Hey girls,
first off big congrats to 2016!!

thats so wonderful, we just knew the scan would be great, glad that you were able to see the HB
Thanks girls, I am feeling a little down, basically no preg symptoms except the big boobs (from the high progesterone likely) and took a test BFN!! I just know I'm not, I have to admit I am a bit upset with DH- I also had a scan of my uterine lining and my ovaries, all fine (well a small cyst on the right that they are going to monitor which is suppose to be quite common) and we know I ovulated before, the clomid just super ovulated me, so the problem is likely to do with DH and his morphology- he does nothing to change his diet and really doesnt even remember to take his vitamin, he really isnt taking this seriously. Anyway, rant over but I am so frustrated, i just know AF is showing up in 3 days....
Oh Nicole, i never had a 21day test off Clomid b/c we assumed i was O'ng based on temps and opks.
how are the rest of the girls?? Joli whats new? Nicole you are so sweet, commenting and helping everyone else but whats new with you hon? how is the pregnancy going? any more houses?
Taebo and CHia where you at my lovely girls?