Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Michelle- :hugs: I know how it hard it must be that they got your hopes up like that and honestly I would have gotten mine up too, how could you not? I am sure your DH will feel better with time and be ready to try again by time your next cycle. Are you going to take provera soon? A lot of people don't respond well to 50 mg, in fact a lot of drs even skip that dose and start patients on 100 mg because of that, you should have no problems o'ing next cycle. And if for some odd reason it didn't work for you on a higher dose you could always ask to try femara, people that don't respond well on clomid tend to do great on femara. It works differently than clomid. I am sure everything will work out great for you, it is just a matter of waiting. And trust me I know how bad the waiting game sucks. I don't feel like I have a chance at getting pregnant on my own so since my first IUI isn't until October I feel like I won't have a realistic shot at getting pregnant until then, and I hate having to keep waiting. I turn 30 in October so maybe I can get pregnant for the best gift ever!
Probably going to pick provera up tomorrow, glad I really thought I didn't ovulate. If I had ovulated an got an inconclusive test followed by a negative I would be crushed. On to the next cycle I guess.
Looks like your temps are still up, hope they stay up. Mine decided to rise these past two days, haven't started provera just yet. Picking it up today... My body is so weird.
Michelle your temps do look high now, maybe you should give it a couple more days and see what happens? :shrug:

My chart looks really good but I don't think I am pregnant. ZERO symptoms as usual, I have no sore boobs cramps or anything. I had some light pink spotting after we BD'ed yesterday and I found a couple tiny streaks of red blood so I think AF will be here in a day or two :( I hate how I spot after BD'ing, it happens sometimes in the middle of my cycle as well. I asked my RE about it and he wasn't concerned because my exams and paps are normal. So I can't be 100% sure it is AF related but since I have no symptoms I am thinking it is. Also I noticed some ewcm today which usually happens a day or two before AF. So after this I likely won't have a chance again until October because I doubt I will O next cycle. I am just so sick of waiting but I guess another month won't kill me at this point, I have already waited a year.
Michelle so sorry you got a neg blood test. It makes sense though I suppose because your temp (until yesterday or so) haden't risen. I'm guessing your body isn't responding to the 50mg and it's a bit confused after having a near normal cycle last time. EIther that or you finally did O. Either way unless you bd'd in the past 3 or 4 days I'd say start the provera and get the doctor on board with upping your dosage and monitoring you more closely. Your DH seems to take it pretty hard everytime you don't get a bfp. He must want it just as badly as you do. I didn't tell DH everything about TTC because I thought it would give him 'stage fright' or he would change his mind and not want to. I think that's what worked best for us, him not knowing exactly when I was ovulating, etc. I hope that you can both get through it and support each other because I know it's tough on you as well. Just remember that your doctor seemed really supportive and I think with closer monitoring they will get you that bfp before you know it.

Rachel your temps look good. I know you say you have no symptoms but that doesn't mean anything. Neither do your temps really and they only way to know is if you get your bfp. I really hope you do! I know the weaiting sucks but it'll be worth it. And don't forget you then have to wait the whole nine months , worrying and being nervous.:dohh: Hope it happens for you soon.

Baby is fairly active lately. Which of course makes me feel a bit better. I'm hoping she stays that way. I had a decent weekend but sleeping is still a bit or a miss thing. I'm often pretty tired and my sciatic nerve is always sore. I'm hoping that at my next OB appt on the 6th that my bp is good and I haven't gained too much more weight. I also hope that my glucose test on Thurs goes well and I pass. If not I have to take another glucose test which will be 3 hours long....I have to drink yucky sugary stuff and get my blood taken to check for gestational diabetes. I just feel like I'm either going to fail that or they are going to diagnose me with pre eclampsia. I hope not but with my luck....

Anyway sorry so long. I hope you're all doing well!
Michelle so sorry you got a neg blood test. It makes sense though I suppose because your temp (until yesterday or so) haden't risen. I'm guessing your body isn't responding to the 50mg and it's a bit confused after having a near normal cycle last time. EIther that or you finally did O. Either way unless you bd'd in the past 3 or 4 days I'd say start the provera and get the doctor on board with upping your dosage and monitoring you more closely. Your DH seems to take it pretty hard everytime you don't get a bfp. He must want it just as badly as you do. I didn't tell DH everything about TTC because I thought it would give him 'stage fright' or he would change his mind and not want to. I think that's what worked best for us, him not knowing exactly when I was ovulating, etc. I hope that you can both get through it and support each other because I know it's tough on you as well. Just remember that your doctor seemed really supportive and I think with closer monitoring they will get you that bfp before you know it.

Rachel your temps look good. I know you say you have no symptoms but that doesn't mean anything. Neither do your temps really and they only way to know is if you get your bfp. I really hope you do! I know the weaiting sucks but it'll be worth it. And don't forget you then have to wait the whole nine months , worrying and being nervous.:dohh: Hope it happens for you soon.

