Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Tinkerbelle....its is still sounding promising for you. 98.34 is a post ov temp (in my book anyway). And I would also say sticky cm is good because I normally get increased CM just before AF arrives so less is more!!!

MommyMichele...Nobody would judge you round here! (I hope not anyway). I agree its best to do things naturally if at all possible and I totally understand why you don't want TTC to take over your life and make you miserable. I was only suggesting going to the docs in case there might be something simple to help but it sounds as if you have already been and are getting things sorted anyway.
I wouldn't be too envious of the healthcare in the UK...it might be free but you get what you pay for! lol You have to fight tooth and nail to get anything done and even then there is a looooong waiting list. Others may have had a bad experience but I have had nothing but trouble from the NHS in the 10 years I have lived here and normally end up going private anyway because I don't want to die before they decide its serious enough to refer me to a specialist.
Big thanks for the yoga poses! I will be doing those for sure....excellent relaxation. :thumbup:

Going to the dcotors in 5 hours time. My blood results are back and the receptionist won't give the results to me which means they found something! They will normally just say "results came back all normal" if there is nothing out of the ordinary. I am quite happy about this because I hope this will be the first step in them doing something to help me! :dance:
I expect I might get refered to a gyno which is a 3-6 month wait but I can then take the referral letter to my private healthcare thing I have called Benenden (UK ladies look this up it is the best) and they will pay up to £1500 for private tests & treatment.
Yay 2016.... I hope this is the first step torwards your bfp. Must stay positive and sooner you get results the sooner they can help (or go privately with health insurance!). Good luck and let us know how it goes. Definitely a positive step. *hugs*

Keep going to toilet and still sticky cm and no sign yet! Am also quite happy which is unusual for me just before af as I'm normally psycho bitch by now! Lol

So if my temp is post ov that must mean I did ov this month then? It may of course drop tomorrow morn which may mean witchy is a-coming! I'm sooooo impatient! Lol
A bit of useless information....Did you know in 1963 Northern Ireland had 6 foot of snow and it did not thaw untill March!
Hi Everyone!

Britt - my background is a bit muddled, my dad is from the US (although grandparents are Polish!) and mom is from Taiwan...I was born in HK and spent some time here growing up, then lived in the UK and qualified as a lawyer before venturing back to HK (I really enjoyed England, but I just can't handle the rain and cold!!). DH is 100% English (although parents live in Egypt and family live in South Africa). So we're a pretty mixed up pair! :wacko: haha . I know exactly what you mean about 10dpo, honestly, I tested so much last month, it was funny when I look back at it, so I'm trying to take a more relaxed approach this month!! Just give us a message in your time of weakness! :flower:

TaeBoMama - thanks for the yoga info! You have inspired me... I've found a yoga class near work, and will be starting next week! :) ...and MommyMichele, I'm loving the fertility poses - I'm totally going to ask the yoga instructor to show me how to do those properly!

2016 - fx'd for your blood work... do you know all the things they are testing for? It is so great to have a gyno you can trust to help guide you, especially if you've done everything that you can on your own. Seeing the fertility specialist here really put my mind at ease, and I must say that messaging all of you has also made a massive difference this month! :hugs:

Honestly, I keep talking to DH about all of you, as if I have known you all for years!! If any of you make a trip out to the Far East, do let me know! :friends:
nicole....looks like CD19 might have been your ov day. One or two more high temps and FF will probably give you crosshairs! Good idea marking medium OPKs. I do the same in case I miss my surge. What time do you do your OPK test?
Hubba hubba on the BD schedule there :rofl: if theres an egg there it would have been caught for sure!

Devi...temps look great so far - will you do an overlay chart maybe cos its nice to compare it to the previous cycle in one go?

Good luck girls!
Tinkerbelle...it is difficult to say without having any of your pre ov temps...but that is definitely a post ov temp for me, so I would say you did ovulate. The temp doesnt always drop when AF arrives, sometimes it takes a day or two before the drop happens.

