Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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It's weird. At 5 DPO, I am having excessive creamy CM. I assumed this month is out because, even though we BDed, DH didn't "finish." I wonder if any sperm still could have made their way up there. I seriously doubt it, but it's a nice thought!
Wouldn't that be funny if I got pregnant that way, but had no luck in the cycles when we did everything right??

My daughter was conceived this way...talk about SHOCKED!:thumbup:
Good luck!
Tinkerbell have you tested yet????????????
Hi ladies!

Jaxvipe.... Sounding really good and I like your resolve hun!!! Good luck and hope you get your BFP very soon xox

Iwanta8a8y..... Glad you're feeling better and hope you managed to catch that eggy! Lol xox

Mommymichele..... So sorry af got you again. Maybe talking it through with your doc is a good idea. I am going to start temping tomorrow so maybe we could be temping virgin buddies together! Lol xox

Joli....... Sounds really positive.... Hope you caught the eggy! Xox

Devi#1...... Sounding very positive too. Good luck huni xox

2016...... How's it going hun? Xox

TaeBoMama........ How's things with you? Xox

Hibiscus07....... Good luck for your next cycle huni xox

Britt11....... Good luck huni..... Hope this is your lucky month xox

My BBT thermometer arrived today so I can start temping now! Woooooohoooooo can't wait! Lol Did another ic 10 miu this am and defo BFN so just waiting for AF now......

Hi Tinkerbell,

Things are fine. Thanks for asking. I'm 12 dpo today and I've been feeling the :witch: trying to show her ugly face for days now. What's up with THAT? Can't a girl at least dream during the 2ww?

Sorry to hear about your bfn...but you're not out until the :witch: comes.

Good luck!
Hope witchy stays away for you huni! I'm due a visit from her tomorrow, so we shall see! Good luck!

Hi ladies!

Jaxvipe.... Sounding really good and I like your resolve hun!!! Good luck and hope you get your BFP very soon xox

Iwanta8a8y..... Glad you're feeling better and hope you managed to catch that eggy! Lol xox

Mommymichele..... So sorry af got you again. Maybe talking it through with your doc is a good idea. I am going to start temping tomorrow so maybe we could be temping virgin buddies together! Lol xox

Joli....... Sounds really positive.... Hope you caught the eggy! Xox

Devi#1...... Sounding very positive too. Good luck huni xox

2016...... How's it going hun? Xox

TaeBoMama........ How's things with you? Xox

Hibiscus07....... Good luck for your next cycle huni xox

Britt11....... Good luck huni..... Hope this is your lucky month xox

My BBT thermometer arrived today so I can start temping now! Woooooohoooooo can't wait! Lol Did another ic 10 miu this am and defo BFN so just waiting for AF now......

Hi Tinkerbell,

Things are fine. Thanks for asking. I'm 12 dpo today and I've been feeling the :witch: trying to show her ugly face for days now. What's up with THAT? Can't a girl at least dream during the 2ww?

Sorry to hear about your bfn...but you're not out until the :witch: comes.

Good luck!
Uh oh..... Have cramps and spotting.... Looks like witchy will be visiting tomorrow as I suspected! Still, at least I get to temp next month! Yay! : )
Uh oh..... Have cramps and spotting.... Looks like witchy will be visiting tomorrow as I suspected! Still, at least I get to temp next month! Yay! : )

Darn! Keep your chin up, you're time will come!:flower:
ahh Tinkerbell, sorry about that. Great PMA though!! :)
if you havent tested what a savings, my gosh i went mental last month, was so convinced I was- dont want to even comment on how many I took...lol
I ordered some tests and O strips on line last month but looks like they are stuck at the border :dohh:
feeling tired today, DH thought it would be great to elbow me several times in the middle of the night- even though we have a massive King bed, he creeps over to my side all the time :wacko:
Yeah!!! FF say I'm now 3 dpo - about time!!! :happydance: I'll be testing 12dpo (if I can hold off that long!)