Baby is fairly active lately. Which of course makes me feel a bit better. I'm hoping she stays that way. I had a decent weekend but sleeping is still a bit or a miss thing. I'm often pretty tired and my sciatic nerve is always sore. I'm hoping that at my next OB appt on the 6th that my bp is good and I haven't gained too much more weight. I also hope that my glucose test on Thurs goes well and I pass. If not I have to take another glucose test which will be 3 hours long....I have to drink yucky sugary stuff and get my blood taken to check for gestational diabetes. I just feel like I'm either going to fail that or they are going to diagnose me with pre eclampsia. I hope not but with my luck....

Anyway sorry so long. I hope you're all doing well!

Or you could pass all the tests and be fine :)

Today is the first day we bd'd in the past five days, so if I finally did o then there isn't a chance anyways. Might as well start provera, sucks that provera takes 10 days, then about another 20 days to ovulate.
Thanks Michelle. I hope I don't have GD or PRE-E but I just have this feeling I'll get one or the other. Especially with this past months weight gain and my unpredictable BP. Fx'd all is well though. Baby must be sleeping this AM as I haven't felt her do much. Hoping she wakes up and gives me a few good kicks soon. I slept OK last night but not great and I am tired. I woke up because I swear I heard someone say my name but DH had already gone off to work. Weird but probably just my imagination. Anyhow we're going to babies r us to register tonight. I'll be so happy to get it over with and get my shower invites out. The sooner all of this is done the sooner I'll be less stressed. Just hope everything works out.

Michelle I agree in that case if you haven't bd'd, even if you did finally O, that your chances of being pregnant aren't good so just take the provera and bring on AF. Hopefully you'll get a bigger dose of clomid and O at a decent time in your next cycle. Then you'll be all set and hopefully get your bfp!
Steph-I really hope all of your tests come back ok. Try your best not to worry, I am sure everything will turn out fine :hugs:

Temp plummetted this morning so AF is likely on her way :( Not that I am surprised, I really don't expect I will ever have a shot at getting pregnant unassisted which sucks, I hate my body for not working as it should but what can you do, it is the hand I was dealt and I have no choice but to accept it and deal with it.

Once AF shows which will likely be today or tomorrow I can call and schedule the HSG for sometime between cd6-10. Then I will probably give my body until CD 20ish to O and if nothing happens then I will take the progesterone and move on to my first IUI cycle.

I was considering taking soy this cycle to ensure I O. I don't think I will O again and last cycle was likely due to clomid still in my system. I have never taken soy though so part of me doesnt want to risk screwing anything up for my first IUI cycle so I may just stay away from it and mentally prepare myself that I likely won't get a chance again until October.
I'm not sure I'd want to risk soy either, Rachel. Your body is probably confused enough with the meds and all. I suppose you could just cross your fingers and hope that you O at a decent time. You never know maybe your body will be smart and O on it's own. There's always a chance that it will! If it turns out you need to take Sept off then have fun! Go on a weekend trip with DH, go out drinking with your friends, or buy yourself something nice before all of your money will be going toward the doctor or your baby. I wish that DH and I had because now we are watching every penny closely and worrying. We also know that we won't be having any alone time for the next few years and we will surely miss it. Then in Oct you can prep for the doctor and get back to hoping for baby. Either way I hope it works out for you! Perhaps it'll happen in Sept when you least expect it and you won't need to have IUI. I hope so anyway! Best of luck!

I also hope I pass the gtt test and my bp is nice and low. I worry especially about the bp because of that slighlty elevated afp in my blood screening because that is one thing that they said it may indicate. And if that is the case I may go into pre term labor or I may have to have an emergency induction or c section but I'm hoping to keep baby in until at least 37 weeks. Also my bp is occasionally high when I go and it's scary to me and this sudden big weight gain could be a symptom of either gd or pre-e. Fx'd all is ok!
Yea I really hope by some miracle my body figured out how to O but I am not holding my breath. I think when it comes down to it I should stay away from the soy. With my luck I will get a big cyst and will have to cancel my first IUI cycle and then I would be kicking myself for taking the soy. I think I just need to be patient. I am just so bored with life right now and the thought of having to wait this much longer is frustrating. DH and I are going away for a couple days this weekend, we are staying at a hotel on the beach. It is the hotel we got married at, we will be doing a lot of relaxing and some drinking I am sure :)
Yea I really hope by some miracle my body figured out how to O but I am not holding my breath. I think when it comes down to it I should stay away from the soy. With my luck I will get a big cyst and will have to cancel my first IUI cycle and then I would be kicking myself for taking the soy. I think I just need to be patient. I am just so bored with life right now and the thought of having to wait this much longer is frustrating. DH and I are going away for a couple days this weekend, we are staying at a hotel on the beach. It is the hotel we got married at, we will be doing a lot of relaxing and some drinking I am sure :)

I agree with you, all this waiting is hard. It's hard to feel like another cycle is wasted, never has a month seemed so long in my life. I just try to keep thinking that in a year I could be holding my baby and I won't care how long it took to concieve.
Oh have fun on your little trip with Dh Rachel! You deserve it and it should be fun! Hopefully it'll keep your mind off of things for a bit and you can relax and enjoy your alone time. Dh and I are enjoying the pregnancy but at the same time I'm thinking Omg we'll never be able to pick up and go without baby, or sleep alone all night, or small things like taking showers together, etc. I'm going to miss it so much but I'm sure that we will both love the baby so much that it'll be ok.

