Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Michelle, I'm sure my DH would try to avoid a SA also which is why I'm so happy we didn't have to go that route. He probably would have thrown a fit. I really hope your temp shoots back up and you get a bfp! That would be lovely. Your time is coming, hopefully soon and you really deserve it! You're doing great and you have a lot of patience and positivity! Can't wait until it's your turn. Hopefully now!
I am hoping for a temp spike too. Poor DH is dreading it so bad, but I keep telling him that we need to know BOTH sides of the story not just mine. We finally got me ovulating, and if his swimmers aren't ready then we are going through all this stress for no reason. I am actually a little relieved to know that the next step is going to see someone that can hopefully test for a bunch of other stuff that my general doctor didn't. Hopefully starting with a ultra sound, heck I don't even know if my uterus isn't oddly shaped or if there are actually cysts on my ovaries or not. All my blood tests for PCOS came back negative, so we still don't know why I am not ovulating. I am also hoping that the doctor will tell DH to stop smoking in order to improve our chances. Maybe if he strongly says STOP instead of telling him that he SHOULD stop then he will finally have a really good reason.
Oh I definately think some one other than your regular doctor will be a great help. Maybe they'll find something else they need to fix and it'll be easier to get pregnant. I also understand your DH dreading it as I said mine would too. But if you can rule out that issue you are that much closer to getting a baby so it's worth it. I do think it'll happen soon though and it'll all be worth it! Ick about the smoking. DH and I both used to smoke and we quit together and thank God we did because I couldn't imagine kissing him and tasting that taste. I hope your DH quits too. But it is great that you are so positive and looking forward to seeing the doctor. I know it's going to be great and you'll be pregnant in no time. I still have hope for this cycle though as your lp was shorter last cycle. Fx'd for you!
Yeah I was thinking about that, my lp has always been long, then I took a B complex last cycle thinking maybe I was lacking some B vitamins since I have heard that BCP can deplete your B vitamins. After my lp got shorter the cycle I took the vitamin B I freaked out and stopped taking them, it seems to be making my lp go back to normal, or hopefully there is a better reason :) I asked DH the other day if he regrets us using BCP for so long and if he would have rather us tried since the day we married and he still says he is glad that we waited. All the while I am sitting here thinking that we could already have a little one running around. DH was bound and determined to own a house before we started trying. My emotions about timing are really mixed, but I am sure once I have a child I will be glad we waited.
While I have my most recent bump pic, here it is. I'm taking them every 2 weeks until delivery now so I can tell if I drop at all. Nothing yet:cry: Looks just like the pic I took at 34+2 and this one is 36+2.

Michelle I hope the lp thing was just a coincidence and that you get your bfp this time. It's strange that B would do that but you never know. Our bodies can react so differently to something so small and we have discovered that the hard way! I know I sometimes think if we had begun having kids when I wanted to and I never took BC we'd probably have a few, older by now. But I am happy that I waited until we got a house and even though things could be better for us I don't think we could be more ready right now. I'm also older and more mature and I'm happy I got nearly 10 years of 'alone time' with DH before bringing a baby into it. I know I'll always look back on that time and remember how much I love him. And now we are just so happy to be meeting our baby soon and I couldn't see us being as happy a few years back. It all works out well. I'm sure it will for you too.


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Michelle- I am so sorry about the bfn :( if af shows did you decide on going to a specialist?

Steph- wow less than a month that will be here before you know it!!!!

I am doing well. I have been feeling good lately and my appetite is much better. I have gained 2 pounds so far. Hoping I can keep it at this pace of a pound a week.
:D Love the bump pictures Steph.

Rachel- yes I am suppose to talk to a specialist my next appointment. I haven't made the appointment yet, i am not for sure i need it yet, but maybe i should call. I guess the appointment could either to be to confirm pregnancy or discuss what is next. DH has an appointment this thursday though.
Glad to hear you are feeling good, Rachel! The second tri is by far the easiest for most and you'll now start the weight gain and start to show! 2 lbs, lol, how sweet. I'm coming up on 30:wacko:! I hope I can lose it all afterward. Thanks on the bump compliments, I'm waiting for it to 'drop' I can't decide if it has at all. I think not. I did just get some awful painful twinges down low today twice. Enough to make me stop what I'm doing and say ouch. I can only guess it's baby's head pushing down. I hope it means something is happening because I'd love to get this show on the road and begin to effece/dialate. That way in a few weeks things will be somewhat progressed. Even though I know it doesn't mean much and I can (and probably will) still go overdue.

