Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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hey Britt - Dont be sad.. it still could be early .. take it easy.. test in a few days again

2016- good luck with the FS scan .. glad u BD in time

Im OK.. have been having these twinges in belly (not much tho), I feel sick when my stomach is totally empty - like early in the morning /late afternoon - a little dizzy & disorientated & get soooo sleepy at 9pm.. other than that GREAT.. Still trying to digest the fact that i am prego.. When I tell hubby how I am feeling, he says its all in my head & from reading too much in all the forums, & how can u start feeling all strange sooo soon.. .. I told him nooooo its not in my head , thank goodness I got him the book "The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips and Advice for Dads-to-Be" -- atleast he wont think all the symptoms are in my head.. lol..
haaa, thats too cute Devi!!! Yeah if only guys knew hey?? in your head....I dont think so.
My hubby said to me the other day, the only thing crazier than a pregnant woman is a woman trying to get pregnant...lol, I think he was meaning me. Its so different for guys.

Oh, i am not really sad, its the icon lol...I know its early. either its meant to be this month or it isnt. I just had to be upfront with Joli and tell her I snuck one in :)

I didn't get my bfp until af was 2 days late and didn't feel pregnant! I don't feel very pregnant now really apart from tiredness in evenings and being ultra cold in the evenings too. Am paranoid about hcg levels as only time I didn't feel very pregnant and got such a late bfp was the first time I was preggo and I miscarried at 12 weeks. Haven't mentioned it before but I am fretting and checking the lines are getting darker on hpt cheapies every couple of days. In another couple of weeks I'll use other cb digi with the conception indicator to make sure hcg is rising as it should. Only difference is that I had quite a bit of an implantation bleed with the one I lost and it went on for 2/3 days and I needed a pantyliner. Blood was pinky brown though and not fresh. But didn't have it like that this time. Don't know why I am so paranoid!!!

Hope your follicular scanning went well today 2016.

Good luck for all you lovely ladies testing soon xox
Hey Britt...

Good luck with the presentation and no worries about the BFN. 11 dpo is EARLY... even with an implantation bleed at 5 dpo, you can have lower -- but still very normal -- levels of HCG for a good long time. I was really surprised to find out how amazingly broad the "normal" range is! So fingers crossed (for us both)!!!
Posted details of my scan today in my journal...
Sorry to dash girls but I got to get bedding! x
Tinks- oh you will be fine hon, but I totally understand being worried because of the last time. I have a great feeling for you... You said that you have been taking IC;s every couple of days, are they getting darker? I have heard that most preg symptoms start mostly at 6 weeks and sometimes way later. And some women never get anything. :)
Dont worry you havent jinxed yourself, you will be fine.

Ella- thanks for the great wishes, when are you testing hon? I am testing again tomorrow with Joli and a couple others.

2016- oh my gosh I cant wait to read your journal. I am at the airport right now but if I have time before my flight i will go there next.

Joli- hon, where are you at today? not sure the time change.

Not sure if we are O'ing just yet, but, hey, we like to practice! lol Did get a smidge of EWCM today, not much though, should be soon I think. Going to try to BD every other day or so till things dry up.
Good morning girls, just getting ready for a presentation.
Another crappy sleep last night, agghhh, and the air conditioner here is a motion sensor, so of course your sleeping and it shuts off and wake up super hot.
anyway, thanks for the encouragement Joli, but i really think it was something i ate. I have a confession.....I bought a 2 pk of tests and thought by now its surely got to show up (if the 5dpo was implant spotting) anyway was a bfn :cry: Joli, I dont think this is my month, I think I am going to get more BFN's like previously. But that being said definitely up for testing again with you girls tomorrow. Hopefully i will have a hint of a line or something.
Aggh, so frustrating 11dpo- a lot of women have it show up now but i am still 5 days from AF...

2016, thats so great about the tests, i look forward to hearing what they say, you will know definitively now whats going on.

Michelle- oh hon, hope you feel better soon and get rid of that nasty bug. Is it still O time?

