Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Took my first provera pill last night-on to a new cycle. I can't wait until my appointment later this month, It can't come soon enough.

I hope it kickstarts your body into having nice normal cycles! Good luck, Ill keep my fx'd for you!

We told my parents and my inlaws but asked them to keep it quiet until after my appt at least to make sure baby is ok and growing in there.

I hope everyone is doing well and I hope you all have a great holiday weekend for those of you who celebrate!
That must be fun telling family I bet they are excited! Have a great holiday weekend as well :)
Hot pink - I'm pretty sure you didn't O cd13. Possibly cd23 but only time will tell.

Rachel - it sounds like your doctor is being great. Alot of ladies have great success with clomid. So don't worry if it does come to this.

Imsotired - glad everything is going well. Still over the moon for you. I bet your families ate supper excited!!
Thanks Bean, they are very happy.

How is everyone doing? I hope you are doing well.
Had a nice weekend at the inlaws little lake house, tons of family and fun on my MIL's new ski boat. Soaked up that vitamin D for sure! Will be pulling in full time at work for the next few weeks possibly, have a lot to do until the store is ready for grand opening May 16th. I am so excited for my doctors appointment, but at the same time I am worried about the possible blood work or ultrasounds they may want to do because I have no health insurance at the moment... I am hoping that they get this figured out and jump start me back into shape without having to have a billion appointments before my work insurance kicks in. I am also pulling to get full time at work asap so my insurance kicks in in 90 days instead of having to be part time for a year before I get insurance.

So busy, but I am popping in here every few days to see how you girls are doing. Excited for your bfp and getting to tell your parents, I am still amazed and happy that one of us got that elusive bfp we all are waiting for. Also interested to see what happens with you and provera Rachel, because I really do think that is what I am going to have to end up taking. I hope it flushes you out and your body can get back into wack after that. I am a little frustrated that it's this hard just to get my body to do what it is suppose to naturally do. It does seem like EVERYONE around me has a child, so it can't possibly be THIS hard. I am so very glad I have a ton of distractions at the moment.
Good for you lovetoteach. It's so great that you are keeping busy and having a good time! I hope the doctors can get you back on track and you can get a nice quick BFP! Maybe it's just a matter of trying to get your body back to normal. Same with Rachel, I really hope it works just so you can both have nice normal cycles so it will be nice and easy to get get pregnant.

I go to the doctor tomorrow to get up on baby in a nice early appt. I'm nervous but excited at the same time. I'm feeling pretty good. The cramping has subsided and I'm feeling pretty normal. I haven't tested since wed or thurs. I am out of tests so I can't test anymore. It's just as well since my appt is tomorrow. I won't be 6 weeks until thursday. I can't wait until the end of May as that is when I will be 12/13 weeks and be starting my second tri. YAY! That is when I'm going to go crazy buying baby things! Can't wait.

Hope everyone else is doing well!
lovetoteach-That is great that you have been keeping busy, it helps to have things to occupy your brain with, that stops the obssessing which is what I do all too often! If I was busier it wouldn't be happening as much :nope:

imsotired-I am excited to hear how your appointment goes tomorrow. I am sure you will hear everything is progressing as it should :thumbup:

I had a pretty busy weekend myself but now back to the work week which gives me more time to obsess again :dohh: I took my 4th provera pill last night so after today I will be halfway through the pills :happydance: It was weird because the first few days I took them my temp was actually going down, I still had ewcm and yesterday was one of my lowest temps all cycle then BAM today my temp shot up a whole degree almost! I think maybe it just took a few days for my body to react to the provera. I wish it was because I O'ed but I think there is a slim chance I would O after starting the provera, I guess I will never know. I am counting down the days until my ultrasound appointment. 18 days to go :happydance:
The temp change is strange Rachel although I don't know anything about provera so I guess you either O'd or the provera did it. I haven't the slightest. I hope it's all good news though and I hope you get af as scheduled per provera and I also hope your ultrasound goes well and they can fix everything and make you have nice regular cycles. I just know that once you get a regular cycle you'll get pg 1-2-3! That is what happened to me! As soon as my cycles normalized it happened! I never thought it would and it did! I struggled with my hormones and cycles for 9 whole months after BC and then boom! I hope it happens for all of you girls here as well and then we could start a nice positive pregnancy thread in which we are all happy and positive. It's so scary reading the first tri threads. I've been trying to avoid it but it's difficult when i need to talk to someone about a symptom or something. I am hoping that I will stop worrying so much after the appt tomorrow.

