2016: Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you today and hoping that you can finally get some closure. Don't worry about how much you're posting or anything, you're going through a terrible time. I don't agree that you would bring us down though, we're here to listen no matter how bad things get!

I think it's great that you are posting in your journal though, good to get everything out. Thank you very much for all of those bunnies and your message.
joli: The woman who did the ultrasound was an ultrasound tech, normally doctors don't do the ultrasounds. There is one dr. that does them, she's training to be a radiologist. she did several with my ectopic in the summer and was really good. I was disappointed that she didn't do mine yesterday but I think maybe because it wasn't as serious this time they just put me in with one of the other people? How's everything with you? what are you anniversary plans?
britt: Hope your leg is better today, do you play soccer often? is it weird that I'm counting down to when you ov? I can't believe your dreams are so accurate, you were right!
taebomama: That's so sweet that you have so many special days all in one! Good choice on not going away if there's a chance the witch could be there. Wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable. Hope so much that she takes a 9 month vacation though! Sending lots of
sweetmama: I didn't know you gave up two boys for adoption either, I think that's amazing. You should be so proud of yourself. I had bad ms with my ds too...eased off after first tri but I did throw up fairly often right to the end. I can't remember how old your ds is? Good to hear he's feeling better!
shey: how's it going? hope you're doing well!
Nothing new with me really, still kind of shocked in a good way. Seems unreal. I've never seen dh get so giddy about pregnancy. He was happy when I got pregnant with ds but I guess he had trouble visualizing there actually being a baby in there. Can't blame him for that though, I couldn't wrap my head around that for the whole 9 months. Sorry if I missed anyone. Hope everyone has a good day!