Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Good luck at your appt Michelle I hope all goes well and as smoothly as possible for your dh and the results come back perfect!

Steph- your baby will be here so soon I am jealous! I am already impatient I really want to meet my baby. I am just really looking forward to finding out the gender which is 3 weeks from today. I really think we are having a little boy :)
Rachel I cannot believe I am as far along as I am. And I'm just as jealous of the women who are having their baby's already in the pregnancy thread I am in. I can't believe you're finding out the gender in a few weeks. It's so exciting. I feel like it was yesterday that DH and I found out that baby was a girl. I'll never forget the smile on his face, even though I knew he wanted a boy he still couldn't be upset that he was going to have a daughter. It was so sweet and it's a memory I'll have forever. I have some pain in my lower left side. I'm not sure if maybe baby is pressing on something but I hope it's a good sign! I'm getting so anxious!
So the doctor seemed hopeful, but all he did at the appointment is look at DH and ask a bunch of questions. DH is suppose to call and set up a time to drop off a sample once they finally call us back. All the doctor really told us is for him to stop smoking as soon as possible and other then that we don't know where to go until we get the results of the SA. Hopefully he can drop it off early next week. As for me and my next doctors appointment I called my doctor yesterday to see what he wanted to do next and they are suppose to call me today to see if they have someone they usually refer me to.
So the doctor seemed hopeful, but all he did at the appointment is look at DH and ask a bunch of questions. DH is suppose to call and set up a time to drop off a sample once they finally call us back. All the doctor really told us is for him to stop smoking as soon as possible and other then that we don't know where to go until we get the results of the SA. Hopefully he can drop it off early next week. As for me and my next doctors appointment I called my doctor yesterday to see what he wanted to do next and they are suppose to call me today to see if they have someone they usually refer me to.

I hope your DH takes the doctor's advice and quits smoking and I hope his SA goes well. I'm sure he'll be more comfortable doing it at home and dropping it off. As for you I hope they can get you in and get you all checked out. I'm sure everything will be fine and they'll help you get pregnant in no time!
I have heard smoking can have an affect on sperm so hopefully he can quit and this gives him a good reason to!
I hope he can quit smoking, but he has tried thousands of times. As for me, I don't know what is going to happen, I guess I am on a natural cycle this month, which probably means I will have to take provera to get my next af. We will see, my body always suprises me.
Well....I just thought I would mention the cycle I got my surprise bfp was the cycle after I stopped clomid after being on it for three cycles...I really hope the same happens for you! My dr told me clomid stays in your system for up to 70 some days so it def could still have an affect!
Fx'd for this non medicated cycle, Michelle. Rachel has a good point about her getting her bfp the cycle she was off of clomid.

Baby's quiet time has ended and she is moving a lot and her movements are giving me cramps. I'm hoping that is a sign that I won't be pregnant for TOO much longer and my body is getting ready for delivery. I think it would be ideal to go into labor in about 2 weeks. Baby will be further developed and I'll be even more mentally prepared and wanting her out. I just feel really uncomfortable and tired. Hoping it all goes well and everything is fine. I'm so tired of going to see my OB already. I noticed at my last few appts he's been very casual with me and he actually calls me Steph instead of Stephanie. You know you're seeing your doctor too much when it's as casual as that! I'd really love to see less of him and more of my baby! Can't wait until she comes!

I hope you're all well!
I can't believe in less than a month Steph will have a baby, and Rachel will know the sex of hers! Time flies by so quickly, I just hope as time flies by something happens for me, because time is flying, but my progress is stuck on pause. Hopefully they can get DH in to the testing lab asap when he calls monday, so we can get some results already! I wish doctors offices were open on the weekends.
Michelle I know something is going to happen for you and I hope it's soon!

I'm feeling pretty good today and hoping that means I can get a few things done around here. Although the house is mostly clean, you know there's always something to do and touching up that needs to be done! Tomorrow is my 38 week appt technically. Not excited to go see the doctor as I just don't think anything is happening. Though I wish it would! I'd like to at least start to efface or dilate even if it means she's still 3 weeks from coming! I'm just dreading going too far past my due date! On the bright side of things, all of my Christmas shopping is done! It's one less thing I have to worry about so I'm pretty relieved about that. All I have to do is a load of baby's laundry and buy a few good nursing bras. Then I think I will be completely ready as far as baby goes. I'm just feeling like I want everything perfect and to stay that way until baby arrives. Nesting I'm guessing. I just hope I'm able to keep up some energy as the night before last I only slept like 3 1/2 hrs!

I hope you're all well!
Michelle-Once you get the ball rolling on all the tests you and your DH have to do and start getting results you will really feel better and like you are getting somewhere. At least that's how I felt. Every test down would be another thing I could check off the list. I hope it goes by fast for you and you get you bfp asap.

