Hey girls-
Taebo, good to hear from you!!!!! So sorry to hear about your sister, so awful, especially at 12 weeks, cant imagine- definitely in our prayers.
where are you at on your cycle?
NO, i did not know Celine was pregnant again!!! yeah!! I watched an Oprah where she was so desperate to get pregnant again and she had 5 failed IVFs already, so glad it finally took- she seemed so distraught about the whole thing.
Sweetmama- I agree about your chart, wth?? Do you have a flu or something as thats quite a difference in temps but 8dpo would be too early to O you would think??...
Hello Nevertogether, when do you see your hunnie?
Joli- yeah!!! how exciting!! Omg that must have been such an amazing experience, so happy for you
As for me, I did sneak in a test it was either yesterday or the day before lol...cant remember, I think it was yesterday at 9dpo and BFN...so going to wait until at least 12 or 13dpo. I dont think it took though as I have no symptoms at all....aggghh
Oh well, 2 more rounds of IUI and then I guess its IVF if that doesnt work, who would have ever thought it would have come to this.
DH and I both thought we would conceive within the first month or 2...lol