Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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good to hear from you Joli, you never know some months when you least expect it, it happens- so dont count yourself out yet and of course you have great pma if AF shows. I was on the pill for around 15 years (I know) with a couple small breaks only (last break 10 years ago)...I went on it early as a teenager for really bad periods, they said it was likely early endometriosis, but I have been off now for 5.5 cycles and I dont have those nasty periods I had pre-pill and Joli I am definitely ovulating, so you might get your cycle back soon, even on your own.
fx'd for everyone.
happy testing all! hmmm....do I test tomorrow?? lol...how many guesses I will

Hey Britt - I went on the pill when I was 19, and before that, I had clockwork periods... then I came off in April 2009, and now it's been 9 months, and no period on my own - I went for 7 cycles before going on clomid for 2 months, but AF doesn't want to keep me on them for long, cause he says I'm taking too long to O (21-23 days), which is why I will go on injections if AF comes. Apparently, I could have PCOS which the pill disguised (but doesn't make sense why I was fine before the pill!), but it's hard for them to tell because if I do, it's not severe. Anyways, FS seems hopeful, and so am I! Whether it's this cycle or the next, I hope it happens (soon!!!). But you're right, we're both not out this cycle until AF comes, so Fx'd!! You never know, right? :) I'm gonna guess that you'll be testing again tomorrow! haha - we're addicted to peeing on sticks girl! haha :hugs:
Tiger4me...Welcome! I have added you to the front page which I update every day :flower: Doesn't matter how old you are you are one of us now!!! :haha: especially with Tiger in your name! :thumbup:
I am 29, turn 30 in May this year. DH is 36 (37 this year). We were originally going to start a family in 2016 - hence the name - but decided not to wait and I am so glad :happydance:

Joli...Good luck with the POAS frenzy! I keep meaning to say, the reason why the link to your chart in your sig doesn't work is because you need to put an [/url] after the ticker image. Clear as mud?

Devi...so excited about the preggo thread :thumbup::hugs: I am sure we all can't wait to join you over there. I finally managed to work out how to add the link to that thread from the Graduate bade on the front page of this thread. Makes it easy for us to find you from now on. Glad to see ryder had found you over in 1st tri.

Mommy...sounds like the ov signs are abundant. Have fun with the BD marathon :happydance:

Hibiscus & Nicole...hope the little pink line shows for you today! :hugs:

iwanta8a8y, TaeboMama, Hecate....you all ok? :dust:

My temp went down from its odd peak yesterday so ov wasn't CD12 (which I expected as I have not had a proper positive OPK). But when will it be I wonder? What if the FS is wrong and I am not oving early? :shrug: I was so relaxed and accepted I had to wait until CD22 but now this has made me impatient! DARNIT! :dohh:
Thanks 2016!! Does the link to my chart work now?? I don't think your FS was wrong, it's gonna happen to you in the next couple of days, so keep at the BD!! :)

MommyMichele - you get chasing that eggy too!!!

Has anyone heard from iwanta8a8y? She seems to have stopped charting...maybe on holiday?
Joli...works fine now :thumbup:

Faint OPK for me today and temp borderline so either that was my positive on CD11 or I am still waiting. So confusing???!!! :shrug:
I was so relaxed this cycle but now I have got myself all wound up and can't stop stressing again :cry:
Must need an accu fix but wont be going until Tuesday...
good morning everyone! BFN for me on the dollar test. I had a bit more pink discharge this morning, I've decided no more BDing for a few days, just to see if that is what's doing it. I've never had this before so I'm hoping it's a good sign. Going out to get a FRER in a few mins. DH told me to get a 2 pack and I'm going while the offer is there. I saved my SMU so I can do one when I get back.

Tiger4me: Hello and welcome! Hope you get your :bfp: this month!