So now the 2ww...and in the meantime, DH is getting his spermys tested again this Friday - we'll see if the vitamins and herbs have been helping over the last month! :spermy:

Tinkerbell, fantastic PMA! I was like Britt last month, took a ton of tests, and was so gutted when I didn't get a BFP, and even more gutted when we found out about DH's very poor motility... but have decided that if AF should come for me this month, I'll be dissapointed, but ok...and ready to start on my injections next cycle...
awesome,congrats Joli on the O!! Hope this is your month and mine!!
I am 3dpo also (ticker is off) so do you want to test together in 9 days??
can we both hold off til then? I think i started testing at 9 dpo last month
AHHH NOO!! Sorry about that Tink..
Hey Britt - deal!! Lets keep each other off until then... 9 days to go... I've been peeing on opk sticks for the last 9 days, I'm going to feel lost without peeing on a stick for the next 9! haha :rofl: I started testing at 8dpo last month, I just couldn't wait... Fx'd this month for both of us!!

I noticed in the earlier threads that you play soccer (sorry if I'm wrong and have confused you with someone else?)... I play netball (English sport, cross between handball and basketball), and I've got practice on Thurs and a game next Mon... it can get a little physical with some aggressive ladies, so I'm not sure whether I should play during the 2ww? :football: Have you given any good excuses to your team? I don't want to tell them I'm trying, but I'm not sure what reasons to give for not playing! Am thinking about taking up yoga (but I think I will struggle with the slow pace of it!).

Also - anyone know anything about running or swimming during the 2ww - are they a big no-no? :shrug:
Joli - I hear swimming is a great activity throughout the pregnancy & walking.. (not 100% sure of running im sure it would be good during ttc & early pregnancy as long as you have the energy for it)
HEy Joli, deal- we need to keep each other preoccupied for 9 days, and no cheating!! :
lol...actually i have nothing, i ordered a bunch of preg tests and O tests on line from the US somewhere and lol and behold they are not here yet. My guess is they are stuck in customs for another week or more, so no worries on me cheating just yet :) I am actually on CD15 but I O'd super early for some strange reason this time.
Yes, I play fairly competitive soccer, used to play Div 1 womens, now I play for fun, and usually co-ed but a lot of the guys used to play majors and of course are still very competitive...and of course men can just be rough and not mean it. anyway, last month during the 2ww i got knocked hard to the ground, like it knocked the wind out of me, and landed on my butt/thigh so hard. i was upset and instead of getting sympathy from DH we got in a huge fight and he didnt think i was serious about TTC. Basically I told my team I was injured... I said i pulled the back of my knee in a pick up game (that part is true). So yeah basically injuries and then i will blame my travel for work later on.
I have heard of netball, how cool! do you love it? I love soccer, but yoga/pilates will be fun (maybe? :) I am still running, I ran 4 miles a couple days ago, I think that one is okay, but I sometimes wonder too.
Devi, hon, whats going on? when are you testing???
you have got to be soooo close!
Thanks for the advice Devi and Britt! :) Devi - let us know if you have any news!

I used to play netball pretty competitively as well, and now I just play in the league - I'm actually in Hong Kong, and some of the Asian girls are very aggressive! So methinks I'll have to feign an injury as well! I better get a BFP soon, otherwise they will start to wonder why I get injuries once a month! haha I'm not usually a yoga-type person, but I've read so much good stuff about it when you're pregnant, so I thought I should give it a go and try to make myself like it! Swimming is on the cards to, we have a nice indoor pool near work. From what I've read online, as long as you don't get overheated (which I usually do!), then it's ok...so I'll have to make myself take it easy for a bit. So hard after feeling all the xmas dinners! :cake:

I have a few tests which came free when I ordered my opk's...but promise I won't open the cupboard until 12 dpo. :ban: Will let you know when I start getting tempted! :shhh:
oh cool, I didnt know you were in Hong Kong. Where are you originally from?
yes, let me know how the wait goes.... I think the temptation is going to hit me hard at 10dpo, as originally in my head thats when i thought I would start, but I really think waiting til 12dpo is a good idea
We are taking the testing thing one at time because we don't have the medical coverage you lovely UK ladies do. What our crappy insurance company doesn't cover, we have to pay for out of pocket and switching insurance is just out of the question. They all pretty much suck.