Did the provera give you any other symptoms so far? Cramping, tired, anything?
symptoms hmmmm, not really...I have had a few random mild pains in my boobs the past couple days but nothing crazy. So overall I would say little to no side effects from it so far! :thumbup: Like I said before I doubt I o'ed unless somehow the provera wasn't built up in my system yet and my body was ready to o anyway and just did it, but I think that may be a stretch. I will assume I likely did not O but if there is a small chance I did O yesterday we BD'ed Saturday and Sunday so I would be well covered. My Dr. said if I don't get AF within a week of stopping the provera to take a pregnancy test because I think most people get AF within a week or less after stopping although in some cases it can take up to 2 weeks. :wacko:

I hope my dr. can help me figure things out soon as well and I hope there is a fix even if it is just clomid that helps me o at a normal time, anything so I don't loose my mind! My dr. said sometihng may be wrong or it may just be how my body is. I just ran into a friend over the weekend who just had a baby and she said she had long cycles like me that lasted 2-3 months and were irregular, she went to the dr. and got tests done and her dr. said there was no underlying reason, that was just how she was. It took her 2 years but she ended up getting pregnant naturally eventually. I don't think I could wait 2 years so I will likely take the clomid somewhat soon if it is offered to me.
It would be great for all of us to be pregnant together. Hopefully since lovetoteach and I are getting help from the dr. now we will both be on our way to BFPs in the near future and be joining you! In the meantime I am glad you chose to stick around with us here, we would have missed you and I love hearing how your pregnancy is going :) I don't blame you for avoiding the first tri boards, I will probably do the same when I get my BFP one day.
Hi ladies,

Hope you don't mind me joining you but from the name of your thread this is where I need to be! I stopped taking the bcp at the start of Jan and so far had a very light bleed for four days on cd42 of cycle 1 and am now on cd50 of cycle 2. I have used opks pretty much every day, never getting a positive and have been temping too, to see what's going on, and my temps have been all over, never indicating O either. I was on the pill for 15 years so I really hope I've not messed my body up too much.

I was just wondering what you think I should do, how long I should wait to speak to a doctor about it? I know it's still early days as it's only been 3 and a half months, but wasn't sure if I should maybe go soon if AF doesn't show?
Cheska- Welcome!It certainly sound like it's from the bc and I hope you can get it all situated sooner than we have. You can call the doctor and see if they have any suggestions but odds are they aren't going to want to see you for a while. We all tried vitex. It seemed to work for me after the 8 to 12 weeks but everyone is different and it didn't work for everyone. I had long and irregular cycles for 9 months after stopping the pill and I was only on it for 2 years or so. I also had some really weird hormone issues. I suggest that you continue to track ovulation and I hope you do O soon. I didn't start tracking O until December but I know my hormones went bananas in October and I think that is when I began to ovulate regularly again. That was 5 months after stopping the pill. My hormones are still crazy but I am hoping some wonderful pregnancy hormones will soon kick in and cancel out all of my post bc symptoms. I hope it all works out for you and you can get back to normal soon!GL!
hi cheska, welcome! How were your cycles before you went on bcp? If you had normal cycles at some point you will likely return to that at some point. Most people seem to normalize within a few months of stopping where some can take up to a year or so. As Imsotired mentioned it may not be a bad idea to try vitex (agnus castus) It is a slow building herb that takes up to a few months to work but I have heard it works great for some people. I took it for over 3 months and it did not work for me so I just recently stopped taking it. But I think I am the exception as I usually hear it works for people. I probably would have continued taking it but I am under my Drs care now and she is trying to figure out what is going on with me and she advised me to stop the vitex because she knew nothing about it.