Joli: Yay your chart works now! I've been going to the front page but this is better. I watched a bit of netball on youtube, looks like fun. You must burn an awful lot of calories playing that! Good luck with your next test! :dust:

Britt: Did you end up testing again? How are the opks looking? I'm 12 dpo now...AF is due Tuesday. That's great that you got your cycle back so quickly after being on the pill for so long! Hope you got your BFP this morning. :)

2016: Hope your eggy comes so you can relax again and wait for your BFP! Have you been testing with a digi? I was wondering if the line might not get as dark for you on the ASDA tests (hope I remembered the right brand) Either way I'm sure the FS knows his stuff and you'll ovulate very soon. So glad everything seems to be straightening out for you!

Mommymichele: Good luck! Have fun bding!

hibiscus did AF end up showing? I was wondering how your DH is doing now on the medication? Hope you're doing well and the witch is staying away.
Hi All!

AF showed last night--no surprise and right on time! At least I can be happy that my LP is 14 days, right?? haha

DH is going through a crisis now with his career track and is feeling all confused. He told me last night he wants to wait on the baby stuff for a while. Nooooooo! He goes back and forth so he could change his mind again next week, so I'll keep tracking my cycles, just in case.
I understand, though, and want to make sure we're both totally comfortable with it.
However, I'm 32 (33 this year!) and he is only 28, so he doesn't feel the same sense of urgency that I do. I'm being semi-psycho about it. I honestly start worrying about every egg that I'm wasting each month (like "what if it's my last good egg?")--just complete craziness.

I have to be empathetic to him. I already have grad school done 4 years ago, am really happy with my career, while he's still figuring out what he wants to do (he's unsure about continuing his MBA program and might want to do teaching instead), so he's in a different place.

Always something different to worry about!

Regardless of whether we "try" this month, though, I'll be on here cheering you all on! Good luck, everyone!
Yeah! Glad the chart works! Like I said, I'm not sure if I'm 11 or 12 dpo, I thought I'd keep it at 11dpo to make me feel less bad when I test!

Hey Nicole - you are too cute, checking out netball online! It's a really fun game! I'm you sorry about your BFN ...but you still have quite a few days before AF is due, so there's still hope!! I'm going to try my best not to test tomorrow, and hold off until Sunday.

Hibiscus - sorry about AF, but like you said, at least you know your LP is right! I understand what you mean about DH needing to find his feet - men need to feel like men, and it sounds like he may not be feeling so confident right now. I know my DH took a knock in his confidence when we found out that his spermys weren't so healthy - he felt like he wasn't a good enough 'man'. But you just need to keep encouraging him, and make him feel strong and independant, and make him feel needed...that helped in my situation anyways! I'm further along in my career than DH as well, so I can empathise. Perhaps you should try this month, but don't tell him about when you're O or anything - but on the right day, just dress up in a nice little number, light some candles, put on some music and surprise him! Hopefully not talking about it will help him to relax and it might just happen like that! Sorry if I'm delving in your personal life too much, and sorry if I have rambled... I just wanted to give you some thoughts based on what I've been though with my DH :)

2016 - don't stress hun! Just have fun BD'ing!!! :)
Hibiscus - sorry about AF, but like you said, at least you know your LP is right! I understand what you mean about DH needing to find his feet - men need to feel like men, and it sounds like he may not be feeling so confident right now. I know my DH took a knock in his confidence when we found out that his spermys weren't so healthy - he felt like he wasn't a good enough 'man'. But you just need to keep encouraging him, and make him feel strong and independant, and make him feel needed...that helped in my situation anyways! I'm further along in my career than DH as well, so I can empathise. Perhaps you should try this month, but don't tell him about when you're O or anything - but on the right day, just dress up in a nice little number, light some candles, put on some music and surprise him! Hopefully not talking about it will help him to relax and it might just happen like that! Sorry if I'm delving in your personal life too much, and sorry if I have rambled... I just wanted to give you some thoughts based on what I've been though with my DH :)

