Hey girls, wanted to say a quick hello, sounds like everyone has had a busy weekend.
Shey- oh no!! is he coming home at all during your fertile period?? hope so
GG- oh my gosh hon, I hope all is okay with you. Sorry to hear that you've been going through this scare, I hope the antibotics did the trick.
Joli- hon how are you doing, its Monday morning there now.
2016- gosh hon, worried havent heard an update for you hope all is okay and that you got the medication and treatment you so need for this ectopic.
Nicole- how are you doing sweetie?? Hope you are getting excited about your sticky BFP.
Tabeo- how are you doing hon? I believe you are in the 2ww
as for me nothing exciting, cycle day 8, had some EWCM yesterday so DH and I BD but of course negative opk so strange...I had EWCM at this point in my cycle last month too...hopefully i get lots around O time.
anyway, hope to hear from everyone soon