Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Still having a ton of creamy, lotiony CM, which is unusual for me.

However, I have been drinking a ton of green tea and water. I've heard that green tea helps with fertile CM. Maybe it just increases it altogether...anyone have any experience with that?

I normally hate New Year's resolutions, but this year I'm all for it! I've decided I want this to be the year I get to consistently healthy living. I'm starting back with my trainer at the gym next Monday, and started my diet of lean proteins, veggies, nuts, and grains a few days ago. (since stopping with the trainer a year ago, I've easily gained 20+ lbs--I have been feeling like complete garbage, honestly)
I'm also trying to avoid artifical sweeteners, which is hard for me. I was drinking a lot of Coke Zero.

I already feel better! I am really counting on myself to keep it up. Maybe it will also help with getting pregnant and then having one that sticks...we shall see...
Hi ladies I finally managed to get up some energy for some bedding yesterday and today but I have back downhill tonight perhaps I overdid it a bit :sex: :haha:

hopfully the big O will come soon and we won't miss it so fx

there are some good signs this time for some of you so I have everything crossed for you

We do all seem to have been hit with the PMA stick over the last few days which is great to see xx
Joli, when can we start symptom spotting? lol...thinking 4dpo is too early :)
i do have 3 tiny pimples on my chin all of a sudden!!:rofl:
lol, i really dont know what that icon is all about so I thought i would add it for giggles.
forgot to ask, 2016, Taebomamma, how are you guys doing?
Hi Britt11,

I'm doing good. Well, honestly I feel crappy, but surviving. The :witch: is on her way and it always makes me feel like crap. Give me a few days and I'll feel better.:thumbup:

And now it's time to clean house...oh joy!:winkwink:

You ladies have a wonderful day. I'm looking forward to seeing all your BFPs!

Take care!
Well ladies, still NO sign of af and am getting worried now! : / I don't feel any pms like normal but also don't feel preggo?! Have noticed need to use toilet more today but that could be to do with the cold! Lol If af doesn't arrive tomorrow I'll be officially worried! We will see I guess.

Been out playing in the snow with the kids today! ;) We had great fun.
I am good thanks...got my bloods back today...see my journal. X

Good luck and :dust: girls!
Hey 2016..... Just read your journal and your results sound promising! At least now you have an appointment and you could possibly see someone privately sooner. I really hope you can see someone sooner and then you can get some help with luteal phase and progesterone levels. Must be such a relief to finally be told for sure. Good luck huni! :)
Hey 2016 I am so pleased that they have recognised something now and you can get some help with it. If you can in sooner privately then great, otherwise february doesn't seem too bad for the NHS tbh!

When I went for my laparoscopy the nhs said about 8 month wait, we looked into private and I was in for it the very next week...

taebomama- I hope af doesn't come! :dust:

I am feeling so strange , I was so dizzy when I got up from the chair just now. It normally happens only on cd1, because of all the blood loss, sorry for tmi. I have been having this dull ache in my lower abdomen, mostly on the right , but sometimes on the left. Its such a full feeling.. I have to hold my belly when I walk. I never feel like this before af comes. Again only on cd1 after af starts, I get all pains everywhere. Fx this is it! ;)
Taebomama, are you sure the witch is on her way and not a BFP??
2016- i read your journal awesome about getting your results. As i wrote in your journal does not seem like anything serious at all (I have heard you can supplement progesterone quite easily) very excited for you that your well on your way to a BFP!

Devi- oh my gosh, I cant believe you havent tested, you must be preggers. Are you really going to hold out to Monday?? :) i heard cramping is a great sign and of course in the olden days they used to diagnose a pregnant women by her fainting...lol