No, you haven't delved too much! We're here to support each other! Thanks for sharing that information. It's nice to know that several of us go through similar situations.
I know what you're saying about him needing to feel independent. I know he wants to feel like the provider, so I need to let him feel like he's capable n stuff. If he found out his sperm were messed up, that could be the last straw for him! haha (I know I shouldn't joke about it, but that's the last thing he needs!)
2016 - I had a fallback thermal shift this cycle - so maybe your temp going back down today could mean that too?

hibuscus - sorry that AF showed .. good PMA, your cycle is on track.. FX for you

Joli - your chart looks good .. :dust: you get your BFP soon!!

nicole - you know on 13DPO I had a some tiny tiny tiny amount of pink only after BD'ing - FX you are in the same situation.. :dust:

britt- did you test?
I took one of my FRER, I'm going to put it in the gallery in a few mins. I also have a question, do I put the brown/pink discharge as spotting on my chart?
Thanks for the encouraging words Devi :) Last cycle, my temp went down 13dpo, so I'm hoping it will stay up this month!! Wouldn't that be nice!

Hibiscus, thanks for understanding where I'm coming from - men to need to feel like the providers, so just get him in that frame of mind, and I'm sure you guys will rock it up this month! :)

Nicole - I'm gonna go check out your frer in the gallery!!!! I'm not sure what you should do on your chart...I guess I would put it down as spotting just for your own records, and put a note that it's not AF spotting!
nicole where is the test.. i am looking but i cant find it.. can u post a link on this page FX..
Nicole.... Am desperate to see your test.... Let us know once you've posted pics in gallery! :)
Hello Girls!!
sorry, read posts this am, but then had to get on a conf call.
Oh my gosh, so much going on.

A mini update with me- 13dpo, and BFN with IC (early pregnancy test.com)! aggh!

Joli-so you havent tested again? taking a day break good for you. Yeah, your link works now!! Yes, you are definitely early so there is time for a BFP. I should probaby start temping if i have another cycle... :) would take some of the guess work out
Fx'd for you hon for a BFP soon!

Nicole- sorry about the IC BFN, but whats this about a line on a FRER???? ohhhhh, how exciting, cant wait to see it. I got a BFN on my IC so maybe i'll purchase a better test too.. How many dpo are you again and when is AF due??

2016- yes, definitely dont stress, it sounds like the timing is right regardless of the OPK, they are not a 100% reliable, it talks about that exact thing in my book "knowing your fertility". Fx'd for you hon

Hibiscus- oh hon, that is a tough situation that you are in....I like Joli's advice just set the mood when the time is right :) I think there is never a "perfect" time to have a baby its always going to be scary at first but always works out and ends up being the best.

Devi- how are you feelign today hon? We love to stock your journey.

Oh girls, i really hope this is my month, but wondering why i havent gotten a BFP yet at 13dpo...so it seems unlikely now, however AF isnt due for another 3 days. And if I o'd early maybe there is a chance AF would be due more like tomorrow, not sure.

as far as my symptoms- not really hungry and no vivid dreams ect.. But i had been very "dry" the last couple of days with the odd EWCM here and there but today cm is very wet, and whitish- could be pre-af as well though. I do have some cramps on board right now and massive bloating and slight lower back ache (but i also ran yesterday...yes the rebel i am). So either AF is going to hit me with a vengeance or I may be pregs. Oh and not even a hint of any spotting unlike last month. Just that one time at 5dpo...interesting.
aggh, the waiting game, DH think si am completely nuts! :)
Sorry, I couldn't get photobucket to work and I had to leave, I just came back for a few minutes, it worked this time! I'll catch up on everyone's posts when I get back. :)

forgot to put the link
Yay nicole! Defo looks like the start of a bfp to me! Test with 2nd frer tomorrow with fmu! Look forward to an update hun! ;) xox
Nicole...Deffo the start of a :bfp:!!!!! :wohoo:

As for your question about the discharge, I normally put any pink/brown discharge down as spotting. This was most likely implantaiton spotting in your case because you were getting bfns before and bfps after! :thumbup:
Omg Nicole... YAY! FX for you!!!

Me? 4 dpo. Yawn. Nothing to report, just suddenly feel out this month :(
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