Michelle I so hope that the next time you go to the doctor it is to confirm the pregnancy but if you get af I'd just go ahead and make the appt. That way you'll be seeing someone with a better understanding of fertility and you'll be better off for your next cycle. It can only help you and I hope, if you need to make that call, that it does. I know Rachel had a much better time seeing someone more equipped and educated in the field of fertility.
Yes I think I mentioned before I loved my specialist. If you end up having to go I am confident you will be happy with your decision.

Dh had two sa's he didn't give me any problems with getting it done, he didn't even hesitate but i could def see why many men dont want to do it. The first one he did his deposit at the lab but the second he did it at home then dropped it off and he said he much more preferred that way. Hopefully your dh can do the same.
Having another pelvic exam today so not very excited about it. Who would be excited about it?:wacko: I am however hoping he says I'm beginning to efface or something. I'd love to have a bit of something going on that'll make me feel like my body is readying itself for labor. Fx'd! I'd love to cut down on the # of pelvic exams I have to have by delivering this baby!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Ugg. I had an awful day. Tuesday's at my Ob's office is much busier than Thurs. I waited for at least an hour when they usually take me right in. There was a little girl who was just wandering the waiting room freely and not really behaving. After a while I really had to pee but I didn't want to go because I knew I'd have to give a sample. Finally a nurse takes me in. Totally yells my weight in front of a bunch of people:dohh: She asks me what's wrong and I told her I'd been waiting and had to pee. She said well you should have gone and I told her why I haden't. I also said it's awful busy here today. I'm not used to Tuesdays and so far I miss coming on Thursdays. And she got kind of angry and said well you should come between 1 and 3 on Tues we aren't as busy then and I told her I have always prefered morning appts for this sort of thing (pelvic exams). SHe said well that's your choice and ran out of the room! Didn't tell me to leave my sample or give me the robe to get undressed or anything. What a b*tch! I wanted to cry! So the doctor comes in 5 min later and says why aren't you undressed? I need to examine you today. And I told him point blank the nurse didn't tell me to. So he left for a few min and I got undressed. He came and examined me and no change:cry:. Nothing new. I was so disappointed. Baby may be a touch lower though because my belly actually measured an cm smaller than last week. I just want to :cry:! Then I went Christmas shopping and spent too much money so now I'm miserable, broke, and feeling guilty about spending. And I so hope I don't get that nurse next week.:cry::cry::nope:
Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience! That nurse sounds like she was very rude. The good news is you are nearing the end of your pregnancy so you won't have to be going there all the time soon. I hope you feel better soon, try not to let it get to you.
The :witch: showed up today. I expected it, but DH is grumpy/sad. I am nervous for his appointment now because I want his SA come back normal.
Sorry about AF, Michelle. But at least you were ready for it and it means you had a pretty normal cycle. I know that my DH would be really irritable if he had to have an SA and would probably prefer to do it at home if he could. I hope there isn't anything wrong and odds are that there isn't anything wrong. Something's just not coming together for you guys but I don't think it's anything serious. I hope you are looking forward to seeing a specialist. I know they'll be able to fix you up 1-2-3.

As for me I'm just still irritated about my appt yesterday:wacko:. I can only hope I don't come across that nurse again and that my body begins to get ready for delivery. I'm kind of anxious about it and I need to try to relax. I cleaned a lot on Monday and got a lot of shopping done yesterday so I am just going to take today and try to relax. I began drinking RLT and taking EPO to try and get something going, and I'm going to start walking, eating pineapple, and having a lot of sex. So I hope that these things will start something slowly. It really doesn't look like I'll be having my baby early although I'd love to.Fx'd.

