Good morning honies,
great to read your updates.
GG- oh my gosh hon, I'm glad you waited too, those lines are unreal!!

Congrats again, I know you tortured yourself in waiting but just think your will be at 6 weeks now before you know it!! I have heard mild cramps in the first tri is very common if not the norm.
2016- hon, the hospital there sounds as useless as the ones over here. Sorry your going through this hon and there is more bleeding. I agree, it needs to go one way or another so your body can recover. Hopefully beanie finds the right place and sticks!! t.o.u.
Nicole- your going to think i'm a total wierdo but you know how some women say they have pregnancy dreams before you get a bfp....well i had one the problem is it was for you!!!!!

Lol, i'm not kiddding, you know your spending too much time on BNB when...

basically we were looking at distinct lines on your pregnancy test...and now here we are, too cute.
Now back to your test not only is there a line, there is actually a thick line hon, so this one is looking really good. maybe its time to break out a frer? if not today than tomorrow for sure.
Chia how are you doing this morning?
I guess we missed Joli its after midnight in HK....oh I guess Chia is on the same time.
Hibiscus- did you get to BD'ng?
oh as for me (i was about to post without) Nic you were right I took my temp after only a couple hours of sleep and it was why did i take it at 0200am it was 36.70!! never again, i cant do that because i get no sleep afterwards and i just worry, thats why i didnt want to temp this month

so i havent tested this morning, sick of BFN's really. ha ha
No AF yet, no cramps but VERY sore lower back still agggh