Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Hey Taebomama, you must be tiny! I started at 134 pounds, but I'm pretty tall (5'8") and have an athletic build. I'm not used to putting on weight, so this is all very surreal! I just don't think I'm supposed to put this much on this quickly...but I guess as long as I stay the same between 7-12 weeks, I won't feel so bad!

Chia - don't worry too much about your bfn, you're still in early early days yet!!
Good morning everyone! The time is just crawling, I want my results, but there's a chance they won't be back until tomorrow, they send the blood away and get the results back in 2-3 business days. Usually it only takes 2 though.

chia: sorry about the bfn but you're still so early! and you're not sure exactly when you ov'd. Still have my fx'd for you. Hope you can still go on vacation!How are you doing?

britt: hope you and dh are feeling better! How did the appointment go?

hibiscus and ladybird: Thank you for the bunnies!! made me so happy, I love that bunny!

sweetmama: sorry your son is sick, that's got to be stressful for you. How is he doing today. Also sorry af got you! Hope you have a nice short cycle! :hugs:
Here's hoping that you will get your test results soon! Keep us updated?

Am all good now that the initial disappointment has passed. In a way, I think this will enable me to enjoy my holiday more... even if the weather ain't too good, think I will just hole up in the hotel with hubby. :) Interestingly though, as I was gonna throw the test away, I realised that it has a super clear evap line, so I decided to give the hubby a lesson on how hpts work. Hee.
13 dpo hcg 51...not sure if that's good but I don't think it's bad either so I'm pleased. I called to get the results and his office was closed until 1 so I checked the walk-in clinic when I went to get my bloods done and he was there :happydance: So glad I got to see him, no judgement :) He said borderline is 50, so at 51 he's comfirming pregnancy...I have never heard borderline being 50, thought it was 20 but maybe their chart is different?

He wants to see me again after the ultrasound and refer me to a gyno to set up a prenatal appt right away. (assuming it's in my uterus) I asked if I can have another ultrasound to see the heartbeat if they happen to see a sac on Tuesday (normally you only get one in first tri) and he said "yes, we'll do our very best for you" Such a nice man, this is so much different than last month when I was seeing the ER doctors. I know I'm being overly gushy but unlike most doctors I've seen I feel like he actually cares if I have a successful pregnancy and that makes me weepy a bit. Alright think I've rambled enough for now. Hope everyone is having a good day!

chia: glad you're still able to enjoy the vacation, what brand did you test with?

britt: turning into a stalker but where did you go? :)

2016: how's the bleeding and pain? hope you're doing okay:hugs:
13 dpo hcg 51...not sure if that's good but I don't think it's bad either so I'm pleased. I called to get the results and his office was closed until 1 so I checked the walk-in clinic when I went to get my bloods done and he was there :happydance: So glad I got to see him, no judgement :) He said borderline is 50, so at 51 he's comfirming pregnancy...I have never heard borderline being 50, thought it was 20 but maybe their chart is different?

He wants to see me again after the ultrasound and refer me to a gyno to set up a prenatal appt right away. (assuming it's in my uterus) I asked if I can have another ultrasound to see the heartbeat if they happen to see a sac on Tuesday (normally you only get one in first tri) and he said "yes, we'll do our very best for you" Such a nice man, this is so much different than last month when I was seeing the ER doctors. I know I'm being overly gushy but unlike most doctors I've seen I feel like he actually cares if I have a successful pregnancy and that makes me weepy a bit. Alright think I've rambled enough for now. Hope everyone is having a good day!

chia: glad you're still able to enjoy the vacation, what brand did you test with?

britt: turning into a stalker but where did you go? :)

2016: how's the bleeding and pain? hope you're doing okay:hugs:

Oh honey, i'm sorry i'm here- reading posts when i can just crazy with a few things. Off to the airport in an hour and a half for work. What was your result before the 51 today? i think at 13dpo thats a good # no??
I have everything crossed for you hon for a sticky bfp.

Chia sorry about the BFN, but it aint over hon.

2016- yeah how are you doing??? :hugs:
Tabeo- hope you catch that eggy

as for me, well been a little enthralled with something else, Joli knows all about it already ha ha
anyway, turns out my blood work was not so good on CD3, they are repeating it this month but it would explain why after 7 months DH and i still havent conceived. My fsh level came back at 10, which is on the high end. Normal is 2-10, so not impossible to conceive but would make it harder. Still trying to get my head around why and what the next step is. One day at a time i guess, hopefully i will get answers soon- was pretty sad yesterday but today already feeling better, you know me.
if anyone has any knowledge on CD3 levels let me know, would love any advice

