Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Hey Britt - 9dpo, and no symptoms for me :( I'm starting to think maybe this isn't my month..my temp drop yesterday didn't lead to a big rise today, just a little one, so I don't think it means anything in particular - but at least I know it's not AF quite yet!! 3 days to go!!! I had a workout at the gym last night too, and going to yoga this lunchtime - it feels good to sweat out some of the anxiety! I'm glad your spotting went away. So your AF is usually due on 16dpo? I think mine will be due at 14dpo.

2016 - fantastic news about the FS! They'll be able to track how your eggies are developing and will be able to tell you when you O as well, so that you can get maximum chances! Did you ask the FS about your short LP and what they might be able to do to help out?

Loads of people get NO symptoms and a lovely SURPRISE :bfp:!!! Well done for the workout! :thumbup:

Your bit about me should answer Devi's question about what follicular tracking is. Sorry for talking in medical speak I have regurgitated from Google! :blush:
The reason why I was seeing him was about my LP which is why he is doing the tracking. He said LP issues are often caused by something not working 100% BEFORE ovulation. Its all very well to give me progesterone for after ovulation but its better to get the eggy to come out properly in the first place. :thumbup::thumbup:
Once he has tracked me through a cycle he will decide what, if any, treatment he wants to give me. Lovely thing is, I really feel like I can trust this doctor! :cloud9:
First time for everything! :rofl:

Ask him to check your prolactin levels! High prolactin levels can mess the progesterone levels up, mess up ovulation and everything else. Good for you for getting a good Dr hun! Did he do any labs on you?

I think I might be sneaking out today and picking up some OPK's. We've been doing the natural approach to it but I'd like to step it up to see if I'm actually ovulating. I get my prolactin levels checked again next cycle but I'm hoping to see them for pregnancy instead of more meds. DH doesn't like the idea of using OPK's, too much stress he says, but I'll just hide them! It's not like he goes poking around in all the female products I have in the bathroom! :haha:
2016 - that's fantastic, it makes such a difference when you feel like you can trust someone to guide you through this!

Britt - hopefully the headaches themselves are a symptom? My FS said that women vary in their follicular phase, but all women will have a LP of around 14 days, and if it's less then you have what 2016 is facing. I haven't heard of AF coming much longer than 16 days after, but I could be totally wrong! 2 days until testing!!! very excited! x :p
Good morning everyone! I tested this morning...BFN but that's what I expected, I really shouldn't have wasted a FRER. :( I'm starting to symptom spot and that usually means I'm not pregnant. I had cramps yesterday on and off all day and had several bouts of nausea...getting scared my mind is playing tricks on me again.

Britt and Joli: I'd like to test with you! I just wish I had of checked the computer before I used my test...I always get mad at myself when I use a FRER and get BFN. Can't wait for Thursday!! Fx'd for our BFPs!! :)

mommymichele: Have you ever used opks before? Just wondering because my DH was absolutely against opks and charting because he didn't want to make it more stressful but I decided to do it anyway and now he thinks it's less stressful and likes that I do it. It's nice to have the confirmation as well as something to pee on!

Devi and 2016: Thanks for the charting help! I've looked at the temp corrector a few times and then yesterday morning I was panicking and didnt even think of it. :doh:
Think I may have got a positive or near positive OPK today....on day 11? WTF!!?! I am a bit wary of the brand I used (tesco supermarket dip strips) but my friend used them with success so idk :shrug:
Gonna test with a CB digi one tonight to double check.
Guess I will know what's happening when I get my ovaries scanned tomorrow anyway :thumbup: it would be hilarious if I have a 'normal' cycle when the FS is tracking me :rofl:
Better get :sex:...have been saving my energy cos my cycle is so long normally!
Nicole - yeah! Glad you're going to test with Britt and I. You never know, it might be too early today for you to get your BFP. I'm totally with you on using opks - my O came so late this cycle, but just getting to pee on a stick helped with the wait! haha
Well hello lovely ladies! Great posts from everyone.

2016- that makes sense about getting things sorted out pre-egg release, I'm thinking that would be a very crucial time. CD11 is not unusual to O honh, remember me this cycle- I O'd on CD10! and since coming off the pill late August I have consistently O'd on CD14- so thank goodness I felt like peeing on a stick that day :) Do you have increased cm or EWCM with it as well?

Michelle- i think OPK's are a great idea it does take a lot of the guess work out and provides reassurance if anything. If you get a +opk and the cm, then its clear. I really like the CB ones, I dont think the FR ones are any good and of course there are internet ones out too that probably work good too.

Nicole- ewwwww, symtoms, how exciting :) I have not had any cramps, hoping soon...:haha: I did have cramps last cycle with the spotting I had for that week, but I dont know girls I dont want to say it but i think something really whacky happend to me last cycle....I guess I will never know really if something was trying to take.
Cant wait for testing.... :) I bought a 2 pk of FRERS yesterday.....hummmm, do I wait til Thurs for one of them? :) will try hard to

Joli- you and i are in the same boat of no symptoms. Actually no headache today so it was definitely Chinook related. For those who dont know what a Chinook is, its a high pressure system that comes over the Foothills and mountains and provides Calgary with major warm air and thus gives us a break from winter. Can you imagine going from -20 to +14 in just a couple of days? Needless to say it gives lots of people headaches and that was my case. :( I was a little dizzy yesterday....oh and areolas seem bigger, but that might be reaching :)
that makes sense about my LP still being 14 days, so I am likely to get or getter yet NOT GET AF a few days early.

