2016: I think you have every right to rant and rant a lot about this. I'm angry for you. I can't believe these doctors. I'm very happy you're writing the letter, that fs shouldn't be allowed to be so unprofessional and your letter could really help! I hope you can get somewhere with your gp. I'm not sure how it works in the uk but could your new fs call your old gp and get the results of the progesterone test over the phone? Oh and you can add me if you want, I never seem to stay there for long but why not? Seems ok so far.
chia: I think a lot of women get af symptoms in early pregnancy, really hard to distiguish. Are you still testing Thursday? Thanks for the tip about the chamomille tea! I didn't know that was good to help you sleep, I'll pick some up later!
gg: congrats on the 3+

so exciting!!
ladybird: Not sure if you're still on this thread but hope you're doing well. Did you ever get sore boobs yet? I am just asking because mine aren't sore and it bothers me a bit, I have heard that breast changes are most common with first pregnancies, wasn't sure if that included soreness.
joli: So not too long until you get to see the baby again! I think the nt scan would give good piece of mind, never had it with Ben but I will if I get that far again. I think it's possible to tentatively find out the gender at the scan. I say girl for you, only because you seem to be having a similar pregnancy as my best friend and she had a girl. Yeah not really basing that on much
britt: You have your appt today? if I remember correctly. Let us know what the dr says! Good luck!!

Have a great feeling for you this cycle!! I really think having the heart condition fixed will help you get your bfp very soon! more relaxed and such!
Not much new with me, took another frer...not as dark as the control line but darker than two days ago...so stunned that it's actually continuing to get dark.

Hoping to get the beta results tomorrow!