major :hugs: to everyone
cheers, and happy St Paddy's day to those who celebrate
Nicole - He's still feeling very ill, I didn't get much sleep last night due to it so I'm feeling pretty tired.
Britt: Sorry for being a pain when you're upset :hugs: I'm just so used to reading your updates every morning, I've become accustomed to a daily dose of britt:) Glad you are feeling a bit better today. I'm sorry your fsh levels were on the high side. What was your estrogen level that day? I think that plays an important part in reading the fsh results, I dont know where I read that though, was googling it for my friend a bit a couple of weeks ago. I have read that often the fsh results vary quite a bit from month to month so hopefully they are lower next time. Although in the high end it is good you're within the norm. I don't know a whole lot about them but I will by tomorrow :thumbup: I'll try to find some reliable sites and post what I find.
13 dpo hcg 51...not sure if that's good but I don't think it's bad either so I'm pleased. I called to get the results and his office was closed until 1 so I checked the walk-in clinic when I went to get my bloods done and he was there :happydance: So glad I got to see him, no judgement :) He said borderline is 50, so at 51 he's comfirming pregnancy...I have never heard borderline being 50, thought it was 20 but maybe their chart is different?

He wants to see me again after the ultrasound and refer me to a gyno to set up a prenatal appt right away. (assuming it's in my uterus) I asked if I can have another ultrasound to see the heartbeat if they happen to see a sac on Tuesday (normally you only get one in first tri) and he said "yes, we'll do our very best for you" Such a nice man, this is so much different than last month when I was seeing the ER doctors. I know I'm being overly gushy but unlike most doctors I've seen I feel like he actually cares if I have a successful pregnancy and that makes me weepy a bit. Alright think I've rambled enough for now. Hope everyone is having a good day!
hope you're doing okay:hugs:

Looks totally within the normal range! https://betabase.info/showDailyData.php?type=basic&multiples=Single&dpo=13

Mine was 102 at 15 dpo, so I imagine it was somewhere around 51 at 13 dpo. Yay!
hibiscus: Thank you!!! yay!! I can't believe I've been on that site so many times and never knew you could click and see each day! That's so exciting. You made me feel better it's reassuring to see how many people had similar levels at 13 dpo! :) My dr. won't say anything good or bad until he sees how they're doubling which is fine but I really did want to know if that was okay.

britt: that was my first blood test, will get the next result on friday, forgot in the last message.
hibiscus: Thank you!!! yay!! I can't believe I've been on that site so many times and never knew you could click and see each day! That's so exciting. You made me feel better it's reassuring to see how many people had similar levels at 13 dpo! :) My dr. won't say anything good or bad until he sees how they're doubling which is fine but I really did want to know if that was okay.

britt: that was my first blood test, will get the next result on friday, forgot in the last message.

Yeah!!!!! you deserve this honey.

dont be sorry at all, i would miss anyone of you guys not being on the thread, its become a little family....PLEASE still post on here even though everyone is already pregs, it will be very quiet and lonely if you grads dont

Thanks, i have heard it can fluctuate it too, i just got the test done yesterday as well. In my heart i think we will still conceive but i think its going to take a lot longer than normal. We shall see, yes find out what you can on that babe!!
big hugs to you
btw where in Ontario do you live babe?
Nicole...yup 51 sounds pretty good to me :thumbup: you managed to convince me 34 was ok at 17dpo when I had my bloods done :rofl:. Most important thing, as you know, is what it does over time. Sounds like your doc is being awesome - what a keeper! :yipee:

Britt...FSH levels were explained to me simply as the indication of how many eggs you have left. 10 is high, but still normal. It shows how much stimulation your ovaries need to produce follicles. I thought high FSH was common in people who ov very late or nit at all...and you don't seem to have that problem. I have seen girls on here devastated with results over 20, only for it to mysteriously drop to 4 the next month :shrug: Hopefully the docs will investigate a bit further and can help in some way if needed.

Chia...sorry about the :bfn:.....evap you say?.....hmmmm...what brand was it? Remember all my FRER "evaps"?

I have this dull pressure discomfort on my right pelvic area and the pain is making the front of my right thigh very sensitive :shrug:. I posted in my journal this morning that I was worried my IC daily tests were getting a bit darker. :cry:
I am due to go for more bloods at 8am tomorrow and then also have an appt with my GP in the afternoon to discuss her inaccurate referral letter.

Lots of love to all my Aphrodite sisters :hugs:
Morning ladies!!

Nicole - that's an awesome beta result!! Really happy for you - without getting ahead of myself, it sounds like this one is a sticky bean! And bonus, your doctor sounds fantasatic!!

2016 - I wonder if the dull pressure is coming from where the beanie was, I hope your GP will be understanding and more sensitive about the things she wrote, and maybe you could sneak in a question about your tests getting darker. How long will it take before they have the results of your bloods?

Britt - I think Nicole is right, your FSH readings have to be read in conjunction with your estrogen levels (or estriol?). But given that you're at the high end of 'normal' - there's still a very good chance that you'll be able to concieve naturally.