Hope you're all doing well!
Well hopefully she comes at least a week early. Isn't it good to keep her "baking" in there as long as possible? I mean I know she will be perfectly fine a week or two early, but isn't it good to stay in there the whole 40 weeks? I ask because I have never been pregnant and haven't got to ask the doctors the billions of questions I am sure I will have when I finally get my bfp. Also I hope you don't run into that nurse again either, she needs an attitude adjustment, you can't be mean to pregnant ladies. I guess it can't be easy to deal with some pregnant ladies though, she might have had tons of mean moody ladies that day, hopefully for everyone she isn't always like that. I would be mad too if I were you.

As for me this cycle is a lot like the last one, light/medium af on day one and then HEAVY flow on day two like I am dying. So far this morning it isn't painful though, and it seems a little thinner since I took baby asprin most of the cycle, which is good, because last time it was crazy thick looking. I can't wait to talk to the specialist because I have no idea what is going on and if my lining is too thick, too thin, just right but something else is crazy. Part of me starts to think maybe my only problem is ovulation and DH might have slight problem, but I kind of feel like my problems would be easier to fix then sperm problems, so I am kind of nervous. I don't want him to close off emotionally after a bad sperm analysis and just want to quit trying.
At this point the only thing that baby is doing is practicing breathing in amniotic fluid, gaining weight, and developing her brain. All of which she could definately be doing outside of me which is why they wouldn't likely stop labor that begins at 36 or 37 weeks and that's also why 37 weeks is considered a 'full term' baby. So yes a baby who stays in until 40 weeks would probably be a bit more alert and practiced at everything but ultimately it isn't that different then if the baby had been born a week or two early. And I'm completely uncomfortable and anxious so having baby at 38 or 39 weeks wouldn't hurt a thing. They always say that it's fine for baby's to come 2 weeks early or 2 weeks late. Though it's more risky to be late because at a certain point the placenta stops doing such a great job supporting baby because baby is fully developed. I just really want to get it over with! You'll probably feel the same way when you are as far along as I am. A lot of women do.

I wouldn't worry that there are a lot of issues with you or with your DH's sperm. There probably isn't. Some people just have a hard time catching the egg and that may be all it really is. Now that the drugs have you ovulating it's probably just a matter of time. The specialist will igure it all out and have you pregnant in no time. You might just need a small tweak or a different drug or something.

Sorry about AF. I know I've had some super heavy, super painful ones so I hope you don't have any like that!
Oh okay, I knew they were fully developed by 37 weeks, but I thought there was some sort of advantage to staying in there past that. I know for sure I will feel the same way, especially since I am going to be a blimp during the summer if I get pregnant in the next few months. I was trying to avoid being huge during the summer months because I know I will be extra hot and miserable, but apparently my child wants to be a summer or fall baby. I can't wait for the appointment tomorrow, but I am nervous that they are going to just talk to us today and then make us make another appointment for a SA and other tests. I don't want to have him go through it twice. I am pretty sure we are just going to have to give it up and tell his aunt and uncle soon if we have any more appoinments where he has to be there and take off work.
Well if you have to be pg during the summer, so be it. It's still all worth it. Just as I didn't really want a Christmas/Dec baby. I got one anyway and it'll be fine! Just make sure your AC is in working order come the heat! I really hope your appt goes well and your poor DH doesn't have a hard time. I'm sure when it comes to this type of appt that the men are just as nervous and anxious as the women. Because it's sort of invasive in a way and personal, and he may be afraid that he is the problem. But I do hope that everything is fine.

I didn't do much yesterday and I had a nice nap. It was all very nice but then I barely slept last night. The baby was pretty quiet yesterday and it made me kinda nervous. I still do feel her, just gentle and not as often. I hope she's ok.Maybe just sleepy from a growth spurt. I'm 37 weeks today! Unbelieveable!I can't wait to meet her and I hope she's ready soon. I'm frustrated and excited at once. Feeling kinda blah so far today and hoping it goes away and I can get moving a little. Maybe it'll help with this constipation I have:blush:. It's getting annoying.

I hope you're all well and having a great day.

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