LittleAurora....! March? Eeesh...hope you are stocked up on tins. I am working from home today because I was snowed out of work.

Joli...my family is from South Africa too and this is the 10th year since I moved to England, hubby is English.
As for the tests. They were day 21 (ie 7dpo) tests for Prolactin, Progesterone, Oestrogen, FSH & LH. Because my cycle crapped out as it did I went on CD3 (which would have effectively have been 6dpo if that makes sense)...so the results should be interesting to say the least!
Sorry if I come off cross Jo, I did journalism for several years and writing directly to the point is just something I do. That and AF is kicking my ass.

Hope you ladies are having a good day!
Mommymichelle...straight and to the point is the way I like it! :thumbup:
First of all hi everyone! I've been staying away a bit, just checking in for all of your updates. Even though I had all the signs of ov I was convinced I didn't because my temps didnt go up a lot, so I was a bit miserable. I'm glad to see so many in the 2ww now, can't wait to check out all of your tests.

2016, Fertility friend did put ov at day 19!! :happydance: I stole the medium opk idea from you! I only had 7 tests. I was taking them around 9am but I did two on Saturday another at noon and it was close to positive but not quite. I gave my tests to DH and he wouldn't give me a third that day...I warned him that I might miss my surge but he thought I was just having a moment of insanity. I did find out where to get 60 opks for $45 so next month I will have lots of sticks to pee on. LOL on your hubba hubba comment. We may have overdone it...DH keeps complaining about chaffing. Hope you get some help at the dr, will check back in a few hours and see how you made out.

Devi: I think you have a very good chance of a BFP. The CM you're describing I've only had when I was pregnant so if you don't normally get it I think its such a great sign!

mommymichele, I'm sorry the witch got you!! It's great that you've found a more relaxing way to TTC. I never used to temp or use opks either. Fx'd for your next cycle!

tinkerbell, hope the witch stays away! I've heard a lot of people say they had light spotting around AF so hopefully you will get your BFP!!
nicole...woohoo! I love it when I'm right! lol. I think the reason why your crosshairs are dotted is because you have a negative opk in on cd18/19. Either take them out or change them to + if you want the lines to go solid but it doesnt matter anyway. Fx'd for you in the 2ww...how many days should i put until testing?
I'm not sure, what is the absolute earliest a BFP is possible? I'm very impatient as usual, and can't wait to start testing. I think I will put a + on day 18 because I'm convinced I would have had one if I tested again later in the day. There was quite a difference in the 9 am test and the one at noon. Thanks for the tip! I didn't know if I should "lie" to FF but I would like a solid line.
Joli...my family is from South Africa too and this is the 10th year since I moved to England, hubby is English.
As for the tests. They were day 21 (ie 7dpo) tests for Prolactin, Progesterone, Oestrogen, FSH & LH. Because my cycle crapped out as it did I went on CD3 (which would have effectively have been 6dpo if that makes sense)...so the results should be interesting to say the least!

2016 - That's impressive that you are coping so well with the weather in England after being in South Africa! We're actually going to Cape Town for 2 weeks this Feb, I can't wait! need a holiday so badly!! Do you get back often? Do you by any chance know any good game lodges not toooo expensive within 10 hrs drive of CT? <sorry, I know totally not relevant for this thread!>

Back to business :)

Nicole - congrats on the big O, it's good to hear from you! I think your BD action is most impressive! I don't know how your DH does it, mine is exhausted! :wacko:

Tinkerbell - some good signs there, keep us posted - keeping fx'd for you!
nicole...earliest BFP possible would be at 9dpo with an FRER :dust:
Hello Ladies:flower:

Well this morning my temp went up but got a :bfn: on a FRER :cry:

My bb's are still super sensitive and sore, i feel like I'm going to throw up,and i have had a lower back ache for the past 2 days off and on. Last time i was pg i didnt test until i was 1 week late for AF. And since the depo has messed me up i can't really say that im technically late yet. This sucks.... lol
Hi ladies!! Well wat do ya know .. I'm from South Africa too!! Well.. even i have mixed up heritage.. but I grew up in South Africa and Zimbabwe only been in the US for 2 years now..

