Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

I know it's hard not to feel bad and you will feel even worse once the new baby is here because you will feel like you can't give Cait the attention you used to. But the good news is they won't remember it and as you said they will be able to play together one day which will be great. Just do your best to relax which I know is easier said than done with a toddler. I am starting to feel tired and all I want to do is lay down but I cant, it sucks!
Had the scan yesterday. It's not good or bad news just yet but of course I am very worried. According to lmp I should have been 6w2d but baby was only measuring 5w5d hd no heartbeat yet. Dr said dates could be off. I o'ed cd 16 so that could explain 2 days but not 4. When I had a scan during my first pregnancy I was 6w4d and o'ed cd 17 and baby was measuring perfect with a strong hb. Not feeling too good. At this point I feel like it could go either way. My next scan is on the 16th. It is going to be a long 9 days :(
Your ovulation dates are close to what you're measuring so it could definitely go either way. I do hope that everything is fine. I know it's tough. Try to hang in there/
You two ate very brave going for baby number 2. I remember how nerve wrecking the whole pregnancy was. Fingers crossed it all goes well, we didn't have a heartbeat that early on either. I am in the thick of trying to keep a 10 week old happy and alive. We love Coraline to pieces, and there are times when I think I will miss her cute baby cuddles, but other times she cries nonstop aND I feel like I have no clue what to do. I don't think I can do it a second time. We are teriffied of SIDS, and permanently traumatized by her not breathing for 45 seconds when she was born. DH gets super stressed and nervous about every little thing. We are thiking of maybe fostering a child an then adopting when Coraline is 5 years or so. Of course the child would have to be past the baby stage. I am just not as brave as other moms with more than one child. Of course if DH wanted another and could handle it, I might have tried, but I can't, and don't want to do it without him. I have thought a lot about adoption before I finally got pregnant with Coraline, but it's hard to close the door on a possible future pregnancy. We love kids, but we aren't cut out for babies, I know it sounds bad, but it's true :/
Babies are very difficult but things will get easier in some ways then difficult in other ways. Shaelyn sleeps well now but throws crazy tantrums. When they are newborns they can be so sensitive to many things, trust me it will get easier. We had a lot of stressful times when shae was a newborn. You will be surprised how with time those things will fade and be distant memories and you will long for another. I hope it gets easier for you soon!

My scan is tomorrow afternoon. Hoping for the best but I am trying to mentally prepare myself for the worst.
Michelle, I understand. I find pregnancy and the newborn stage very scary and stressful. I was set on having 2 kids though, so this is what I wanted. I am sure that this will be my last though for all of those reasons and more. No more babies for me after this one! But I assure you, things do get easier, and less scary. You're always going to worry but it lessens little by little. By the time Cait was about 8 months I began being a lot more confident and feeling like myself. I'm hoping that the newborn stage will be a little less stressful for me this time around.

Rachel, good luck at your appt. I do hope they find a healthy, growing baby, with a strong heartbeat. I'll be crossing my fingers for you!

Nothing much new here. I see my new doctor next week and probably get my GD test sometime soon after. I'm hoping I pass because I've been packing on the lbs lately. :dohh: Sometimes I am a bit sore and I get BH but otherwise I think I'm doing quite well. Baby has her active days and some quieter ones. We still have not decided on a name though and I'm not ready for baby yet. I need to get to work! As for Cait she is being a tough, rebellious 2 yr old and we're working on potty training again. I think it'll be a bit easier when the weather warms up (It's been single digits here forever!) because she'll be able to run around in just underwear.
Coraline has been pretty good the past two days. On her happy days I feel like I can get through this no problem, but I always get this feeling that a terrible week of crazy baby behavior is right around the corner. I just feel bad when I can't get her to stop crying, especially when i know it's because she is tired but I can't get her to go to sleep. Also, I can't wait until I can sleep with out worrying about SIDS. She is starting to talk to me though in her own baby talk, and it makes me see the relationship that has formed between us, that she wants to tell me all sorts of things. Also DH refuses to wear condoms, not that we have time to do anything yet since she won't sleep in her crib. So I guess a second child isn't 100% out of the picture, and I've told him that too. Hope he isn't as dumb as a teenager, or maybe he is doubting that I will ever ovulate on my own.

Good luck to you both, one day I will be wit my two year old thinking about another child, but for now, I can't see going through it again.
Unfortunately I received bad news at my scan yesterday. I had a feeling things weren't progressing normally since I felt pretty normal. So 10 days ago baby measured 5 days behind at 5w5d and yesterday still only measured 6 weeks. There was a heartbeat but it was too weak. Also the yolk sac was abnormally large which often indicates a miscarriage is on its way. Usually it indicates a chromosome abnormality. It's so sad that there was a weak hb. I really wish we didn't even see one, it's so depressing. They want me to come back in one week to confirm, they wouldn't let me start the process medically yet as there was a hb but with all those problems it is going to happen just a matter of when. I took it upon myself to stop the progesterone so hopefully things will happen faster, I don't want this to drag out any longer than it has to and the dr told me the progesterone would stop that process. He told me to keep taking it because as I said he probably couldn't legally tell me to stop yet but I know it's useless. And not to mention it's insanely expensive so why waste more money. We will ttc again as soon as possible, not sure how long that will be though.
Michelle, you sound a lot like I did when my daughter was a newborn (minus the not having another baby thing, I knew I eventually would). I was always worried about SIDS and why she was crying and why I couldn't get her to stop. I promise that things will get way better. The first few months are the worst but they go pretty quickly, so enjoy what you can and try to relax. In a few months you'll be so in tuned with her that there won't be anymore days of endless crying and you'll both get some sleep. Hang in there. Maybe you'll change your mind about the second baby once things settle down. Or maybe not. Either way, you're doing fine. Keep it up.

