Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Taebomama - great to hear from you! - our first year anniversary will be 28 March, so we'll be celebrating on your birthdays! That's so sweet you guys have the same birthday! - same year too? No pics of the house yet, cause it's still under construction...

Oh yeah, NOW I remember you saying it was under construction...Duh:dohh:
That is so cool that your anniversary is so close to mine. ; ) Happy Anniversary--a little early! I'll be turning 38 (ouch!). 8-[ My hubby is 4 years older than me.
Hi girls.

Sorry for not posting much. I am sinking into a pit of despair and dont want to bring you down. I post in my journal most days so you can see what I'm up to.

The just is my hcg went up from 200 on Saturday late night to 330 yesterday morning. Have started bleeding heavy again and am just about ready to give up on the world.
Am going back to the hospital today to wait around for hours to be seen and I am guessing I am reaching the end of the road and they are going to want to operate soon.....althought this is the NHS we are talking about so who knows.

Hope you are all well.
2016: Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you today and hoping that you can finally get some closure. Don't worry about how much you're posting or anything, you're going through a terrible time. I don't agree that you would bring us down though, we're here to listen no matter how bad things get! :hugs: I think it's great that you are posting in your journal though, good to get everything out. Thank you very much for all of those bunnies and your message. :)

joli: The woman who did the ultrasound was an ultrasound tech, normally doctors don't do the ultrasounds. There is one dr. that does them, she's training to be a radiologist. she did several with my ectopic in the summer and was really good. I was disappointed that she didn't do mine yesterday but I think maybe because it wasn't as serious this time they just put me in with one of the other people? How's everything with you? what are you anniversary plans?

britt: Hope your leg is better today, do you play soccer often? is it weird that I'm counting down to when you ov? I can't believe your dreams are so accurate, you were right!

taebomama: That's so sweet that you have so many special days all in one! Good choice on not going away if there's a chance the witch could be there. Wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable. Hope so much that she takes a 9 month vacation though! Sending lots of :dust:

sweetmama: I didn't know you gave up two boys for adoption either, I think that's amazing. You should be so proud of yourself. I had bad ms with my ds too...eased off after first tri but I did throw up fairly often right to the end. I can't remember how old your ds is? Good to hear he's feeling better!

shey: how's it going? hope you're doing well!

Nothing new with me really, still kind of shocked in a good way. Seems unreal. I've never seen dh get so giddy about pregnancy. He was happy when I got pregnant with ds but I guess he had trouble visualizing there actually being a baby in there. Can't blame him for that though, I couldn't wrap my head around that for the whole 9 months. Sorry if I missed anyone. Hope everyone has a good day! :)
Have to choose. Surgery or methotrexate. What would you do?
I am thinking I will wait until I see the fs tomorrow and get her opinion what's best for future success. :cry:
Have to choose. Surgery or methotrexate. What would you do?
I am thinking I will wait until I see the fs tomorrow and get her opinion what's best for future success. :cry:

I'm so sorry you're going through all this. I can't imagine; dealing with a loss is hard enough. Dragging it on like this must be torture.

I'm curious what the FS will say about this. I don't know much about the options. Is it the same tube as last time? If so, perhaps surgery would help clear the path a bit?
Hibiscus...Yup. Same tube. Although for all they know my "good" tube might also be defunct! Problem with the methotrexate is it might not work and I might end up having surgery anyway...after weakening my immune system. Problem with the surgery is I will only be left with one tube and that could be just as dodgy. :shrug:
I hope my body can hang on long enough for the specialist tomorrow.
oh boy 2016, i am so sorry for what you are going through. Agggh, i cant believe the numbers are increasing, i dont know much about ectopics- but I thought the body would rid of it things naturally on its own like a chemical, boy is that ever inaccurate. I am hoping you get closure and get healthy very VERY soon- I agree the FS will know what the best option will be. Thinking of you.

Nicole you are so cute, happy 5weeks+1!! so happy for you. I love that you are counting down O time for me, what is it now 4 days?? no positive OPK yet, so i might be on a clear CD15 O time now.
I went to the Acu lady yesterday, ovaries felt wierd and almost painful after, what the heck?? And she sold me some expensive herbal brew.... lol
Yes, I am a big soccer fan I used to play fairly competitively- Div 1, now its suppose to be rec but people still take it seriously. You guys are going to laugh, the person that took me out was a man!! can you believe it, what a loser this is suppose to be coed rec, you think he was playing for the FIFA cup. Some guys in this league used to play majors and just dont know how to tone it down. The girls can be nasty biatches as well, i know what you mean Joli!! Oh well still icing the knee today.

