Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

I thinks all the doctors are on holiday leave for the week. I left a message on friday, then called again monday and still got the answering machine. Even the sperm analysis place isn't answering my calls. I guess I just have to wait until next week when all the holiday mess is over for a few weeks.
Michelle I hope you can get your appts set up this week and I hope they go well for you! Fx'd for this cycle!

I hope you all had a nice holiday and weekend!

Not much to report here. I'm still pregnant and getting increasingly anxious about it. I think my belly may have dropped a bit and I have a lot of sharp pains in my cervix but my BH contractions have been at a minimum. I do have some tailbone pain and some mild cramping but nothing much more. Baby is often quiet but is still moving enough to get my counts in:shrug: It's got me worried but I think she's fine. Maybe she's just tired from moving down? I also feel like I may be constipated this AM so I'm disappointed. Just hoping I get some sign that labor is coming.

I have been nesting like mad the last few days and I have decorated the house completely for Christmas. I have a handful of things I want to pick up from the store, including groceries, and I want to start wrapping gifts. I haven't been leaving the house without it being perfect just in case I go into labor.

Unfortunately there's been a death in the family, so I'm unsure if I'll have to reschedule my appt on Tues but I do hope that when I eventually go that I am progressing. It's just a very stressful time for us and I only have about 11 days to go. I hope the baby isn't late!

Hope you're all well!
Wow in about a week and a half your baby will finally be here yay!! That is a good idea to make sure the house stays clean so you are well prepared when you go into labor. So sorry to hear about the death in your family :(

We had a great holiday and also put up our decorations! I am glad we got it done already. We are going away thurs-mon back to my hometown because one of my good friends is getting married. I am looking forward to seeing everyone but not looking forward to the cold weather in Michigan! Then when we get back Monday we only have to wait a few more days to find out the gender...can't wait!

Michelle- I hope you are able to get everything going this week. When is your first appt with the specialist?
Thanks, Rachel.

Michelle, any luck getting appts set up?

Still waiting for baby. I'm feeling really tired and anxious. Have been cleaning a lot everyday and anxious to get everything done ASAP. I'm always wanting to go and pick things up immediately instead of waiting and cleaning immediately instead of letting it sit. I'm hoping it's a good sign that things will happen soon even though I have no other indication that I will go into labor. I have an occasional, mild, BH contraction and the occasional period-like cramp and that is all. I go see my doctor, yet again, tomorrow. I'm hoping there has been a little more progress as I've been having some pelvic and cervical pressure. I really don''t think I want to wait another 10 days or more! I want this done, NOW! Getting so antsy!

Hope you're all doing well!
I called the fertility specialist and they can't get me in until January 10th! I guess with my long cycles that will be fine, especially since I might have to take provera for 10 days to jump start a period. Jan 10th just seems so far away, I can't help but panic at the thought of waiting until then. I guess I just got used to making appointments about two weeks out rather then a few months out. I wonder if they decide to do testing after the initial appointment if I am going to have to wait two months to get in just to do those test. I am horrible at waiting and I don't want to deal with waiting for af to come on her own for months on end.
Ugh that sucks you have to wait so long. I am sure the holidays makes them have even less time for appts so that's probably why. I think I only had to wait a couple weeks for my initial appt. once you are a patient there I don't see you having to wait that long in the future.

I totally understand not wanting to wait around even longer I know how much torture that is :( hopefully with the holidays it will go by fast for you.

There is still hope for you to o this cycle. As I said before I o'ed and got pregnant my first cycle off clomid after being on it for 3 cycles. My dr said it stays in your system up to 70 some days so it still helps some women o the first cycle off. I would def bd every other day starting now.
Michelle, sorry they can't get you in until January, but in the scheme of things, especially with the holidays to keep you busy, it isn't all that far off. I'm guessing the first appts will be discussions and appts for a sono probably within 2 weeks and some bloodwork slips for you and maybe your DH. I just hope this cycle isn't too long for you but Rachel has a good point and I hope you O anyway due to clomid still in your system. I know the waiting is always the worst part:dohh:. I hope it goes well for you though!

As for me I'm just waiting for any sign that this baby is on the way. Other than being really tired and having some headaches and mild cramping, I don't have much going on. The doctor said yesterday that nothing had changed since last week and he wants to check the size of the baby and everything with a scan on Fri. I'm excited to see the baby one more time but also very nervous. He actually thought the baby had moved back up a little from last week:nope:. So no progress. My due date is almost a week away and notta! I'm really anxious and I just hope that something happens soon.