Steph-I can see why you would dread going past your due date as I am sure the bigger you get the more uncomfortable you get. I hope you are fortunate enough to at least have your baby by your due date.

All is well here, just counting down the days for my gender scan and looking forward to time off during the holidays. I can't wait until I can start feeling the baby kicking and moving. I have read it can happen anytime between now and 22 weeks but for most people it is between 18-20 I hope it happens any day now for me, I am so impatient!
Rachel I'm absolutely huge and I get these terrible pains in my 'girly area'. I also have sore ribs, tension headaches, lower back pain, minor swelling, and I wake up twice a night and sometimes can't get back to sleep. I'm not even sure the word uncomfortable covers it anymore. I'll be happy as long as she isn't late, but I feel like she will be and it's driving me crazy thinking about it!

I began to feel baby's movements at around 17 weeks but they were very light, not consistant, and I didn't know whether it was her or gas or something. The placenta was in the way most of the time though so I didn't feel everything. At around 20-22 weeks I began to really feel her and know it had to be her though it was still inconsistant. I could feel it, and occasionally see it from the outside around 20 weeks or so also. It just got stronger and stronger and more noticable as time went on. Now the movements are almost painful sometimes. It's definately a joy though and I love it. Makes me a little more confident that the baby is ok. Rachel you will definately be feeling baby at anytime now. I can't believe you'll be finding out the gender soon! It's all gone so fast!
Here is a bump pic, I am just about 16 weeks here :)
Aww Rachel! Little bitty bump but it's definately there. I can tell you're pregnant! You'll be getting bigger and bigger everyday! You're so lucky that you're still so small! I wish I were still that small!

I have an OB appt today:wacko: I'm not looking forward to it at all. I really hope something is happening but I don't expect that it is. I really don't want to keep going to the OB even when nothing is happening. It's disappointing.

Hope you ladies have a nice day.
Aw :) Cute bump. My sister didn't start showing until 6 months... on one hand I hope I show before that, on another, I know I will wish to be small again as soon as I feel like I am huge.

Nothing over here so far, just in the resting stage I guess. Trying to decide if I should even use opks. If by some miracle I ovulate on my own I don't want to miss it, butaybe we ned a break.
Michelle I am really short with a short torso so baby had no where to go but out! So I could tell very early on that my uterus was bulging but other people really didn't think I looked pregnant around 16-20 weeks. Maybe they just thought I looked fat? Anyhow...

Maybe it is a good idea if you just take a break and BD casually throughout this cycle. But then again I'd want to know when I O'd because then you won't know when to expect AF and you might (though I hope not) have a long cycle or not O. What is the next step? Are you keeping in touch with the specialist and they'll let you know whether the want you to start with provera if this cycle runs long? I agree though that you may just want to relax and not use opks. I think both Rachel and I both got our bfps on cycles where we didn't expect much and were taking a 'relaxed' approach. Maybe it's a coincidence or maybe there's something to it:shrug: Either way, I am keeping my fx'd for you and I wish you tons of :dust: So exciting!

I am getting nervous for this stupid appt today. I don't want to go!:cry:
Had my appt today. I actually lost a lb and the doctor says my belly is measuring perfect now (now that I've caught up to it!lol). I had the nasty nurse again but she wasn't as rude this time. Still not pleasant but not a complete b*tch either. Doctor was in a good mood as he has been usually and very friendly. He said I am 50% effaced, a 'fingertip' dilated (sounds gross, right?), and baby is at -1 station which means she is slightly more engaged than last time but not near fully. So there was some progress but not very much. I'm hoping this means my body has some clue about what it's up against and in the next few weeks it will be better prepared!

Hope you're all well!
Glad to hear things are changing even if its just small changes. It's a good sign!
Yes so glad that there is something going on even though it really doesn't mean much and I can still go overdue. I was honestly worried that my body wouldn't know what to do and I wouldn't dilate or efface on my own and they'd have to induce or give me a c section. Now I at least have the feeling my body knows what it's up against. I also hope it means I'll be meeting my baby soon, in a week or so. Though there's no guarantee there.

Feeling pretty normal today, like nothing new. Wanting to just do some touch up cleaning so I can relax on Thanksgiving. The doctor told me yesterday that he always has one woman go into labor on Thanksgiving and joked that it might be me. He told me he'd prefer if I didn't (so he can enjoy Thanksgiving). lol. I'm sure I won't. He was just making jokes and I surely won't go into labor tomorrow, besides DH loves Thanksgiving and would want to stay and eat before going to the hospital:haha:

Hope you girls have a good holiday!

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