How are our little mammas? Tink, Aurora and Devi? hope you are well


Hi Britt - sorry if it seems like I've been silent - I think we have a 12-16 hour time difference, so I was asleep when you posted your news :sleep: Thanks for being so honest :) Actually, my 12dpo will arrive your evening on Thurs, my Fri morning...but I thought this morning since you'd be testing Thurs, I tested today as well 11dpo, and got a BFN as well :nope: But, remember when I said 2 of my temps were taken in strange circumstances so I discarded them? Well, if I do include them, then in HK time I'm only 10 dpo, so I guess I won't know for sure until I test again... So are you going to test again tomorrow or the day after? I'll do it the same day! :) I couldn't find frer in HK, but for you gals in the UK, I found a Superdrug test, which says I can test up to 4 days before AF is due, so I think it's a sensitive test! Hon, I have a feeling it's not my month either...but the other girls are right, we won't know for sure until AF comes, so lets prepare for the worst, but hope for the best! :hugs: On the bright side, we can help each other out next cycle as well!
Good luck to Britt and Joli! I've read so many stories about girls who think no way, I'm out -- then turns out it IS their month.

2016 those scans are amazing and what perfect timing! Fx for you!

I'm 3 dpo and fighting a cold... How are you all feeling?

Best wishes to all!!!
2016: That's so exciting!! I got so happy when I read that, I squealed and clapped. DH offically thinks I'm crazy. Can't wait to read your theories on why you're ovulating early. :dust: Catch that eggy!

ella: Hopefully your 2ww flies by, can't wait for you to start testing! Are you a POAS addict too? Good luck and lots of :dust: for you as well.

Britt and Joli: Sorry about the bfns...I got one too :( When are you guys testing again? Any new symptoms?

I have had some weird brown discharge since this morning, hoping it's not AF trying to start early. This is going to be gross but last time I wiped I had a clump of cm that was a strange pink/brown. I'm embarassed to say this but I did stab my cervix a bit with the thermometer this morning, I had to pee so bad and I was rushing to take it quickly.

Hope everyone has a great day!!
Hey Nicole - in theory, I think I'll test on Sat....but knowing me, I'll probably test again Fri morning! What about you? Are you 11dpo right now? I wonder if it would be late implantation?? It can happen 6-12dpo!! It sounds like you have the same sort of thing Devi had! No new symptoms for me, so I played netball tonight and ate some unpasturised cheese! (the rebel that I am!!) lol :)

Britt - how are you doing today hun? Did you test again this morning or are you going to skip a day?

2016 - have fun catching that eggy!!!
Helloooooooo ladies, :)

Okay I'll start with my update first- yes tested today which was the day I was suppose to wait until and BFN!! agggh, my period isnt due for another 4 days so hopefully its still early, at 12dpo though you think something would show up, but the tests do say more accurate on the day your period is due. I have been using my opk's for the fun of it and they seem to be getting darker but i heard you can get an LH surge before your period... I only have 2 of those left, so that game is going to be over soon :)

Nicole- the cm actually sounds very promising, pink and brown are good, red is bad :)
Are you 12dpo too? when are you due for AF? FX'd the witch stays away hon

Ella- your too sweet, thanks for the kind words, yes I too am hoping its just early but just told DH this morning it may not be our month :( so hard, I definitely know i'm O'ng and all seems fine, so what the heck is the problem?? Might go see someone in a couple of months...just to make sure we are both working okay. Hope you feel better, 3dpo...yeah in a few more days you can symtom spot

Joli- your post made me laugh, playing netball and eating the cheese...lol... So i'm assuming you havent tested at 12dpo your going to wait until 13 or 14dpo? that being said, you may be a couple days behind me like you said so it would still be very early. When are you due for AF?

2016- I read your journal awesome and the pics were neat, you know i think its more common than not for some of us to O earlier than we thought. I would have never guessed I would have O'd on CD10 this cycle.

Michelle- hope you catch the eggy too!!

Joli: yeah I'm 11 dpo today. I'll take a dollar test in the morning, not sure if I can convince DH on another FRER so soon. What is netball? Good luck with your next test. I think not a lot of symptoms is a promising sign! When is AF due for you?

hibiscus: where are you? did you test? hope all is well with you. :flower:
Congrats to the BFPs! Yay!

14 dpo for me. I haven't tested because I assume this month is out. We had sex, but DH didn't ejaculate. It feels like AF is going to arrive at any moment. My LP is always 13-14 days. I guess I'll do an IC if AF doesn't show today--can't hurt.