How is everyone else this morning, Sweetmama, Taebo? Joli, i guess its night time.
Taebomama - happy early anniversary to you too!! We had our wedding banquet last year at The Peninsula Hotel here in HK (the most awesome hotel ever!), so we have vouchers this year to use their spa to get a massage and a facial, and we will have dinner at their fancy French restaurant. Really looking forward to it!! When we first met in London, I was already planning on moving back to HK, and had a great job offer out here - I bought him a book called "Tai Pan" (written in the 1960's) and it was about the first tycoons out in HK, a fantastic story (and now a movie starring Pierce Brosnen). So with this being our first year anniversay (which I believe is your Paper Anniversary), I have bought DH a first edition 1965 hardback of this book which in many ways brought us together.

Britt - that's so strange about the acu and your ovaries! I wonder if maybe there's increased blood flow or something - did she say that you'd feel anything afterwards? What is the herbal brew for, did she say? Keep resting that knee... unfortunately knee injuries take forever to heal...but at least you've finished your season right?

Nicole - I sm soooooooooo happy for you, I'm not surprised your DH feels giddy! Do either of you hope you will have another boy or a girl?

2016 - I do not know whether surgery is the best way forward or not.. if you only have 1 tube, will you have to go down the IVF route, or is it still highly possible to concieve naturally?

Hibiscus - I forgot to mention the other day, it's so awesome that your ticker has moved up a block, it must feel like you've reached such a milestone - can't wait until I'm there too!
hello girls sorry im really quiet i just havnt got much to say, hope your all well
2016 :( i dont know much about either procedure and i hope the fs gives u a better service than the other nhs practitioners have done xx
Have to choose. Surgery or methotrexate. What would you do?
I am thinking I will wait until I see the fs tomorrow and get her opinion what's best for future success. :cry:

I wish I could at least help out by offering up what I'd do in this situation...but I can't really say! I think I'd do what you're planning; ask the FS for her opinion on sucess for future pregnancies. My heart goes out to you. I will continue to read your journal, but I'm sure no one here would mind you posting directly on this board. We're friends right? Friends are supposed to be supportive through the rough spots. We're here for you--as much as cyber friends can be. So feel free to express your feelings here, too. Listening is the best I have to offer. :hugs:
Taebomama - happy early anniversary to you too!! We had our wedding banquet last year at The Peninsula Hotel here in HK (the most awesome hotel ever!), so we have vouchers this year to use their spa to get a massage and a facial, and we will have dinner at their fancy French restaurant. Really looking forward to it!! When we first met in London, I was already planning on moving back to HK, and had a great job offer out here - I bought him a book called "Tai Pan" (written in the 1960's) and it was about the first tycoons out in HK, a fantastic story (and now a movie starring Pierce Brosnen). So with this being our first year anniversay (which I believe is your Paper Anniversary), I have bought DH a first edition 1965 hardback of this book which in many ways brought us together.

What a sweet story! https://www.pic4ever.com/images/beaverhug.gif

So ladies, I took a test this morning at only 9 dpo and it was negative....I think. There seemed to be something there...very, very, very, very faint. Not really colored. I didn't bother taking a pic because I don't think anything would show up in a picture, what did show up could be in my little head. https://www.pic4ever.com/images/snapoutofit.gif I have felt really positive that this is the month, so I don't know if I'll be as upbeat about a negative this month, as in previous months. Anyway, stay tuned, I'll take another test in the morning.

Take care, all!
2016 - I do not know whether surgery is the best way forward or not.. if you only have 1 tube, will you have to go down the IVF route, or is it still highly possible to concieve naturally?

Apparently many people still go on and get pregnant with one tube....not sure of the stats though. Either tube can pick up an egg from either side. In both my ectopic for some reason the right tube has picked up and egg from the left side. I have a crazy belief that my body always works this way so a slight fear it won't know what to do without a tube. Still the human body is fantastic at compensating for missing parts. I have a school friend who lost her right arm as a small child and she could tie her shoes with one hand faster that I could with two!

I keep changing my mind between the two options. If they had just given me the methotrexate last Friday when I begged for it, I wouldn't be in this dilemma and the pregnancy would be much smaller to dissolve that it is now! The docs seemed to prefer the surgery route and were really going on and on about how sick methotrexate would make me.

Nicole...obv it isn't nice to take but you survived it didn't you? They said I would probably be off work for the same amount of time as surgery (1-2 weeks) from the side effects.