Rachel are you feeling little flutters and bubbles yet? It's not gas, it's the baby! I know when I was around 17 weeks I felt a little flutter once in a great while and assumed it was just gas or something. You'll definately be feeling something within the next few weeks! How exciting! And I'm guessing you'll know the gender by Christmas? Also exciting!I hope it's all going well!

I hope you're all doing well!
I am away for a friends wedding until Monday so I won't be on much but all is well here. We find out the gender on one week! Can't wait! I think I am feeling the baby lately it does feel like bubbles and it doesn't feel like anything I've ever felt before so I am pretty sure it's the baby :)
Michelle hope you're doing well and I hope you O on your own this cycle. Fx'd!

Rachel have fun while you're away! Congrats on feeling baby move. In just a month or so those feelings will get much much stronger. It's all very strange in a good way. Can't wait to hear if you're having a boy or a girl.

I'm still pregnant. Still waiting. It feels like the TWW all over. I'm as ready as I'll ever be yet nothing, no sign. Have a sono today to check baby's size and all. I just hope she's all fine and that something happens soon.

Hope you ladies have a great weekend!
No change. Nothing new. Baby is nearing the 7lb mark. Still waiting. Keep your fx'd she comes this weekend! I am hoping!
:thumbup: Yay for nearing 7 pounds. Hopefully she will be on time and not late.

Still haven't ovulated. DH can't bd today or tomorrow, because he has a SA on monday morning. Which means that we won't be able to BD until tuesday. I am guessing I will miss ovulation this cycle unless I ovulate really late, which I guess is highly possible. I haven't really been on top of taking OPKs either, I sort of feel like taking it a lot more casual this month.

On tuesday I have to get 8 small cavities filled, one wisdom tooth pulled, and get fitted for a crown on one tooth. Then in January, I have to get two more wisdom teeth pulled, and two more crowns put in. I guess it's good that I am not pregnant yet, because if they don't do the crowns, two of those three teeth could end up needing root canals. Sadly I have genetically weak teeth, but I am glad that I am finally getting everything fixed. Maybe by mid January I could have beautiful cavity free teeth and an amazing bfp.

Rachel- I can't wait to find out if you are team pink or team blue!
Michelle. Sorry you have to have all of that dental work done. I HATE the dentist and I am 99% sure I have at least one cavity that'll need to be taken care of after the baby comes. I'm less afraid of giving birth than going to the dentist actually. I hope it all goes well though and you get a nice bfp soon!

I'm still waiting. I've had increasing BH contractions but no other signs. It's really depressing at this point and I cry at least once a day because I'm dying to just get it over with. I don't want to leave the house or anything but I have 2 doctors appts this week:wacko:. I just feel like hibernating until I go into labor. It's so frustrating. I'm still running around trying to get the house spotless but then another day goes by and I feel like I've wasted my time. The baby is as always on and off active and although her movements haven't been hurting me, my body is very achey and it's getting much harder to get around. My waddling has definately gotten worse and I have a really hard time getting up off of the floor. Rolling over and getting out of bed feels like it takes more effort than running a mile! And I'm just plain sore and tired. It's time for this baby to come out. I hope the doctor doesn't let me go too far past my due date.

Rachel, I hope you had a nice weekend!

Hope you're all well!
Ugh I hate the dentist too! I went for a cleaning a month ago and told the hygienist to leave one of my teeth alone and don't clean it because its so sensitive it hurts when they clean it! Luckily she said it didn't need cleaning but it will some day I'm sure and I bet I will need a root canal on it one day I am already dreading it. Michelle I have genetically weak teeth as well no matter how well I take care of them I have issues it sucks :dohh: I hope all goes well at your appts and its as painless as possible!

Steph- I hope your baby comes soon, I can totally understand why you are anxious for things to get going. When is your due date?

I had a nice weekend visiting with family and friends. I am getting so excited to find out the baby's gender Thursday. I hope the baby cooperates so the sonographer can get a clear view and know for sure what we are having. I still think its a boy and while I will be happy with either gender I think I am slightly preferring a boy for our first :)
I am due on Thursday and still no sign of labor. I'm more and more emotional and impatient everyday. I had an appt today and I am slightly more engaged and effaced but dilation is still only 1/2cm or so. :nope: Not enough progress. I go back to the doctor AGAIN on Fri and then on Mon. I'm so tired of going for internal exams. It's quite uncomfortable. I am also just a nervous wreck about the baby's movement as they gave me another NST today and It actually stresses me out as opposed to reassuring me. I just want to get her out now while she's still ok in there. I worry about everything especially now in my overly-emotional state. All I can hope for is that I go into labor naturally before my next appt on Fri, so keep your fx'd! The nurse did say though that as long as my cervix keeps ripening he shouldn't let me go more than a week overdue. Fx'd it's sooner than later!