I can't temp. At least not right now but I've thought about it. Until I get my sleep schedule straightened out, it's not going to happen. I sleep odd hours. I had a good thing going the past 2 weeks, got up everyday, 6 am, but then I got that cold and that was the end of that.

Then there are our beliefs, they are just ours, don't think there are many like ours. We don't know how much science we want involved. Yes, I am a hard core science geek but there are some things that I feel science doesn't need to be in at least IN MY CASE. I want to get that clear. IVF/IUI/ICSI/GIFT/FET are very intimidating, very scary, something or insurance does not cover and something we cannot afford. We have a very strict budget and going through something like that will take saving a long time and making more sacrifices. We are trying to let things happen more naturally.

We let TTC take over our lives for 2 years. I hated it, I hated him, and I hated myself. We're taking a laid back approach now since my diagnosis. Yes, DH has though about getting checked out but until we are 100% that it's not just me, we are holding off. It's another bill. My meds are supposedly working on my prolactin, they are running labs on me next month. It takes time for the meds to work. High prolactin stops ovulation, I went on the meds, the meds killed my prolactin, had NO prolactin, meds were cut in half, and now they need to level out. It's not really going to matter anywho if DH gets checked if I don't O. I'm paying attention to my body.

I don't want to temp right now, I do not want to use OPK's but I'm saying there is nothing wrong with them, if you want to use them, go for it. I'm not ready to add that stress back to my life. I've gotten pregnant without them before, I can get pregnant without them again. These are our personal beliefs, so please do not jump on me for the path that my husband and I are taking.

If I've offended any of you, I apologize. Do what you have to do to achieve your goals, I just ask for respect, acceptance, and understanding for how I achieve mine. I may be a hard core science geek but when it comes down to it, only HE is in charge.

Sorry it's a novel anyway.
Am thinking about taking up yoga (but I think I will struggle with the slow pace of it!).

Also - anyone know anything about running or swimming during the 2ww - are they a big no-no? :shrug:

Hey Joli,

I thought yoga was a wimpy workout--until I did it! A friend of mine is a yoga fitness instructor and she volunteered to host a free yoga MNO. I didn't want to look like a fool doing all these moves for the first time in front of my friends, so I rented Rodney Yee's Yoga For Beginners and started practicing. Piece of cake! Mom's Night Out rolls around and I swear I thought my friend was on a mission to kill us or something! LOL. The moves can be slow, but very effective. I highly recommend it.

Working out while TTC is fine. In fact, it's good for you (you should always check with your doctor first). Here's a short article on exercising during the 2WW:

And after you get your sticky bean, there are some good pregnancy DVDs available. I got 2 for Christmas! :happydance: I haven't opened them yet...I'm waiting for a :bfp: first! :winkwink:
Yoga is very good for you before, during, and after pregnancy.

I have a link for fertility poses I'd like to share!

Morning ladies!

I don't know what to think ATM.... Pink slight spotting last night and light cramps with sticky and jelly like cm. Nothing but sticky and slight jelly like cm this morning. I'm due af today but don't now feel like she's coming. Tested this am and BFN I think. Took my temp for first time vaginally (sorry if tmi) and it was 98.34. Can anyone tell me what going on as I'm normally spot on with timing of af.

I just wanna know now one way or another. Are those ic 10miu tests really that sensitive? Am thinking possibly I ov later than I first thought so could be more like 11 or 12 dpo today? I dunno maybe it's all just wishful thinking.

Was sooooo excited to start temping today!!!! We are all snowed in today too! : )

mommymichele..... I wouldn't dream of judging you I just hope you get your bfp soon and go with what you and dh want to do and believe in. Fingers x you will conceive soon hun. Did you fall pregnant easily with your other children? Good luck xx
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