I was on BCP for 12 years and have been off about 8 months now and my cycles are still long/irregular, you can see my cycle lengths in my sig below. But I never had regular cycles in my life aside from when I was on BCP, that is why I started BCP in the first place so that may just be the way I am or there may be an underlying issue. I know I O because I have been temping but it is always late in my cycle so I just recently went to the dr. and she was more than willing to help me and start investigating what is going on. If you are not Ovulating I would go see your dr soon, it really depends on the dr but I think if you tell them you are not ovulating they are more willing to help. I would give it another month or so and if nothing happens it can't hurt to ask for help. The key is don't tell them you need help because of TTC, ask for help because your cycles are messed up. Because drs are trained to say you have to wait a year for TTC related help.
Yay for pregnancy check ups imsotired, soon time will fly by and you will be telling us if you are having a boy or a girl :) Just waiting patiently over here for my appointment to roll around on thursday. Wishing that doctors weren't so expensive and hoping that they can figure it out without too many tests and other expensive things. The appointment alone without insurance is $176, and that is probably without tax. Dang doctors!
Thanks girls. Congrats Imsotired, that's great news you're pregnant! Really hope it all goes smoothly for you. What is vitex for? To bring on AF or bring on O? Or both? Can you start taking it anytime?

Rachel, I started on the pill when I was 15, before that I was fairly regular I think, but I didn't track it or anything back then. And so I've stopped taking it on my 30th birthday (I thought I should grow up and start thinking about kids!)which means I've been on the pill for half my life, that's scary! Thanks for the tip on what to tell the doctor, hopefully they will help if I go along the more medical route than the ttc route. I guiess if AF doesn't arrive in a couple of weeks I'll probably make an appointment. I just wish I'd looked into how long it would take to get your cycles sorted out before now, the doctors don't ever mention that when you go for your check ups.

Lovetoteach, that sounds expensive for you, guess I'm lucky over in the UK that we don't need to pay for our appointments. Hope you can find out what you need to quickly (and cheaply!)

Thanks for the help ladies and good luck to all of you on your journeys. x
Cheska, I was on the pill since I was 15 too, and am now 33. I stopped it June last year. I did go off it just a couple of times over that 17 year period, but not for long. One time when I went off it, it was because I had broken up with someone and had no intention of sleeping with anyone for a while. I did not really worry when I did not get an AF for 3-4 months!! Then they went back to regular. This time round my cycle went straight back to its usual 34 days, with no delay period, so I guess there is no way of knowing what your body will do :(
I am halfway through my provera now :happydance: I can't wait to be finished and move on to a new cycle, I am so over this one! I wish my temp rise was a real temp rise, it looks so pretty :haha: I should probably stop temping because it means nothing but I can't help myself :rofl:
I am halfway through my provera now :happydance: I can't wait to be finished and move on to a new cycle, I am so over this one! I wish my temp rise was a real temp rise, it looks so pretty :haha: I should probably stop temping because it means nothing but I can't help myself :rofl:

Your chart is looking good now!! let's hope next cycle that temp rise is due to ovulation!
Hi girls! Rachel can't wait to hear you say that provera worked wonders. I hope it does!

The appt went well. I was nervous but the doctor seems to think I'll be ok. They didn't do the ultrasound as they said it was too soon but they are going to do it on Wed the 18th. Just over a week, and they will do a sonogram as they expect the heart to be able to be heard. I'm still nervous and hoping it all goes well. I got bloodwork done but it wasn't hcg levels it was all the basic blood tests to make sure I don't have anything so I can have a healthy pregnancy. I suppose he will order the hcg at a later date. Feeling a little better but not overly confident until I see baby and hear the heartbeat.
Hi girls! Rachel can't wait to hear you say that provera worked wonders. I hope it does!

The appt went well. I was nervous but the doctor seems to think I'll be ok. They didn't do the ultrasound as they said it was too soon but they are going to do it on Wed the 18th. Just over a week, and they will do a sonogram as they expect the heart to be able to be heard. I'm still nervous and hoping it all goes well. I got bloodwork done but it wasn't hcg levels it was all the basic blood tests to make sure I don't have anything so I can have a healthy pregnancy. I suppose he will order the hcg at a later date. Feeling a little better but not overly confident until I see baby and hear the heartbeat.

At least you don't have to wait long for the next appointment! It will be so amazing to hear the heartbeat. Wish my appointment on thursday was a check up on the baby, but I guess it's a good thing I am not pregnant at the moment because I am moving tons of boxes and other things at work last week, this week and for the next few weeks.

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