or recent ovulation. I do think it is something that you should mention to your doctor in case it is a small cyst or something or from your meds. I hope you are trying to be positive about everything and look forward to talking with your doctor about what the next step is. I know everything will be just fine and your time is coming soon!

I had a really bad night and so far a bad day as well. Every little thing seems to be stressing me out and in turn it is stressing out DH. The dog has been very stubborn and out of control lately and last night she ran all over the house and annoyed us instead of listening. I plugged in a night light and got a little jolt off of it which scared me and I was worried about baby but -even though she has certainly been less active lately:)wacko:)- she has moved or kicked since, so I know she didn't get shocked. Just me on my hand. Then I look over everything I have to do and I just get overwhelmed. I cried a bunch of times since last night:cry: A family member calls me up and asks me 20 questions about a party coming up like I have all of the answers and then asks me why haven't I done this or that like it's all my responsibility. And proceeds to ask me why I'm so busy as I don't work or anything....:growlmad:.As if I don't have numberous appts and a home to take care of, bills to pay, things to do for this party, my family, my stubborn dog, my shower, etc etc I could go on! I could literally pull my hair out! i am just stressed enough being pregnant and worrying about the baby to deal with everyone and everything elses problems. I wonder if baby is less active when I am stressed out? Anyway so sorry had to vent a little. I gotta go make something for dinner and hopefully baby wakes up and gives me a few good kicks for my confidence. I hope everyone is doing well!
Steph-Sorry to hear how stressed out you have been :hugs: I know it's easier said than done but try not to let anyone get to you. Some people just don't get it. Relax and focus on yourself. This is the time to focus on you because once the baby comes it will be all about the baby. I hope you have a good weekend and are able to unwind a bit :)
Thanks Rachel. I've had quite a stressful weekend. I've been in tears on and off for a few days. Every little thing sets me off. Baby has been surprisingly inactive and I was so scared I was going to call the doctor this week. Then as this AM I was lying in bed and I had at least a dozen good kicks/hits to the right of my belly button. I just don't know why she goes quiet for days at a time? Maybe it was just her position? Anyway I'm feeling a little bit better today and hoping that everything goes well. Every time I feel a kick I feel as though I dodged a bullet!

Rachel I'm so excited that you O'd! I truly hope that this is your month! How exciting! Also that would be the way it goes...the one month you weren't taking the I wish you the best of luck!

Michelle I haven't looked at your chart but I do hope you O soon if you haven't! Let us know what the doctor plans on doing. Upping your clomid would be the first step I suppose? I wouldn't worry too much about it, it's going to happen for you I just know it. I hope it is soon!

Hope everyone is having a good day!
I see you got crosshairs Michelle! Better late than never! Good bd'ing time as well! I hope this is your month and you won't need to worry about more meds. But even if it isn't I know your time is coming soon! It's very exciting!
I never realized how stressful it still is this far along in pregnancy. People make it seem as though the worry is all over when you hit the second trimester. Who knows how crazy I will be the whole time. I know for sure I will be moody, I already am pretty moody during certain times of the month where I cry at every tv show no matter if it's sad or happy tears.

As for me, my chart gave me crosshairs today, but I am still not so sure about it, trying to tell myself that it's just going to be cruel and take the cross hairs away in a few days. I don't know, my body is so tricky and mean. Maybe I will see if the doctor can do progesterone blood tests, but I don't know if he will be on board with that or not since his nurse/assistant doesn't believe in the temperature charts. He might think it's way to late in my cycle for the progestrone test to be useful at all. I am kind of hoping for an ultra sound, but I am wondering if I have to schedule that in advance. I would like to see what is going on down there and see if they can tell anything good or bad by looking at my ovaries and everything.
Steph-I am happy to hear the baby is being more active for you and putting your mind at ease. You could very well be correct in that certain positions you just don't feel it.

Michelle-Yay for Crosshairs! If FF put the crosshairs on the correct day you and I o'ed on the same day and would have a chance at having the same conception date! That would be cool :cool:

Everything is fine here just waiting out this TWW. It is already dragging on. I went in and got the blood drawn to test my progesterone so they can confirm I o'ed but I already know I did based on temps and the ultra sound so not sure there was much of a point in spending more money on more tests..oh well.
Michelle sometimes you just have to put your foot down and demand things from drs. I have had them try to tell me no and I stay strong and demand tests. What do they care anyway, it's our money :growlmad: That always drives me crazy.
Steph-I am happy to hear the baby is being more active for you and putting your mind at ease. You could very well be correct in that certain positions you just don't feel it.

Michelle-Yay for Crosshairs! If FF put the crosshairs on the correct day you and I o'ed on the same day and would have a chance at having the same conception date! That would be cool :cool:

Everything is fine here just waiting out this TWW. It is already dragging on. I went in and got the blood drawn to test my progesterone so they can confirm I o'ed but I already know I did based on temps and the ultra sound so not sure there was much of a point in spending more money on more tests..oh well.

Yeah, that was the day we all thought I O'd, but I am just worried that there isn't a big shift in my post O temps compared to my pre O temps and I probably won't feel comfortable with believing the cross hairs unless my temps rise some more and stay around the higher range. I would like to see them above 97.8 in the next few days, but my body never does what I like. My nipples don't hurt at all though, so it just makes me worry I feel like the last two times I ovulated my progesterone was through the roof and I could feel the effects so why wouldn't I this time? Just hoping maybe my baby is trying to plan a sneak attack when I least expect it.

Rachel, your chart looks good though, those temps just keep rising and rising. It would be so weird if our cycles ended up in the same place after being two weeks or so apart for so long. Just goes to show how wonky and unpredictable post BCP cycles are.
Oh Michelle- I thinkthere is some point in every pregnancy that women are just overly emotional and it doesn't help that I am prone to anxiety and worry. Baby is kicking below my right ribs now. Such a relief! Also I do think you O'd and I hope that the crosshairs stay! Fx'd for both you and Rachel this cycle!

I also agree with Rachel in that you just go in and say 'this is what I've been doing, I know it is accurate and I need to know (as you are paying for the medication) if it is effective and that you have in fact O'd so that both you and the doctors know what to do next'. How can they argue with someone who is spending the money on the drugs they have prescribed! The least they can do is check for ovulation- the whole purpose of you using the drug in the first place. If not they should start you a new cycle and up your dosage and monitor you closely with blood work and/or ultrasounds to be sure it is working. WHy pay for it if you don't even know if it's working? Because according to them, the temping isn't accurate so how would you know if you O'd ever?! Silly doctors. If they do not comply I would be doctor shopping just in case. I hope they listen to you though!
I hope you did in fact O but I guess like you said you will just have to see if your temp keeps rising. My nipples always used to get sore after I o'ed pre clomid but my three clomid cycles and this current semi natural cycle my nipples are fine so you never know what your body can do.
I am just afraid that they will say, oh you never O'd, take provera to start a new cycle, and if I o'd and my body is trying to make my baby I don't want to stop the process. I want to take the blood test to see if I O'd and if it says I haven't then I will feel comfortable forcing my body to start a new cycle. I don't want to do it not knowing though, because then I will feel like I possibly pushed my child further away, if that makes any sense. I don't know, I am weird like that. I would love to do it all naturally and have it happen when it will happen, but I know I need help. I just have a hard time feeling like my intervention has to be timed at the right times as to not interrupt my chances.

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