Joli--How exciting to feel your little one moving

! I LOVE that feeling! I laughed at your fruit cravings. Pregnancy can do some crazy things to us!
Chia--I hope the break does you well. I haven't been temping and it feels WONDERFUL! But I will take it up again when there is a chance I can actually conceive. I hate temping! Yeah, take your camera with you when you meetup with Joli, I want to see the pics!
2016--Sorry to hear that MS is still plaguing you. I'm sure it will end soon, as you enter into your 2nd tri! How exciting that you were able to detect you little one's heartbeat.
SweetMama--Looks like it's time!
Nevertogether--I love how you change your profile pic all the time! I love seeing a face (and you have a pretty one)!
GG--I'm happy you checked in on us. I don't get the updates either. I'm going to try to subscribe AGAIN.
Britt--I really hope this is your month, but if it isn't, I KNOW it will be SOON! Keep the faith! You are soooo close, I can feel it!
Nicole--Where are you?? I hope everything is okay. Let us know.
As for me, I'm pretty boring...with no hopes of conceiving for now. But in the few months that we were/are waiting for the meds to stop the damage they did to hubby's swimmers, I've kicked up my workouts a few notches. Maybe I'll have a six pack by the time I get pregnant. Strong abs are good for pregnancy.
Talk to you soon!