Good Morning Ladies...
First up, Nevertogether - Welcome to the group!

As you can see, there's always some form of "activity" on here every day, so, we'll definitely be here to keep you company as you track your cycles until June!
GG - Love the scan pics! Thanks to all of you gals, I am getting way better at spotting the beans, spuds, etc.
Joli - Yeah, it kinda sucks that he ain't around, but I guess I can try to capitalise on the few days before O. Did think about going with him, but work has really been a little crazy this past month.
2016 - Finally had a chance to read your journal! This is super belated, but yeah to the digi 3+! Also, not too sure how long you've had it, but I really like the jellybean ticker!
Britt - I know what you mean about everything feeling the same, but don't be disheartened! You never know, and 4dpo is early days yet!
TBMama - Happy for you that DH finally changed his meds. I must have missed this, but why do you have to wait 3 months again? And from the pics that you posted the last time... I did not see any grey hairs!
Sweetmama - Yes! We are cycle buddies this time round... hee, here's wishing a

for the both of us!
Lastly... Happy 13 weeks to Joli and 10 weeks to Nicole!

Time really flies.... it's almost end of the first tri for Joli!