hi everyone!
2016 woop about your house! hope it sells quickly for you! we cant buy anywere till nearer time of baby wen we save up the 15% deposit you need at the moment! im moving back in with my mum if dan gets this job and works away, just for a little while as it will be easier to save rather than paying rent.
nevertogether - sorry iv never got round to saying hello, excitement of my scan yesterday had me forgetting so welcome
britt - gd luck, stay positive
chia - thanks, hope ur well good luck
joli - i cant believe your in second tri already!!!!
tabo - glad to hear about investigation! and really pleased you got somewere with those blood pressure meds! hopefully things will resolve before the 3 months, i think maybe this is because sperm production takes 3 months, u could get hub to take some zinc, i speeds up production and makes them healthier sperm.
sweetmama - hope ur ok and can work things out with oh
sorry if iv forgot anyone, havnt done a long one for ages!!
as for me iv got a job interveiw thursday, for a home carer, iv done the job b4 and it can be a heavy job but im gonna take it easy and not do anything too heavy and not stress about the travel between clients. i pretty confident and pretty good with interviews and its pretty easy to get a home care job so should be ok, she pretty much offered me job on phone anyway as i have experience.
im still buzzing from scan

i want another 1!
and my wedding soon eeek i can say im getting married this month soon! so excited, everything is organised now mostly just a few loose ends to tie up ! xx