Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

I usually feel o now too and I temp for a few days to confirm. I have been o'ing consistently on cd 22 but my lp has been inconsistent which is weird because I read lp shouldn't vary more than a day and should be consistent. I stopped bf in June and it's almost October. I would think that would be plenty of time for my body to figure things out?

It's really only been 3-4 months. Maybe it'll be a few more? I know that my lp can be a day or two off on occasion. But I usually start af on 13dpo. But you're right, if you're going to start TTC soon you should mention it to your doctor.
I'm feeling nausea on and off. All symptoms are coming and going. Had a great ultrasound this morning. Baby measured 6w3d and had a beautiful, strong heartbeat. I'm relieved for now.
Yay that is great news! So glad to hear things are going well :) I hope the sickness doesn't get you too bad.
So far morning sickness hasn't been bad. In fact I'm pretty symptomless lately which is making me crazy and nervous. Ugh. I wish I could fast forward...
I understand how you feel but I know a lot of people that didn't have much for symptoms, hopefully you are just lucky! When is your next scan?
My next appt is Oct 30th. It is an office visit, I'm guessing doppler only. I'll be 10 wks. My ultrasound is Nov 11th. Hoping for all good things. So nervous
I have faith that everything will be just fine!

Michelle how are things with you?? When is your due date?
My due date is November 30th! So close :) How is everyone else? I am feeling very large. I am excited and terrified at the same time. No real signs of labor yet, I did have a bunch of cramping the other day, but it only lasted for a few hours and then just died off. Not getting checked for dilation until 38 weeks according to my doctor. That is only a little more than two weeks away depending on when the appointment falls, but it seems like forever to wait.
Wow Michelle she will be here so soon, I can't believe it! Enjoy your last few weeks and try to get as much rest and relaxation as you can. Life will be amazing and exhausting once baby is here.

All is well here...almost time to ttc. We will officially start whe my next cycle starts which is in a couple weeks. Although I think my chances will be slim if my luteal phase remains short as it has been. I have an apt with my RE nov 18th. I know how slow of a process it will be doing various tests and bloodwork until I get a treatment for the problems I am having so unless my body figures things out on its own in the meantime I likely won't have a good shot at getting pregnant until January or so. But I am excited and nervous that the time is about here. Many days I feel like I barely survive with one child, I wonder how I will handle two!

I am going away Saturday overnight with my husband for our 5 year anniversary. It will be my first night away from shaelyn, I am nervous to be away from her but very much looking forward to a break. Then on nov 13th my best friend and I go on a 3 day cruise to the Bahamas. I am getting some fun trips in before I am tied down for awhile again!

How are you feeling steph?
A get away sounds amazing right about now since I am stuck in town to be near the hospital! I just can't wait to not have a big belly, I am tired of being super careful about lifting things, and not being able to bend over. Not to mention my co-workers keep brushing up against my belly on accident and freaking out like barely touching me is going to hurt the baby.
I'm feeling fine. Occasional, mild nausea, frequent urination, fatigue, and bloat. Reminiscent of my pregnancy with Cait in a lot of ways and a bit different here and there. I had an appt last week but didn't get to hear or see baby. I'm nervous of course and I have my 12 week u/s next week so I'm hoping everything is perfect and I can relax for a bit.

Great to hear that you are doing well and so close Michelle. This is definitely the time where you get kinda big and pregnancy gets old and tiring. But none the less exciting as well. You'll be holding your newborn before you know it. I can't wait for my next just thinking of it. EEEK!

Rachel a trip sounds amazing right now. I wish it were an option for me but with the pregnancy, Cait's b-day coming, and the holidays it's just not feasible. I do hope that DH and I can get away once the 2 kids are a bit older. I'm a bit nervous of having another newborn because it took me quite a while to get back to being myself. But I know it'll will be a joy and so worth it and our family will be complete. Now if time would just fly by so I can enjoy this pregnancy....
My ultrasound on the 11th went well. Baby looked good and was wiggly. I'm hoping everything continues to go well. Stopping progesterone soon (just finishing up my last box 4/5 days worth) and I'm done. I'm excited and nervous to be finished.

I hope all is well with you all.
So glad to hear everything went well. Will you find out the gender? If so when?

I saw the RE today for my initial appt. I have to do a bunch of bloodwork and a saline sonogram this cycle then hopefully next month I can start treatment which will likely be letrozole. He did a scan this morning and I still have the appearance of pcos on my ovaries. So while my cycles are shorter now things are still off. I am just grateful I have modern medicine available to help me get pregnant. Hopefully it won't take too long!
Rachel, yes we are finding out baby's gender in January. On the 8th. It seems sooo far away but my doctor always waits until 20 weeks.

That is great that the doctor has already got you on the road to conceiving again. I hope that it happens quickly for you.
:thumbup: for letrozol, that is what has worked for me.

Also I can't wait to see what sex baby number two is!

As for me, Coraline is just getting bigger, and her movements are getting a lot crazier since she is so big. I can't wait until she gets here. I hate not knowing when she will decide to make her appearance. I am hoping it's a little bit before thanksgiving so my parents can be here for thanksgiving, but I don't think she is going to just magically cooperate with what I want. The Dr said he can feel that her head is way down there, but it was way too painful for him to reach all the way up to my cervix to see if I am dilated or not. Maybe next time he will either be able to reach it, or he will just check anyways. Nobody told me that checking my cervix would be so freaking painful. I know birth is going to be painful, but I didn't even think about it being painful for two fingers to check my cervix.
Michelle, things do indeed get painful and a bit personal toward the end, lots of poking and prodding and on top of it baby is all out of room. So exciting that you are so close though. I do hope Coraline makes her appearance before thanksgiving for you. The last month is always the most difficult because you're anxious and uncomfortable and just want to meet baby! I'm so excited for you and hope everything goes great. As for labor and delivery, don't even think about it. You can handle it as it comes.

I'm so anxious to find out what baby is! January is forever away and I want to know now, lol. Of course I also want to see baby and be reminded that things are good. It still doesn't seem real sometimes. Maybe with the holidays and all time will fly by?

I hope you're all well!
Waiting to find out the gender drove me crazy. Do you have a feeling either way?

Michelle I hope she makes her appearance before thanksgiving for you. Either way she will be here really soon, so exciting!
Waiting to find out the gender drove me crazy. Do you have a feeling either way?

Michelle I hope she makes her appearance before thanksgiving for you. Either way she will be here really soon, so exciting!

I feel like it's a girl. I have a lot of the same symptoms as I did with Cait and they are just as mild if not more so. I also felt like the 12 wk u/s pic looked like a girl to me. I'll be surprised and happy for a boy but right now I think girl and I'm happy with that.
I would love a boy for my second child too, but I am having so much fun with this one being a girl, and she isn't even here yet! Maybe soon though. I've just had the worst sudden back pain that was off the one to ten charts on pain. It had to have been something! My sister in law says it was either the start of back labor, or the baby hit a nerve because she's was super stretched out in my stomach.
Michelle at 38+5 it sure could be the start of something. Keep an eye out for any bloody show or odd pluggy discharge. Eeek so exciting. She'll be here so soon!

I'll definitely be happy with either. I'm actually kind of wanting another girl but I don't want to miss out on a boy at the same time. Another girl would be amazingly easy for me and a boy not quite as easy. I'll just be happy regardless, and I can't wait. I'm hoping the time flies with all of the holidays and birthdays coming.

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