I am still bleeding like mad and hoping my Chinese herbs will work miracles in flushing something out to save me having to choose either option! :blush:

Thank you girls for supporting me :hugs:
Just found this stat:

If you have never had difficulty getting pregnant, the normal pregnancy rate after salpingectomy is 70-85%. If you had difficulty conceiving prior to the removal of your fallopian tube the normal pregnancy rate is about 10%.

I would say I had difficulty considering it was 7 months between bfps and I know DHs :spermy: are excellent. And I only conceived when I used my dodgy right tube. 10% is a scary statistic :cry:

I do wonder sometimes why they have never tested me for infections like chlamydia that can block tubes and can be resolved with a simple course of antibiotics. Not sure where I would have got that although my ex, who was a cheating son-of-a is one grey area. :grr:
2016: If you are really worried that you can only get pregnant on the one side then I wonder if it wouldn't be a good option to get the methotrexate, get the hsg done and go from there? Only because then you have more options whether to get the tube removed then or try to unblock whereas with surgery you are making a definite decision. I am not trying to be pushy, can never tell how I come off. I just know personally how scary it is to think of losing a part of yourself even if it causes you so much grief. I hope the FS can give you some statistics and insights to help you with your decision.

As for the side effects I do think how the hospital approaches it really depends on what their prefered method of treatment is. The hospital I go to uses it whenever possible, surgery is a last resort and they downplayed the effects quite a bit so I didn't really know what to expect. Two out of three I had pelvic pain for about 3 days and with one I had none. I think the sickness and fatigue were gone within a week the wost being in the first few days after the injection. I know different people react in different ways and even I reacted differently although it was the same drug each time. A downside I found outside the physical symptoms was that it is a slow treatment method, it is a waiting game once again.

I am so sorry you are going through this and hope you don't mind me sharing my experience with methotrexate. I just remember I was so scared the first time I got it and would have liked to hear what to expect from someone who had it. It's a hard choice and I don't really think there is any right or wrong answer...once you have all the facts from the FS I think you'll have an easier time making the decision. I also say to some extent to rely on your gut on this one...I don't mean disregard the dr or anything. I just think you know your body quite well and your own intuition can be helpful in some ways if that makes sense. Sorry for the novel and I'll be praying for this to resolve on it's own so you don't have this choice to make :hugs:
taebomama: what brand did you use? and did you tweak it? I always find if there's a line tweaking helps. If you get the same line tomorrow maybe take a pic and let us squint? I have been told by dh to get a new hobby...can't seem to find one I like better though. Good luck with your test in the morning!! Have a great feeling for you this cycle! :dust:
Nicole--you've had 3 ectopics? It sounds like it. For some reason I thought you'd only had 2. Your case can give hope to 2016. I wonder if you ovulated from the other side this time and that's why it worked out?
Morning gals!

Britt - can't believe you got an injury! Gotta be careful with your knees in soccer. I always find it ridiculous how some girls can take friendly matches so seriously. Netball is supposed to be a non-contact sport, but that's a world class understatement! The nails and trips and barging come out in full force! :rofl: I hope you have a speedy recovery, and remember RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)!

Nicole - what fantastic news!!!! I'm sooo happy for you! That's so cute that your doc is superstitious - it's not a combination that you normally hear of, doctors are normally so black and white in their beliefs. What are you getting checked with your family doc on Fri? Did they tell you when your next scan will be?

Taebomama - great to hear from you! - our first year anniversary will be 28 March, so we'll be celebrating on your birthdays! That's so sweet you guys have the same birthday! - same year too? No pics of the house yet, cause it's still under construction...

Sweetmama - I had no idea that you have given 2 boys for adoption, I'm sure you've made some other couples very happy indeed. Good luck with the move!

I don't really talk about it much because its very painful for me to do so, I know I've made 2 couples very happy and I know that it was for the best, sometimes though I can't help but wonder.

