Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

It just makes me feel disgusting. I'm thinking maybe I have like a hormonal imbalance, pcos, or hypothyroidism, because I have a pretty healthy diet (not perfect but who is), I drink LOADS of water, I wash my face regularly, and excersize lightly (because I'm tired constantly so a real workout might kill me!). I am going to stomp my feet at my yearly exam in feb until I get some results because something has to change. Plus I'm 10 days late and no af (bfn this morning:cry:). So I need to ovulate more regularly! SOmething has got to be up.

Yeah defiantly voice your concerns.. I did and I am finally getting somewhere....I do actually have a hormone imbalance bw says i got high estrogen. I really hope :af: comes for you soon and you find some answers
It just makes me feel disgusting. I'm thinking maybe I have like a hormonal imbalance, pcos, or hypothyroidism, because I have a pretty healthy diet (not perfect but who is), I drink LOADS of water, I wash my face regularly, and excersize lightly (because I'm tired constantly so a real workout might kill me!). I am going to stomp my feet at my yearly exam in feb until I get some results because something has to change. Plus I'm 10 days late and no af (bfn this morning:cry:). So I need to ovulate more regularly! SOmething has got to be up.

Yeah defiantly voice your concerns.. I did and I am finally getting somewhere....I do actually have a hormone imbalance bw says i got high estrogen. I really hope :af: comes for you soon and you find some answers

Wow. I guess that is probably similar to what I'm looking at then. I mean I am 11 days late now so I clearly haven't ovulated or at least didn't ovulate at a regular time so....Ugg! Everytime i say it I get so frustrated! You need to ovulate to have a baby and that is what I want most, so why won't my stupid body just cooperate!:growlmad:
Has anybody come of of yasmin, yaz, or beyaz particularly? I have been reading terrible things about it on the internet. No wonder my body is so messed up! I'm horrified!
how long did it take you to get pregnant after yaz? have any other symptoms after coming off of the pill???
Hi I'm so tired. What cd are you now? Are you taking anything to help sort your cycles out? Vitex? B Complex?
hi, bean. Today is cd56 for me. I took two internet cheap hpts yesterday which were neg. No surprise. I haven't started taking anything yet. I took a few vitamin c tabs over the last week but nothing else. I was waiting until after I got af to start vitex. I have been spotting here and there since thursday but no flow yet. I am going for bloodwork probably on saturday. Lately I have been reading up on yaz and it's side effects and unfortunately I'm pretty sure that the pill is to blame.
Yeah I'm sure the pill is to blame too. Your body should sort itself out soon. I'd def recommend the vitex. Always worth having bloods done too though. Chances are you are Oestrogen dependant. Wish they'd warn us when putting us on BCP.

Fingers crossed for you hun. I had a 54day cycle in July, followed by a nice 28day and 33 day cycles. My LP was a little short but that seems to have improved as I'm 10dpo and no AF although I am expecting her tomorrow after a temp drop today.

Fingers crossed your next cycle is better.
Thanks for your support bean. The pill has done terrible things to my body. I am so tired of waiting for my cycles to straighten out. It has been 6 months since stopping bc for me and my cycles are still messy, I have lost cause acne, and my hair has been falling out for a month or so now. I'm hoping the dr can give me a quick fix but I know that that is not probable. Perhaps I will start vitex today and hope that it works for me. Good luck to you and I hope you get your bfp soon.
I know it's hard but stay positive. My 54day cycle was month 5/6 off BCP. Worth taking B 100 Complex too.

Good luck.
The BCP can often deplete you of vitamins. Particularly B vitamins. B6 helps with the development of the follicle and helps with a stronger corpus luteum, it also helps regulate hormones. It can help with short Luteal phases but I think it just generally helps get the cycles back on track and meant to increase fertility. You should ideally take the B Vitamins together so taking the B complex is better than just B6.

You can take 50-200mg. I recommend either starting with 50mg or 100mg. I started with 100mg.
wow, thanks for the advice. I will look into it. Do you know a lot about vitamins? because I want to know what is good for hair and skin
A bit. The B vits will help with hair/skin too. The antioxidant family A, C and E vitamins will help, as well as selenium and zinc. Also essential fatty acids.

Eat a couple of small handfuls of nuts and seeds everyday, lots of different coloured veg and avocado's.

Your hormones are probably affecting your hair/skin and as they balance out your skin/hair should improve too.
I am going through the same thing! went of BCP in August and haven't had a period since. My OB/GYN said that sometimes it just takes a little kick start once you come off the pill. Your body stops producing the proper hormones, since you have been providing them for it for the past years (12+ in my case). Also if you weren't regular before, its likely you won't be after you stop, even if you were regular during the pill.