Chia - I think you're off on holiday today right? Have fun!!!!

Hibiscus - am I right in thinking you have a scan today??
Nicole - Your doc sounds great! He really sounds like he cares.

Britt - :hugs: at least you have a start of an answer... sorry I don't have any knowledge to share

Sweetmama - hope your little boy gets well soon and you get some sleep!

2016 - Just read your journal. Hope that your "negotiation" with your GP went well, and all the best for your bloods this morning! Hoping that the hospital is finally finally going to give you the attention that your deserve! :hugs2:

Joli - Hope I got this right, happy 7 weeks! :rain: Have you been taking bump pics?

Here's hoping that things pick up for everyone! :hug:

Anyways, test I used was a Clearblue easy, realised that no one else seems to be using this here, but CB has market domination at home.
Morning ladies!!

Nicole - that's an awesome beta result!! Really happy for you - without getting ahead of myself, it sounds like this one is a sticky bean! And bonus, your doctor sounds fantasatic!!

2016 - I wonder if the dull pressure is coming from where the beanie was, I hope your GP will be understanding and more sensitive about the things she wrote, and maybe you could sneak in a question about your tests getting darker. How long will it take before they have the results of your bloods?

Britt - I think Nicole is right, your FSH readings have to be read in conjunction with your estrogen levels (or estriol?). But given that you're at the high end of 'normal' - there's still a very good chance that you'll be able to concieve naturally.

Chia - I think you're off on holiday today right? Have fun!!!!

Hibiscus - am I right in thinking you have a scan today??

Morning! (Well, it's the night before here haha).
Nope, no scan for me, but I have my first appt with the OB NP tomorrow--yay! I got some paperwork in the mail that I had to fill out re: family history, genetic issues, etc., but I am not really sure what to expect at the first appt. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

Any news with you?? How are you feeling these days?
I had a mild bout of nausea throughout the day today, but it's mostly gone away, which I felt a little worried about, but I've been really exhausted and the boobs are achier than ever.
Hey Chia - Thanks for the congrats! :) I think CB easy isn't a particularly sensitive test...? I ordered a load of frer's from ebay, since you can't get them in HK...and if you go to your pharmacy (Watsons in HK - not sure what you have in Sing?) you can ask for a more sensitive early test rather than what you just buy on the shelves. I have been taking bump pics actually - well, DH has taken a pic of me at weeks 4.5, 5.5, 6.5 - and we'll keep this going, one pic a week! So I was going to put them all together in a collage for you gals, so that you could see the progression! I don't have a 'bump' per se, but I'm clearly rounder around my uterus in my 6.5 pic when you compare it to my 4.5 week pic! Promise when I get to 12 weeks, I'll post part 1 of the collage!

Hibiscus - you never know, they just might do an early scan for you tomorrow whilst they do all your paperwork! I'm feeling pretty good - my MS has gotten worse the last 3 days, but it's severly bad for about 10-15mins, then it eases up, and 1 hour later it's generally gone, so I have no complaints! My boobs still ache - and DH is still taking great delight in them! :rofl: Other then that, no cravings or being emotional, no being exhausted or needing to nap or fall asleep early...and the only thing that has made my stomach turn is the sound of DH opening the tin of catfood in the morning, and imagining the smell! Honestly, I can't even smell anything, it's just the thought of catfood! lol. I'm glad your nausea has mostly gone away, I don't think it's anything to worry about, you still have lots of other symptoms, your body has probably just gotten more used to the hormones. Good luck with your appointment (your) tomorrow (my) today! :flower:
Joli - Thanks for the tip on the HPTs. :) Think I will hold off testing this time round till AF is overdue. Will check out the local phamacy when I get back.

Looking forward to the bump pic, I like looking at them as much as HPTs! Think they will be a really good "walk" down memory lane in the years to come. Now I've got a vested interest in monitoring your ticker. :rofl:
Joli...Congrats for 7 weeks! :wohoo: :bunny:

nicole...meant to say, in the uk they confirm pregnancy when your number is greater than 5!!!

me...Got fed up waiting for hospital so I called them. Progesterone is back and is 9 still. Haven't taken pessaries for 5 days so my bodys producing that on its own! should be less than 2 if I have started a new cycle :cry:
hcg not back yet :shrug:
2016: I hope the hcg results are in soon, they're really making you wait! I hope it's just taking longer for your levels to drop, must be so stressful for you. :hugs: It is so hard waiting for a new cycle and not knowing what's going on. Thanks for telling me about the levels in the uk, sounds better to me. I think I was more disappointed with my levels being just over borderline than the actual number...seems weird to think if it were 49 then I wouldn't be pregnant offically. You raised a good point, and made me laugh :thumbup: I do think even if they're lower things can still be okay, need to calm down I guess! Just rambling now so I'll stop. Going to compulsively check the thread until you get your hcg numbers!
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