2016: Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you today and hoping that you can finally get some closure. Don't worry about how much you're posting or anything, you're going through a terrible time. I don't agree that you would bring us down though, we're here to listen no matter how bad things get! :hugs: I think it's great that you are posting in your journal though, good to get everything out. Thank you very much for all of those bunnies and your message. :)

joli: The woman who did the ultrasound was an ultrasound tech, normally doctors don't do the ultrasounds. There is one dr. that does them, she's training to be a radiologist. she did several with my ectopic in the summer and was really good. I was disappointed that she didn't do mine yesterday but I think maybe because it wasn't as serious this time they just put me in with one of the other people? How's everything with you? what are you anniversary plans?

britt: Hope your leg is better today, do you play soccer often? is it weird that I'm counting down to when you ov? I can't believe your dreams are so accurate, you were right!

taebomama: That's so sweet that you have so many special days all in one! Good choice on not going away if there's a chance the witch could be there. Wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable. Hope so much that she takes a 9 month vacation though! Sending lots of :dust:

sweetmama: I didn't know you gave up two boys for adoption either, I think that's amazing. You should be so proud of yourself. I had bad ms with my ds too...eased off after first tri but I did throw up fairly often right to the end. I can't remember how old your ds is? Good to hear he's feeling better!

shey: how's it going? hope you're doing well!

Nothing new with me really, still kind of shocked in a good way. Seems unreal. I've never seen dh get so giddy about pregnancy. He was happy when I got pregnant with ds but I guess he had trouble visualizing there actually being a baby in there. Can't blame him for that though, I couldn't wrap my head around that for the whole 9 months. Sorry if I missed anyone. Hope everyone has a good day! :)

I'm at peace with my decision, even though it was hard to decide that. My son is 17 months tomorrow. And he's been such a blessing.

oh boy 2016, i am so sorry for what you are going through. Agggh, i cant believe the numbers are increasing, i dont know much about ectopics- but I thought the body would rid of it things naturally on its own like a chemical, boy is that ever inaccurate. I am hoping you get closure and get healthy very VERY soon- I agree the FS will know what the best option will be. Thinking of you.

Nicole you are so cute, happy 5weeks+1!! so happy for you. I love that you are counting down O time for me, what is it now 4 days?? no positive OPK yet, so i might be on a clear CD15 O time now.
I went to the Acu lady yesterday, ovaries felt wierd and almost painful after, what the heck?? And she sold me some expensive herbal brew.... lol
Yes, I am a big soccer fan I used to play fairly competitively- Div 1, now its suppose to be rec but people still take it seriously. You guys are going to laugh, the person that took me out was a man!! can you believe it, what a loser this is suppose to be coed rec, you think he was playing for the FIFA cup. Some guys in this league used to play majors and just dont know how to tone it down. The girls can be nasty biatches as well, i know what you mean Joli!! Oh well still icing the knee today.

How is everyone else this morning, Sweetmama, Taebo? Joli, i guess its night time.

I'm doing ok, really really tired though. I think its because my Iron is low.
2016 - I think it's great that Nicole can share some of her experiences with you... surgery is permanent, and I don't know anything about ectopics, so take everything I say with a pinch of salt, but I think I would rather go through with the pain of methotrexate, than having something as permanent as tying a tube - and of course if the methotrexate doesn't work, surgery is the last resort. Nicole's case seems to be such a miracle, but she's living proof that you can still concieve after having ectopics. I guess the FS will be able to give you the best advice, and I know it must be hard to focus on asking the right questions, when you're in so much pain and anguish. Maybe ask DH to help you write down some questions about the long term effects of the surgery before you make your final decision...?

Taebomama - I agree with Nicole, send us a pic so that we can squint!! We love it! <weirdos> I hear in the back of my head - but I don't care, I love it! :rofl: Fx'd for your test tomorrow!!
Hey girls!
Haa Joli, you crack me up, "wierdos" for squinting at preg tests- I agree and i love it too. I was so excited that there was a "maybe" something on Taebo's test. Nicole your too cute as well, you're just waiting there for the moment you can invert it and play with the lighting... :)
2016- you are in a very difficult situation but we are all here to support you however we can. Nicole that was great that you were able to share your experience with her. :hugs:

How are you doing Nic and Joli?? oh my gosh I cant believe how far along you are already Joli- I remember you saying I cant wait for 6 weeks.

Sweetmama- that was an amazing and unselfish thing you did putting up your babies for adoption. I cant even begin to imagine how hard that was :hugs:

as for me well post Acu yesterday i had wonky ovary pains/feelings and a little today and i was like hmmm? maybe O early? Anyway DH and i BD just in case. The strange part is i had a nearly positive opk 2 days ago and yesterday (but it wasnt quite as dark) and now today there is barely anything there? what the hay? seriously i dont understand my wierd body....here I am thinking yup CD15 and then well maybe earlier but not positive opk yet. I am taking random temps in the last couple of days- for those chart stockers lol...we will see if its up soon?

have a good sleep/day all
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