Britt.. you are dizzy!! YAY!! I feel dizzyiness was my BIGGEST symptom.. I was so dizzy everyday! OMG.. Keep drinking gatorade , you will feel better. & I dont think 12 dpo would be too early because when the egg implants its usually btwn 6-12 isn't it? So It should be implated/implanting at 12DPO.. I dont think it matters how long your regular LP is..

2016 - thanks for explaining the F.tracking, glad to hear that the Doc is amazing.. hope he helps you out. :dust: get BD'ing

Nicole, Britt & Joli - FX & :dust: for testing on Thursday

MM - good luck with the OPK this cycle.. I didn't get a positive in the few days i used them (then again I ran out the day before I O'd) .. & look where I am now.. I used some cheapy brand thou.. so dont know how trustworthy they were in the first place. Dont worry abt DH.. he will get over the fact you are using them.

:dust: :dust: :dust:
you are sooo sweet Devi, and give me hope! :)
how are you feeling today little mamma :)
I have ewcm but not as much as I do normally at ov time?? Feel like I don't trust the test because I've not used them before but I don't normally get such a dark line on any test unless ov is coming! And I normally only ov cd22!!!!!
The cb digi and scan can't lie tho...am pee holding as I type to test at 7pm when I get home.
sounds good, get BD'ng anyway though :)
good luck hon
Did a digi ov test and its negative :shrug: but I am still not sure because I normally don't have much luck with the ov tests in the evening anyway!
Can't do a test at my normal time tomorrow so will try when I can. I REFUSE to ge stressed about this...basically I figure if I just BD every so often it doesnt matter what the test says!
Did a digi ov test and its negative :shrug: but I am still not sure because I normally don't have much luck with the ov tests in the evening anyway!
Can't do a test at my normal time tomorrow so will try when I can. I REFUSE to ge stressed about this...basically I figure if I just BD every so often it doesnt matter what the test says!

you got it 2016, if you BD every 2 or 3 days, you have it covered. I always thought it had to be a min of every 2 days, but my friend was told by her specialist every 3 days and sure enough they conceived.

So girls, in Vancouver now at the hotel, feeling very sick to my stomach, i'm sure it was the flight and snacks I had....otherwise not sure whats happening, I'm also VERY warm too...
oooohhhhhhhh Britt - I think there are some positive symptoms there!!! Dizziness, bigger areolas, feeling sick...totally sounds like you just might be!!!! I wish I could say more for myself... still nothing, feel totally normal, but like some other girls on the thread have said... it's still possible even with no symptoms! Fx'd for us!!! I did my first yoga class yesterday, but I think it must have been a more advanced class, because before I knew it, I was doing a headstand! If I do get a bfp, I think I'll need to try a different kind of yoga! But for now, it's awesome, muscles are totally aching today!

Nicole, how are you feeling today? Any symptoms?

I have looked everywhere in Hong Kong, and it seems you can't buy frer anywhere! So I've ordered some online from the US... in the meantime, I might be sticking with some tests which are not super sensitive. I'll go out tonight to see if they have some other early-testing brands... grr!!! 1 more day!!! Britt and Nicole, if we <gulp> get a bfn - will we test again at 13dpo or wait for 14dpo if AF doesn't get us?...

2016, get into the bedroom and catch that eggy just in case!!!!
Well the digi ov test was negative again this morning so either yesterdays line was my surge or that was a dodgy batch of tests from Tescos. :shrug:
BD'd just in case :rofl:
Have my scan this morning at 8.30 and then I will know for sure. :dance:

Tink...Happy 5 weeks!
2016 - let us know how your visit to the FS goes!! :)
Morning ladies! Haven't gotten the OPK's, I think I may wait till next cycle, if there is a next cycle. One last cycle at Au Natural kinda. I've been feeling kinda sick lately, not sure what's going on but I've been fighting what ever bug this is for a few weeks now and it's not getting any better but it's not any worse either.

My sciatic nerve has flared the past 2 days, that's why I've not been posting much, gotta stay near my heating pad and I've had to take sucky meds for it. The meds knock me out and I feel loopy after my crash.

Hope you girls are having a great day!
Good morning girls, just getting ready for a presentation.
Another crappy sleep last night, agghhh, and the air conditioner here is a motion sensor, so of course your sleeping and it shuts off and wake up super hot.
anyway, thanks for the encouragement Joli, but i really think it was something i ate. I have a confession.....I bought a 2 pk of tests and thought by now its surely got to show up (if the 5dpo was implant spotting) anyway was a bfn :cry: Joli, I dont think this is my month, I think I am going to get more BFN's like previously. But that being said definitely up for testing again with you girls tomorrow. Hopefully i will have a hint of a line or something.
Aggh, so frustrating 11dpo- a lot of women have it show up now but i am still 5 days from AF...

2016, thats so great about the tests, i look forward to hearing what they say, you will know definitively now whats going on.

Michelle- oh hon, hope you feel better soon and get rid of that nasty bug. Is it still O time?

How are our little mammas? Tink, Aurora and Devi? hope you are well

im doing well!! tired!! but sickenss isnt as bad so thats super fine!!
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