as for me, odd day really- I am only 4 dpo and i have had abdominal cramping on and off on the right side today. This cant be a good thing at 4dpo I'm thinking. Also fair amount of CM...sorry if TMI. Devi, do you have lots of CM?
i have to wait 8 days til testing (and it will still be an early test)...aggh
On a positive note, my preg and o tests came in the mail today!! yeah!!! now to resist
Ahhh !! I need more willpower to stay away from those damn Pink HPT boxes in my drawer! I am gna crack soon.. I just know it.. I keep telling my self that its still early and I shouldn't do it in the day because FMU is the best for testing & then in the morning after waking up I just quickly go & pee without giving myself time to think about testing.. LOL i'm gna go mental this way .. Last month I had a 27 day cycle - tomorrow is CD27/11DPO; however last month I had LP of 12 days so if I calculate based on that, AF is due on Saturday morning latest (it is always in the morning). I just got to stop myself from POAS for 2 days more, I defo wont test on the weekend because if it's a BFP, I wont be able to keep my mouth shut all weekend until the 15th (DH birthday) - MONDAY MORNING IT IS.. motivate me ladies

Britt - here is what i had
Peak day - EWCM;
1-2 DPO - Sticky CM ; 3-5 - Creamy CM; 6 - Sticky CM ; 7 - Creamy CM ; 8 - EWCM ; 9-10 Creamy CM;
In a nutshell - LOTS of CM
For all you gals that temp, I need some advice - I had discarded 2 of my temps (the first because cat scratched my face and I shreaked and sat up in bed before taking my temp, and then the next day, I slept in 1.5 hours). Based on this, FF put me at 4 dpo. Just out of curiosity today, I deselected the discarded temps, so that they were included in my chart, and FF has changed me to 3 dpo!?! When I discard the temps, my O day has a clear dip, but if I include the temps, the coverline seems to match better with temps from last month.

Now I don't know whether I'm 3 or 4dpo!?!? What do you think I should do? Keep the 2 temps, or discard them? :wacko:

Britt - I think symptom spotting will be fun! :) I have very sore bb, but I did last cycle that I O'd as well... I've read that if you are going to get a BFP, your bb's stay sore, and if not, they ease up arond 8dpo. I never thought I'd say this - but I hope my bb's stay sore!! I'm in Canada every summer since I was a kid actually - we have a family cottage in Northern Ontario (near Lake Nippising / North Bay / Sudbury) - I love the summers in Canada!

Hibiscus - well done on your PMA for getting your trainer and improving your meals - I'm going to get started too. I'm going to try to take up swimming and yoga this year for my new years resolutions! Trainers can be pricy, but soooo worth it! just make sure you tell them that you're TTC so that they don't overheat you.

2016 - I agree with the others, progesterone can easily be supplemented - and Feb is just around the corner! :)

Devi - I don't know how you've lasted this long without testing! Monday morning here we come!!! :happydance:
hello ladies,
Devi- after reading your story, yes we do have to motivate you to wait til Monday. YOu can do it, you know you are and when Monday rolls around and you havent gotten AF, it will be so much easier to take the tests. I think EWCM that late in the game is a good sign. Is your cm white or yellow tinged too? sorry if tmi....mine today has a slight tinge of yellow to it which i never had but its mostly white. Yes, i am using you as my reference as I believe your pregs. :happydance:

Joli- I dont temp but if i had to guess i would stay at the 4dpo that you were originally. if you know when you O'd (+ve opk) and EWCM than after that you would start counting, despite the charts i would think. I got a +ve opk on the 1st, and i believe I o'd on the 2nd, so 4dpo for me. I hope your boobs stay sore too... lol :haha: you know i have gotten sore boobs every cycle at 1 and 2dpo and then its gone away except this cycle, I havent gotten sore boobs at all :wacko:....(this is our 5th cycle TTC) what the heck,? dont know if this is a super bad sign or a good sign that something is different. I hope i get sore boobs closer to AF time as I never get that either.
wishing everyone speedy :bfp:!!
Michelle- hon, I really respect and admire what you are doing and I have heard before of couples stressing, doing IVF tons of other stuff ect..not gettign pregs, and then when they stopped trying all of a sudden they fell pregnant naturally. That happend to my aunt, they were signing up for an adoption and all of sudden she got pregs and ended up having 2 more! I'm so sorry for suggesting DH to get tested, me and my big mouth :dohh: I had just finished reading that stat in a book (so it was fresh) and actually told my DH if we are not pregs in 2 months, i'm sending him for testing....lol (we are only on our 5th cycle). Anyway, all sounds good and I hope you catch that eggy really soon hon

No worries hun, I get it all the time. I want the problem to fall on me, I don't want it to be him. If it's him, which I doubt, there's really no way to fix it and if it is him, he's not going to feel really good about it. Make sense?
Taebomama, are you sure the witch is on her way and not a BFP??
2016- i read your journal awesome about getting your results. As i wrote in your journal does not seem like anything serious at all (I have heard you can supplement progesterone quite easily) very excited for you that your well on your way to a BFP!