I totally agree with Michelle. As soon as I got my bfp it's like all the stupid problems I had with bc and my cycles just went away and I had new things to worry and think about. Now I'm sure when baby is born I'll forget all of the silly pregnancy worries and start anew with ones like, 'I hope she sleeps' or 'I hope she's eating enough', "i hope she doesn't get sick', and 'I hope she's ok', etc etc. I hope that soon enough, both of your long and annoying ttc journeys are just like an old, bad dream. It's always going to be the waiting that is the worst.
Dh and I registered last night. It was fun and nervewracking at the same time! I can't believe how expensive it all is! Ahhh! Stressful! Anyhow baby is behind my placenta or being a little lazy today again because she isn't doing much and when she does it's muffled feeling. Can't wait until she kicks all of the time! Even if she bruises my insides I's still just be happy knowing she's ok in there! Only 100 days to go! On thurs I'll be 26 weeks and I go for that awful gt test. Also another one of my buddies on here had a baby girl yesterday! Yay! So happy for them and a little jealous. I have 14 weeks to go!

I hope you girls are doing well!
14 weeks will fly by and then you will see what its like to be exhausted! It will all be worth it though of course :) Do you have a birthing plan? Do you want to get the epidural, try natural?

Still just waiting for AF which I expect by Thursday at the latest. My temp went back up today but I am not letting that fool me this time. A couple cycles ago for the first time ever my temp shot back up on 13 dpo and I got so exciting and sure enough the stupid witch showed two days later anyway. I wish I knew how long my LP should be this first cycle off clomid, it really could be anywhere from 12-14 days. I just know my temp going back up today is my body screwing with me :growlmad: I fully expect another temp dip tomorrow in anticipation of AF. IF my temp is still up tomorrow I may take a test. Originally I wanted to test today if my temp was up but the thought of seeing a BFN scared me and I didn't want my day to be ruined over it so I decided against it.

Still not much for symptoms I would think if I was pregnant by 13 dpo I would feel something :shrug: The only thing I noticed was yesterday off and on all day especially in my left boob, I had pains but thats gone today. I felt a couple of cramps for a minute last night but that could have been gas for all I know. Today I feel fine just a little groggy but that happens to me from time to time so I am not reading into that either. I am just thinking about next cycle for now...
Understandable, but I would take 10 weeks, 15 weeks, 26 weeks... anything over 0 weeks! Feeling some kicks is better then none even if they feel muffled, I am not sure I would want my baby to be going crazy 24/7, that would make me worry a little that they are going to be a crazy child like my husband. Of course I would know they were okay, but I just hope I don't have a crazy hyper child.

Oh yeah, and I started provera yesterday. Also my stupid crosshairs are still there on fertility friend. I agree about cruel temps and charts. Why O why won't those cross hairs just disappear already? My temps make no sense for ovulation.
Rachel I did see that temp rise again. You never know, but focusing on the next cycle is the best idea, that way you won't get dissapointed.

I do not have a birth plan. I'm just going to play it by ear. If I have time and the pain is that bad I'll take the epidural. I'm just going to try and do it as naturally as possible but if I need pain relief I'm not going to deny myself that. It may be my last 'selfish' move for the rest of my life because then baby will be here!

Michelle I'd so rather I felt her kicking ALL of the time. I know thats unrealistic but you girls both know by now that all I do is worry. And also, her kicks are pretty gentle so far. She doesn't beat me up too badly yet. I'm sure if she starts kicking rough I'll have my moments of getting tired of it.
Michelle I think you're right. I don't think you O'd but stupid ff hasn't seemed to figure it out. At least you're well on your way to your next cycle having taken the provera. Hope you O at a nice normal time next cycle and fx'd it's your turn!
Michelle if the crosshairs are bugging you, you can manually remove them. I have done that before when I knew FF was wrong.
I probably will manually erase them when I get af. I am just curious at what point ff will figure it out.
OMG I can't believe it, I got my BFP this morning!!!!!! I am in denial right now, I was not expecting this at all, I really don't have anything sticking out I would call real symptoms. No sore boobs, no cramps, nothing! I guess that should come with time. Here are my tests:

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