Good luck to everyone!
hi girls i started a thread in the pregnancy buddies, for our aphrodite mama's


Hope to see you all there soon!!
Hope everyone is good.. Britt, Joli, Nicole FX & :dust:
I wanna be a Tiger momma!!!!

If I can't yet symptom spot at 3 dpo, can I have a glass of wine? Please? :wacko::wacko:
Helllooo ladies, I finally got to reply. You're all so wonderful. Can i pls join you? I've been lurking reading in the 2ww initially scared to post as I'm a bit older and worried it's going to take me a while but then when I wanted to last week I couldn't! Have been emailing for help but no luck. I decided to reregister and it worked.

I so wanna be a Tiger mommy too! :thumbup: Congratulations to Devi and all the girls with BFPs. And :dust: to all the ladies still waiting or trying again. (I have wanted to sprinkle that pretty baby dust for ages lol).

A little about me, I'm same as Britt and Joli 12 or 13dpo. I've learned so much from you all. I've tested a couple of times, too early :wacko: but yesterday finally had imp bleed but it's now spotting a bit bright pink/red :nope: hoping i'm not out now. AF due Sun/Mon. Good luck ladies x
Tiger4me, how old is older hun? I'll be 33 this year, DH is going to be 47.

Ella, go for it hun! A glass of wine is a great way to relax, lol I would know.

Well, girlies, I think we are gearing up for O!!!! EWCM has been noticed, cramps down low, and the girly bits are a bit tender, and I've been in the mood! Only on CD 10 and O is slated for the 20th of this month, I think I'm going to be BDing for the next week!

For those of you who were paying attention to my journey on Soy, I took 180 mgs from CD 2-6 instead of CD 3-7 and I've added 100mgs of B6 which I'm taking every day till AF. If AF does show, I'm demanding CD 3 labs along with my prolactin levels! I'm going to call tomorrow and tell them I want them done!
Devi, you have got to be the cutest!!! thanks for starting the group, agghhh......I cant wait to join, I want to join now lol!!

you are very sweet and we are glad you finally decided to join BNB, its a lot of fun- welcome Tiger4me!! of course we would love to have you. Dont worry, there are ladies of all different ages in this forum and everyone really gets along. I am 32 and so is DH (I focused on my career and wasnt ready to have a family until now) but I have made good pals on this forum with girls that are 18, 19, and others in their 40's, it doesnt matter we are all here for the same thing. Hope you get that BFP!!

Michelle- holy cow, it sounds like some serious BD'ng going on right now!! woo hoo, sounds like everything is falling perfectly into place. Now catch that eggy!!

Joli, how are you doing hon?

Hibiscus, you never know it happend to Tabeomamma :)

Look forward to hearing from everyone
Hi Everyone - update from me, I'm either 11 or 12dpo today, tested this morning (couldn't help myself) and BFN. Really don't think this is my month... and believe it or not, I'm actually hoping AF comes sooner rather than later so that I can get started on my forward thinking for next month! I will have to go see the FS on the 2nd day of AF to start some injections (as I'm not O on my own, after being on the pill for 10 years)...and we'll ask him about what the best approach will be, given DH's poor spermy morphology. It's just nice to have someone guide you along and give you hope!

Britt - sorry you got a BFN as well, but like you said, if AF isn't due for you in another 4 days, then you could actually be testing too early - Fx'd!!! You make me smile using opks - it's something which I have thought to do as well! haha.

Nicole - my AF is due Sun or Mon... it's already Friday here, so I'll skip testing tomorrow, and will test on Sun morning only if AF isn't around or if my temp doesn't drop. Good luck for your dollar test! I've heard that they can be pretty good actually! When is AF due for you? Netball is a funny English sport, kind of in between basketball and handball... I was concerned about playing cause there's a lot of high impact jumping!

Hibiscus - your temp is still up!! (I've been stalking your chart!) - I'm thinking great things are going to be happening for you this month!!! :)

Tiger4me - welcome!! I'm 29 (will be 30 in Feb) and DH is 30, so it sounds like we're all roughly in the same age group - but as Britt said, we're all in this together, no matter what age we are! :)

Devi - I can't wait to join your new group!!! Wouldn't it be wonderful if before the end of this year, we were all on a new thread together!!
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