Rachel, I'm so sorry to hear that. I do hope that you're okay as any loss is painful.:hugs: My doctor asked me to wait a cycle before trying again and so we did but I got pregnant the cycle after that with a healthy pregnancy, so I'm sure you can get it to happen again quickly and hopefully not much meds.

Nothing happening here. Baby has been quiet and it's got me nervous as usual. I'm also very sore and tired lately, but I just keep pushing forward. Just praying everything is alright.
I'm so sorry about your news Rachel. I agree about the heart beat, mine happened right before I got to see him/her. My heart goes out to you, but I know you will get another bfp when you are ready to try again.
Monday confirmed m/c. It's sad but I am happy to have closure and move on. My body wasn't doing anything so I took meds to induce the mc. It was easy, too easy. Most stories I read about taking the meds made it out to be very difficult. I am nervous I didn't pass the baby and will have to have a d and c. I have a follow up scan Friday to see if the baby is gone and if not I have to get a d and c next week :( I just want this to be over so we can ttc again.
Good luck, Rachel. I do hope that you passed everything and you do not need a d and c but if you do I hope that things go well and you can start TTC soon after. I know it's a difficult time. I'm sorry for everything you're going through now.

I had my 1 hour glucose test today and failed it. They didn't give me a number or tell me by how much but they said it was elevated. I need to do the 3 hour test by my next appt which is 2 weeks away. I will probably go Monday or Tuesday. It's got me a bit nervous. I have to keep telling myself, only 13 weeks to go. I am not good at being pregnant. I am so stressed out all of the time. It'll all be worth it. I just have to try and stay positive. It's easier said than done most of the time.
Had my follow up scan today and I did pass the tissue. I am happy it was a very easy process for me. Most women go through hell. At least there was something good at the end of this horrible situation. I have to get bloodwork every week to make sure my hcg goes down to zero before we can ttc again. It was at 68,000 on Monday so I have a ways to go. It will probably take a month or so. Slow process so I need to try to keep busy and not think about it. It could realistically be a few months until we have a chance again. I was so excited that Shaelyn was only going to be 2 years and 5 months apart in age from her sibling, now it will be closer to 3 years if we are fortunate to get pregnant again soon. Oh well, not much I can do, it is what it is. It just sucks.

I failed the one hour before but passed the 3 hour. It is common and happens a lot. I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry. Good luck!
My hcg dropped fast with my MC. Though I wasn't quite as far along as you. I hope yours drops quickly too. It's great that you've passed the tissue without much of a problem though. I hope things go well for you.
Just got my first period since my mc so we are officially ttc again although I won't get a medicated cycle again until my next period so my chances won't be ideal until then. I am trying soy isoflavones though this cycle, I figure it can't hurt to try something different.

I hope you are doing well!
Good luck, Rachel! I'll be crossing my fingers for you!

As for me, I'm just counting the days. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is gone and that soon I'll have a baby. I must admit, I am terrified, but I'm sure we'll make do somehow. I'm not the first to have a 2.5 yr old and a newborn...
I can't believe your due date is already coming up next month. That really went quick!

I really hope my ttc journey is not long. This process of the miscarriage is so slow it is driving me insane. My dr wants my hcg to be negative before ttc. It started at 68k and was at a 6, 6 weeks later. Literally just over a point shy of being negative and my period showed up and my dr still wouldn't let me have a medicated cycle. So frustrating. I will go in next week for what I am hoping is my final blood draw. I am so sick of having my blood drawn every week for the past month and a half. :(
I was on yaz for 2 years and then beyaz for 3 months when I decided in may that I wanted a baby and I should let the bc get out of my system before we began trying. My first cycle off of bc in june was normal. 29 days. Then I completely skipped july and started in august on cd63! Sept and oct where both on day 33 and I thought my cycle had finally evened out so we began trying. Now it is nov and i was supposed to start on sat. Im now 5 days late and got a bfn on sat and mon haven't tested thurs. I have no sign of af but some come and go back pain. I also had a sort of hormonal imbalance coming off of the pill where I broke out badly and just felt really emotional and gross. Anyone else know where I'm coming from?

I do! This is my second cycle off of BC and the beginning of the first month was horrid. I bloated up like an overboiled hot dog for almost a week. I was waddling around and had horrible stomach pains. My appetite was off. I was a mess. The next cycle was much less dramatic. Hoping that the icky BC remnants are finally going away!
I was on yaz for 2 years and then beyaz for 3 months when I decided in may that I wanted a baby and I should let the bc get out of my system before we began trying. My first cycle off of bc in june was normal. 29 days. Then I completely skipped july and started in august on cd63! Sept and oct where both on day 33 and I thought my cycle had finally evened out so we began trying. Now it is nov and i was supposed to start on sat. Im now 5 days late and got a bfn on sat and mon haven't tested thurs. I have no sign of af but some come and go back pain. I also had a sort of hormonal imbalance coming off of the pill where I broke out badly and just felt really emotional and gross. Anyone else know where I'm coming from?

I do! This is my second cycle off of BC and the beginning of the first month was horrid. I bloated up like an overboiled hot dog for almost a week. I was waddling around and had horrible stomach pains. My appetite was off. I was a mess. The next cycle was much less dramatic. Hoping that the icky BC remnants are finally going away!

I hope that you can get back to normal soon. Birth control apparently doesn't agree with all of us

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