Before I ovulated this month I already thought we were out because we took soy and it made my pre-ovulation temps all screwy but then I ovulated and now my hopes are sky high...which is dangerous because I'll be totally devastated when AF shows...
And I've been trying not to symptom-spot but I'm not having much luck at that either...
I'm every couple hours I absolutely HAVE to eat - usually I eat two small meals a day plus a tiny snack and am not hungry in between. I was constipated, I'm getting bloated, for the past couple days I've had dizzy/blackout spells which usually only happen when I don't eat enough but I'm eating TONS, I have to pee constantly which is also unusual since I typically only have to go 2-3 times per day and now I'm going every couple hours and not just a tiny bit either. (sorry for the tmi!) My temp hasn't dipped though, it actually went up today at 7dpo.
I'm getting myself far too worked up...I know that and I need to stop but I can't figure out how to make myself stop!