This morning I woke up 15mins early (I love to sleep and NEVER wake up before the alarm rings) feeling totally nauseous & I have these feelings in my belly, something like hunger pains, but I am not hungry !! This is sooo weird! Temp dropped from 98.4 to 98.3 (no biggi).. All good otherwise. I have also decided to test on Monday now because then I will be 15DPO and will get a true result - Plus I only have FRER on hand so I don't want to waste them.

2016 - how do you do an overlay chart? (I do not have a paid subscription to FF)

Jax - your temp went up today - Dont :cry:.. Its a positive sign, remember it aint over till AF arrives.. :dust: :dust:

Tink - FX for you luv, If u only spotted I would think nothing of it..hope AF doesn't show her face for umm lets say another 9 months! :dust: :dust:
Jax...I was going to say in your journal...BFN still doesnt count right now. Looking at your temps I would say you were preggo but only time will tell. What you can take from this either way is that your cycle is sooooo much better than the last one so you are well on your way! :dance:
Ya i am super happy that my cycle is "normal'' right now. It takes a little bit of the stress off. but only time will tell... I'm not going to buy any more tests until next week if AF does show. OH is getting alittle pissy about the amount of money i have spent on TTCing so far =P

Devi- your chart looks great! Fx'd!! Good idea on not testing until 15dpo.. i almost made it but caved yesterday lol.

:dust: to everyone!
Hi ladies!! Well wat do ya know .. I'm from South Africa too!! Well.. even i have mixed up heritage.. but I grew up in South Africa and Zimbabwe only been in the US for 2 years now..

What a small world!! I've been around many of the other African countries, but never been to Zimbabwe, but would love to! I wanted to be a bit more adventurous this Feb with my choice of countries (thinking Madagascar)...but I'm paranoid about going somewhere where I could get ill whilst TTC!

Jax and Devi - I'm liking your signs, all looking very positive!!!! :dust:
Well good morning (or afternoon/evening) beautiful, lovely ladies,
hope everyone is well today. I am feeling much better today, thank goodness

Michelle- hon, I really respect and admire what you are doing and I have heard before of couples stressing, doing IVF tons of other stuff ect..not gettign pregs, and then when they stopped trying all of a sudden they fell pregnant naturally. That happend to my aunt, they were signing up for an adoption and all of sudden she got pregs and ended up having 2 more! I'm so sorry for suggesting DH to get tested, me and my big mouth :dohh: I had just finished reading that stat in a book (so it was fresh) and actually told my DH if we are not pregs in 2 months, i'm sending him for testing....lol (we are only on our 5th cycle). Anyway, all sounds good and I hope you catch that eggy really soon hon

2016-good luck with the test results!! love the pma about the tests and keep us posted. Fx'd for a BFP soon!!

Tinkerbell- high temps, things are sounding good, I hope you and Devi and Jaxvipe get your BFP's right away

Devi- things are sounding great for you, man I cant believe the will power you have!! Send some over to Joli and I!:winkwink: Lots of women from S.A. I would love to go some day. I worked with a few women from SA and they had the coolest accents :)

Joli- what an amazing background you have and so well- travelled, i wish I have lived in other countrie! Actually I told DH I would love to go to Hong Kong, have always wanted to go- seems like such a fast and crazy city that would be a lot of fun. Maybe go to Figi on the way :) If you find London cold you would freeze here in Canada, although our summers get much much hotter than in the UK. Its wierd either we're stinkin hot or stinkin cold, no middle ground. That being said there are a ton of xpats living here from hot places and they end up getting used to it.

Jaxvipe- its still early!!! hoping for a BFP!

Nicole- catch that eggy, the chaffing comment made me giggle :)

Jaxvipe and Devi--temps are looking good!
Fingers crossed for you... :)
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