Devi- oh my gosh, I cant believe you havent tested, you must be preggers. Are you really going to hold out to Monday?? :) i heard cramping is a great sign and of course in the olden days they used to diagnose a pregnant women by her fainting...lol

as for me, odd day really- I am only 4 dpo and i have had abdominal cramping on and off on the right side today. This cant be a good thing at 4dpo I'm thinking. Also fair amount of CM...sorry if TMI. Devi, do you have lots of CM?
i have to wait 8 days til testing (and it will still be an early test)...aggh
On a positive note, my preg and o tests came in the mail today!! yeah!!! now to resist


Yeah, I'm sure. My temp dropped cycle day 12 and 13. Many early pregnancy signs mimic AF symptoms....but I just know.

That's great that your sticks arrived in the mail. Good luck in the restraint department--I suck at that when it comes to testing for a baby. :winkwink:

Here's the willpower you requested:

Did it work?
Jo explain the progesterone cream hun.

Well I bought this cream
On recommendation from a lovely lady in 2nd tri. I just knew I had low progesterone and, since the doctors weren't helping me at that stage I thought I would take matters into my own hands!
You are supposed to use a pea-sized quantity of it twice a day after ov...you rub it into the skin like wrists, back of neck, thighs and it supplements your progesterone.
I only started using it at 2dpo because my post ov temps werent very convincing.
Sadly, as you know, AF arrived at 4dpo. The cream can't prevent AF arriving it basically turns your little bungalow of a womb into a large detached mansion begging for a new tenant :rofl:
Sorry if that made no sense! :haha:
Now some people might say the cream caused AF to arrive early but my gut instinct says no. My cycle wasn't right from the word go...I could feel something was off from the word go. If I am going to blame something it would be the soy or the 100mg B vits I was taking....or myself for being stupid and meddling with mother nature!
I am almost convinced it was the B vits because my luteal phase shortened when I took 50mg and shortened even more with 100mg and I developed an eye and finger twitch on the left side with 100mg which stopped since I stopped taking that high dose!!!
Guess we shall see if things get better this cycle.
Joli- I dont temp but if i had to guess i would stay at the 4dpo that you were originally. if you know when you O'd (+ve opk) and EWCM than after that you would start counting, despite the charts i would think. I got a +ve opk on the 1st, and i believe I o'd on the 2nd, so 4dpo for me. I hope your boobs stay sore too... lol :haha: you know i have gotten sore boobs every cycle at 1 and 2dpo and then its gone away except this cycle, I havent gotten sore boobs at all :wacko:....(this is our 5th cycle TTC) what the heck,? dont know if this is a super bad sign or a good sign that something is different. I hope i get sore boobs closer to AF time as I never get that either.
wishing everyone speedy :bfp:!!

Cool, I'll stay at the original dpo then - that way I get to test sooner too! teehee :winkwink: If you normally get sore bb day 1 and 2, and you don't have it this time, it could be a clear sign that something is different!! Fx'd for sore bb's for everyone! haha :happydance:
Good luck 2016!!!!!

Devi#1..... sounding really promising. I so hope you get your bfp on Monday!

Would you believe it...... STILL NO AF!!! Now officially 1 day late and feel a bit grumpy but no cramps yet. My temp this morning went up a fraction to 98.48 and have sticky cm still and cervix still high. Took test and to be honest not sure if evap or slight faint line..... Am not convinced and it got more prominent once test stick dried. I'm sooooo confused! I am thinking I ov later than thought this month but would think I would be getting clear bfp's by now if I were preggo. Aaaaarrggghhh I'm going MAD!!!!

Any advice welcome! :)
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