Rachel glad you had a good weekend and hope your baby cooperates on Thurs.

Michelle I don't have great teeth either unfortunately. One of my friends had very genetically weak teeth and no matter how much she cleaned them and cared for them they would break and rot and chip. She actually ended up getting dentures until she can afford to get implants. It's pretty bad especially because she's only 25 but it happens sometimes. Just be glad you don't need to get dentures like my poor friend!
I recently started a new post before I found this one, i tok BCP for like 3 years, and have gotten 3 natural and 1 induced period in nearly 2 years, still trying to get things to come right.

Its been making me really depress, I neither get my period or ovulate, the last one I got was back in August.

I started Vitex about 3 weeks ago, but nothing so far.
I have a dr appt on Monday, so I hope they can help me.
Have you tried fertiliy tea? Its called fetilitea. It has helped me to ovulate and lots of it. I mean the snot looking kind that is suppose to be the most fertile. You can buy it on ebay or amazon. Its like 15$ and u drink 2-3 cups a day. It is also suppose to help regulate your cycle as well. I have only been on it for like 2 weeks now so it has not done anything to my cycle as of yet.
I recently started a new post before I found this one, i tok BCP for like 3 years, and have gotten 3 natural and 1 induced period in nearly 2 years, still trying to get things to come right.

Its been making me really depress, I neither get my period or ovulate, the last one I got was back in August.

I started Vitex about 3 weeks ago, but nothing so far.
I have a dr appt on Monday, so I hope they can help me.
Have you tried fertiliy tea? Its called fetilitea. It has helped me to ovulate and lots of it. I mean the snot looking kind that is suppose to be the most fertile. You can buy it on ebay or amazon. Its like 15$ and u drink 2-3 cups a day. It is also suppose to help regulate your cycle as well. I have only been on it for like 2 weeks now so it has not done anything to my cycle as of yet.

I have no experience with fertilitea. I did however have luck with vitex to regulate my cycle but it probably wouldn't have worked had I not been dieting/exercising. If you have any weight or thyroid issues it's best to get them taken care of as it can help to regulate cycles.The vitex did take the 8 weeks for me to regulate as well as the bottle suggested. As for CM I used EPO and got a bit more fertile CM when taken, as directed, the first 2 weeks of my cycle. Best of luck to you, using fertilitea. I hope it works for you.
My dentist appointment went okay, glad I have suffered through braces though because that would have been a bit much if I wasn't used to people in my mouth for more than an hour. Luckly I didn't even get sick in the middle of the night like last time. I was even well enough to go to the hair dresser this morning and get some peekaboo highlights like I have been wanting for months.

Nothing new on the fertility front, temps still low and any OPKs taken have all been negative. CM is very abundant, but still creamy and not clearing up at all. I am going to talk to the doctor next week about when I should start provera. I am very much enjoying the break though, I have even enjoyed a cup or two of tea while out to eat, which I have been avoiding due to the caffine. I guess we are just taking it as it goes on the bding front too, I kind of want DH to have a stress free month. I could tell that last month all this trying to concieve madness was wearing on him, so we are just going to enjoy the holidays and wait for our January 10th fertility appointment.
Michelle- that is a good idea to just take some time for yourselves sometimes and just relax and not focus on ttc. At least you know you have the ball rolling and things will get sorted out soon enough :thumbup:

Steph- anything new yet?

I am so upset because I came down with a cold. I hate being sick and it especially sucks being pregnant and sick. I just know I caught this stupid cold from the airplane Monday :growlmad:

Dh took half a day today for the ultrasound and I thought we would have a nice day after and shop for the baby and get dinner but now I am feeling like shit, so annoying! :( I can't wait to find out what the baby is though!
Happy your dentist appt went well, Michelle. I'm also happy you are relaxing and not worrying much about ttc. There will be plenty of time for that when you begin seeing the specialist.

Rachel, sorry about the cold. I know there isn't much you can take for it so you'll likely have to tough it out. Congrats on the gender scan today though. I hope baby cooperates.

As for me nothing is happening and I am a nervous/anxious mess. I can't believe it is my due date. I'm so emotional and everyone keeps calling and texting asking how I am. As if I wouldn'tcall them when baby arrives?! Just leave me alone and STOP reminding me that the baby isn't here yet. I hae everything completely done in the house and I have nothing more to do. I just keep trudging through each day with no sign of labor and I'm getting increasingly stressed. Feeling just awful. I hope something happens son or I might go crazy!:cry:

Hope you're all well.
I really hope things get going ASAP! I understand why you are anxious but as I am sure you know it is totally normal especially for your first pregnancy to go over you due date. Try your best to relax and enjoy your last hours/days without a baby to look after 24/7.

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