Your doctor can definitely help you with this, it may take some time though. If its been 3 months or more, definitely call them! I recently did a progesterone challenge to try and that visit from AF, didn't work:growlmad:. I have an app Friday to talk about that and decide what is next! Wishing everyone baby luck!:dust:

<3 Nicole
Hi Ladies!

I am TTC starting next cycle (January) and came off BCP in August. You can see my past three cycles on FF...they have all had ovulation and a fairly regular length, but short LP on all three. I think FF may have been off by a ay or two but I definitely think my LP is about 9 days average. :dohh:

This is WONDERFUL though compared to my last attempt! Three years ago I tried to come off BCP but had a terrible reaction: wacky cycles, oily greasy hair, and acne like nobody's business. It last 6 months and I finally went back on because it was too stressful and I wasn't TTC.

This time, coming off, I planned ahead by taking prenatal's and Omega-3 and I weaned myself off the pill. I started 3 months ahead by cutting the pills in half, then months 2/3 I took a quarter pill. Then after the 3 months I stopped altogether and began taking Vitex too...

I am hopeful that my LP will increase in the next month or two, or that maybe - just maybe - I can still get a BFP with a 9 day LP. I am currently taking B6 (150mg last cycle and upped to 200mg this cycle) and other B vitamins too.

I think it just may be a matter of good health...and time! It's hard to be patient though and I definitely have been pretty sad when AF shows up so early the past few months :(

I am sure we will all be successful very soon!

Oh, and I should add no other issues this time coming off BCP! Breakouts before AF, but nothing out of the ordinary and otherwise nada! I would recommend weaning to any woman coming off the pill! I really think it made a difference!
eegrl- thanks for the advice. My doc already ordered bloodwork for me and I am going next week. I had almost regular periods before bc. They were about 30-35 days apart but I think my latest was around 40 days and that was only once. Since coming off of bc, I have had 3 normal periods, a 63 day cycle and this current one, cd56 and counting. I hope we can both get this sorted out so we can get our bfps.

gaiagirl- I'm having a bad reaction to coming off of bc like you once did. I'm breaking out like crazy and I had very greasy hair until about amonth ago, now it's falling out! I wish I could ask you what helped but you went back on bc. I don't ever want to go back on. Had I known it was gonna be such a project I would have slowly weened myself off also. I wish I had but I had only been on it for 2 or 3 years and I honestly didn't know much about birth control. The doctor suggested it and I said yes. I regret it sooo much. Congrats on successfully coming off of bc this time. I'm sure you will get your bfp soon. I hope we all do.
eegrl- thanks for the advice. My doc already ordered bloodwork for me and I am going next week. I had almost regular periods before bc. They were about 30-35 days apart but I think my latest was around 40 days and that was only once. Since coming off of bc, I have had 3 normal periods, a 63 day cycle and this current one, cd56 and counting. I hope we can both get this sorted out so we can get our bfps.

gaiagirl- I'm having a bad reaction to coming off of bc like you once did. I'm breaking out like crazy and I had very greasy hair until about amonth ago, now it's falling out! I wish I could ask you what helped but you went back on bc. I don't ever want to go back on. Had I known it was gonna be such a project I would have slowly weened myself off also. I wish I had but I had only been on it for 2 or 3 years and I honestly didn't know much about birth control. The doctor suggested it and I said yes. I regret it sooo much. Congrats on successfully coming off of bc this time. I'm sure you will get your bfp soon. I hope we all do.

I know, I wish I had more advice for what to do now! I would advise Vitex and Omega 3s for sure...
I am with you girls, I hate the pill I wish I never went on it and knew the issues it could have caused!

I stopped back in August, my first cycle was 44 days, I was not temping so I do not know if I o'ed. 2nd cycle 37 days and I o'ed on CD24. Now I am on my 3rd cycle and I was hopeful I would O earlier than the 2nd cycle but NOOOOOOOOOO it is going to be a longer cycle again. CD26 with no signs of anything. I too am breaking out and I feel like I am constantly bloated. I am so frustrated I can't stand it :growlmad:
I too came off bc in late August, and have had no signs of af since :( have convinced myself on several occasions that I was prego, but have had 4 bfn. I too am bloated/ gaining weight. Wishing the doc would have been informative about this before I went on the pill, as I was ALWAYS regular before the pill

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